Lots2Lose & over 40 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • cathyv0409
    cathyv0409 Posts: 230 Member
    Wednesday weigh in:

    Screen name: cathyv0409
    March 30th (starting weight): 249 (did I just put that out there for the world to see) :laugh:
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th:

    My exercise last week was nil until Sunday when I finally went back to the gym and have been doing elliptical and recumbent bike since then.
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-In:

    Screen name: jjustjo
    Goal for April 2011:
    March 30th (228.0):
    April 6th: 226.0 (finally 5-0 down)
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th: down 58 lbs (half way to my goal)
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    @Cathy: If your husband is trying to lose weight, he'll probably get the point when his weight doesn't go down. I understand his not wanting to bother with weighing and measuring (I struggle with that one a lot). I believe, if I were in your shoes, setting the example and revelling in my success would be the way to handle it. If he doesn't get the results he wants, he may ask for your input. It seems that, like so many areas of our lives, living by example is best. That's my humble 2 "pence" worth!

  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    Hmm Cathy,

    In my experience , men need to be lead to water and then allowed to think it was all their idea!!

    Anyway you can almost make it a challenge to be measuring things, most men like experiments and results? It's a tricky one.

    Your doctor sounds wonderful!

    Well here are my results;

    Screen name: Jojo42 (Joanna)
    March 30th (starting weight): 264
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th:
  • jjustjo
    jjustjo Posts: 285 Member
    It's finally moving day!!! True, my house is on wheels so it isn't that big of deal, but it is to me. We've been on hold for months waiting for the customers who are in our space to leave, then my husband and friend formed up and poured cement for our porch. It rained and put that behind a couple of days. When you live in an RV extra space is at a premium. We are putting an attached screen room on the outside of our RV. It will almost double our living space. While I was waiting , my husband built me a raised bed garden and I planted veggies. I planted a whole row of spinach. haha So I've been watching the spinach convo with interest, as I believe I have thyroid issues myself.
    Happily, my weight gain is gone this morning. I was a little disappointed I didn't start our "chart" with a loss, but oh well....I've been stuck at 228.0 for a month and a half so I should be used it by now!! grrrr
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    I am on Thyroxin and virtually have spinach daily (as you can see from my food diary)...I had no idea about the negative effects, only that it is a superfood and a real battler against cancer. I will follow it with interest and thank you for raising the issue.
  • akaDumbo
    akaDumbo Posts: 187
    Cathy my advice for what it's worth regarding your husband would be to let the weighing food pass for a week or two. He is already carb counting in a fashion and at 73 is probably quite set in his ways. Tracking his calories is a big thing and if you try to push him too far too quickly he will probably give up. Give it a couple of weeks then when he starts complaining about not losing (or even gaining) you can tell him why. Then pick a couple of things that are deceptive like peanut butter or the weight of raw potatoes and point out the difference between what he thinks he is eating and what he is actually eating.

    A friend of mine was eating what to all intents and purposes seemed like a good healthy diet (and was within government guidelines) Last week she asked me what she was doing wrong so I got her to tell me what she had eaten the previous day. She was quite shocked when I added all the foods she and showed her the actual figures and told her that by my calculations eating the way she was she should be gaining a pound a week, turned out I was spot on she had been gaining 1 lb a week steadily for the previous 10 weeks. I showed her how she could eat similar tasting foods but more of them for less calories but only she can decide whether she does it or not.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    My goal this month is 10 lb but I wont worry if I don't reach it so long as my finish weight is less than my starting weight

    Sara I totally agree with this statement!!:bigsmile: At this point I will take what I can get.:laugh: So far my scale is going up and down so maybe this month I can stabilize it on a downward spiral only.:happy: I really feel I have to get my weekends under control.
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA last little while and not being very supportive on MFP. But when I get in a slump I have a hard time being positive to everyone when in the inside I am sad. I have been struggling last few days maybe more like a week now. Not just with food..but with life in general. I am trying to get out of this hole I feel like I am stuck in. I think it is just hormonal. About 6 months ago my dr. says I am starting perimenapause and I know sometimes I really do feel strange emotions and wierd physical tiredness, numbness, hotness and coldness etc.. within my body. I am fighting to get back on board. :flowerforyou: Honestly I haven't been on MFP much..not reading posts not charting my foods no exercise. I am just not sure how to get my mojo back! And I truely want it back!!!

    Ugggg yesterday was a mess and me just typing this out makes me emotional. :cry: Anyway can you tell me how a person that is suppose to be getting healthy ate this yesterday. 1 sandwich, half a bag of a super large movie popcorn (took son to movies but no excuse to overeat there - I usually bring in healthy snacks for me and let my son eat popcorn and it doens't bother me) and handfull of candies and then 3 pieces KFC with fries and gravy, then for snacking at home with watching tv I said what the heck and ate 3 cookies and a package of peanuts. I know I will eat healthier today and get some walking in...I have to do better. Hugs to everyone and I hope you are all doing GREAT :heart: .
  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    I am really upset. I weighed myself today, and Im up 3 pounds!!! How can that be? I mean, I get that I went over a few days, and I only walked 3 days last week, but 3 pounds? I feel like I should of just treated myself to chocolate cake or something! Its not my weigh day, its tomorrow, but I was curious, because I wasnt 'feeling' like I had lost any. Im discouraged! Bad. Its so frustrating when I feel that Ive done everything right, but still cant lose!:flowerforyou:

    Trust me Gabby I know how you feel...I have been going up and down in weight since last Sept jumping between 276-283. It is so disheartening when you try so hard and don't see the results on the scale. We are so programmed to look at that evil machine. I try and go by how my clothes fit and how I feel. Easy to say but hard to pull your brain away from the scale number. Just keep doing what your doing and it will work overall...Huggs
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    Screen name: Bigmama65
    March 30th (starting weight): 292lbs
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th:

    My goal this month is to lose 7lbs. I would love to meet this goal but if I don't that is ok also. (just a side note that 2 of the pounds I want to lose is I believe water weight from yesterdays HUGE sodium feast I had because my scales are up this morning 2lbs than yesterday morning) My ticker weight is set @ 290lbs at the moment - I do not adjust my ticker if I gain weight. - so if I lose my 7lbs this month my ticker will only show a 5lbs loss for the month.
  • katzpawz
    katzpawz Posts: 754
    For Everyone (especially those struggling): HANG IN THERE! Rome wasn't built in a day. I will share a technique that has been working for me, at least it's helping with the mental side of things. I'm still waiting to see the results on the scales, but if you've read my recent posts, you know what's going on there.

    Each morning, before I start my day, I mentally recommit/affirm that I am going to do the best I can TODAY. I try very hard not to get caught up in those critical voices in my head about any shortcomings from yesterday. Rarely is any one day completely perfect.

    I once heard an accomplished musician say when asked if he practiced, "I practice every time I play. Sometimes I'm in my studio, other times I'm on stage and there's an audience." It's all practice!

    One other thought. I read somewhere (if I can remember the book, I'll post it here later), that one way to avoid defeat when dieting was to make a goal of staying on your meal plan 80-90 percent of the time. The logic being that we'll stay on the plan for a longer period of time if we know that we aren't going to be completely perfect, all day, every day. The book didn't suggest planning a binge-fest for the 10-20 percent that we're off target. The idea is to give the lifestyle changes longevity so we can reap the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

    It seemed to me that several folks are having a rough time this week. I hope some of this helps! We're all in this together.

  • ShellyBrew
    ShellyBrew Posts: 823
    Screen name: ShellyBrew
    Goal for April 27: 268
    March 30th (starting weight): 274
    April 6th:
    April 13th:
    April 20th:
    April 27th:

    WooHoo…I lost #2.2 this week so I guess paying extra attention to the food intake and bumping up the cardio has helped. I am so happy to be under 275 finally. I just hope I can maintain it this time! I have been struggling for a long time to break 275. More of the same this week! I will not get complacent about it (which is what I do and then have a gain the next week).
    I don’t make big weight lose goals for myself as I tend to be a very slow loser. If I can manage 1-1.5 per week I am happy. I rarely have the 2 to 2+ a week loses.

    Charmaine….i will also try to listen to only the angel!:bigsmile:

    Cassie….any normal person gets down when the sun stays away for too long; we need the vitamin D, it helps keep us happy. Fingers crossed the Sun will visit soon. It is gray and rainy in NC today. :glasses:

    Kelly…I stepped on my scale 15million times this morning to confirm my weight loss. It ranged from 273.2 to 274.4 so I just went with 274…very frustrating! I hope the new one works out for you. Rock those smaller jeans!! I am also bad about tracking inches. I’ll make one of my goals to join you in measuring – 1st and the 15th it is :drinker:

    Sue…you’re kitty looks just like my older cat Chloe, she is so cute!

    Cathy…such a hard question. The question is how will hubby take it if you keep reminding him of portion size. Until he truly commits it usually does not matter what others say. Just support him the best way you can and when he moans about not losing weight that is when you can suggest the whole measuring thing to him. Or even take him to the kitchen and do some measuring, show him what 2 tbls of PB looks like, once he sees true portions it may click….best of luck

    Jolene…I hope your move goes very smoothly!

    Linda…I was thinking about you yesterday and sending you good mojo vibes. Big Hugs:heart:

    Congrats to all the losers this week and super big hugs to those struggling. Ditto what Kelly said up above!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    For Everyone (especially those struggling): HANG IN THERE! Rome wasn't built in a day. I will share a technique that has been working for me, at least it's helping with the mental side of things. I'm still waiting to see the results on the scales, but if you've read my recent posts, you know what's going on there.

    Each morning, before I start my day, I mentally recommit/affirm that I am going to do the best I can TODAY. I try very hard not to get caught up in those critical voices in my head about any shortcomings from yesterday. Rarely is any one day completely perfect.

    I once heard an accomplished musician say when asked if he practiced, "I practice every time I play. Sometimes I'm in my studio, other times I'm on stage and there's an audience." It's all practice!

    One other thought. I read somewhere (if I can remember the book, I'll post it here later), that one way to avoid defeat when dieting was to make a goal of staying on your meal plan 80-90 percent of the time. The logic being that we'll stay on the plan for a longer period of time if we know that we aren't going to be completely perfect, all day, every day. The book didn't suggest planning a binge-fest for the 10-20 percent that we're off target. The idea is to give the lifestyle changes longevity so we can reap the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

    It seemed to me that several folks are having a rough time this week. I hope some of this helps! We're all in this together.


    LIKE! Thanks for reminder!:flowerforyou: I know all of this but it is so moving and helpful to be reminded it of it constantly.
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member

    Mellisa*** Harry potter lego!! You have hidden depths (or a child to play with!) Hope you manage to sort "the masters" closet.

    LOL. Alas no child - I just love the Lego video games for Xbox and HP is one of my all-time favorite series. Absolutely brilliant. So when those 2 combine, it is wonderful!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Joanna, that is a fantastic achievement!!! Sounds like you made wonderful choices at lunch and did not even miss that calorie and fat-laden food. WTG!!! :drinker:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Are you sitting in the land of make-believe, waiting for a handsome prince to rescue you from your problems? Are you wanting to be freed from the castle tower, but don't know how to get out without a fairy godmother or a night in shining armor?

    Does this mean he is not coming ??:sad:

    LOL LOL LOL Karen you cracked me up with that response!!! Thanks 'cause I needed a laugh today :laugh: :heart:
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    My new scale arrived yesterday afternoon. That's the good news. The bad news is, as I feared, my old scale was not accurate. It seems that, even when I recorded the heavier weight reading, it was still a few kilograms/pounds light. So, I've updated my ticker to reflect the weight from the new scale this morning. Also, since I now live in the UK, and the new scale was bought here, I've changed my data to show in kilograms. I've resisted making this change, but it's part of living here!

    I'm a bit disappointed that I had not lost as much as I thought I had. I'll just put on those smaller jeans from my closet that I can now wear and move forward.

    Now that I have a more accurate scale, I hope to see it moving downward!!


    Congrats on the new scale. Sorry it did not show the same results as our old one. But, you are doing great - as evidenced by your smaller jeans - so just stick with it!!!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello all!
    Oh my, you all have been BUSY on here :laugh: I just got caught up with all the posts since this time yesterday. Boo Hiss at the knee surgeon looking down his nose! I have to tell you that I LOVE my doctor and wish you could all have one like him. He has never told me I need to lose weight (gives me credit for being smart enough to figure that out) aside from saying we could ALL stand to eat healthier and get more exercise. He was so encouraging when I went to see him last week and saw that I had lost. Doc asked me how I had lost so much (I later realized he was checking to make sure I wasn't doing something unhealthy) so I told him, "You know, someone really ought to let you doctors in on a secret. If you eat healthier and even exercise sometimes...you will lose weight." He let out a belly laugh and said, you know, I have heard that rumor before but have never been able to get anyone to actually do it so I'm glad to know it wasn't just a rumor.

    Katz, Mollie makes a good point that you have still lost the same amount of weight even if you scale was flawed. Those smaller jeans you are able to wear are the proof!

    I need some advice from you all. My husband has been exercising and trying to "watch" what he eats but hasn't committed to tracking his calories saying he already has to track carbs (type 1 diabetic with an insulin pump). Keep in mind he is 73 and slightly (ha, ha) set in his ways. Yesterday he decided he would track his calories but he isn't measuring and we all know our eyeballing isn't always accurate. For example, he was eating peanut butter and apples. I asked him if he wanted me to measure out the peanut butter and he said no I will just take the jar :noway: then estimated 2 Tbsp. My question is, should I "push" him to measure and weigh his food or just let it go? I know I don't appreciate his unsolicited advice and so far have tried to stay out of it unless he asks. Like he will say can I have butter on that and I will tell him he can have whatever he wants as long as he is willing to use the calories. How would you all handle it?

    I see now that my post has been all about me!! Sorry about that ladies. I really have read your posts and enjoy reading them but now can't remember who said what :sad: I really need to take notes as I read!!

    I hope that those with thyroid issues find out that spinach is not bad for you because it is SO YUMMY!! My four-letter word is "can't". Whether it is what we can't eat...can't accomplish...or can't do. We CAN do it and we WILL.

    Have a great day!!!

    Cathy, congrats on having such a super doc! I know I tend to avoid the doctor's office because I do not want to talk about my weight.

    For the husband thing, I would just let him do is "measurements" the way he wants - eyeball, guesstimate, etc. I find that when I make "helpful suggestions" to my partner, it does not always yield positive results. Your insistence on measuring for him might cause him to go the other way and decide not to keep track of calories, etc. at all. Just my opinion - you certainly know him best though to gauge how he might handle it.

    I also love your pet peeve word - "can't" - that is one of my all-time least favorite ones too. It starts out presuming whatever the task/goal/behavior, etc is something you will be unable to do. Too much negativity!
  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    For Everyone (especially those struggling): HANG IN THERE! Rome wasn't built in a day. I will share a technique that has been working for me, at least it's helping with the mental side of things. I'm still waiting to see the results on the scales, but if you've read my recent posts, you know what's going on there.

    Each morning, before I start my day, I mentally recommit/affirm that I am going to do the best I can TODAY. I try very hard not to get caught up in those critical voices in my head about any shortcomings from yesterday. Rarely is any one day completely perfect.

    I once heard an accomplished musician say when asked if he practiced, "I practice every time I play. Sometimes I'm in my studio, other times I'm on stage and there's an audience." It's all practice!

    One other thought. I read somewhere (if I can remember the book, I'll post it here later), that one way to avoid defeat when dieting was to make a goal of staying on your meal plan 80-90 percent of the time. The logic being that we'll stay on the plan for a longer period of time if we know that we aren't going to be completely perfect, all day, every day. The book didn't suggest planning a binge-fest for the 10-20 percent that we're off target. The idea is to give the lifestyle changes longevity so we can reap the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

    It seemed to me that several folks are having a rough time this week. I hope some of this helps! We're all in this together.


    Thanks for that Kelly!!! I am one of those who tends to dwell on the negative, esp. with myself. Although I am quite good at encouraging others to them themselves a break, I rarely heed my own advice. Thanks again for reminding me that is is a lifestyle change and that being on target most of the time is what counts - not constant perfection! :flowerforyou: