A lot to lose & over 40? Lets start a group(20 memebers max



  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Good Morning everyone...look I am on early...trying to check in a few times during the day so I don't spend hours on MFP at night :drinker:

    Tuesday Testing Yourself day: Ok all, I am going to my setting and will be opening my food diary to friends...I have avoided this because food is my "sin" and I didn't want others to see all my badness:tongue:
    I know this will help me be more accountable plus you all can give me a kick in the rear when I made those stupid choices.

    Linda...the first page post looks great :heart:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Tuesday...see you all later :flowerforyou:

    Shelly......your sin can't be any worse than my sin....LOL. Good for you for changing that setting on your diary. I'm not that brave, yet. Maybe one day. Keep up the good work!
  • mainey65
    mainey65 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I don't have alot of time right now to respond to all the posts, but I just couldn't wait to share my news with all of you. I just got home from my doctor's appointment. The last time I was there was on the 23rd of February, when I started my "diet"(don't really like to call it that) so, in the last month I lost 20lbs! I weighed 343lbs last time and 323lbs this time! I am so happy. Gives me encouragement and makes me want to keep going in this direction.
    I'll get back on here after my nephew, Sam, gets picked up. Charmaine
  • amandalou43
    well done to you :flowerforyou:
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Charmaine that is absolutely fantastic!!! I'm thrilled for you :drinker:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member

    Claudia ***I noticed your food diary was open, I have loved seeing it. I have to say the decision to unblock mine was to make me more accountable. It works as well!! You have some foods over in the US that really intrigue me and sound far more exotic than what we eat. Last nights dinner sounded yum, apart from the soy shocker! I have been monitoring my sodium for the first time EVER so it was really worth knowing.

    Joanna, the database had the information incorrect for the soy sauce! When I got home, I checked the label and breathed a sigh of relief! I believe it was 570mg for THREE tbls, so that's quite a differance!
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223

    Claudia ***I noticed your food diary was open, I have loved seeing it. I have to say the decision to unblock mine was to make me more accountable. It works as well!! You have some foods over in the US that really intrigue me and sound far more exotic than what we eat. Last nights dinner sounded yum, apart from the soy shocker! I have been monitoring my sodium for the first time EVER so it was really worth knowing.

    Joanna, the database had the information incorrect for the soy sauce! When I got home, I checked the label and breathed a sigh of relief! I believe it was 570mg for THREE tbls, so that's quite a differance!

    phew!!! I love soy sauce...back on the menu!! Thank you Claudia x
  • Sue_Smiles
    Sue_Smiles Posts: 1,001 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I don't have alot of time right now to respond to all the posts, but I just couldn't wait to share my news with all of you. I just got home from my doctor's appointment. The last time I was there was on the 23rd of February, when I started my "diet"(don't really like to call it that) so, in the last month I lost 20lbs! I weighed 343lbs last time and 323lbs this time! I am so happy. Gives me encouragement and makes me want to keep going in this direction.
    I'll get back on here after my nephew, Sam, gets picked up. Charmaine

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I don't have alot of time right now to respond to all the posts, but I just couldn't wait to share my news with all of you. I just got home from my doctor's appointment. The last time I was there was on the 23rd of February, when I started my "diet"(don't really like to call it that) so, in the last month I lost 20lbs! I weighed 343lbs last time and 323lbs this time! I am so happy. Gives me encouragement and makes me want to keep going in this direction.
    I'll get back on here after my nephew, Sam, gets picked up. Charmaine

    Congrats Charmaine!! Don't you just love the validation of the doctor's scale! Keep up the good work!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I forgot to say thank you for the DVD suggestion! I just went out and bought the Leslie Sandsone walking DVD, along with a "Dancing with the Stars" exercise DVD aaaaaaaaannnnnndddddd.......good ol' Richard Simmons, Sweating to the oldies 4!!!
    (Richard has helped me lose weight before, I hope he can do it again!)

    My promise to myself this week is to use one of those DVD's for at least 30 minutes, every day, even if I have to do it in 10 minute increments.....

    Well I missed post that led to this one Mailis but I sooo love Leslie Sansone DVD's. I have a slew of them, from 1 mile to 4 miles. She is very motivating and encouraging. Her's are more my speed and you get a good workout too. I like to try them from the library 1st, to make sure I like them.

    Like I tried Zumba and was not motivated. It just did not work for me. I am still going to try a class but I could not get into the 1st DVD I tried. I am going to try another just to make sure. I am so glad I did not buy it 1st.
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Congrats on the 1.2lbs loss!! Yaaay! And yes, that.2lbs does count....it's very important. Every little bit counts. Thank goodness for digital scales. Also good job going to the gym.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Morning Everyone. :drinker: I am working on our first page of our new group thread. This is what will be posting on our first page. Are there any mistakes here? Is there anything else that you would like to see posted on our first page or the new thread?

    Below is what will be posted

    This is a closed group. Sorry we already have our 20 members and we are not taking any new members.

    akaDumbo(Sara) - 165lbs target of which 70lbs already lost
    bigmama(Linda) - 125lbs target of which 35lbs already lost
    Cassie(Cassie) - 214lbs target of which 31lbs already lost
    CathyV(Cathy) - 160lbs target of which 46lbs already lost
    Christyrussell(Christy) - 101lbs target of which 29lbs already lost
    Claudia(Claudia) - 76lbs target of which 24lbs already lost
    gabbygirl(Jackie) - 69lbs target of which 5lbs already lost
    Hopeful (L)- 102lbs target of which 19lbs already lost
    jjustjo(Jolene) - 116lbs target of which 48lbs already lost
    Jojo(Joanna) - 120lbs target of which 13lbs already lost
    Karenleona(Karen) - 182lbs target of which 80lbs already lost
    Katzpawz(Kelly)- 150lbs target of which 35lbs already lost
    leadvocalchick(Amy) - 124lbs target of which 31lbs already lost
    mainey(Charmaine) - 145lbs target of which.....just starting the journey
    Malias(Queenie) - 185lbs target of which 9lbs already lost
    milesbackwards(Sue) - 87lbs target of which 14lbs already lost
    MJ(Melissa) - 260lbs target of which 45lbs already lost
    Mollie(Mollie) - 103lbs target of which 40lbs already lost
    ShellyBrew(Shelly) - 144lbs target of which 45lbs already lost
    themommie(Sheri) - 105lbs target of which 62lbs already lost

    Mines should say
    170lbs target of which 40lbs already lost

    The 103 lbs is this years goal. When I get to 103 pounds lost I will change my ticker to include the other 70 or so pounds.

    Thanks! Looks good!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Good morning! Question for you all....Can anyone recommend a good workout DVD? I need an easy beginner one due to back and knee problems. I really need to get moving but am having a difficult time with it.
    I have knee issues too. On the Leslie Sansone DVD's I make modifications so my knee is not as bothered by the exercise. One thing I find aggrevates my knees on these DVD's is kick backs. I make sure I keep moving but I do not do the kick backs.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats Cathy!!! :flowerforyou: You did awesome on your trip! Sorry I could not reply to all.

    Hope you day is going well!
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Good Monday morning all! Had my first weigh in this morning and lost 9 lbs!!! I know that alot comes off the first week but I am extremely happy with that. The first week is always the toughest for me and I made it through. Woo Hoo! One week at a time.....
    How was everyone's weekend?

    YAAAAY MALIAS!!! WOW!!! Congratulation on a great loss!!! I'm so happy for you! Keep up the goo work, girl. And don't forget to drink that water!

    Thank you Cassie! The water is my nemesis! I must definitely work on that.

    Someone on another thread mentioned DANDELION ROOT as a natural diuretic. I bought a bottle (in capsule form) at my local grocery store in the supplements / health foods section. So I've been taking about half the recommended dose fore about6 days now and I believe it has helped with the water retention problem. I use absolutely no salt in cooking or on my food afterward. It's processed foods and restaurant food where I get the salt. It's not uncommon for me to gain 5 to 10 lbs just in water weight. So this dandelion root is a gods send. Thought you might be interested. Lemon juice is also a goood diuretic. ;-)
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I don't have alot of time right now to respond to all the posts, but I just couldn't wait to share my news with all of you. I just got home from my doctor's appointment. The last time I was there was on the 23rd of February, when I started my "diet"(don't really like to call it that) so, in the last month I lost 20lbs! I weighed 343lbs last time and 323lbs this time! I am so happy. Gives me encouragement and makes me want to keep going in this direction.

    Wow! Brilliant! So well done, a great achievement.... you star!
  • tjhmoody
    tjhmoody Posts: 28
    I'm 72 (you're never too old to lose weight and become a healthy person) and have at least 70 lbs. to lose. I hope there's still room for me in the group.
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    I am doing the Happy Dance for Charmaine :bigsmile: :love:
  • cassieinor
    cassieinor Posts: 584
    Hi all. I am a little out of it today as well. It is after 9 pm here and I got almost no sleep last night. Our 9 year old boston terrier insists on barking to go out around 2 am for the past 2 years with just the occasional day off even when he went out at 11! of course, this rouses our other 2 fur babies and it becomes a big barking fest. After all the activity, it is extremely hard for me to get back to sleep and it really caught up with me today. If only it stopped with 1 disruption, but it keeps happening 2-3 more times so it gets really old. He is physically sound, just a game I think he is playing since he gets to sleep all day while we are at work. He even lays around most evening but seems ready to go at night regardless of how much activity he gets during the day. Anyway, I think he is spending the night in the basement tonight so that we can get some decent rest. I feel horrible doing it, but our not getting any rest is not helping any of us.

    With all that said, I have weigh-in tomorrow morning - hoping for a loss but okay if not. I know I have done about all I could do this week - exercised at least 30 minutes & stayed within my calories - and that is all I can do. Well, could have made better choices within my calories, but I guess there is always room for improvement.

    Okay now I am rambling. Sorry. Everyone have a great night and I will catch up with the individual posts in the morning. Hugs to you all!!!! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    MJ....the basement sounds like the perfect place for a barker...LOL. My 10 month old Pug puppy sleeps in her crate because she snores so loud. I have no problem with the animals in the bed and normally that's where they are.......1 kitte and 1 pippy. But I started the dog sleeping in the crate and she doesn't seem to mind. I could just see me awke all night with the cat & dog wrestling all nite lon...LOL.
    They do love each other.
    Also good luck on the weigh in. You're doing great!
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Well just heading off for the night. I said tonight I would be early..... it is 1.14am!

    Didn't make it to the gym today, I took the gear to work in my car so I could go directly, but my body just feels so very tired, I decided to give it a miss......all my enthusiasm from last week has caught up with me!

    Or maybe its the hormones! lol! Not as young as I was you know! Night all!
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    My computer will not let me on the internet ( I think my son must have picked up a virus on the March Break) so I am using our backup laptop(ooohh I don't like it) But at least it let me log in here.. Just wanted to say we will be moving to the new thread tonight. Once set up I will post the addy on here.

    Sorry for not posting more but I really dont like writing on the laptop much. grrrrrr