OMG. There are SO MANY calories in....



  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I adore Sesame sticks but today I noticed they were 19 Grams of fat per 1/3 cup!


    I got chinese crackers instead lol

  • Jarreduniverse
    Jarreduniverse Posts: 5 Member
    Just noticed today b/c I was craving one....small cookie dough blizzard from Dairy Queen...690 calories!!!! OUCH! Will be avoiding those this summer :)

    They make a snack size mini blizzard that is just the perfect size. You're still going to get quite a bit of calories, but it's not going to be quite the hit that a small blizzard is.
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Starbucks Venti Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, full-fat milk with whipped cream - 700 calories! For a drink!
    PEANUT BUTTER.... crazy amount of calories whenever you could have PB2: the best thing ever invented. AND it's deliiiiiiiiiicious
    Some things are worth the calories! 2 Tbsp of natural PB is less than 200 calories, and the fat in PB is healthy fat - if you limit your portions, all-natural (no salt/sugar/oil added) PB can be a regular part of a perfectly healthy diet. High Calorie / High Fat does not always equal bad.

    Peanut Butter... I agree with you, I totally do. It CAN be a part of a healthy diet. But I find that PB is one of those things where the serving size just feels too small to me to make it worth it. I can eat a tablespoon of PB and it's healthy... but I never want to eat only a tablespoon. I grew up with PB& banana sandwiches with like 8 tbsp on them, and 1 or 2 feels pitiful. I feel the same way about olive oil on my salad-- I want like 3 or 4 tbsp on there to really coat it! Grin.
    All things in moderation, I know but peanut butter is a MAJOR trigger food for me. I can eat a whole jar and not even realize it. I don't buy it unless my bf or son requests it.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Couldn't help it, the craving was just too strong yesterday. McDonald's small chocolate shake = 580 calories! :sad:
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Almost anything from the Cheesecake Factory. Sigh...
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    The Subway, meatball marinara. About 500 calories in just the 6 inch. I used to eat a footlong.:grumble:
  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Caramel Frappe from McDonalds :(

    This makes me sad, too!:cry:
  • TimKirkwood
    Some of the things that I use to get thinking I was making a healthier choice, like the fish sandwich at Wendy's or something. Your better off to get a small burger or something. And also, some of these restaurant salads, when they have crispy chicken or something on them. Ouch. And I think back to all the crap I use to eat.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    Couldn't help it, the craving was just too strong yesterday. McDonald's small chocolate shake = 580 calories! :sad:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Olive Oil, 1 Tablespoon=120, Ouch.

    Olive oil sure punched me in the gut last night when I roasted fresh asparagus in it and I'll be was 300 calories for 10 spears. Never doing that again.
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I feel quilty over giving into a craving today!.. I had a peanut butter bar that was 140 calories, i know it could have been alot worse, but i told myself NO junk!...
  • rockieschick
    rockieschick Posts: 321 Member
    The chicken pecan salad at Boston Pizza...makes me sad....or white noodles...

    I find everything so ridiculous at boston pizza! Oh and the sodium in their food.....bahaha My poor husband.....used to go there all the time.....not anymore!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Poptarts!! Smores poptarts are 400 calories for a single package. :( They're still worth it to meeee!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Quinoa, great source of protein, but way high calories.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Burger King Hawaiian Chicken burger... 800 just for the burger here...
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    The Subway, meatball marinara. About 500 calories in just the 6 inch. I used to eat a footlong.:grumble:

    Oh yes I was horrified when I realised that one, too.
    Also the sauces. I used to (well I still do but at least now I'm aware of it!) put ranch AND southwest on my footlong... 400-odd cal just in sauces...
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,428 Member
    Chili at Steak and Shake-440 calories in a CUP plus 1010 mg of sodium!!!

    Don't get me started on sodium either!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Milk Duds. I ate the little tiny Halloween size. Which has 3 or 4 milk duds in it. Guess how many calories...wait for it, wait for it...170 calories. For 3 milk duds. That's more calories than half of a giant snickers bar! Try to do the right thing by having a tiny bite size thing, and bam! They fool you. Next time, I'm having a junk food craving...I'll just have half of a snickers bar.
  • annameeks00
    Soda, I used to drink like a 2 liter a day.. quit cold turkey 2 months ago. Love it, but its so bad for you!
  • everydayepiphanies
    everydayepiphanies Posts: 37 Member
    Chili's Classic Turkey Sandwich = 1340 calories and 63 grams of fat. This is a turkey sandwich people! I didn't check first, but ordered thinking it was more healthy than anything else on the menu. When I went home and looked it up, I was so mad I haven't been back.