p90x classic started 3/21



  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    You'd be amazed what you can burn doing "Just Dance 2". I did it with my daughter yesterday morning --- we didn't play long . . . a 5-year old's attention span. I put on my HRM to just see what I would burn off ........ 200 Calories. Not bad for messin' around (and having fun with my daughter --- talk about double dipping).
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Day 3 done. Did the shoulders & arms and ab ripper x. Ya I feel it. Hope to do better next time.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Doing it nightly for my wife does it with me. Part of our agreement.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Day 3 complete. Almost wish I was video recording for I can look back on my progress of my abs and the ability to complete the workouts.

    I have also discovered several new muscles that say they are sore. Not as bad as 3 a-days in high school football. Not ready to take an ice bath

    Glad to see several of you already completed your workout for the day.

    P86 left
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    I have to THANK YOU GUYS!!!

    We put the kids to bed - then my wife and I were laying in bed watching the news and I fell asleep -- woke up an hour later and almost said, "Forget it! I'll make it up tomorrow." But then I knew I would have to own up to it with my new MFP friends . . . . I got up and did my shoulders and arms.

    I am amazed at how much the 'Pause" button became my best friend tonight. It took me 82 minutes to do a 58 minute workout --- but that's OK!!! I completed it ..... and didn't puke (comparing it to Day 1).

    SO, I have to say, "Thank You", again for keeping me accountable .....

    Thanks also to golferd for reminding us all that we only have 86 days to go . . . . . . . .
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Good job everyone on completing yesterday's workout! I'm done the yoga today. I only made it through 42 minutes, but last week I could only do around 26 minutes so I still see it as an accomplishment. After doing the yoga I now realize that I'm just not that bendy yet haha, but I'm sure it will get better. Good luck today everyone :) I'm off to play some just dance again!
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    When I did P90X last year (and quit - quite early into it) - I could not believe it was possible to sweat as much as I did doing the Yoga. I am actually looking forward to it tonight!!

    Great job -- I look at even 1 minute of working out, as 1 more minute than I would have done. Success is built upon the small accomplishments we complete on a daily basis. Keep it up!!!
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    Done with Day 4 - Yoga -- Boy, what a workout!! I only made it through 45 minutes before I literally collapsed!!!
    Only the first week, so I'm okay with that. Better than sitting on the couch . . . .
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Yoga, helped remove some of the sore feeling in my legs. Seemed to go on forever.

    However, that means p85 to go.

    Remeber push yourself and don't fall behind the group. For the 90 days leave the excuses for those that can't bring it. We all have enough of those people around. Rely on the group
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I did the yoga last night. I have come to the conclusion that I have absolutely NO balance at all. LOL But, on a brighter note, I did realize that some of the movements were a little easier this time around. I found that I was able to do the stretches with more flexibility. There are some things I still can't do, but like Tony says..."Do your best and forget the rest!"
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    I was not able to do my workout last night. I hate that because it alway makes me feel guilty. Will be doing the Yoga X tonight when I get home from work. I hope I survive it. From all the comments I have read - its a killer.:huh:
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Legs, back and abs done for day 5. Back is hurting, and legs still shaky 30 minutes later

    Yes, we are down to p84 to go. Remember you want to be the minority that completes the program. No excuses find the 72 minutes and bring it. Morning evening, we don't care but get it done.

    We wiill do this together
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Legs, back and abs done for day 5. Back is hurting, and legs still shaky 30 minutes later

    Yes, we are down to p84 to go. Remember you want to be the minority that completes the program. No excuses find the 72 minutes and bring it. Morning evening, we don't care but get it done.

    We wiill do this together

    Thanks for the support brother!!! BRING IT!!!!
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    I have to wholeheartedly AGREE!! I truly believe it is through the motivation and support I am getting from this group that pushes me to ensure that EVERYDAY I ......... Bring It!!! Thank you SOOOO Much!!!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Oh man, you guys made me feel so bad today :( I haven't done my workout and I probably won't. For one my chin up bar is about an hour away and then today I really messed up an ate a ton of carbs and sugar and now I'm pretty close to vomiting. I'm so nauseous I can't even bring myself to stand up.I'll get my bar and do this workout on the " off" day since I took today off.
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    HEY!! Don't beat yourself up!! Use this as a learning experience . . . just know that you never want to feel this way EVER again . . . and realize how you got there!! We learn more from our mistakes!!
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Yoga X done. I thought it was boring. Way too long and not enough of a workout. It also was easier than I thought it would be.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Oh man, you guys made me feel so bad today :( I haven't done my workout and I probably won't. For one my chin up bar is about an hour away and then today I really messed up an ate a ton of carbs and sugar and now I'm pretty close to vomiting. I'm so nauseous I can't even bring myself to stand up.I'll get my bar and do this workout on the " off" day since I took today off.
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    Oh man, you guys made me feel so bad today :( I haven't done my workout and I probably won't. For one my chin up bar is about an hour away and then today I really messed up an ate a ton of carbs and sugar and now I'm pretty close to vomiting. I'm so nauseous I can't even bring myself to stand up.I'll get my bar and do this workout on the " off" day since I took today off.
    And I don't know how to delete this haha!
  • sax321
    sax321 Posts: 26
    Alright, just finished Legs & Back. I had never gotten this far when I did P90X last time. I have to say that I felt kinda wasted tonight. My arms still hurt from two days ago. Plus it was hard to do the push up last night during Yoga when you go into Downward Dog. I kept hitting the pause button --- which is ok, but man I feel really tired. Maybe I'm not eating enough protein? or is it carbs?
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