Starting P90X!



  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Whew! Yesterday was crazy - just did not have a second to look at my computer...

    Well, my son is back from college visiting us for 3 days so that's my main excuse. Besides, husband had a very stressful week so there was a lot of catching up. Unfortunately we both work for IT in financial institutions so it feels a bit like a work meeting...What can I tell yah, need to diversify our employment a bit. right now it hits both of us at the same time every time...
    Well, we survived previous bubble crashes, hoping this one will blow over our heads somehow too.

    I really don't want to panic, and my P90X adventure helps a lot!!! I just focus on my sore muscles and nothing else :bigsmile:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    You are so right about Yoga!
    I observe two extremes : peoples struggle with Yoga and drop it al together or get too ambitious with it .
    Yoga is one of those things - the longer you do the more you understand what it is all about. I got to tell you one thing: with Yoga less is more in the sense that one cannot take yoga by the storm. I've done yoga for years and I really view it a necessary thing but not something to be too aggressive with . I know what poses I want to improve - the things that help me with my running injuries - like warrior poses, pigeon, etc ( I always feel pain there). But I never "expect" to touch my toes every time the same way, literally and figuratively. Some days I can fall over my knees in submission pose (on the floor reaching my toes) and some days my nose does not move past my tights. So be it!

    I've done enough yoga to recognize what my body is capable of on a particular day and learned to live with it.
    And it seems endless exploration of what the poses mean. I had Yoga magazine for a while and they have a pretty details description of posses there, some were eye opening for me!

    Yoga is so common now, that no matter where you live you bound to find a class near you. A good class with a nice non-pushy instructor (there are some pushy ones - run away from those). An instructor with a touch of a finger here and there can save you years of effort (wrong one) and injuries! So, ask around for an intermediate class with a gentle instructor - really worth it!

    Years ago my husband was stretching all wrong! I totally converted him, and even though he does not go for yoga regularly, he does a small routine here and there and his flexibility slowly improves!

    So give it a chance!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Great someone else has this program. I started the program this past Monday with the "Lean" routine. What a workout!!! I love this program so far and intend to move on to the classic at the end of the 90 days. You can't get bored because every day it's something different and the line up changes after 3 weeks. I can't do the AB Ripper X just yet so I have substitute "The Bean" for now. For all those who are doing the program good luck.

    Hi, PIB!
    Welcome! Let's support each other!
    It feel like a whil right right now, don't it!
  • mariahandkara
    ive recently started the10 minute trainer, wow who knew how bad out of shape mentally and cardiovascularly i am, and yeah talk about sore for ever, and just call me johnny stiff legs, but keep up the strong work, i'm sure going to get it done,
    good luck
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, maria and kara's dad!

    TMT is great! keep with it as Tony Horton says - Do your best - forget the rest!
    In no time you'll be doing P90X!!!

    I did not do TMT (ten minute trainer) but I am sure you can't go wrong with Tony, even if it is in 10 minutes increments.

    The guy is funny! He cracks me up!
  • EvilPIB
    EvilPIB Posts: 334 Member
    The first week with the P90X or 10 minute trainer is the worst. After that first X-stretch your muscles will feel better. Don't give up and keep pressing on. If you you have to take a break during the routine the pause button is AWESOME. Hang in there and good luck.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Day of rest yesterday, as I was out of town all day. This morning I did a nice 3 mile run and 1/2 back and chest. Out of time: darn job!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning, beautiful people!

    Time to rise and bring it!

    I am off today so nice, so had my breakfast with my baby and will bring noon-ish!

    Will report back after I BRING IT!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Day of rest yesterday, as I was out of town all day. This morning I did a nice 3 mile run and 1/2 back and chest. Out of time: darn job!

    TeachnRun - Oh, jeez, it is sooo frustrating when work gets in a way of your fitness, isn't it?

    you are really strong to do that much running and X!!!
    I hope you are eating enough to sustain all of it!

    Keep it up, superwoman you!
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    I so hear what Jenny and Carol have said about NEEDING the workout. I feel grumpy, lazy and disgruntled on non-workout days. Yesterday, I was busy and outside all day, but no real workout. I was so tired, but I still felt like I cheated by not working out. My husband thinks I'm becoming obsessed.

    Jenny: I am usually within a 100 calories or so of my target, according to MFP. I am not currently following the P90X. The scale isn't really moving in the month or so I've truly been logging and keeping track, so I'm a bit frustrated. I am nervous to cut back on some of my good carbs, because I've finally found a combo that keeps my body regular, if you know what I mean :embarassed:

    My legs are STILL sore from Friday's legs and back. I love it! But, I probably will skip it this week or move it up in the week. I do not want to be sore for my race on Sunday.

    I read what you said about resting, Jenny. I am following a Hal Higdon plan for preparing for a 10K. This week I have nothing longer than a 3 mile run. I stop running on Thursday.
  • Brina
    Brina Posts: 2
    Hello, Jenny and friends.
    I am Jenny's mom and she is making me go on the diet!!!!
    Good luck people
  • Brina
    Brina Posts: 2
    nice to meet you all!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, mom!
    Yes, I am forcing you - you really need to start losing weight!

    Hi, girls!!!!

    I did Core Synergetics - I had a blust!

    I will put down my thoughts a bit later - have to untangle some constraction knots!

    Bring it!!!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning, P90Xers!

    I did not bring it today yet - took my little big guy to the train station. I will do it this afternoon!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    I so hear what Jenny and Carol have said about NEEDING the workout. I feel grumpy, lazy and disgruntled on non-workout days. Yesterday, I was busy and outside all day, but no real workout. I was so tired, but I still felt like I cheated by not working out. My husband thinks I'm becoming obsessed.

    Jenny: I am usually within a 100 calories or so of my target, according to MFP. I am not currently following the P90X. The scale isn't really moving in the month or so I've truly been logging and keeping track, so I'm a bit frustrated. I am nervous to cut back on some of my good carbs, because I've finally found a combo that keeps my body regular, if you know what I mean :embarassed:

    My legs are STILL sore from Friday's legs and back. I love it! But, I probably will skip it this week or move it up in the week. I do not want to be sore for my race on Sunday.

    I read what you said about resting, Jenny. I am following a Hal Higdon plan for preparing for a 10K. This week I have nothing longer than a 3 mile run. I stop running on Thursday.

    TeachnRun - I hear you on the importance of "plumbing" working well. I am thinking about going back to adding all the fiber that I need. I have reflux and cannot widely wary my diet. I think I am going to go back to 40/30/30 more or less for this week.
    Since you are running I think you must eat more carbs ! so 1 carb a day is out of question!
    Check the runnersworld website - they recommend for a runner to lose with to have 50% carbs a day!!!

    Hal Higdon has good plans! I like Hal!

    You are going to do great!!!

    May the forth be with you :love:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    I am done with Arms and shoulders and Ab ripper!

    I did first with 6 pounds mostly, used 8 for triceps and 3 for the flies.

    Notes: my wrists are very weak and I have to really watch them.

    Ab Ripper - I am golden. Debbie really prepared me for that!!!

    Bring it people no matter what program you use!

    It is all GOOD!!!!
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Keep it up! I did Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps y'day. Love that workout! Great job w/ Ab Ripper, Debbie has some good ab work so I'm sure she prepped you well. :wink:

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Today was Core Synergistics for has been a while and that dang thing whipped me!

    I love P90X and P90X+

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, jess!

    hi, Licia! are you restarting?
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Welcome Brina and Licia, and hello all!

    Yesterday, I got through half the back chest and back. I left the house at 7:30 am and didn't get home until 9:30 pm, so I never got back to finish it and do Ab Ripper.

    Today, I had a 3 mile run, and nothing else.

    Tomorrow, I am scheduled for intervals for my run, and I need to do arms and shoulders, I think. We'll see what can be done, because I need to get my eldest to school by 7:30 again, and my relay team is meeting at 6:30 tomorrow night to plan for our race on Sunday.

    I just don't have enough hours in my day. The house seems to be falling apart around me. If only I didn't have to work, grocery shop or do laundry :ohwell:

    Jenny: I kept whatever settings were on the food log. I need to pay more attention to the percentages of my calorie intake. Thanks for making me think of that. I hope you had a nice visit with your son.

    Can't wait to have the race out of the way so I can try some of the other videos. I just don't have the time or energy for doubles at this point!