New Round of P90X starts Feb 28th! Join me! Cont'd....



  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    Im on week 5. Did Back and Biceps last night. Im losing inches. I had to take back the new workout pants I bought because they were too big. The weight is steady coming off as well. Keep it up everyone you're doing great!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Made it through 2/3 of Legs and Back this morning. Subbed Windsor Pilates for Ab Ripper ... and as god as my witness I am going to stick it out during Ab Ripper if it kills me. I was better at the Pilates than I thought... and I realized this isnt going to get me to where I want to be ... so I am going to gut it out on Ab Ripper and just do my best ... thats it!

    Yay!! I'm glad you're sticking with Ab Ripper! You will be able to monitor your progress with it, and really see yourself improve.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Made it through 2/3 of Legs and Back this morning. Subbed Windsor Pilates for Ab Ripper ... and as god as my witness I am going to stick it out during Ab Ripper if it kills me. I was better at the Pilates than I thought... and I realized this isnt going to get me to where I want to be ... so I am going to gut it out on Ab Ripper and just do my best ... thats it!

    Yay!! I'm glad you're sticking with Ab Ripper! You will be able to monitor your progress with it, and really see yourself improve.

    Im going to make myself a spreadsheet and keep track ... that way I know I am pushing myself hard enough!
    I am also going to make a spreadsheer for Plyo too...
    (unless anyone has already done this and wants to share?)
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Oofda....well, it's been about a week of no P90X for me...And I'm still not getting much homework done! Somebody tell me how giving up my exercise routine is supposed to motivate me to do my homework! I understand that it's meant to be a reward type system...but I just feel so unmotivated to do anything now. I cannot wait to get back on the P90X program! I think I'm going to restart with Lean this next time around though. Any suggestions for homework motivation, while I'm typing? For some reason, the end results of graduating college and being able to start on my fitness program again are just too distant in my mind to do much.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Was going to do Arms & Shoulders and ARX this morning, but I was still foggy from the meds taken last night for a migraine. Pushed back to after I get home from work. Then I'll hit it hard.

    Goodluck to the rest of you!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oofda....well, it's been about a week of no P90X for me...And I'm still not getting much homework done! Somebody tell me how giving up my exercise routine is supposed to motivate me to do my homework! I understand that it's meant to be a reward type system...but I just feel so unmotivated to do anything now. I cannot wait to get back on the P90X program! I think I'm going to restart with Lean this next time around though. Any suggestions for homework motivation, while I'm typing? For some reason, the end results of graduating college and being able to start on my fitness program again are just too distant in my mind to do much.

    Hi hun! First of you, you should NOT given up your fitness for homework. Taking time to exercise is just like taking time to sleep at night, it just needs be another thing that is in your schedule - its not optional.

    Now about the homework thing... I am a expert at this. I am in school for my doctorate right now... and in addition to P90X, training for a half marathon, and working full time.

    Now... make yourself a list of all of the projects, assignments, chapters that you have to read for the end of the semester for each class. Now divide that list into weeks (and anything that is due on a specific date make sure to highlight or something). Then look at all of the things that you have to do for that week... and pick ONE thing to tackle. When your list is done for the week, then you dont have to do anymore homework this week. I think it helps because you feel successful crossing things off a list ... and also it gives you an end ... which is what your problem is right now... you dont see an end!

    Good luck!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    Day 19 done! Legs and Back and Ab Ripper X - remarkable improvements all the way around - my legs feel stronger, I can do more reps, even added some weights - I need stronger bands for the pull-ups (I don't have a pull-up bar and no kidding - there is no place in my house to even add one - we are going to add one outside this summer)

    my only issues with legs and back is trying to maintain my balance doing some of the moves - I fall over a lot - I don't get it, I can do Kenpo all day and in my sleep, but the legs and back get me every time on balance! But Ab Ripper X keeps getting easier!
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I have to say this recovery week business is making me go backwards. I should have taken pictures on Sunday. I'm eating too much, not exercising much (wrist doesn't help I guess). I've gained about a pound. Argh! I need the hardcore workouts everyday to keep me motivated apparently. Can't wait for Phase 2 to start. I may start a few days early... this is killing me. I miss my P90X!:sad: Fingers crossed that my wrist (which gets better everyday, but not enough to be lifting weights) is ok by Sat.
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    Oofda....well, it's been about a week of no P90X for me...And I'm still not getting much homework done! Somebody tell me how giving up my exercise routine is supposed to motivate me to do my homework! I understand that it's meant to be a reward type system...but I just feel so unmotivated to do anything now. I cannot wait to get back on the P90X program! I think I'm going to restart with Lean this next time around though. Any suggestions for homework motivation, while I'm typing? For some reason, the end results of graduating college and being able to start on my fitness program again are just too distant in my mind to do much.

    For the homework stuff, what about making it monthly.. as in turn your homework in and get your studying done by ____ day and you get ______ .. new shoes, sweater, game .. whatever..

    If that doesn't work then find a weekly reward for yourself for doing your homework?
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    I have to say this recovery week business is making me go backwards. I should have taken pictures on Sunday. I'm eating too much, not exercising much (wrist doesn't help I guess). I've gained about a pound. Argh! I need the hardcore workouts everyday to keep me motivated apparently. Can't wait for Phase 2 to start. I may start a few days early... this is killing me. I miss my P90X!:sad: Fingers crossed that my wrist (which gets better everyday, but not enough to be lifting weights) is ok by Sat.

    You would have had to eat a LOT of extra food to actually gain a pound. I'd bet anything it's water retention from the 'naughty food'. Remember your body NEEDS this rest week, you've been pushing it really hard and you will feel stronger and better when you start week 5! <3
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    So far so good this week, I switched my day off from Sunday to Tuesday, and I had a great week at bowling. Yea! Took my end of month 2 pictures, and I can see a difference which I'm pretty happy about.

    Tonight is Yoga, time to go push play and turn off the mind :smile:
  • annyshay
    annyshay Posts: 42
    So glad to work out tonight and have a little more time for myself! Thanks for the support and reminders that perfection is not the goal. I'm up to Week 7 Day 1, which is chest, shoulders & triceps. I must admit that some of those push-ups are not my favorites (plange, two speed twitch, etc.). I'm looking forward to having a recovery week and good ole' chest & back before I come back to some of those puppies. Not to mention that I'm curious if I still fall on my face doing divebombers. ;0) That said, I totally killed the floor flies with my little cardboard box. Also, this is the start of my third week doing all of Ab Ripper X. I must agree with Tony... Love Hate.

    When I did my first recovery week, I didn't notice anything until I started up again on Week 5. I had so much extra energy! It even motivated me to do all of Ab Ripper X for the first time. It may seem like a waste of time, but it really does let your body get stronger and ready to push even more. I'm looking forward to another week of recovery next week, even if core synergistics isn't my favorite.

    Bring it, everyone!
  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    I am feeling the most sore since starting the program 3 wks ago! I truly feel it everywhere! :ohwell: So glad tomorrow is stretching!

    Have a great night everyone!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    nothing exciting - just surprised at how fast this thread gets buried!! I am sore today!! A really great feeling! Kenpo X today - Bring it!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    I am feeling the most sore since starting the program 3 wks ago! I truly feel it everywhere! :ohwell: So glad tomorrow is stretching!

    Have a great night everyone!

    I'm feeling it more this week than before too. Not so sore, but more worn out. I'm looking forward to recovery week next week!

    Other than that, nothing too exciting here. I did Legs/Back/ARX this morning. Yoga is tomorrow, but I'm supposed to work in the morning... do I get up super early, or try to force myself to do it later (I always seem to do better at getting my workout in if I do it first thing in the morning)?
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Oofda....well, it's been about a week of no P90X for me...And I'm still not getting much homework done! Somebody tell me how giving up my exercise routine is supposed to motivate me to do my homework! I understand that it's meant to be a reward type system...but I just feel so unmotivated to do anything now. I cannot wait to get back on the P90X program! I think I'm going to restart with Lean this next time around though. Any suggestions for homework motivation, while I'm typing? For some reason, the end results of graduating college and being able to start on my fitness program again are just too distant in my mind to do much.

    Hi hun! First of you, you should NOT given up your fitness for homework. Taking time to exercise is just like taking time to sleep at night, it just needs be another thing that is in your schedule - its not optional.

    Now about the homework thing... I am a expert at this. I am in school for my doctorate right now... and in addition to P90X, training for a half marathon, and working full time.

    Now... make yourself a list of all of the projects, assignments, chapters that you have to read for the end of the semester for each class. Now divide that list into weeks (and anything that is due on a specific date make sure to highlight or something). Then look at all of the things that you have to do for that week... and pick ONE thing to tackle. When your list is done for the week, then you dont have to do anymore homework this week. I think it helps because you feel successful crossing things off a list ... and also it gives you an end ... which is what your problem is right now... you dont see an end!

    Good luck!

    Thanks emmaleigh....I think I'm going to get back on my workout schedule today, starting on P90X Lean instead of Classic, and see how that goes. My fiance may not be too happy about it, but I'll feel much better and motivated about the day. As for homework, I've made the list of all the assignments to the end of the semester....but I haven't divided them up into weeks yet. Maybe that'll be my project for this morning after some P90X. And you're completely right that I don't see an end! I just cannot see that end goal for my work! But, perhaps this plan will help. Thanks again!
  • becca0211
    becca0211 Posts: 250 Member
    Replaced Yoga with Kenpo yesterday... love kicking and punching. :smile:

    Tomorrow I start Phase 2. I haven't seen a huge change on the scale, but I'm loving how my clothes are fitting now.

    I am struggling with eating enough since I am burning so many calories when working out. Most days I end up with anywhere from 500-700 calories left at the end of the day..... Eating 1200 calories is usually plenty for me to be full. Any suggestions?
  • lizard9800
    lizard9800 Posts: 474 Member
    I have to say this recovery week business is making me go backwards. I should have taken pictures on Sunday. I'm eating too much, not exercising much (wrist doesn't help I guess). I've gained about a pound. Argh! I need the hardcore workouts everyday to keep me motivated apparently. Can't wait for Phase 2 to start. I may start a few days early... this is killing me. I miss my P90X!:sad: Fingers crossed that my wrist (which gets better everyday, but not enough to be lifting weights) is ok by Sat.

    You would have had to eat a LOT of extra food to actually gain a pound. I'd bet anything it's water retention from the 'naughty food'. Remember your body NEEDS this rest week, you've been pushing it really hard and you will feel stronger and better when you start week 5! <3

    You are right. I haven't been so good about water this week. And when I woke up last night with "cramps" it all made sense.
    I think I'm going to do Plyo and ARX today for giggles. I'm getting tired of my treadmill and elliptical. And I can't do Yoga with my bad wrist. Giving it until Monday to lift.
    Curiosity won out yesterday and I took a few basic measurements. Was pleasantly surprised. Will do the official ones next Tues(?) for Day 30 and report back!
    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi all! Just a quick post before I jet out the door to meet a friend and chat Beachbody! :bigsmile:

    Did Legs & Back & Abs and my legs are still quivering!!!! :bigsmile: Love it!!! I did my abs first and glad I did!

    I will catch up later on, keep up the good work everyone! Make it a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    Houston, I think we have a problem! I think the Plyo is making my knees sore. I'm pretty sure I have "runner's knee" and I'm also pretty certain it's the plyo that's caused it. All of the other exercises I've done before and not infrequently. I know it's not the Kenpo because I've been doing Taekwondo for two years.

    So after looking at exercises to strengthen the inner leg so the outer muscle doesn't pull and make more pain I decided to gingerly do legs & back today. If it hurt, I stopped but was able to do most of the exercises. I'm thinking I will have to stop doing Plyo for the rest of this round. I have a couple of knee braces on the way that should be here by next Friday (different than the neoprene sleeves I've been using.)

    I will probably take the weekend off to give the knees a rest and see how I feel Monday. If they're still feeling sore I'll have to sit out TKD this week but I just can't risk really injuring myself. (I have no insurance so I'm pretty paranoid about injury and tend to stop and *kitten* before things get really bad. Going to the Doc would be a lovely idea but unless it's absolutely necessary it's not going to happen.)

    Right now I'm icing and before bed I slather Tiger Balm all over my knees, lower thighs and upper calves and wake up feeling much better!

    Have any of you who've done the X before had this issue? If I'm careful and take care can I eventually build up the strength around my knees and slowly work myself of out this problem? Trust me, if it got really bad my DH would make sure I went to the doc regardless of insurance so please know I'm not hobbling around unable to walk and just trying to gut it out.

    Hope the rest of you are doing awesome!
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