Sexy in Six Challenge: Week 1



  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    So major bummer tonight. I didn't get to do my favorite class at the rec center because of a group project. :cry: But I did use the elliptical at my apartment gym while i watched Grey's tonight!!

    I was also to exhausted when I got home to make beef stir fry so that quickly turned into whole wheat bread with natural PB and grape jelly and a kraft string cheese. :tongue:

    I'm eating out with friends tomorrow so I'm hoping my first time making good choices at restaurants goes well. I will let you know. Any tips from anyone?

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Late night post for tomorrow's plan again! Congrats to everyone for having a good day and please take my challenge to try to get through this weekend without totally busing your plan. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

    Meals for Friday:

    1: Ezekiel English muffin w/ egg whites, skim milk cheese, alfalfa sprouts & organic ketchup, orange juice on the side
    2: 1/2 medium banana
    3: 1 cup raw chopped broccoli w/ 2 tbsp hummus
    4: protein shake (vanilla ice cream flavour) made w/ skim milk, 2 brazil nuts (really high in selenium!)
    5: 1 cup turkey soup left-overs (the best turkey soup I've ever made. I'll post the recipe at some point!)
    6: sprouted grain bagel w/ hummus & alfalfa sprouts
    7: healthy homemade pizza (dough made w/ spelt flour & unrefined cane sugar to feed yeast, sodium-free tomato sauce, skim milk cheese, grilled chicken breast, red cabbage & sweet potato slices)
    8: depending on work out cals I may have some kind of evening snack??

    work-out: hopefully spin class at noon.

    Okay, time to spend some time with my hubby! Good night everyone :yawn:
  • hgam1
    hgam1 Posts: 237 Member
    Hello fellow sexy in sixers

    Here are my stats
    Weight - 168lbs
    Waist - 31
    Hips - 42.5 - most problem area:cry:
    Rib cage - 30
    Bust - 36
    Neck - 13
    Upper arm - 13
    Thigh - 26

    On another subject does anyone know if eating too much fish can be bad for you? Only the other day my mum made this lovely fish soup....and now, can't get enough of it!!!! I'll have my cereal in the mornings, and can't wait for fish soup for supper!!! I'ts been a week and still not waning!!!!. I am addicted!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Here are my stats.

    Upper arm- 15
    Bust- 50
    Waist- 57
    Hips- 56.5
    Thigh- 29
    And then Total- 207.5

    I took my measurements on 9/11 and here is what they were then.
    Upper arm- 15
    Bust- 55
    Waist- 58
    Hips- 60
    Thigh- 31
    And then Total- 219

    So according to that in the past month I have 11.5 inches. Nothing in my arms I guess I should start doing some weight training. But look at my hips. I have a huge butt and I thought my butt was getting smaller LOL.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Here are my stats.

    Upper arm- 15
    Bust- 50
    Waist- 57
    Hips- 56.5
    Thigh- 29
    And then Total- 207.5

    I took my measurements on 9/11 and here is what they were then.
    Upper arm- 15
    Bust- 55
    Waist- 58
    Hips- 60
    Thigh- 31
    And then Total- 219

    So according to that in the past month I have 11.5 inches. Nothing in my arms I guess I should start doing some weight training. But look at my hips. I have a huge butt and I thought my butt was getting smaller LOL.


    Remember, weight training at home for arms CAN be easy. Your weights can be every day items like cans of corn, or the shampoo bottle in the shower. You don't even have to use weight -- you can tense your muscles and move slowly.... isometric, I think it's called. Still works your muscles!! You can do bicep curls, tricep curls, flies. Look up the proper form online if you aren't sure how to do the move. You'll be amazed at how fast your arm strength improves!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning Ladies!

    Yesterday was a bum day for exercise. Foodwise yesterday- bfast-fiber one cereal, skim milk, protein shake/snack- carrots & kashi trail mix bar/ lunch- protein bar (forgot I had lab all afternoon and didnt bring lunch with me)/ snack- doritos 100 cal pack(glad these things are gone now!)/ dinner- morning star grilled veg burger patty on dble fiber bread with 1/4 shredded FF chz and a pickle.

    1. oatmeal squares cereal with skim milk, egg whites scrambled with FF chz and wrapped in a tortilla
    2. fiber water mix, kashi bar or fiber one bar, maybe tbspn of PB
    3. Morning star burger patty maybe (no idea for lunch really)
    4. baby carrots, grapefruit
    5. spaghetti and steamed broccoli

    Exercise- walk and jog at the park if it isnt pouring rain, and exercise bike for like 20 min maybe- PLUS I have PT tonight *last time :happy: *, Im meeting my therapist at the gym after 6 this evening so Ill burn lotsa cals there as well! May have a protein shake when I get home just to tide me over for the night.

    Glad to see everyone doing well!

    :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • mamakitty
    mamakitty Posts: 249
    Connie maybe you can try push ups. I have seen great results with them. Try the 100 push up challenge. There is a thread for this, I did not join, but I love it. It is very challenging, but that is what gives results. you can just google 100 push up challenge and it will give you the program.

    Yesterday was not one of my better days. I felt hungry all day long and had an overwhelming desire for sweets. I only went over my cals by about 50. I did run 5.5 miles, which is the farthest I have ever ran:) I feel much better today. I did a no no and got on the scale this morning and was up .6 of a pound, but it is that TOM so I may be retaining.

    Today I lifted for 50 minutes. Inbetween sets I do things to keep my heart rate up, like jumping rope and sumo (sp?) squats. That has increased my calorie burn a lot while weight lifting. I burned 350 calories in 50 minutes.
    BF- oatmeal with a little honey, a banana and coffee.
    Lunch- chicken fajita, cucumbers and a yogurt.
    snack- tangerine and pretzels

    I am on call this weekend and I tend to eat better when I am on call because I can't drink or don't have time to cook big meals.

    Thanks for all of your support everyone. I hope your friday is good and you enjoy your weekend.
    I'll check in later.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Goooood morning :bigsmile:

    Connie, I was also going to suggest the 100 push-up challenge. Don't be intimidated by the name, you can start it and be successful if you can't do a single military push-up to start with!

    MK, sounds like you're doing great things with your weight training work-outs!! Intervals are the VERY best thing for fat burning and to maximize your muscle work. Awesome!! :drinker:

    Katy, yay for the last day of PT!!!!

    Alright, BBL!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hello everyone! Connie, I love pot roast carrots! I could skip the taters and the roast, just give me all the carrots! mmmmmm

    B: vanilla protein shake made with almond milk
    S: Banana and South Beach Maple Nut cereal bar
    L: Spinach salad with red onions, strawberries, and walnuts. Used the pouch of dressing that came with it... Full Fat :cry:
    S. Albacore tuna on marble rye bread
    D: Tortellini with homemade spaghetti sauce, who knows what veggie. Everyone else is getting yummy cheesy garlic bread.

    Still have about 660 calories for dinner, but am already 10g over on my fat for the day. Thought I was doing good until I actually put everything in. Now I'm telling myself that those walnuts are good fat, lol!

    Did weights this morning, and went to a new class, Slo-Robics. Didn't feel very slow to me. Ugh! I had to keep telling myself the burning in my legs and a** was an indication of those calories burning.

    Bunny, I would still like to find out the name brand of your protein shake (the cake batter flavor). You gave me some great info. from the last challenge, but didn't include the brand or where you buy it from.
    The amlond milk sounds good, I've never heard of it. Is it easy to find in the store?

    So for me today, I will get in an hour walk/jog- this works well for me with needing to study since I record the lecture on my mp3. I can exercise & study at the same time. Plus it's sunny out (it is cold though).

    1: 1 egg, 1 toast, coffee
    3: turkey wrap
    4: yougert
    5: chicken enchilada
    6: ??? not sure about last snack of the day

    Have a great day everyone:happy:
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Hello Everyone...

    I joined the challenge yesterday so I need to add my measurements. I did good yesterday, I went to water aerobics and swam additional laps. Which made it my second work-out for the day.

    This morning I walked for 35 minutes ( I did not want to because it was freezing and I'm really sore)
    I've eaten a bowl of oatmeal, a snack pack of cheez -it's an almond joy(it's ok, today is my free snack day, I've been perfect all week)

    But here are my measurements
    Left arm18.5,
    Right arm 18
    Left Thigh 30.5
    Right Thigh 30
    Waist 48.5( at the belly button)
    Hips 56
    Chest (across fullest part of bust) 51.75
    total 201.5
    These numbers suck in my opion but I can't wait to see them in 6 weeks.

    Have a great day
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Sorry I wasn't on here yesterday. I went to a concert Wed and have felt like crap since. :sick: I've got a sore throat from yelling and screaming. My body still aches 2 days later from dancing like a loonatic:laugh: . I did awful yesterday going over my cal, but that's OK. Today started a new day. Here's what I've got going on:

    B-Jello pudding cup (didn't feel like eating so I had to pick something).
    L-Unsweetened applesauce and a Southwestern Panini from Stouffers.
    D-Will be chicken and dumplings. (Hubby has it cooking in the crock pot now.
    Snacks will be eat as needed.)

    Hopefully I'll feel better soon. I'm glad to see everyone is doing so well, and I love the meal ideas from what everyone is eating.

    Have a great day. :bigsmile: Later, Shanell
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Sorry 201.5
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    So far, so good!
    No binging last night, had a whole calorie to spare! I'm going to do this!! YAY!

    Brekkie: toast w. ff cream cheese, my coffee
    water, water, water
    Lunch: Parmesan crusted fish, diet Lipton green tea
    water, water, water
    Exercise: elliptical, no resistance (light workout due to soreness from yesterday's workout)
    MY WEEKLY WEIGH IN, which I'm excited about!!
    water, water, water
    Dinner: no clue yet
    Late night snack: frosted strawberry pop tart

    Hope you guys are having amazing Fridays!!
  • connieq288
    connieq288 Posts: 1,102 Member
    So far, so good!
    No binging last night, had a whole calorie to spare! I'm going to do this!! YAY!

    Brekkie: toast w. ff cream cheese, my coffee
    water, water, water
    Lunch: Parmesan crusted fish, diet Lipton green tea
    water, water, water
    Exercise: elliptical, no resistance (light workout due to soreness from yesterday's workout)
    MY WEEKLY WEIGH IN, which I'm excited about!!
    water, water, water
    Dinner: no clue yet
    Late night snack: frosted strawberry pop tart

    I love your ticker. I need one like that.

    Hope you guys are having amazing Fridays!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Sorry I wasn't on here yesterday. I went to a concert Wed and have felt like crap since. :sick: I've got a sore throat from yelling and screaming. My body still aches 2 days later from dancing like a loonatic:laugh: . I did awful yesterday going over my cal, but that's OK. Today started a new day. Here's what I've got going on:

    B-Jello pudding cup (didn't feel like eating so I had to pick something).
    L-Unsweetened applesauce and a Southwestern Panini from Stouffers.
    D-Will be chicken and dumplings. (Hubby has it cooking in the crock pot now.
    Snacks will be eat as needed.)

    Hopefully I'll feel better soon. I'm glad to see everyone is doing so well, and I love the meal ideas from what everyone is eating.

    Have a great day. :bigsmile: Later, Shanell

    Hey Shanell,

    I bet all that dancing like a lunatic burned a lot of calories. Hmmm I wonder how many. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • monica5237
    Guys I need some motivation I have been eating so bad for the last couple of days I had some toffee covered peanuts ALOT of them. I have not been eating dinner not exercising i am in a mood and can't snap out of it. I ate a handful of m&m's
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    ***snapping fingers wildly***
    snap out of it monica. you can do this. it really is easy if you make it easy on yourself. don't beat yourself up for slipups. we all have them. beating yourself up is what makes it hard to do. now as i would be thinking "well the day is almost over let's just forget about today." NO, you do a U-TURN and plan a good afternoon snack and a good dinner. even if it just 50/75% good. it's a start, now get to planning.

    remember everyone pedal made a weekend mini challenge to stay on track for the WHOLE weekend. do you have your plan of attack together yet? if not, better start working on it. she may have a suprise weigh in....LOL :laugh: :noway:

    glad to see us doing a good job in getting in better health. lauryn hang in there you are doing great.

    shanell what is donny doing cooking dinner????? i know he will make it healthy for you.

    well, my kitchen floors aren't mopping themselfs. off to mop land.

  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello All :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I'm just starting my weight-loss journey . . . AGAIN . . . lol, but, someone recommended this thread and I'd like to join you guys.

    I guess I need to list my stats as of today, 10/17:
    Waist - 51
    Hips - 56
    Upper Arm - 18
    Bust - 44 (not sure if I measured this right)
    Thigh - 29.5
    Total - 270

    Soooo ... now what? :embarassed:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member

    well, my kitchen floors aren't mopping themselfs. off to mop land.


    ooooh, come do mine next, pretty puhlease? :bigsmile:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hello All :heart: :flowerforyou:

    I'm just starting my weight-loss journey . . . AGAIN . . . lol, but, someone recommended this thread and I'd like to join you guys.

    I guess I need to list my stats as of today, 10/17:
    Waist - 51
    Hips - 56
    Upper Arm - 18
    Bust - 44 (not sure if I measured this right)
    Thigh - 29.5
    Total - 270

    Soooo ... now what? :embarassed:

    How much weight are you looking to lose still? We want to take 15%-20% of that over the next 6 weeks and set you up a goal.

    Welcome :flowerforyou: