Anyone fancy startin 30 day shred tmro :-)



  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Congrats to you guys who lost inches that fast!! That's awesome! I took my measurements the first day also (and pics, of course!!!), but I'm not gonna weigh or measure until the end of the 30 days. Can't risk discouragement.

    I wanted to try Level 2 last night (yesterday was day 4 for me), and I LOVED it.... I actually rolled out of bed at 5:30am just to do it again. I already feel stronger than I did last week, and more confident that I can push myself during the workout and my runs, too.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    Completed Day 5.... OUCH!!!!

    My knees were not cooperating, a twinge here & there.... so I didn't give 100%... more like 85%

    Hopefully tomorrow is better!

    PS... I still did the Turbo Jam Learn & Burn class afterwards....!
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    Did day 7 last 8 tonight.......I am worried about moving up to level 2.....I don't know if I can do it!!!

    Really, I just want to do it the 30 days like the video is suppose to be done...Just so I can say I did it!!!

    Not sure if I will ever do it again after I am finished.........why? I dread it more than any other work out.........
    hey have you tried level 2?i actually prefer it to level one..apart from the cheer squat things near the should give it a go an see what you remember you can stick wi the modified moves :-)
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    :happy: I did day 6 level one last night (I skip Sundays) I was so worried about being sore this morning, last night was rough! but I am good just a little tightness!! :)

    Today is tuesday so this is when I measure :( here we go the being accountable part...
    at the start of 30 day shred weight 185, after 1 week 184
    waiste 37in after 36in
    hips 45in after 43in (most excited about that!! cant wait for that 3rd boob to be gone!!)
    I think I have done fairly well!! I hope everyone else is having good results to!!:happy:
    hey that's great,i was bit disappointed wi not Havin a weight loss but if the inches are going then that's great to me..:-)
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 3, Level 1 Done!! Missed yesterday but back on track today!! :flowerforyou:
  • jbgypsy
    jbgypsy Posts: 13
    Level 1 day 5 was much easier today.. I spoke about this challange at work today and now i really dont want to screw up and not do it, people are watching now to see if it works.. lol

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  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Finished day 8 level one!!! 2 more days and then on to level two..

    Cheylaing: NO I have not tried level just worries me that it's a level above level one!! But I am going to do it!! even if it is 99% modified!!!!

    OH on a more positive note: I can do 33 push ups now!!! Yea....they are girlie push ups!!! But when I started working out back in December....I could only do 2!!!!!! Yeah me!!!!
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    :happy: I did day 6 level one last night (I skip Sundays) I was so worried about being sore this morning, last night was rough! but I am good just a little tightness!! :)

    Today is tuesday so this is when I measure :( here we go the being accountable part...
    at the start of 30 day shred weight 185, after 1 week 184
    waiste 37in after 36in
    hips 45in after 43in (most excited about that!! cant wait for that 3rd boob to be gone!!)
    I think I have done fairly well!! I hope everyone else is having good results to!!:happy:
    hey that's great,i was bit disappointed wi not Havin a weight loss but if the inches are going then that's great to me..:-)

    Thanks!! If you lost inches but not weight you still did great that just means you built some muscle in there!! Good job!
    I might try level two tomorrow night, you said you like that one better right? I am ok with level one but I hate the pushups and even though I can see a huge improvement since last week I might want to change it up a little....
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    Finished day 8 level one!!! 2 more days and then on to level two..

    Cheylaing: NO I have not tried level just worries me that it's a level above level one!! But I am going to do it!! even if it is 99% modified!!!!

    OH on a more positive note: I can do 33 push ups now!!! Yea....they are girlie push ups!!! But when I started working out back in December....I could only do 2!!!!!! Yeah me!!!!

    I am impressed!! 33 push ups is great I am doing good to do 8 good ones with about 5 crazy ones hahaha!!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I feel so bad..I did two days and then haven't done anything since. :( I have reasons (sick, ankle problems, etc) but really I just didn't do it. The one day I was sick I am giving myself a break on. The others I am not. I couldn't do the cardio because it killed my ankle to the point I could barely walk, but I could have replaced her cardio with something a little less jumpy. I just didn't do it. So today I am back at it. I will be behind everyone but I am going to finish this!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My arms are sore!!! I was trying to figure out a goal I coud do during each level... Level one was working on my push ups!!! It probably should of been jumping jacks....but I hate jumping I think there is a mental block that I can get over yet!! So, I focused on that 2 30 second push up time!!! I can feel the guns building in my arms!!! LOL!!! I walk around the house...asking my kids and hubby to feel my arms!!! I think I am driving them crazy with it!!! But I am proud....haven't felt muscle in my arms.....since High school!!!!
  • jbgypsy
    jbgypsy Posts: 13
    good for you, keep showing off to those kids and hubby:happy: :happy:

    I did another day of shred. level 1 day 6

  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    I didn't do any today... and I don't think I'm going to do any for a couple of days.... because I've been getting the odd twinges in my knees after each session. I don't get that problem after using my treadmill....

    So, I'm going to take a break for a bit and do Turbo Jam instead.... I tried it for the first time yesterday.... was good!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I feel so bad..I did two days and then haven't done anything since. :( I have reasons (sick, ankle problems, etc) but really I just didn't do it. The one day I was sick I am giving myself a break on. The others I am not. I couldn't do the cardio because it killed my ankle to the point I could barely walk, but I could have replaced her cardio with something a little less jumpy. I just didn't do it. So today I am back at it. I will be behind everyone but I am going to finish this!

    Hi Shallo,
    I don't know if you saw it but a few days ago you where looking for cardio suggestions regarding your ankle, I posted a reply that had comments about how my workout was going but also a paragraph to/for you letting you know what I did for cardio, as I also have a bad ankle. It's just a suggestion but I hope it helps. :smile:
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I feel so bad..I did two days and then haven't done anything since. :( I have reasons (sick, ankle problems, etc) but really I just didn't do it. The one day I was sick I am giving myself a break on. The others I am not. I couldn't do the cardio because it killed my ankle to the point I could barely walk, but I could have replaced her cardio with something a little less jumpy. I just didn't do it. So today I am back at it. I will be behind everyone but I am going to finish this!

    Hi Shallo,
    I don't know if you saw it but a few days ago you where looking for cardio suggestions regarding your ankle, I posted a reply that had comments about how my workout was going but also a paragraph to/for you letting you know what I did for cardio, as I also have a bad ankle. It's just a suggestion but I hope it helps. :smile:
    I missed that one. I'm trying to keep up with the thread but sometimes I lose where I was. lol!
    I think I can do the jump rope part as long as I don't go too high, and the punches, so I will do those.
  • HiJam
    HiJam Posts: 22
    I feel so bad..I did two days and then haven't done anything since. :( I have reasons (sick, ankle problems, etc) but really I just didn't do it. The one day I was sick I am giving myself a break on. The others I am not. I couldn't do the cardio because it killed my ankle to the point I could barely walk, but I could have replaced her cardio with something a little less jumpy. I just didn't do it. So today I am back at it. I will be behind everyone but I am going to finish this!

    Shallo, just because you trip doesn't mean you throw yourself down the stairs :wink: ! You can do it! Maybe you could take it a little easier so it's less uncomfortable/intimidating?
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Today I do Day 18, Level 1. Feeling good, still modifying over 1/2 of my push ups. Keep striving ladies!
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    Day 9 10 tonight!! Have not missed a day yet.....but I can feel it in my body!!! I miss the rest day!! I am determined to do the 30 days in a row!! Tomorrow will be the start of level 2~~ I am going to get my hubby to take pictures before level 2 I will have beginning pictures, level 2 pictures, level 3 pictures and then final pictures......I probably will never post them...but I want to see if I can tell a difference!!

    Good luck everyone....Let's keep going!!!
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    Since starting 30 DS, I've started to get muscle cramps in my arm, never had that before.
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    day 8 level one down...I still modify push ups and I do take a little break with the last crunches..but overall I am doing very well...I think I am gonna try level 2 tonight just for a difference..I think I can quote the video so might need a little change..

    some of my muscle have been sore afterwards and my husband will help me stretch them out and that has helped alot! so I recommed extra stretching if you need it!
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