Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!

heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I've been on a board with women who were trying to conceive and I've been on a board with women who are pregnant....I wanted to start a group of women who are into fitness and will continue their fitness regimes into their pregnancies and after baby! I had 10lbs to lose before I got pregnant and so I'm hoping to only gain the 25-35lbs in the pregnancy so it won't be as hard to reach my goals. I'm 30 and this is my first pregnancy. I am 7wks pregnant today! Before getting pregnant I worked out on average at least 15 hours per week. Since getting pregnant I'm averaging about 10 hours per week. I LOVE Tracy Anderson Method for toning and miss dearly my Cardio Kickboxing. I am also a Spinning fanatic!

I've been searching to be apart of a group where we can encourage each other and keep each other accountable. I've worked so hard for this pregnancy and more than anything I want to be healthy for this baby. I know the things I am capable of doing with my workouts will change throughout my pregnancy, but counting walking around a store or doing laundry as "exercise" is ridiculous to me...that isn't exercise, that is called LIFE! Join me as we band together and show everyone that you can be strong and sexy while pregnant! :)

So ladies...let's be fit, fabulous, and pregnant together! Tell me about yourself and your goals!


  • kvr414
    kvr414 Posts: 111
    CONGRATULATIONS! and great attitude! best of luck!! I'm not preggo, but I just wanted to congratulate you :drinker:
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I am 15 weeks pregnant! I had to stop running for 3.5 weeks because they had to do a whole bunch of tests to see if it was safe for me because I had a history of hypertension, but they just gave me the OK like, 4 days ago, so I have ran 3 days straight. First day back I only ran a mile and a half super slow, yesterday I ran 2 miles still at an incredibly slow pace, today I ran in between 8-12 minute mile for 20 mins... I used to run a range of 7-10 minute miles for long distance. I ran my first half marathon in november and also lost almost 40 lbs in that process. I got your back!!!!! 7-12 weeks were the worst for me but it was like I got ALL my energy back last week :)
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    congrats & good luck! <3 healthy baby & healthy you!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Omg and I am an army wife too :)
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    My friend is newly prego and is doing great I like to think I help keep her on some what of a track I have had 2 children and I mind set is to be smaller then I was before any babies. I like to think Im a good motivater I know she is tired it is to be expected the fisrt weeks your body is adjusting and I am here for her when ever she needs something. She got me started in ZUMBA and prego or not she is going to do it with me until she cant. My wife and I have decided that were not goin to have any more children so I concider it an honor to get to be a part of someone elses joy. I hope yours is everything to be expected.
    You can add me if you like.
  • My friend is almost 7 months and she is still running between 3 & 7 miles 3 times a week and does modified exercises for toning. It can be done, but you need to keep your doctor informed. Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck. BTW, she looks fantastic and has only gained baby-belly.
  • DOTY1
    DOTY1 Posts: 97
    Bump-- get thoughts
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Lexi welcome! I workout every day with a good friend of mine who is 31 wks pregnant. She ran a half marathon in her first trimester (rockstar)! I wish I were a runner...unless something very scary is chasing after me that is the only way I'm gonna run! lol! I do envy runners don't need a gym and you can get a good workout in. Also, putting a baby in a stroller and going for a run is a lot easier than taking a carrier into the gym and trying to get in your workout on the elliptical or treadmill. Is this your first?

    I also saw you are a nursing student...I am a RN! I worked as a Pediatric nurse for a while and then my hubby got a full time position as an Instructor pilot (he flies the Apache helicopter) so we moved out of the city and close to the base where there are little to no jobs around here. I'm okay with staying home and being a stay at home mom now. More time to stay/get in shape!

    Go Army wives! :)
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    So happy to "find this forum". Thanks for starting it up heathercrist1! It's going to help me stay motivated for the next 5 months...and beyond.

    Pregnant with my second baby (7 months after having my first baby!). Was happy to get my body back after my son was born but oh was it a lot of work! I put on over 50 pounds throughout the pregnancy. It was wonderful. I was healthy and I enjoyed it immensely! Didn't enjoy all the hard work that went into shedding the fat in addition to nursing for the next 5 months however.

    This time around I plan on putting on the recommended number of pounds for a starting healthy BMI. Hopefully 25-35 pounds. We'll see. Weighed in at my 14+2 week prenatal this afternoon and I've put on about 4 pounds so far. My plan is to share it all here and stay accountable!

    Great to have other fit, fabulous and pregnant women on board, too.
  • Bump-I want to keep reading this!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    My name is Heather (probably pretty obvious from my screen name) and I'm 30. Like I said before this is #1 for me. I tried to have a baby for 4 yrs with my first husband and 3 with the current love of my life. Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS (or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). I was able to lose weight on my own without the diagnosis (one of the side effects of PCOS is weight gain, usually women are morbidly obese or obese) by exercise and eating a deficit of calories. My heaviest weight was over 200lbs (I stopped stepping on scales when I saw 199 so I have no clue what I really got to). This was back in 2004. I was so miserable. I then decided to get healthy and found my absolute LOVE of fitness. I started off taking Taebo classes (cardio kickbox still holds a special place in my heart). After several months of hard word I got down to my lowest weight 138lbs. I am 5'6 1/2" (gotta add that half! lol!) and my goal weight after baby is somewhere between 135-140lbs. Before I got pregnant I weighed in at 146lbs. Today I weighed 151lbs and I am a little over 7wks pregnant. I'm hoping this is bloat or that it will plateau out and I will have a healthy weight gain of 25-35lbs this pregnancy.

    Today's workout:
    60 minutes of Tracy Anderson Perfect Design II
    and either 60 minutes of treadmill/elliptical at the gym OR 80 minutes of power hill/speed walk equaling 5 1/2 miles (burned 700cals Monday doing this it is a pretty good burn).

    Oh and I absolutely LOVE my HRM and use it for every workout. So my calorie burns I put in are legit!

    So excited to continue this journey with some fellow fitness fanatics....who just so happen to creating life as well! :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Jessica welcome! Tell us about yourself!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    I'd be happy to join you ladies. :-)

    I am 37 and am currently 17 weeks along with my first child. It was a long journey to get here, so my husband and I are very excited. We just finished all our additional screenings (due to my age) and am happy to report that everything looks great! I want to stay in the 25-30 pound weight gain - I am currently up 9 or 10 pounds.

    My main form of exercise is running. Prior to conceiving I ran 18-22 miles per week (over four runs). I have to admit, I've cut to three per week and am running closer to 12-15 miles a week now. It's been a struggle some days and not hard at all others. I've definitely slowed down, about a minute longer per mile now. I am hoping to run for as l can and my doctor has given me the okay. I also have two great dogs that get walked daily and I just stared a prenatal yoga class last week. I am just starting to get a small baby bump and might have to start looking for some bigger pants!

    Looking forward to sharing the journey with you all.
  • 1fitmama
    1fitmama Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 34, a sahm of two with one on the way. I had worked out with a personal trainer prior to finding out about surprise baby #3 and had gotten fit with only 14lbs left to get to my goal weight. I am just now getting back into my routine and hope to stay active rest of this pregnancy. I hope after the baby comes I can finally get to where I want to be body fat% wise and to my goal weight as well.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome fitmama and smilegirl! The more fit and pregnant women, the merrier!

    Fitmama I love that you have made a goal for body fat percentage rather than a number on the scale. Even being 5'6.5" and 148lbs I had 19% body fat but wanted 16% and to weigh in the 130s. We are always our worst critic. The personal trainer said my body fat was in the athletic zone so my goal should be to become faster, better, stronger....he was a man of course and most women want to become thinner, sexier, leaner. lol! I will have to re-evaluate my goals after baby comes for sure though. What are your favorite workouts?

    Smilegirl I wish I was a runner. I have a good friend who I workout with who is 31wks pregnant and she ran a half marathon in her first trimester. I just don't have it in me to run...or at least I don't right now. Maybe one day. Even when I try, my form is not correct and my feet don't hit the ground how they should. My stride is all wrong and I just look sloppy. I've had a kinesiologists (sp?) work with me, but he just laughed and said, "I think you are better just to stay a spinning and kickboxing girl"....

    AFM I got in my hour of Tracy Anderson Method Perfect Design II yesterday and did an hour long hike/hill walk burning 1100 calories all together. It was a pretty good workout. I blew it with the pizza hut pizza I was craving last night I'm sure. It was the only thing I could think of eating without making me wanna hurl. Ahh the joys of the first trimester. Today I'm doing an hour of the tracy anderson method mat dvd for toning and then going to the gym and will probably do the elliptical for an hour. On days like that I usually burn about 700-800 cals. So a decent burn. I miss going to Spinning and cardio kickboxing but those classes are so late in the evening that I'm dead beat by then...This town sucks for choices when it comes to workouts.

    Hope you ladies have an awesome, fit day!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    smilegirl & 1fitmama - So nice to see you here!

    Oh Heathercrist1 - the first trimester madness. I never ate fast food and crap like I did in my first trimester in my entire life! It was the only food I wanted, everything else turned my stomach. I even through in a night of KFC there. GROSS!!! For the record that's the only one that really didn't make me feel better, so don't do it! Haha!!

    Well, off to get my workout on while baby naps. Tonight the family is going out to eat and I've got to workout out so I can indulge. :ohwell:

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Amy first let me tell you that you look absolutely phenomenal! I just feel fat right now. My pants are too tight and I've got some hideous bloat going on that's for sure. I've never been a thin girl, but I've always had a flat stomach and mine already looks like a nice little pooch (fat not baby) is going on. Hope the bloat calms down and a cute lil bump appears. Probably doesn't help with the junk I've been consuming either. Makes me feel better that you said that is how you felt. I have always felt fast food is toxic waste and haven't had it in over 6 years! And now that is ALL I want! Go figure...that and gummies...I haven't had candy like that in a good 10 years! Weird...

    Question for you ladies...have you all put your calories to maintenance and do you make sure to eat back all of your exercise calories?
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Aww thanks Heather! I know the fat feeling, too. My jeans are now worn unzipped/unbuttoned (with belly band) but they're just feeling tight throught calves and thighs even. Gross.

    For the most part I've always been average medium build. Despite my weight I've always had the flat stomach, too. Gained some weight in my early 20's (all that partying) and lost it in my early 30's by eating better (and a bit of exercise on the side). Sad to say, but my most active time in my life has been these past 11 months (post-partum). I fell into regular exercising trying to get the weight off and learned to love it and need it.

    Your bump will come! The belly will protrude, the bloat will simmer down and you'll look fab for it! Can't wait to see your progress pics.

    Haha! We sound exactly the same. I crave gummies and sours pregnant, too (but never ever any other time).

    I have my calories set to maintenence (pre-preg weight) and did not add an additional 300 in this second trimester. Most days I go over by a bit so I don't sweat it. Seems to balance out. As for workout calories, yes, pregnant I do eat them back. Just don't want to go to extreme and end up losing weight or not gaining. Too scary for baby's development. What have you been doing?
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Amy - love the bump! In my 16 week photo mine is barely there, but now in the 17th week I am really starting to notice it, might have to take a new picture this week. :-)

    So funny that both you and Heather talk about flat tummies prior to pregnancy. That is the only part of my body that I have never battled with. I am very used to a flat and defined stomach so I too am feeling nice and fat at this point. I cannot wait to really have a decent bump so people know I am pregnant and not just letting myself go. Thank goodness I wear scrubs to work as I think I can keep this a secret a bit longer.

    I too am eating at maintenance - some days I have a hard time getting that many calories in. I do eat most of my exercise calories as my appetite definitely increases with exercise.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies! I was feeling less than stellar yesterday...not really queasy, just very worn out and unmotivated. I still got in my hour of toning and an hour of cardio on the elliptical, but there wasn't a whole lot of effort put into it. Hoping today is better. I'm meeting a friend for lunch today so I'm hoping I can get my workout in this morning and that will make me feel better for the rest of the day. Some days it does, some days it absolutely doesn't matter.

    I'm having my second ultrasound on Thursday at 1245. My first one was at 6wks1day. They found two gestational sacs (which didn't surprise us too much cause my hcg levels kept tripling) one was slightly bigger than the other. In the larger sac there was a fetal pole and a heartbeat but the baby measured a day or 2 smaller than my LMP date. The smaller sac didn't have anything in it. We were lucky that early to see the heartbeat at all. I guess it isn't uncommon for a baby to be a few days behind the other one and appear later in the sac. If that doesn't happen I'm not going to be upset. I went into this hoping and praying for at least 1 healthy baby so if there are 2 I will be happy, if there is just 1 I will be just as happy. It will be nice to know and nice to see my baby again.

    I'm missing my hubby more than I normally would. I know that sounds horrible, but I'm a pretty independent person so when he leaves I miss him and am happy to see him when he comes home, but my world doesn't end just because he leaves (and he leaves a lot!). I knew what I was getting into when I married him. I grew up an Air Force brat so I'm all too familiar with the lifestyle of the military. Air force is no where near as lengthy in time away as the Army is though. But this time with the hormones I'm pretty bummed. Only 7 more weeks....

    Yes I put it on maintenance and I eat back my exercise calories. Most of the time I don't get close to enough calories but then I have days where I eat way more calories so I know it evens out.

    Question....would you ladies ever consider drinking alcohol while pregnant? Many of the ladies on the pregnancy board do this and I was absolutely in shock! I am a RN and in my 30 years of life have never heard from any medical professional that it is okay to drink even 1 glass of alcohol while pregnant. Just wondering if I missed that memo....

    Hope you all have a super wonderful Friday!
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