Lose 5 Pounds a Month March 2011 Challenge



  • tobeinshapeagain
    Count me in.
    CW 187 1/4
  • sandylh76
    2.6 down, 2.4 to go!
  • desiree0625
    desiree0625 Posts: 23 Member
    Yay! Spent the weekend at my sisters last weekend and indulged a little too much, so this exciting! :happy:

    March 1st. - 165.4
    March 8th. - 164.7
    March 15th. -
    March 22nd. -
    March 31st. -
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lost my first March pound

    SW 154
    CW 153
  • lorenangelande
    I will try too!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning all, hope you are have some great plans for Hump day...going groccery shopping, gotta get some fruit...and I am not a big fish eater, but with lent season upon us, they have fresh fish specials everywhere so thanks to the BMK challange I am going to venture out and try to make some fish, Thanks ladies for the challange!:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the new comers, congrats to those already off to a great start this month, and COMEON LETS GO to the rest of us struggling at this point...Have a GREAT day all!!:bigsmile:
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    WOW! Everyone is doing sooo great. peeked at the scale again today lol and im back to 150 but its not my weigh day yet so we shall see

    Man everyone Do Not I repeat DO NOT eat ben and jerry's half baked icecream lol i cant stay away!

    lol 8.5hour work day ....weird see ya all later : )
  • Browneyez26
    kind of upset, i had no difference in the scale for last week, I guess the positive side is that I did not gain weight but i also didnt lose it which is a bit discouraging... :-/ lets weight and see...
  • babydontwantback
    ohh I like this
    can i still join??

    start weight 194.5
    Goal weight by March 26th (I weigh in on saturday's) 187.0 ( more then 5, but I want it!)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    So my food hasn't been the best, we had a few days of fast food being out of town and I'm still paying for the sodium. I'm waiting one more day and of my weight is still high, I'm logging the gain and gonna get my butt back in gear next week.

    On a positive note .. during every commercial break while watching Biggest Loser, I got up and moved. I did planks, crunches, calf raises, walking planks, jumping jacks, jogged in place, and then some!! I also decided last night while trying to fall asleep that I would map out a mile via mapmyrun.com and then run it in 11min (5.5mph which is often what BL contestants run on the treadmil). So I did just that. I mapped it out, got the HRM ready and headed out. I wanted to walk for 5min first, which lead exactly up to my mile starter that I mapped out. Then I ran. And ran. And ran some more. I had a few seconds to spare but d@mnit I ran an 11min mile!! And it was like 35-40ish degress out there!! I then had a 5min walk back home. 21min and 1.62miles. I'm happy with that!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Even though I had wanted to give up my peeking at the scale...I just can't! Though it hasn't changed since I hit 162...my eating and exercising is still on track so I'm hopefully that next Monday will bring another loss. Even if it is only a pound as recommended!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    March 2 - 145.1lbs
    March 9 - 142lbs
    March 16
    March 23
    March 30
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Went out to dinner last night, it was my mom's real birthday (we had her party last Saturday) and my older sisters last night in town. I planned ahead for what I would order and I was really happy with the choice. I felt really good after dinner...not hungry, not full, and enjoyed the nice time with my family. Tonight I am glad to be eating at home though, still a little up on the scale from the Girl Scout cookies but it is going back down so I hope to be back to last Fridays weight or lower by this Friday.
  • lisafrancis629
    Non Scale Victory - It's rainy and cold here today and had a rough day at work and I soooo didn't want to work out after work. Wanted to come home, put comfy clothes on and pile up on the couch. All afternoon long, I was having a ping pong match with myself coming up with reasons not to work out, reasons why I should, etc. So on the drive home I told myself "just get home, put your workout clothes on and do 20 minutes on the treadmill and if at the end of 20 minutes, you don't want to continue, you can stop."

    Well, I'm happy to say that I did 45 minutes and even jogged a few minutes here and there. (Hope my knees don't pay for this later. :tongue: I'm thankful that I didn't give in to the anti-exercise devil on my shoulder.

    I'm so glad this is becoming a way of life for me. Hate to cut it short but Survivor is coming on!!!!!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    March 1st: 201.2 lbs
    March 7th: 199.2 lbs
    March 9th: 197.6 lbs

    3.6 lbs lost for March. That's all I will be logging this month. I have officially given up my scale for Lent! Now I just have to concentrate on my eating & my workouts. The number was obsessing me. So no weigh ins for me until Easter. I'll keep checking in on you all & updating you every once in awhile on my progress. I miss my scale already. :cry: :sad: :cry: :sad: :cry:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Kickrz & kintegra- great job on the loss! way to go! what an awesome start for March!

    Jennplus- Great job at Mom's birthday. It's such a good feeling when you find the middle ground between too full and still hungry! And I'm sure you'll see the results from your great choices on your weigh in!

    lisafrancis- Awesome NSV!! Sometimes all it takes is that get up and go...and then you're off and running! Way to go!

    I had to peek at the scale this morning, even though I said I wouldn't. It said 159.8! (It was right after the gym so I take it lightly for now) I was excited but tried not to get too excited because TOM is coming soon and my official weigh in isn't until Monday. But it felt good to know that hitting the gym and counting those calories is working. Sometimes you just need a little reassurance!!

    I was darn proud of myself yesterday. It was my rest day from the gym but I baked cupcakes for my oldest's 4th birthday and DID NOT TOUCH the cupcakes. I also whipped up goulash for dinner at mom's tonight since she can't after having surgery. Just ate a little goulash and was able to stay just under my calorie goal. Which I needed to do since I went 134 over the day before. So broke even across the two days. Hopefully it all pays off!

    Happy Thursday!
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    Lots of ups and downs this week so I was worried about my weigh-in today, but apparently all the water I drank yesterday (9 cups!) flushed my system out and I had a two pound loss for this week! Yay!

    3/03/2011 - 216
    3/10/2011 - 214
    3/17/2011 -
    3/24/2011 -
    3/31/2011 -
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Mar 1st 194.4
    Mar 7th 193.2
    Mar 14th
    Mar 21st
    Mar 28th
    Mar 31st

    Finally got rid if the water weight!! If it wasn't gone by today, I was logging a gain!! No gain here!! Woot woot!! This also means I've officially gotten rid of 50lbs!!! Aka a small hay bale or a medium/large dog or a small child or even a bag of concrete!! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!! GOOD BYE 50!!!! :drinker:
  • kryzdominikan
    kryzdominikan Posts: 4 Member
    seems pretty easy! i lost 2lbs just this week and the week is not even over yet. IM IN !
  • zucena
    zucena Posts: 43
    Checking in this week!!! lost 2.7lbs (WOOT! WOOT!):smooched: