OMG. There are SO MANY calories in....



  • MakingAChoice
    MakingAChoice Posts: 481 Member
    PEANUT BUTTER.... crazy amount of calories whenever you could have PB2: the best thing ever invented. AND it's deliiiiiiiiiicious

    If you do not layer it on like spackle real peanut butter is fine.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    PEANUT BUTTER.... crazy amount of calories whenever you could have PB2: the best thing ever invented. AND it's deliiiiiiiiiicious

    If you do not layer it on like spackle real peanut butter is fine.

    Spackler here!
  • Entenmann's Chocolate Doughnuts. Back in the day, I would eat the entire package. Yesterday I wanted just one, and when I read the label at the store I freaked. 290 PER DOUGHNUT, so that's roughly 2200 per package. So happy I read labels now.
  • PEANUT BUTTER.... crazy amount of calories whenever you could have PB2: the best thing ever invented. AND it's deliiiiiiiiiicious

    If you do not layer it on like spackle real peanut butter is fine.

    Spackler here!

    Likewise. xD
  • kevinthenerd
    kevinthenerd Posts: 21 Member
    Firehouse Subs Large Beef Brisket and Cheddar on White: 1500 calories

    Chick-Fil-A Spicy Chicken Biscuit: 450 calories (vs. Egg McMuffin at 300)

    Domino's Boneless Chicken: 1200 for the container

    McDonalds Large Mocha Frappe: 680 calories

    Taco Bell Beefy Crunch Burrito: 510 calories and so delicious it's worth the calories ;-)
  • kevinthenerd
    kevinthenerd Posts: 21 Member
    PEANUT BUTTER.... crazy amount of calories whenever you could have PB2: the best thing ever invented. AND it's deliiiiiiiiiicious

    If you do not layer it on like spackle real peanut butter is fine.

    Before I decided to lose weight, I used to use a table spoon to apply my peanut butter, and I'd tilt the jelly on its side to almost pour it out on to whatever I was making.
  • Kamixa
    Kamixa Posts: 18
    The amount of calories in 5 guys burgers made me really sad. But looking back, they're so greasy and bad for you.
    Also, pretty much anything from the cheesecake factory or friendlys is going to send you over.

    Um, yes! The other day, I was craving a burger and after looking up 5 guys nutrition, I just bought the ingredients and made my own which was waaaaay healthier.

    Also, Cheesecake factory...I know its bad, so the past 2 times I've gone, I've just ordered the thai lettuce wraps as a meal (they are normally an appetizer to share)...I'm thinking, Oh its lettuce, grlled chicken, some noodles and veggies can't be bad...WRONG...its like 1500 calories...i'm assuming they infuse it with either lard, butter, magic, or both. haha.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Dayquil: 70 calories per dose

    This just really gets me! Never would have even thought about this!

    I am on the PB2 train!! One of my favorite treats that I eat almost daily. Such a great alternative!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Kraft macaroni & cheese. 410 calories in 1 cup.
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Next time you're at BJs, flip to the back and they have, hidden away, a small menu section of selections that are 500 calories or under and they include two things I love: the sweet pig mini pizza and the grilled shrimp tacos. Yummo!
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    FYI Cheesecake Factory Lunch Portion Cobb Salad is around 590 calories, BUT I'd be impressed if you could eat it all. Maybe at my absolute hungriest state ever I could. So, there ya go, lunch for around 280 cals. Also, if you order the dressing on the side and don't let them put it on, it saves you even more calories.

    I think Ranch dressing is my biggest :noway: moment. Several hundred calories in a TBSP. Yipes!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Soda, I used to drink like a 2 liter a day.. quit cold turkey 2 months ago. Love it, but its so bad for you!

    Soda (the sugar sweetened kind) is the nemesis of more folks that I ever realized. It's amazing how many of my clients are addicted to the stuff. And for many of them, cutting out this ONE thing permitted them to lose that extra 15 pounds they were packing around.

    One of my clients: only ONE can of Dr. Pepper a day. 150 x 365 days a year = 54,750 calories. Divide that by 3500 calories per pound of fat, and that's 15.6 pounds. Voila! She cut that out, swapping the Dr. Pepper for water, and she dropped the entire 15 pounds in just over three months (she was dieting and exercising as well). She was so surprised that even though she was eating "just right" (and she was, I viewed her food diaries), that one extra Dr. Pepper per day, was the devil behind that extra fifteen pounds. Problem solved!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Another thing that irritates me is the amount of sodium that is put into foods! YIKES
    Especially if it's labeled "low fat"! Low Fat items should come with a warning label about the extra sodium. Geesh!

    I'm with you on that one. I shreik and throw things back on the shelf if it is too high, which is apparently amusing to those that ever come with in the grocery store. If my husband happens to look first, he will tell me "Don't look.. its gonna hurt your feelings" lol
  • gabeeb
    gabeeb Posts: 4
    Girl Scout fav. has 140 calories and 8 grams of fat for two cookies!! Those sweet little girls are nothing but crack dealers in cute uniforms that stand in front of grocery stores instead of corners slangin'
  • yoghurtand
    yoghurtand Posts: 119

    Honestly, I had some the other day and thought I'd had a decent amount (75g or so). For that little amount, it was around 400 calories!!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Dayquil: 70 calories per dose

    This just really gets me! Never would have even thought about this!

    I'm actually a little ticked at myself for counting it in my calories for the day. I definitely wasn't up to exercising when I was taking four doses a day.
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Pringles ... they seem so lightweight and inoffensive. Some were placed on my plate with my tuna sandwich (I asked for no butter and minimal mayo) yesterday at a cafe I frequent. I thought, "it's only six, what's the harm?" But I wasn't really hungry after finishing the sandwich, so I asked to see the can for the calorie content. Over 10 calories per Pringle! That would have been nearly 70 calories glibly munched just because they were there. Thanks to MFP I was able to say, "No thank you," and I didn't even miss them.
  • dkshell
    dkshell Posts: 10 Member
    Hardee's chicken biscuit was a shock to me!! 620 cal, 1560 sodium!!!!.. and the Sodium is what kills me. It's amazing how much sodium is in all processed foods. Unbelievable!!
  • sarahlauren18
    sarahlauren18 Posts: 128 Member
    Starbucks makes the frappocinos LITE so you can get a grande for only 140 calories :) Well worth it if you're craving one !!
  • vauleese
    vauleese Posts: 75
    I have learned REALLY fast that if what you want to eat have certian words (scampi, fried, alfredo are a few I can think of off the top of my head) then those are the ones to avoid and the ones with higher calorie and fat content. That said I now choose where I'm going to eat based on MFP before I walk out my door lol. Tod

    Shockers for me (but I Really shouldnt have been shocked)

    McRib 500 calories! FOR ONE SANDWICH and I used to eat 2 of these in one sitting!
    Mc Donalds Breakfast Sandwich 300 Calories (this is the one with canadian bacon) I make one for about 75 cals lighter!

    Here is something REALLY intresting

    Bob Evans Grilled Salmon w/plain baked potato and Broccli 481 Cals

    Bob Evans Potato Crusted Flounder w/plain baked potato and Broccli 415 Cals How is something that is OBVIOUSLY pan fried with a potato crust fewer cals then something grilled?
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