A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Hello all!

    Sitting at work, just finished putting in my lunch (which was very good, I must say!! :o) and wanted to send a quick 'hello' to this great group!!

    Can't wait to read thru all the earlier posts and see 'wazzup'!

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    WOOT WOOT! so excited!! Should we start off with telling a little about eachother? IDK, I'm not trying to take over the group, just a suggestion and looking forward to getting to know all of you :flowerforyou:

    About Ms. Mollie.......:-)

    I have been morbidly obese all my life. I have a lifetime of mental and physical scars from obesity. In October 2004 I had Gastric Bypass surgery (Weight Loss Surgery) October 2004. WLS was the best gift that I could and did give to myself.

    In the last 3 years I have gained back 80 of almost 300 pounds lost initially after weight loss surgery. I never reached my goal weight of 200 pounds. I still managed to keep off over 65 percent of the weight I lost which is very good and I am very proud of my accomplishments since 2004. It has literally changed my life for the better on all levels. I am here to lose re-gained weight and to reach my initial goal weight. I am in no hurry. I am taking this one day at a time and I am in it for the long haul.

    Surgery did not fix the head. It is a good tool and the best gift I have given to myself, but it was not the easy way out as many people think. Once the honeymoon period is over after the WLS it is up to the patient to keep the weight off.

    My highest weight was 611 in 2003. Weight in 2004 before surgery was 580. Lowest weight after surgery was 302 in 2007.

    My goal for 2010 was to get back on track and I did that. 2010 is the 1st year in 3 years that I did not gain weight.

    In 2011 my main goal is to get under 300 pounds. I look forward to reaching my goals with this wonderful group! Let's do this!! We can if we presevere, be patient and be positive as much as we can.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Thank you for sharing Mollie! I know it can be quite dificult to tell strangers personal things. I have a hard time with this too. :blushing: But here's a little about me: I live in Souther California, home of 'the happiest place on earth" HA! I have beautiful 10 year old daugher who is VERY athletic and whom I am doing this for (aside from myself, of course!). I am married to my very supportive husband, and have a 10-year old step son. Although I was never skinny growing up, I was never thin either. I didn't exercise, didn't care what I was eating and steadily gained weight. but I gained significantly when I got on Depo birth control shot. I know this may not be the case for everyone, but I KNOW this is the cause of most of my weight gain. I would sit there and eat and eat and eat and I remember thinking "how can I still be hungry??" and continue eating. I was out- eating my male co-workers. Of course I wasn't helping myself by chosing high-calorie/high fat foods and sitting around all day. Not sure what 'snapped' inside my head, but it finally did and I decided I didn't want to look like this anymore. I have lost 24lbs to date, but it has been a difficult road so far, and it's far from over!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello groupies. Just had another quick minute between meetings to tell a bit about myself. My name is Melissa, but friends call me MJ - either works for me. I am only 39, but with the pounds I am packing around, feel much older and most of my friends are 50+ so I think this is a good fit for me. Anyway, I have always thought of myself as big. Not as big at some times as others, but always big. I finally decided to do something about it in January 2006, shortly before my Dad's cancer diagnosis. I joined weight watchers which gave me something to focus on other than my Dad's illness. By the time he passed on Thanksgiving Day that year, I had lost 120# and was down to 270#. Once he passed, I did as I had my entire life, turned to food for comfort during my grief. I used his death as an excuse to eat anything and everything I wanted. By 2008, a lot of the weight had come back.

    Then in March 2009, I noticed my heart rate being seriously elevated (100+ bpm) at rest. The doctor sent me to a cardiologist for a whole battery of tests when the EKG was all over the place. After all was said and done, turned out I had Graves Disease - overactive thyroid. How in the world at 340# could my thyroid be overactive??? I thought people were supposed to LOSE weight with hyperthyroidism and be super skinny. I always miss out on the luck! Anyway, took some meds to slow that down, then had the radioactive iodine treatment in September 2009 and by November 2010, had put on another 55#.

    I knew something had to give, so on 11/17/10, I started counting my calories with another program and lost 11#s. Then I had the good fortune to happen upon MFP and have managed to lose another 34 since December. While 45#s is a lot of weight to lose, it pales in comparison to the additional 200 to get to my personal goal of 150. I will still be considered overweight at that point, but I think it will be a good place for me.

    Wow, enough of my ramblings! Looking forward to continuing this journey with you all! :happy:
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Hi all,

    I am jolene or just plain jo. I am 52 years old. I have 5 children and 5.9 (expecting #6 anyday now) grandchildren. My husband Dave and I hit the open road in our RV around 8 years ago. We been acrossed the US several times. We are in Clewiston, Florida at the moment. We spent the last 4 years in California managing KOA's. Oddly enough, we managed the park we are in here in florida 4 years ago and hired the current managers. They are quitting to travel and we are wanting to stop traveling, so we are back! haha funny how that worked out.
    I joined MFP with 3 of my daughters and 1 son at their urging. They have come and gone and come back again. I've stayed. I have joint issues. Right now it's my hips, but I have knee problems and the bottom of my feet mostly. I began this journey for pain relief and it worked. I didn't know exercise would make me in a better mood. That was a bonus. Can't wait to get to know you, new friends!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,370 Member
    Thanks for sharing Jolene, Claudia and MJ and anyone I may have missed that shared earlier!! Wow!!

    What is KOA?

    I agree on your statement and the same for me, "I have always thought of myself as big. Not as big at some times as others, but always big." You must be shorter than me. I would be a rail at 150. 220 to 200 will be good for me for sure, shoot I will even take 250!:happy: At any of those weights I will still be overweight. I think at 5'11 I am supposed to be 175 or something like that.
  • christyrussell2
    christyrussell2 Posts: 630 Member
    I’m 42 yrs old & have been married to my husband for 13 yrs & we have a 10 old yr son Dakota. I’m the Claims Technical Manager for the Chartis Little Rock office. We handle workers’ compensation claims. My job is extremely sedentary but very mental (sometimes it causes me to be mental LOL). My doctor has been on my case about losing weight for years but I think he finally gave up on me because he doesn’t even mention it any more. I have high cholesterol that I take meds for & I’m very grateful no other physical health issues. I’m overall a happy person & find humor in practically anything. I love to laugh.

    I’ve started & stopped tons of weight loss and exercise programs. I’ve lost a lot of weight…but it always seems to find me & brings a few extra friends as well. It seemed like nothing really worked. I saw the scale continue to creep up. The turning point was when I got on the scales last summer & saw that I weighed the same as when I was 9 months pregnant. I just couldn’t stand myself any more. How could I get to this point?!? I didn’t have an answer.

    One of my employees told me about MFP. She found it while looking through apps for her new iphone. I checked it out & loved how simple it was to use. You just type in what you ate & it did the rest. Finally something I can do without much effort I thought!!! When I started using the app, it turned into so much more for me. It has allowed me to gain more control in an area that I’ve never been able to control before – my eating. I will actually plan what to eat. I’ve stopped to think about whether or not to eat something. I’ve changed the type of things I buy at the grocery store. I’m not a health nut by any means, but I am more health conscious.

    The next challenge I had was exercising. I get home around 6:00 then it’s helping with my son’s homework, cooking supper, cleaning the kitchen, laundry & whatever needs to be done. I’ve already worked hard all day so I want some down time as well. The evenings were out. I’m SOOOO not a morning person, that’s not even an option. I checked out the gym upstairs in the building where I work. It was full of people who were a lot thinner than me. I was intimated of course but determined. I signed up in August & started going. It was hard for me at first. I would only make it a couple of days a week. I would only walk on the treadmill because I could plug in my headset & watch TV. I loved it because I didn’t have to interact with anyone else. I also went at 1:00 when there wasn’t a lot of people there. I would miss a week here & there but kept going back. At the first of December, I rec’d a certificate for a month of free Group Personal Training. One of the instructors (Barrett) had been talking to me for a while trying to get me into Group so I thought I’d try it. I absolutely fell in love with it & joined. They also started a yoga class which I tried & really like, too. Now I go to the gym at least 3 days a week, often 5 days during my lunch hour. Believe me – I NEVER thought I’d say those words!

    I’ve noticed that I don’t lose weight as easily as a lot of people of MFP but I don’t let that discourage me. I find inspiration in their successes & know that I can do it, too.

    :heart: Christy
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    So I think we've got a good start going here. I rather like the idea of a daily topic......maybe withe one day as an "anything goes" topic. You know, a day to chat about anything ya want. And if my opinion or vote counts....I think MONDAY should be our weigh in day. I think that keeps me more accountable and on track during my weekends. I don't believe you have to give up all the foods you like....all things in moderation.....and plan for it so you can log it
    I also think a monthly challenge is a good thing. B-)

    Cassie: You and I think about this a like. I want to make this my life style, not a diet. Reality is...I am going to eat things that are not good for me. I love chocolate! I don't think I could live the rest of my life never eating chocolate. So I eat it once in a while. Mostly, I eat it when I've had a very good week. *a reward*. I love you gal! I am so happy you are in this group also.

    I am all for anything...I am just happy to be a part of a small group which I can keep up with.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Now I go to the gym at least 3 days a week, often 5 days during my lunch hour. Believe me – I NEVER thought I’d say those words!

    I’ve noticed that I don’t lose weight as easily as a lot of people of MFP but I don’t let that discourage me. I find inspiration in their successes & know that I can do it, too.

    :heart: Christy

    me too Christy..HATED exercise. Now I don't feel right if I don't. I don't lose weight as fast as others now. I've been stuck for months now. It's hard to see others dropping weight when you are not.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    What is KOA?

    Kampgrounds of America = a chain of RV parks acrossed america (canada and a couple in mexico). koa.com
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    :heart: :heart: Love this group so far. WOW chatty bunch...love it also.

    It is my son's March Break so I am sort of busy entertaining him since we decided to stay home (no out of town vacation :huh: for us this year) for the week and I still want him to have a great School break so we are doing day trips here and there. We just arrived back from the movies. I am usually up and on MFP the by 9 am M-F. But this week seems to be mismatched. I am sorry and will get to my messages and read over this thread. I hope everyone is having a great day so far.:flowerforyou:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    For those who like daily topics....do you think this would work

    So lets say on SUNDAYS the first person on our group list..would post a QUESTION for the whole group to answer...let say for example I am first onthe list...I would post SUNDAY QUESTION for the group is...What Food Do You Enjoy Most?..and everyone could post thier answers......and then the following Sunday the next person on the list l.....lets say is Claudia...she would post the next SUNDAY QUESTION...(whatever she wanted to know) so she might ask...What Is Your Favourite Exercise? and etc.....

    Do you think this would work and be fun?
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hey, I found you guys! I guess the first thing you guys need to know about me is I am really "dah" when it comes to computers. This is the first time I've been on a site using message boards, and threads, and whatever, so bare with me. I am really happy to be a part of this group. I can't wait to get to know everybody better and to cheer each other on when it's good and be there when things aren't so good.
    My name is Charmaine (Mainey). I live in Ontario, Canada. I have been married to my wonderful husband for the past 25 years this Oct. and we have 2 sons 22 and 24 who both still live at home. I've been heavy my whole life, but not near as heavy as I've gotten in these last few years. I've lost large amounts of weight before, more than once but I always seem to gain it back plus some. Recently I've been having some health problems: underactive thyroid, arthritis, sweelling in my lower legs,etc. My Dr. has recently suggested W\LS but I really don't know if that's the route I want to go. Still undecided. No matter what I decide I want to start losing the weight now and I know you all will keep me motivated!
    Don't really have much more to say right now, which is unusual cause I'm usually pretty chatty but I do look forward to hearing more from all of you!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    It is just not fair! It is midnight already here and I am only just getting to log on!

    Wow you all have been busy haven't you? I want to read all about you all in details to get to know you. I just can't do this now as my poor old brain is so tired I need to hit the bed.... but I will tomorrow.

    You have all been on my mind, happy eating and think positive!

    Back soon....................! (well tomorrow!) lol!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    It is just not fair! It is midnight already here and I am only just getting to log on!

    Wow you all have been busy haven't you? I want to read all about you all in details to get to know you. I just can't do this now as my poor old brain is so tired I need to hit the bed.... but I will tomorrow.

    You have all been on my mind, happy eating and think positive!

    Back soon....................! (well tomorrow!) lol!
  • gabbygirl37_2001
    gabbygirl37_2001 Posts: 93 Member
    Yes, I suffer from back pain, which is one reason why I am trying to lose weight. I have had 2 different doctors tell me that if I lose 50 pounds, my back pain will go away. I hope they're right. I take a large dose of vit D, which seems to help. I also feel that walking helps, and alternating movement with rest. :flowerforyou:
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Yes, I suffer from back pain, which is one reason why I am trying to lose weight. I have had 2 different doctors tell me that if I lose 50 pounds, my back pain will go away. I hope they're right. I take a large dose of vit D, which seems to help. I also feel that walking helps, and alternating movement with rest. :flowerforyou:
    Exercise and weight loss cured my knees for the most part. I am having some serious problems with my hips/lower back. Exercise doesn't seem to make a difference.
    My old boss swears sit-ups cured her back problems. She does like 200 of them everyday. I remember sit-ups from my younger days and I've been kinda of putting off doing them. I dunno if its being sore or just not wanting to do them haha
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    :heart: Thank you for sharing a little bit about yourselves with us Charmaine,Christy,Jolene,MJ,Claudia,Mollie,Sue and Sheri.:heart:

    Ok here is a little about myself I am 45 and have 2 boys and only one husband.:laugh: One is 23 and the other is 9. I don't work out of the home and I love watching reality shows. I have never really tried hard to lose weight (well once I did I think when I was around 19 and I was 20lbs overweight). I started MFP around Oct 2010 and was excited on what I found here and on fire and logging food and giving and getting support really worked for me. I lost about 25lbs by Xmas. Making my weight below 300lbs for the first time in years. During the xmas holidays I gave myself permission to cheat for 3 days....well those three days became over a week of cheating and I gained about 7lbs back. So for the last few months (struggling bad) I have lost those 7lbs and 5 extra, bringing me to a total of 30 lbs lost since October. My ticker is set for me to lose to 200lbs. Once I reach this weight I will re-evalute how much more I would like to lose.

    Starting on March 1st I recommitted myself to getting back on track and I have been doing great. I have been walking almost everyday and trying hard to stay under my daily allowed calories.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Okay so I couldn't sleep.................. So decided to get methodical! I had a peek at everyones profile, yes I read about you all (not saying I will remember everything!).

    I hope no one minds me putting together the list below (based on tickers) (based on list from our bigmama of members). A quick list of what each of us have (currently) as our target weight loss, plus what we have achieved already. I thought it might be good to see who is sort of where we are, whose is starting out, who has made big steps already who can give us some tips and hints on how it is done! I hope no one minds being listed. Let me know if you do and I will edit and humbly apologise! Hope I have copied everyone down correctly as it is late and I am far from perfect! lol!

    Members list as per Bigmama:
    Key: 'target' = the total amount of weight we want to loose

    bigmama - 125lb target of which 30lb already lost
    milesbackwards - 87lb target of which 13lb already lost
    Mollie - 103lb target of which 40lb already lost
    Jojo - 120lb target of which 9lb already lost
    Katz - 150lb target of which 35lb already lost
    akaDumbo - 165lb target of which 76lb already lost
    Malias - 185lb target of which .....just starting the journey
    Hopeful - 102lb target of which 18lb already lost
    themommie - 105lb target of which 61lb lost already
    Karenleona - 182lb target of which 79lb lost already
    Christyrussell - 101lb target of which 28lb lost already
    Claudia - 76lb target of which 24lb lost already
    MJ - 234lb target of which 34lb lost already
    gabbygirl - 69lb target of which 31lb lost already
    CV - 160lb target of which 46lb lost already
    Cass - 214lb target of which 29lb lost already
    leadvocalchick - 124lb target of which 29lb already lost
    mainey - 145lb target of which.... just starting the journey
    ShellyBrew - 144lb target of which 45lb already lost
    jjustjo - 116lb target of which 48lb already lost

    Just to make it clear, this is not so we can complete or see who gets to target first, I have prepared it to get an overview of where we are all starting from so we can see how similar we are, how we can support each other on the long journey ahead.

    Now must sleep as 1.15am in the UK, night all!
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    Wanted to say a quick 'hey' and let y'all know I'm so excited to be part of this group! I SOO enjoy the fact it's a small group!! 20 is a great number - anything over that and it's hard to keep track of everyone and even harder to offer the support that everyone is looking for! I plan to let y'all know more about me when I have more time! Between my day job and my side job, this week is crazy! And I found out today that my boss is leaving Thurs. morning and won't be back until 3/28, so next week is going to be silly crazy!

    I did want to share this quick note - I made a personal challenge to myself to stay away from pre-packaged food for one week and I've been #WINNING! (duh! :bigsmile:) Tonite I've filled the crockpot with a great Chicken Taco Filling recipe from Aimees Adventures that I've used before and is DEEELISH! Can't wait for lunch tomorrow!! :happy:

    So after a night of restless sleep, and another wild day at work, I'm headed to my big fluffy bed!!

    Thanks to all for the friend requests, and I hope to eventually be friends with everyone in this group!

    Night night!! :yawn: