Anyone fancy startin 30 day shred tmro :-)



  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    Day 9 10 tonight!! Have not missed a day yet.....but I can feel it in my body!!! I miss the rest day!! I am determined to do the 30 days in a row!! Tomorrow will be the start of level 2~~ I am going to get my hubby to take pictures before level 2 I will have beginning pictures, level 2 pictures, level 3 pictures and then final pictures......I probably will never post them...but I want to see if I can tell a difference!!

    Good luck everyone....Let's keep going!!!
    ah you should post them,i love seein before an after pic's an it makes me more positive i can lose weight!look at the terrible pic i have up lol that's to remind me i don't want to look like that anymore..i took them pic's just after i joined the site so will take more at the end of shred hehe :-)
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    I prefer level 2 to 1,it has some easier bits an some harder bits...the only things i don't like is the cheer squat's but i try to follow them thru so i get used to them lol i've gave level 3 a bash twice but its got a couple moves in it like rock star jump an i think it would be good after a bit o practice but it makes me feel off balance an like i.m gonna fall lol it is tough but a good work out an We'l def be gettin results wi it :-) x
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 5, Level 1 Completed!! WOO-HOO... I'm doing it!! I can definitely feel my legs, back and abs getting stronger and I'm more conscious of my posture now. This after only 5 days ?!?!... I know it sounds far-fetched but it's true. Also, I now believe the saying that muscle has memory and it will come back to you once you start using it again. I'm looking forward to my weigh-in tomorrow. I know muscle weighs more than fat and luckily, I have a scale that breaks down body composition. So excited!! :bigsmile:

    For those of you starting out, push through the muscle soreness, it does get better!!
    For those of you who are further along, please let me know how you're doing as I love reading about the changes you're experiencing.

    We can do this.... keep going!! :flowerforyou:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    I found some info on adapting the shred - to make it lower impact.....

    See here -

    Hope it helps...
  • jbgypsy
    jbgypsy Posts: 13
    :love: I did day 7. wow still feeling it, but not so sore afterwards. Did Zumba last night. I just love it. going away this weekend for a girls weekend and i am bringing the dvd. Dont want to miss any days. Keep it up ladies. We are all going to look so hot soon.:bigsmile:

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

  • catycee1
    catycee1 Posts: 29 Member
    the cramps could be from not drinking enough water,
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    day 10 done today, anyone else not going up to level 2? I'm gonna stick with level one for a few more days i think, I'll give it a shot tomorrow but I know I wont be able to do all of it, I'm still having to modify most of my push ups, so I want a bit more strength in my arms before I go up a level.... I already feel so much stronger and look stronger too........ welcome to the gun show haha!! :)
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I feel a little discouraged I did level 2 last night and WOW there is alot of holding yourself up...may go back to level one help work on the pushups...I had to rest a few more times on level 2, which I know it is harder and will take me a couple days to learn but still I think I need to stay with level 1 for another week..
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I feel a little discouraged I did level 2 last night and WOW there is alot of holding yourself up...may go back to level one help work on the pushups...I had to rest a few more times on level 2, which I know it is harder and will take me a couple days to learn but still I think I need to stay with level 1 for another week..

    I'm exactly the same
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 6, Level 1... DONE!! I'm feeling stronger and do less modifications every day... except for the push-ups - they still slay me!! Mentally, a tough morning :noway:, but I got through the DVD and am moving on with my day!! Yaaa me. :smooched:

    Keep going ladies... let's show 'em who has spunk!!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I did it tonight. So I just did level 1 day 1.
  • catycee1
    catycee1 Posts: 29 Member
    I just finised the jm30ds level 1 day 2, I still feeling wiped!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Day 9, Level 2. I'm astonished that each time I do the video (even after a two day break), it gets easier. I actually did the squat thrusts (haha, silly name) completely, instead of doing teeny jumps. :love: As of today, the only exercise that I had to modify was the double jumps in cicuit 3.

    Has anyone moved on to level 3? I have 6 more days until I start it.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 9, Level 1 completed!! Wow... I've been more tired during the exercises the last two days than I remember being in the beginning - sans the extreme soreness, of course. I feel stronger but seem to tucker out sooner... oh well, I'm losing inches!! May be where I am... who knows but I completed it nonetheless. Bring on Day 10!! :angry:

    Where is everyone?? :frown: No posts for two whole days!! Come on ladies... keep going!! I don't want to do this alone!! :noway:
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    I'm up to level 2 day 4 .... it's hard work! I keep thinking I will go back to level one for a few more days but not gonna give in lol once I'm done with level 2 each day i am trying to do level 1 aswell, but only managed it fully once haha, I can manage circuit 1 level 1 and thats when I drop lol .... Fellow level 2ers?? Are your shoulders really sore? She says the strength training is to broaden shoulders... I have broad shoulders and don't want them any broader!!!!! lol

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • jbgypsy
    jbgypsy Posts: 13
    I'm back. took a mini vacation with my sister and some ladies. We had a ball. I only did the shred one day and walked the other day a couple of miles. Hey its something right. So tonight i will get back on schedule. Shred and of course Zumba is tonight. glad to see everyone is still hanging in there. Keep it up.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    Hey everyone :-) well done for gettin this far an there's no going back now great to the ppl who have just started there shred journey...its my 3 week weight in an i've not lost any weight i.m still 161 but its that time of the month for me that ladies get lol so i.m hoping that's the reason because i must say i feel smaller and stronger an really good..anyway here's this the measurements which i.m really happy with...
    start last today wst 33.5 33 32
    hip 41.3 40 39
    thigh 24.8 24 24
    arm 12 11.5 11.5
    bust 40 40 39
    just started other readings this week to
    body fat 32.6
    water 49.2
    bmi 27.8
    so lost another 3 inches this week think i lost 3 or 4 last week so whoop whoop x x
  • Cheylaing
    Cheylaing Posts: 99
    Hey everyone :-) well done for gettin this far an there's no going back now great to the ppl who have just started there shred journey...its my 3 week weight in an i've not lost any weight i.m still 161 but its that time of the month for me that ladies get lol so i.m hoping that's the reason because i must say i feel smaller and stronger an really good..anyway here's this the measurements which i.m really happy with...
    start last today
    wst 33.5 33 32
    hip 41.3 40 39
    thigh 24.8 24 24
    arm 12 11.5 11.5
    bust 40 40 39
    just started other readings this week to
    body fat 32.6
    water 49.2
    bmi 27.8
    so lost another 3 inches this week think i lost 4 last week so whoop whoop x x
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    I skipped saturday but only because I was doing yard work from 8 in the morning till 5 at night it was so beautiful outside!! I have a very large and very overgrown yard! I think though I must have pulled a muscle in my leg :( it hurts to do the jumping jacks and jump rope thing but I did do alot better at it then Sunday...I tried level 2 and felt totally discouraged so I went back to level one but I did add in one circuit from level 2 last night so that I can feel like I am getting use to those exercises to.
    Since today is Tuesday here are the new measurments: weight 183(lost one pound)...waist 36 in (no change)....hips 42.5 in (lost a half an inch) and I decided I have always hated my thieghs so I am gonna start measuring my right thiegh is 23 in. I didnt lose big numbers this week but considering what week of the month it is..I'll take it! On to Next week!!:smooched:
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 10, Level 1 done baby!!! :tongue: Hell ya... didn't think I could make it this far!! I'm even considering going up to Level 2 tomorrow... let's do this!! *thumbs up*
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