Summer Crunch Time Challenge



  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    163.8 :smile:
    I am happy with that. I saw a slightly smaller number on Friday, but oh well. I had a WONDERFUL weekend of shopping with my best friend & then I was pretty lazy yesterday with Drew & we ate chips, pizza and icecream :noway: eeeeeeeeek! haha
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92
    well stayed the same this week but im okay with that ive started 30 day shred and have been working out. A good friend of mine told me i was looking really good and she could tell i have been loosing wieght so even though the scale didnt move this week im okay with it :) and i wont be able to check in next week cuz its SPRING BREAK :D finally and im going home! i think it will probably be good to just focus on working out and eating healthy instead of what the scale says for a week!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    157.4 :) woohoo!!!! hoping for a flat 157 next week if not 156.something!

    Busy busy day and week I had---FINALLY have a day off tomorrow, although it will be a day full of laundry, cleaning and a dr appt for my little guy. Oh yeah, and the gym too....haha! Have a great week ladies!
  • nesa98
    nesa98 Posts: 108 Member
    Sorry - haven't been on the computer...
    Saturday I weighed in and was 165!
    I then sprained my ankle Saturday night rollerskating so I have not been back on the scale... no exercise besides me hopping around and thats been it!!

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    hey ladies sorry I havnt been able to make the list yet Ive been super busy. I thought I would have been able to get in some time to make the chart monday or yesterday but I was unable. I know I would be super busy when I got back from my mini vaca but I had a great time and it was well worth it. I hope to have time tonight. My weight is the same no gian no loss. If one of you want to make the graph then please feel free to. I'm really sorry that I havne been able to do so. I have to go. I have lots of work todo but I wanted to say sorry its not up yet let you know my weight and let you know that if one of you get the time go ahead and make the chart. Sorry agien ladies. I know that next week it will be on time.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    No worries, girl! You deserved that mini holiday, you've been doing so well!
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    No worries, we're all winners anyways!! :smile: Anyways, with lent, I decided to give up weighing myself (the batteries in my scale died this morning) So I thought what a better time to do it!! I'll still check in every week with you ladies and let you know how I'm doing...but I'm not getting on a scale for 40 days....I'm pretty excited!!!!! Hopefully I'll be 153ish the next time I step foot on a scale :happy: That'd be awesome! Anyways, I'm having a good week---workotus on track but still super busy between family life and then work. Just crazy busy, but thats life I suppose!!! :laugh: Hope you're all having wonderful weeks so far!!!!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey ladies! Alyshe said she was feeling a bit overwhelmed so I just did the basic math from last week to this week for those of you that checked-in!!!! I didn't do percents, just the basic total lbs lost...and I wasn't sure about how to enter in Nesa98 because she didn't weigh-in last week or the week prior & I figured it's only fair to count total lost from week to week for the "challenge" aspect :happy:

    So, without any further a-du...

    First place this week goes to
    >:bigsmile: Teetee1281!!!! :bigsmile:
    She is currently: 148.4 | Last week: 150.4 | LOSS OF 2lbs :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Congrats girlie, on losing the most this week for our Challenge!!!
    :love: :love: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

    & the rest of us were as follows:

    2] Ding724: Currently: 163.8 | Last week: 165.2 | LOSS OF: 1.4lbs
    3] Kendradl : Currently: 184.8 | Last week: 186 | LOSS OF 1.2lbs
    4] Jamiebee24: Currently: 157.4 | Last week: 158 | LOSS OF: 0.6lbs
    5] Breannk: Currently: 180 | Last week: 180 | NO LOSS/NO GAIN
    6] PercyPig: Currently: 175 | Last week: 173.7 | GAIN OF: 1.3lbs

    7] Nesa98: Currently: 165 | Last week: No weigh in | LOSS OF: 2.8 since her last weigh-in

    THIS ALL EQUALS UPTO ANOTHER 6.7lbs lost for our group!!! I hope everyone has been having a great week & that we'll all have impressive news to post this coming Sunday!!!
    :heart: mandie
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    OH!!!! & it's now 107 days left till the end of our challenge so we've completed 62 days as a team :smile:
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    That's awesome Mandie, I was looking at it and couldn't decide where to start so very glad you did it. Would like to give a big high five to Alyshe for keeping track of everything you are doing an awesome job!!!!

    Congrats TeeTee you are doing an awesome job, Keep it up!!! And big congrats to everyone else as well, you are all doing so well and are such an awesome inspiration to me and to keep going. Thanx so much for that :smile:
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    thank Mandie !!!! Awesome job !!!!!!!. I'm so glad you did that I have been swamped. :bigsmile: thanks so much.

    Congrats Tiffany on the 2 lbs loss !!!!!! yeah! thats awesome 2 lbs in a week :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    62 days as a team Ladies that is awesome. we are doing great.!!! :heart: Lets rock the rest of the 107 !!!
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Thanks Mandie for doing the ranking! And super mega congrats to Tiffany for the 2 pound loss! YAY :-)
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Big High Five to Mandie for doing the chart!
    Thank you for the congrats!
    2 months since we have been doing this challenge way to go everyone for sticking to it and working hard!
    I've been trying to sneak a post here and there but at work I've been so swamped transcribing still, that I just can't spare the time to check the boards. And now in the evening I am helping my friend with her granddaughter. She is sick and weak and with a 6 month old it is stressful for her. I don't mind helping out, it really feel good.
    I've been good at getting my working out in the morning and I've been trying hard with my eating, but I have been giving in to my sweet tooth. I need to find better healthy snacks to keep in my house. Though, packing my lunch daily has saved me money and help me make better choices at lunch!
    Have a great Thursday!
  • breannk
    breannk Posts: 92

    Jamie-- i have decided to give up the scale for lent too!

    im just going to work out and eat healthy and just not weigh myself! I will still check in every week and let you guys know about non scale victories! :) BTW i have been doing great with 30 day shred! usually when i start it i do it like 2 days and quit but today will be day 6 in a row!! i already feel like my arms are getting stronger :)
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Hey girls,

    As promised I'm posting my weight and measurements today as I'm off skiing for a week:

    height 5' 9"
    arms... 12" waist... 33" hips... 38"

    Hope you all have a great week!

  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Hey girls,

    As promised I'm posting my weight and measurements today as I'm off skiing for a week:

    height 5' 9"
    arms... 12" waist... 33" hips... 38"

    Hope you all have a great week!


    Have a fabulous time skiing!! Sounds like a lot of fun.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Thanks Kendra!

    Just reread this and realised I didn't post my weight - was too focussed on getting the measurements right :-)

    Weight this morning was 78.7 (173.5lbs). I really really hope I'm going to be able to maintain on holiday!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    I have just decided that I am only going to weigh-in on Sundays (and stay off the scale the rest of the week) for our challenge and only record my weigh-ins every-other-week (my goals are posted on my profile) because the scale has been up & down the same 3lbs for the last month now. I am going to focus on eating right, exercising and lowering my body fat. Currently my body fat is 26.1% according to the Army BF Calculator. I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

    & Joni - Congrats! You're doing great...have fun on your holiday!!!:smile:
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Are we supposed to post our weights & measurements tomorrow???

    :sad: I don't want to post my weight...unless a miracle happens tonight while I'm sleeping...
  • Alyshe
    Alyshe Posts: 509 Member
    Are we supposed to post our weights & measurements tomorrow???

    :sad: I don't want to post my weight...unless a miracle happens tonight while I'm sleeping...

    Do you think you could give me your weight and measurments first thing in the moring? If not I can make the chart at around noon sometime.

    I did my measurments and weight and I am regrettably the same in hips and waist however I have lost a little in my arms. my arms are now 11 1/8 :-) yeah. I wasnt exepting my arm to lose anything because my hips and waist stayed the same. :huh: O well I'll take what I get. lol. My weight is 156.2 lbs.

    I was so busy when I got from my vaca I never even got a chance to tell anyone about it. I went snowmobiling! it was fun. I dont think I even got stuck once. The snow was great also. Lots of powder. I had a great time but I have to say I'm ready for summer.