

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    I AM still here...though very barely keeping up with you of late. I appreciate those who have sent out a "hello"...it means a lot!

    I head home a week from now and looking forward to a routine and more checking in on all of you. So, so many new faces to learn about! I've missed you all and need your nice support!

    Amanda: I am thinking of you and hoping all goes well and you are back home and recovering soon. Take care.

    Jeanne: How awful that your DH hurt his back! What a nice man to break up a fight...there is a reward in there somewhere, sometime, don't you think? And good for you for staying near your calorie intake...better than I have been lately!

    I look forward to catching up more later. Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:

    (I just noticed that my signature is a few months off??? Does that tell you anything about how I am doing?)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    The day has started off well. Got my exercise in already, cut my son's hair and have had a healthy breakfast. I've got lots to do this morning. It's my weekend to go and stay with my Mother. She doesn't have internet access so I'll just have to sort of wing it while I am over there. I'll be cleaning her house while I'm there but also plan to take a Leslie Sansone DVD to exercise with. There is a treadmill too so I can do that if I want.

    My daughter is planning on spending the night with us tonight. I hope I have patience with her and can love on her. She told me she is about to start her period and believe me she is hard to deal with at that tom. She started a new ICU position the end of Feb. and she is also stressed about some in-house classes she is having to take for that job. Plus she is taking 2 classes at the local university. She is really smart so I'm not really worried but she just can't stand it if she doesn't makes A's. The Statistics class she is taking she is making a C and you'd think it's the end of the world. I was always happy to pass anything I took!

    I took a peek at the scale this morning and it is already going in the right direction so I don't want to blow it over the weekend.

    Hope you all do well over the weekend and I'll check back in on Sunday afternoon.

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Not too much new here. It is still very cold, but there is no new snow and the sun is shinning. That makes such a difference. I may even walk the dog today if I have time. I did get to the gym for spinning and did a bit of strength training this morning. Now I guess I need to spend some time cleaning my house. Have a good week-end.
  • mrsanderson404
    Heading out to camp for the weekend....it's raining right now in So Cal but the forecast is for clearing...hoping, hoping.....I've planned meals to suit my goals and will also be walking whenever possible to make up for indulgences.

    It should be a really fun weekend...dh and I have a teardrop trailer....it is a modern build based on a design from the 40's...these were small trailers made to be pulled with the family car and built out of 4 pieces of plywood. Popular Mechanics published plans and many were built in garages. We are off to a rally of enthusiasts from the Western states...last year there were over 130 of these small adorable trailers both new and vintage....should be really fun!

    I'll check in on Sunday.....until then.....be well ladies!!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies.
    Happy Birthday again Barbie. Hope it was a good one. I had a really good day. spent the morning working in bathroom and taking care of kids. went to lunch with heather, matt , byron, rhea. had grilled chicken and field peas and salad. no rice. came home and worked on bathroom. went to a High School Musical production put on by local high school It was really nice. did not eat before and went to gym after so I am eating my oatmeal as I write this. Had a really good workout. plan to work on bathroom a lot tomorrow since I will have no kids which means no interruptions. I will post pics when done. It is looking good though. Hope you all have great nite and good tomorrow.
    vicki M
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thank you for all the birthday wishes......this has been a great day full of the things I love most----I got to teach a new dance at line dance this morning.....after lunch I went for a lovely walk at the dog park......i fixed a great dinner of favorites--turkey, gravy, yam, cauliflower, and opened birthday cards from hubby and few friends....while I was at the dog park, my darling husband waxed my car......:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: life doesn't get any better than this.

    :flowerforyou: along with my birthday, I thought a lot about Amanda and her surgery and sent healing thoughts in her direction (across the US and over the Atlantic Ocean)

    :flowerforyou: Robin, Bodi would love our dog park and my poodles would love to have her there :):smile:

    :flowerforyou: I just took a quick break from watching "The Tourist", the movie I picked out to watch for my birthday.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :bigsmile:
  • maxymom
    maxymom Posts: 35 Member
    It's very late, but I wanted to put in a quick:happy: Happy Birthday for Barbie! :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    HI there,
    Was VERY DIZZY and had heart palpatations.. and decided NOT to exercise today... I made an appointment with doctor for Tuesday... drank 4 glasses of water and just hung out, slept a bit.. did not weigh, will only do that on Monday mornings...
    Hope to have a better day tomorrow.
  • icubsn98
    icubsn98 Posts: 32 Member
    HI there,
    Was VERY DIZZY and had heart palpatations.. and decided NOT to exercise today... I made an appointment with doctor for Tuesday... drank 4 glasses of water and just hung out, slept a bit.. did not weigh, will only do that on Monday mornings...
    Hope to have a better day tomorrow.

    Hope you feel better soon.

  • cmisty2001
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Happy belated birthday Barbie. I am glad you had a great day. we are taking the Bodi boy to our dog park today. He hates driving in the car but it is too far and on a dangerous walking road so we have to go by car. He loves it once we are there though. unfortuneatly Keira can't go because whe doesn't play nice with other and she is really a crotchity old *****. She will be 11 years old next month. she was really struggling walking up the stairs this morning. I feel bad for her that she is getting so old. I hope you all have a great day.
    I updated my ticker again. I can't believe that I gained 5 pounds since I started working. I don't eat enough to gain that much but there it is. soooooo frustrating.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: thank you for all the birthday wishes......this has been a great day full of the things I love most----I got to teach a new dance at line dance this morning.....after lunch I went for a lovely walk at the dog park......i fixed a great dinner of favorites--turkey, gravy, yam, cauliflower, and opened birthday cards from hubby and few friends....while I was at the dog park, my darling husband waxed my car......:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: life doesn't get any better than this.

    Barbie--I am SO sorry I missed your birthday! Sounds like it was a delightful day! I am glad you enjoyed it. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    March 7, started diet....
    March 26... no weight lost...
    Do feel better than yesterday tho..
  • CarolynGSilva
    CarolynGSilva Posts: 22 Member
    I've come here to search for friends and support in this weight loss endeavor. Reading throught the entries here shows me so much courage, humor, and gutsy determination, I almost shrank from getting on here to whine. Are any of you just plain afraid in this quest? What I fear is my own weakness. I began with MFP January 18, 2011 and had managed to lose 5 pounds. Now, here is the present situation. I just got my house sold (hallaluyah) much more qulickly than I ever expected. Now I have 4 weeks to cull, sell, pack, and move out, pretty much on my own. Can I express how much I hate the prospect of this exhausting ordeal? My husband lives in Florida. I won't say we are separated, just living apart due to work circumstances and his preference for the ocean and his sailboat. He will be able to help with some of the moving, but none of the culling, selling, or packing. He will remain at the condo in Florida. Now that I am retired, I will be setting up for a while in Massachusettes near my daughter and her family. Don't get me wrong. Everything is amiable, but I want to be near my grandson for a while after toughing out 6 years pretty much on my own in order to save enough money to retire. Yes, I know full well there are plenty of folks in the world who would gladly change places . However, I dread when I will be tired and dirty and hungry and will reach for comfort in food. Yes, I am puny in spirit. This is just a challenge I think I need companionship and support to get through, or could get through it much better with that support. Please, somebody write back. I need you.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: barmbord. welcome to the greatest support group on the planet.......take it one day at a time....pack your boxes one box at a time,...eat your meals one meal at a time......this can be a great journey....we are trying to sell our house and have rented a storage unit and have spent a lot of time boxing, giving away, throwing away and now are playing the waiting game while God finds us a buyer....don't anticipate what you will feel......as you work hard, think about the calories you are burning and the toning of your body....shop only for healthy food so you won't be reaching for bad stuff when you are tired.....plan meals that are nutrition dense so you are nourished by your meals.

    :flowerforyou: I've just come back from a 50 minute high exercise event at the dog park....between the wind and birds the girls were very excited.....I wish we could walk to the park (it's only a mile and half away but the road is too dangerous for walking dogs) so we drive.
  • CarolynGSilva
    CarolynGSilva Posts: 22 Member
    Barbie, Thanks so much for answering. Your advice is very solid and I appreciate it. You were smart to get going on the packing early in the relocation process. I noticed the dog on your shirt...is it a poodle by any chance? If so, my toy apricot, Coffee, says hello. Thanks again.
  • tryingagain
    tryingagain Posts: 40 Member
    Hi All, This sounds like a great group. Can I join? I am 60, married, have one daughter who is 26 and living at home at the moment. Both husband and daugher are very supportive. I work VERY full-time and often feel stressed by the end of the day (but then who doesn't). I have been following the old Weight Watcher program for a little over a year. Not crazy about the new plan. Have lost 60 lbs and I feel so much better. Have a lot more energy. I still have 40 or 45 to go.

    I am looking for a support group and this one sounds great! Do you know how many people are sharing? I normally weigh on Wednesdays. Are there other Wednesday Weigh-Ins? Do you want to share results. Exercise is my downfall. I am trying to walk some each week and think about going to a gym. Did any of you work with a personal trainer at a gyn? I have heard it can be a good way to get started, but it seems too expensive.
  • tornberg1
    tornberg1 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi kinda new to posting I know its the end of March but need encouragement on my diet. It does help to track calories in diary. But it doesn't help with my cravings.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hi All, This sounds like a great group. Can I join? I am 60, married, have one daughter who is 26 and living at home at the moment. Both husband and daugher are very supportive. I work VERY full-time and often feel stressed by the end of the day (but then who doesn't). I have been following the old Weight Watcher program for a little over a year. Not crazy about the new plan. Have lost 60 lbs and I feel so much better. Have a lot more energy. I still have 40 or 45 to go.

    I am looking for a support group and this one sounds great! Do you know how many people are sharing? I normally weigh on Wednesdays. Are there other Wednesday Weigh-Ins? Do you want to share results. Exercise is my downfall. I am trying to walk some each week and think about going to a gym. Did any of you work with a personal trainer at a gyn? I have heard it can be a good way to get started, but it seems too expensive.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: you're right. this is a great group. We don't actually have a weigh in day but we report our results as they happen. Most of us set goals for the month---some of the goals are weight loss and some are behavioural like adding new exercise, drinking more water, or adding or subtracting certain foods. I don't know how many of us share on this thread---some check in more often than others and I think there are many who read the posts without sharing at all.

    :flowerforyou: Brmbord, hello to your toy poodle, Apricot. My two Standard Poodles, Sasha (red) and Brandy (black) say hello. many of on this thread have dogs who are the center of our lives and over time you'll read a lot of sharing about dogs and cats. Part of my daily exercise is taking my dogs to the local off leash dog park. They run and play for 20-40 minutes while I walk around the yard keeping an eye on them, then I walk them on leash around the city park for the rest of an hour. On a day like today with wind, birds, children, and other dogs, it was quite a workout.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: grabbit, glad you are feeling better...just keep on keeping on and the weight will come off....are you eating enough fruits and vegetables ? that always helps me :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Taking a much needed break. Been working in bathroom most of the day. I am tired. need to go take a shower and wait for hubby to go to gym and get supper.
    barnbord: you got advice from the best. what barbie said is true. take it one day at a time. do what you can when you can and rest when needed. being prepared has helped me tremendously. If not I fail and reach for trash. keep posting and griping or whatever. we will listen and respond when needed. welcome aboard.
    tryingagain: you have done so good so far. now you just have to prevail and finish. that is the hard part for me. as you read you will find that we do all sorts of different kinds of exercises. I personally love the gym. I have always wanted to do a personal trainer for a while but just not sure of time factor. If you feel that will help and you can do it go for it. A lot of ladies do dvds and Wii and other things. I just am not that self motivated. welcome to the best group of ladies in the world.
    tomberg1: I have found that the only way to stop cravings is to cut out that kind of food for a while. It usually takes about 2-3 days for them to go away. for instance if you crave carbs cut out all but good carbs, same for sugar. Hope this helps and welcome to our group.
    see you later ladies.
    vicki M