SWaT Walking Group



  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hello, Good evening!

    I put in some weight training tonight 25 minutes. I over ate so I wanted to burn some fat off. I still need to get my 30 minutes in tomorrow as schelduled.
    Today was not a good day. only walked 1 hour instead of 1 1/2. Must get back on track tomorrow

    Good Night!!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hello, Good evening!

    I put in some weight training tonight 25 minutes. I over ate so I wanted to burn some fat off. I still need to get my 30 minutes in tomorrow as schelduled.
    Today was not a good day. only walked 1 hour instead of 1 1/2. Must get back on track tomorrow

    Good Night!!

    Hey TA, your still doing great!
  • DST513
    DST513 Posts: 140 Member
    hello hope everyone is staying focused and getting it done!!!
    yesterday i did 1mile(20mins) & today i 4miles(40mins)
    So i have 17miles left to complete for the month. I know I can do it.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Has anyone heard from Marie? I can't find her on my list anymore :cry:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,266 Member
    Well yesterday I danced low impact aerobics with Richard Simmons for an easy going but good workout. My knees needed a break. Tonight was my volleyball tournament and we lost our first match so we're done. Now Zumba starts two nights per week. I will log some more miles tomorrow and get my weight training in on Wednesday. My body is sore so I'm relooking at what I'm doing for exercise and may shorten up my cardio workouts to relieve my joints. Not sleeping well when they are sore!

    Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Has anyone heard from Marie? I can't find her on my list anymore :cry:

    Hi Sandara, She e-mailed me the other day & mentioned about closing out for good. I guess she did it! Sorry to see her go, I'll miss her.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~ :<0

    Off and running, sleet and snow, employee didn't show, so off to the other job I go!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,266 Member
    Pouring rain in Minneapolis today, very dreary:cry: We need sun for a longer length of time but the up side is the snow is melting fast. Although this is very bad for river towns due to the flooding they face in the spring when this happens.

    Tonight will be inside exercise and trying my new Zumba class! Yay! Have a nice day!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Has anyone heard from Marie? I can't find her on my list anymore :cry:

    Hi Sandara, She e-mailed me the other day & mentioned about closing out for good. I guess she did it! Sorry to see her go, I'll miss her.

    I'll miss her too. I hope she's doing okay.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Jenny and Alice, sounds like you both had yucky weather days. It was just the opposite here. Sunny and unseasonably hot for us this time of year. I actually did 3 miles at lunch today. I took a different route to add a little variety and it had more hills too. I'm always surprised how well I can do the hills now. A year ago I couldn't even do a small one without huffing and puffing.

    And I'm happy to say my back is about 99% better. I probably won't even feel it all tomorrow. Yay!

    I had just gotten my wardrobe finally built up for cooler weather and now I find myself without again. But that's a good problem. I think the people at the thrift, consignment stores are starting to know me by name now! Thank heavens there are lots of them around here.

    Hump day tomorrow! Everybody have a good one!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,266 Member
    Sandy- I'm glad your back is feeling better. Great walking. I can't believe how much more endurance and how strong I feel either. I had a sleeveless turtleneck under a blazer today and when I took off the blazer and looked in the mirror, my shoulders and arms actually looked so much more toned and defined than before. Getting there... Also I love consignment shops. I bought a Columbia Rain Shell last week at a consignment shop for $15. I wore it in the rain today and it worked great.

    Have a good day tomorrow everyone!
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hello walkers!

    Sandara.... Thank Goodness your back is feeling better

    Jenny ...... Thats awesome your feeling tone already, I can't wait ;-). I feel it a little bit But nothing I can see :ohwell:

    I had the day off but I have a job tonight. I was feeling out of sorts the last 2 days, I did a pigging out last night. I was thinking it was due to drinking coffee again. Today I drank some coffee & I seem okay so far :wink: .
    When I woke today I had no desire to exercise, so I decided to go out shopping with my Mom for clothes since I need to pick up shorts for my walks. My tan lines are from my ankles to my calves from wearing knickers. :blushing: Not pretty! Im excited to say I'm now fitting in a size12 petite and misses. I started this journey in a size 18 tight pants & a size 1x shirt and I'm now in a size medium shirt. Now that motivated me to get on my treadmill when I got back today.
    I walked 2.54 miles 60 minutes. :drinker:

    Im Off tomorrow too, YAY!!!! :happy:

    Happy Hump DAY!! :flowerforyou:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Hi, everyone. Unusual for me to get here this time of day!

    Didn't do my at-home mile this morning because my knee was sore. Got lots of walking done at work, though. Over 9,000 steps just at work and that doesn't even include all the lifting, shifting, bending and squatting, etc. I did!

    It was a beautiful, sunny day and we had lots of customers to assist, too. Feel good, but tired.

    Sandy--I am so glad your back is feeling better! I've been blessed to not have any back problems--a lot of my family members have back problems, though!

    I'm sorry Marie is gone. I hope she's okay.

    Well, need to go get started on supper plans. Have a great evening!
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Jenny it's great that you can see a difference already. Your hard work is paying off.

    TaT, congrats on the smaller size, it's a greeat feeling isn't it?

    Kathy, that's a lot of walking. I miss being able to move around at work. Hopefully my next job will have a little more activity.

    I got in 2 miles at lunch. Didn't have quite as much time to stay out. Maybe it will be better tomorrow.

    Have a good evening everyone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,266 Member
    Weather here in MN is horrible. Big storm last night with lots of rain, icy snow and then it froze. Accumulation was at least 6-8 inches. Made for a challenging commute this morning. I walked 2 brisk miles with Leslie today and did 30 minutes of weights, push ups and stretches. My jeans are getting baggy but I am not weighing myself. I just want to feel good about my energy level, how my clothes fit, and how strong I feel.

    My old dog Leo, black lab, isn't doing well so I'm kind of stressed. He may be coming to the end of his life and I don't want to have to make that decision for him. I'd rather he just fall asleep and not wake up. He use to be my walking partner until last year when he couldn't keep up or go 3-4 miles anymore (he's 13). Earlier this week I took him for two walks because the weather was beautiful and he was so happy and made a very slow mile each day. He now has taken a turn and hasn't eaten since yesterday morning, drinks a little water when he does get up, stays downstairs and just sleeps. Last night he had labored breathing and I thought he may not make it through the night but perked up a little today. I will be very sad when he's not here anymore...
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Spring Break last week, so I didn’t check in... Did some walking, but not as much as usual (I have only been tracking my actual workouts, so didn’t track any of the “walking” I did on break). I see I’ll have to get moving to meet my March goal.

    On a positive note, I entered my first ever 5K! A year ago, I wouldn’t have even considered it, but I’ve been doing the Sansone walks since July and thanks in part to all of your encouragements and supports, do a 3, 4, or 5 mile walk on a regular basis, so I figured I could handle a 5K. There were 455 participants, and I finished 361 (55 minutes); not too bad for my first one. :drinker: I have to say, though, that my legs were very sore the next two days. I think it was because I am so used to walking at home on an even surface, and the 5K was at a park with some sidewalk, some blacktop, and some grass walking, plus inclines and down hills. I need to walk outside more often, but I find the tapes so much easier to stick with and so much more motivating. :ohwell:

    Great to see so many walkers this month. Keep “marching.” :happy:


  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Monday~ :<0
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    jrbanta Sorry about your dog Leo. I have a Leo too but he's my DH and I wish I could get him to walk. At least you'll have fond memories of him on your walks.

    I walked two miles today. I've had some stomach problems and so on Saturday I have to have a colonoscopy. Not looking forward to that, but hopefully it will tell the doctor what's going on and how I can get better. I'm going to walk tomorrow but not on Saturday. Just putting it in writing so that I'll do it tomorrow.

    Has anyone seen the other thread doing the WATP? Maybe we should challenge them?:wink:
  • viggie
    viggie Posts: 155 Member
    TA That's wonderful you getting to buy new clothes!!! I'm looking forward to going shopping for a smaller size when we can actually come out of our winter coats. Sorry I'm late posting on your sucess, I'm just getting back into the grove.:laugh:
  • TATennis
    TATennis Posts: 49
    Hello walkers!

    Jenny I'm so Sorry about your dog Leo ...... :cry: I hate to see you or Leo going through pain {Huge Hug}

    Viggie Good Luck on Saturday, I hope everything goes well { Hugs},
    I haven't seen the thread on WATP but i'll look into it :wink:

    Walked 6 miles 2 hours.

    Good Night !! FRIDAY Tomorrow :drinker: