*closed group* Flab to Fab 3 Month Challenge!

Hello ladies, I am starting this thread a couple days early as I thought it'd be a great idea for our group to get to know one another! I am feeling very gushy and mushy today. You guys are all SO awesome and I am so excited for the "challenge" to begin on Friday! Feel free to post ANYTHING about yourself that you'd like. Ideas: real name; what your screenname means; your dreams&goals; where you're from; what you do; what you love to do for fun; what your favorite MLB team is--the season starts tomorrow!; what you love about yourself; your hidden talent; etc. . . . . . be creative and be positive! =)

And as I would love to add new members to this team, it just truly isn't feasible at the moment. These are our current team members->

Thanks for understanding fellow MFP'ers =)


  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I'll start (because I don't know what to do at work right this minute).

    Real name: Lori

    screen name: first name, last initial, and I've been using the number 30 for about 14 years now...in tribute to my favorite goalie, Chris Osgood. :-)

    From: Metro Detroit. Originally a westsider, now living just north of the D.

    What I do: Look at documents and audit them. Exciting, I know, don't be jealous.

    I have a daughter who will be three in a week and a half and she is a handfull! I'm just now (again) back down to my pre-baby weight. I got here around July of last year, then I went on vacation and decided eating food was great again and I did it all the way through the New Year...I managed to put on almost 20 lbs in the last 5 months of the year last year. I've now lost 18 pounds since our "biggest loser" contest at work started. Our final weigh in was today, and I came in second (the email stating that still hasn't come out so you are some of the only people that know right now). I'm still looking for about 12 pounds, or to be able to get rid of the excess fat I still have.

    I've been married for almost 7 years to a wonderfully supportive husband through all of this. He has lots on his plate also, but we've been able to find me time to get out and get moving a bit more than I had been.

    I'm looking forward to hopefully taking my daughter to her first baseball game (didn't make it to any last year) down at Comerica Park to watch the Tigers (I might have some Tiger blood in me. :-) ).

    Anyway, that is about it for now. I should go back to looking like I'm working. If you haven't added me already as a friend, feel free to and I'll try to catch up on making more requests too.

  • mixmastermolly
    Hey, girls!

    I'm Molly from Detroit. I'm 25 and will be celebrating my 26th birthday in August! I'm a single mom to the coolest 3 year old boy on the planet. I am the maid of honor in my best friend's wedding the first week of May. We are heading to Vegas. I started using MFP faithfully in January and have logged in for 80 days. I had some wonderful success the first 6 weeks or so and then started to fall off the wagon. I had a binging week and have had a hard time getting it together ever since. I was hoping that starting in January would mean a big loss before the May wedding but I sort of messed that up. I'm here to lose as much as possible in the next 5 weeks before the wedding and continue it after it's over!

    My screen name is just a joke from high school. My friends and I used to burn CDs and we always joked that I was "Mix Master Molly". Sort of a tribute to the Beastie Boys, too. Ha!

    I work for my local school district in the Department of Special Ed. I'm also a student and I'm studying psych, soc, and anthropology. I love sports but haven't been athletic in years. I'm excited for spring weather and Detroit Tigers baseball!!!

    I'm excited to get to know everyone and I hope that we can all push each other to have amazing success. I declared 2011 my year and I've been trying to focus on me. I'm working through some emotional things in my life, too, and I'm hoping to get healthy physically and emotionally.
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member
    Hi girls! I am Jen and I am SOOOOOO looking forward to this challenge! I need something be held accountable for. I need to drop some weight and fit into the small bikini I just bought! LOL. ;)

    My screenname - janana81 - was a nickname I had in high school when I ran track. 81 is the year I was born. Making me almost part of the dirty thirty club! :)

    I'm from Detroit. I currently live in Clawson, MI with my hubby and my 2 little boys. Logan (4) and Patrick (11 mos). I'm a stay at home mom. It's still new to me as I just quit my job in October. I used to work for Pepsi. And I still find myself having loyalty to them. Unless it's too expensive to buy. ;)

    My fave MLB team are of course the TIGERS! Opening Day next Friday. I am bummed I didn't get tickets. I also love to watch the Red Wings.

    That's all I can think of for now. Nice to meet you girls! :) xoxo (I do know loria30 and kladyga...Lori is a very good friend of mine, and Kasia is my cousin!)
  • mixmastermolly
    screen name: first name, last initial, and I've been using the number 30 for about 14 years now...in tribute to my favorite goalie, Chris Osgood. :-)

    Ozzie! Although, I'm in love with Jimmy Howard for punching Crosby. : P
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    Hi Ladies, I'll start off with a little introduction about myself. My name is Felisha, most of my close friends call me "Fel" for short...just like fell....only i dont trip a lot! haha. My middle name comes from a fleetwood Mac song - "Rhiannon". I currently live on the west side of Michigan ( kalamazoo)..

    Here are a few things I'd like to share with all of you! I'm very excited about this challenge and am totally looking forward to making this challenge work for me in the best way possible. My profile ticker may say my goal is 10 lbs, and number wise, that is about right....5-10 lbs would be great. I'd really like to focus on toning up and being the most comfortable me I can be. With that said, I think it is important for all of you to know where I come from on my weight loss journey, this "final 10 lbs" has been a L O N G time coming. I have struggled with weight my whole life, I remember clearly my 4th grade photo, not only was I the TALLEST kid ( boy OR girl) in class, I was also the beefiest! I have always used comedy as my defense strategy, through this I have made many memories I would not trade for the world, and would like to think that this defense made me stronger, and only enhanced my comedic stylings, but deep down, way beneath the laughing, was a lonely, sad, girl. I started college at the heaviest I had ever been...and was completely depressed. I remember a time when I would wake up in the middle of the night to feed my depression..standing at the fridge eating...or making cookie dough, for the sole purpose of eating just the dough, never with intentions to bake them. That was a long time ago ( and I am sorry this is so long, I just want to share with all of you so you get the real me)....It has been about 5 years since i really committed myself to changing ME...not changing for friends, or for a boyfriend, for a social life, remember I had these..but i never really had a relationship with myself before...never lovded myself before...never appreciated myself.... I have in those 5 years managed to lose and maintain 113 pounds....there are days i think I WISH I COULD LOSE 20 LBS MORE!!!!...i would then be too skinny...my bones would stick out and I would not be healthy. I am here because this last 10lbs, while it may be hardest because i have less to lose, i am facing a bigger challenge...a mental block...what if i get there, what if i make it!

    I am trusting in you ladies who join this challenge you will share and become part of the journey that Kerri has so wonderfully hosted and started for us! I am sorry it was such a long intro. of myself...I'll throw out a few fun facts...just in case you skipped the big part!!! I am SO very excited and SO very blessed to be here....I want to defeat my fear....and I want to meet my goal...FOR ME!

    Quick facts:
    Felisha Rhiannon Gillies
    Case Worker for at-risk client ( food, medical and emergency services)
    LOVE pizza- gave it up for lent ( even health homemade....april 24, hurry up)
    Have an amazing boyfriend of 2 years
    I am 5'11 but LOVE high heels
    Currently working on My Masters Degree in Family Life Education with a focus on Divorce at WMU!!! ( GO BRONCOS)
    I love swimming and laying on the beach during the summer!!!
    I have a mild obsession with bradley cooper and ben affleck, and my boyfriend knows, that if for any reason, someway, somehow, they were to show up on my door and say " I love you fel, be mine"......>I'd have to leave him! haha
    and finally.....

    I may be 29.........but i have ALWAYS wanted my belly button pierced, and never had the body....monday night my mom and I went to dinner...and guess who got IT PIERCED.....and it wasnt my mom!!! <

    GOOD LUCK && Looking forward to meeting you all!!! (Thanks again Kerri for getting us all together)
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    screen name: first name, last initial, and I've been using the number 30 for about 14 years now...in tribute to my favorite goalie, Chris Osgood. :-)

    Ozzie! Although, I'm in love with Jimmy Howard for punching Crosby. : P

    Very true, that was awesome. :-)
  • mixmastermolly
    I have in those 5 years managed to lose and maintain 113 pounds

    That's amazing! I look forward to your insight and support as I have a lot to lose! Don't ever apologize for sharing about yourself!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Hi All! I'm very excited for this 3 month challenge, as it will keep me being held 'accountable' and that's exactly what I need!!

    My real name is Desirae soon-to-be Zarling (wedding in ~5 months!!!)

    I'm at my ideal weight right now after losing about 19 lbs since Christmastime! I saw my heaviest at 188 the day after Christmas and immediately knew I needed to do something, anything, but I wasn't going to stay at that. I jumped back onto MFP, and started regularly attending spin classes. The weight has came off pretty easily so far with about a 1 lb loss per week. Anyways, I'm just feeling so good (and my skin is looking real good also) since I've been preparing my OWN food using fresh veggies and meat!!! I'm shooting for 5-10 lbs more to lose :0) My lowest weight ever was 160! So, that'd be fun to see on the scale again!!

    I'm getting married August 27th and am super excited to feel amazing in my body on that day. It's crazy when you put your mind to something all that you can accomplish! I'm seeing results, and digging every minute of them!

    I'm from Minneapolis, MN. I love this state, love all 4 seasons. I embraced the wintertime this year more than I ever have! I walked my black lab pup Tank EVERY day, if not 2-3x per day! The cold days were really cold, but hey Tank wanted to walk (if only for a little bit) and I bought a nice Carhardt one piece (lmao it's UGLY!) It's finally been nicer out, and I've been able to go running outside with Tank a few times per week. I was amazed at how well he ran next to me! :-) I found my new little running partner (who's 50 lbs and still growing!!)

    For fun: I love to do anything outdoors. Walk my dog, bike, go to the cabin, plant flowers!!

    My faith and my family are my priorities, the rest just falls into place!

    My fiance is obsessed with the Twins, and I admit.. the new stadium is unbelievable! I enjoy his season tickets (although he won't say they're mine because sometimes he likes to bring people to the game that actually care who wins!) haha
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Alright ladies, we have a lot of people from the north so far. Time to respresent the south haha :laugh: My name is Robin and I'm from TN. I was in on Kerri's last 3 month challenge and it was the best thing I've ever done. I am so excited to start a new challenge with some of the old laides and get to know many new faces!!! We're going to do AWESOME!

    My screen name is boring, just my last name followed by my initials but its what I use for email and everything else on the internet so it's easy for me to remember lol. Like my profile says....I'm a 21 year old full-time college student majoring in Accounting and I work 30 hrs a week. If you haven't guessed already I tend to use this excuse a lot when it comes to exercise and eating right. When I moved to college and quit playing sports (I played soccer for 12 seasons), the freshman "15" turned into the college "50" for me. I've fluctuated about 20 lbs every year but always end up gaining it back. After my best friend's wedding in Fall '10 I gained 20 lbs in 3 months and was horrified. After that I decided enough was enough and joined MFP.

    I have been able to lose 18 lbs since the holidays but I'm stuck at 163 and know its because I don't get exercise in. I have the eating down just fine, I just haven't been able to find a workout schedule that I can stick with but I've joined another challenge with one of my friends on here to get 350 minutes of exercise in per week so I'm hoping that will get my weightloss back on track. I've never been a skinny girl because of sports but I'd love to get down to 140 and then start toning, toning, toning!!!

    I currently intern for a large public power company and work in the Natural Gas department. I'm really hoping to get hired on when i graduate in December but it looks like they might not have the headcount for me by then so I'm a little stressed, needless to say. I'm not big into watching sports so I'm going to have to skip on the baseball part lol. I'm glad to meet everyone and hope we can all be a great motivation to each other!

    See you on Friday :happy:
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm Kacy (screen name is kacylaine, my first and middle names) and I'm a Southern girl, through and through! I'm from Cleveland, TN, which is about 20 minutes north of Chattanooga. I'm 24 years old, and I've been with my boyfriend, Ryan, for 3 and a half years now! I gained about 30 pounds 3 years ago when I got on the Depo Provera shot, and finally got around to losing it back in October. I'm now down 27 pounds, and would loooove to lose another 20, HOWEVER...

    I just found out I'm pregnant! I'm due December 3rd. I'm totally, completely shocked, because Ryan and I just miscarried a month and a half ago, when I had just hit 4 weeks. I learned my lesson about testing early, for sure. But we were totally, totally not expecting this one. I mean really, who gets pregnant twice in 2 months?? I haven't broken the news to him just yet...he's going to Wrestlemania in Atlanta on Sunday, and I want him to have a great time without worrying about how much the tickets cost when he's got a baby coming. So, Monday is the day he finds out, I suppose.

    SOOOO...My goals will have to change, and they will differ from yours! Here they are:
    -Gain an APPROPRIATE amount of weight.
    -While I'm sure I am going to eat some not-so-great stuff, I want to be getting the vast majority of my diet from whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and veggies.
    -Maintain a healthy excersise routine.
    -Drink all my water, and drink NO caffeine.

    I will be taking my measurements. Expect to see my tummy grow! Since I'm only 6 pounds overweight now, I'm expecting the doctor to tell me to gain between 20-25 pounds.

    I can't wait to get to know you all! Feel free to throw any and all advice my way...this is my first pregnancy!

    P.S. Felisha--Ryan and I have considered Rhiannon as a girl's name. "Rhiannon" is my favorite Fleetwood Mac song, and I'm a HUGE Stevie Nicks fan :)
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Hello group! I am Kim and live in Olympia, Washington (an hour south of Seattle). My screen name is my initials and birth year. That is right. On May 17th I will turn 30! I am probably the only person I know who is stoked to turn 30. I love life and look at each birthday as a blessing. After all it is another year you have lived!

    I work 1 full time job and 2 part time jobs…on average I work 50 hours a week. I enjoy working and making money and contributing to our finances. Currently I hope to find a better paying full time job so I can drop one of my part times and just get down to 42 hours a week! That would be bliss!

    I am married to my high school love, been together for 15 years and married for 8 in August. I have 2 kids, ages 10 & 8 they keep my husband and I going. They are both in soccer and other activities. And with all that said I do make time for myself to hit the gym 4-5 times a week and walk on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Sometimes I have days that start at 5:30 am and end at 11:30 pm. I don’t use excuses. I don’t want to every say that I don’t have time, because I do. It is just time that most others want to spend relaxing or sleeping.

    As stated before soccer is our love! GO SOUNDERS! I hope our families get to attend multiple games this year because they are a blast! We also are season pass holders at the local water park and spend a lot of our summer there.

    Can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish in 3 months!
  • kms1981
    kms1981 Posts: 207 Member
    Hello everybody! I'm Kacy (screen name is kacylaine, my first and middle names) and I'm a Southern girl, through and through! I'm from Cleveland, TN, which is about 20 minutes north of Chattanooga. I'm 24 years old, and I've been with my boyfriend, Ryan, for 3 and a half years now! I gained about 30 pounds 3 years ago when I got on the Depo Provera shot, and finally got around to losing it back in October. I'm now down 27 pounds, and would loooove to lose another 20, HOWEVER...

    I just found out I'm pregnant!

    Congrats to you! Wishing you the best of luck! My sister is pregnant with her first and due October 16th :)
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    hello everyone!
    My name is Kris and I am from East China, MI (just south of Port Huron). I am a nurse in ICU working full-time midnights.
    I was looking at some old pictures (trying to post them and it didn't work) I was at my heaviest in 2007 - 255 pounds! That was when I went to weight watchers. I lost 50 pounds and hit a road block at 203#. Last year I was back up to 237#. That was when I decided to have surgery. I had a sleeve gastrectomy October 27th. It was the best decision I could have ever made. I have lost 63# since, and am no longer on any diabetic medications and only take 1/2 of a blood pressure pill (I used to take 3 different BP pills).
    I joined MFP after surgery looking for others who had surgery, and just some support in general. Kerri's last challenge was just what I needed, support and accountability. I am so looking forward to starting this challenge. I have (as of today) 35# to go and will hopefully get some of that off with all of you. Good luck everyone!
  • JRIV60
    JRIV60 Posts: 732 Member
    First off I want to say that I am excited about started this next challenge! I started logging on MFP faithfully January 1st and it has taken me all this time through trial and error to get accustomed to this new lifestyle. The hubby is just now jumping on the band wagon which makes me happy since he is a *****y monkey too! lol

    My real name is Jomara (Jose and Maria put together - my parent's names)

    My screen name is first inital and the first 3 letters of my last name and the 60 I have been using for about 8 or 9 years (one of my email accounts back in the day, maybe AOL did not have 69 for June 9th available so it suggested 60)

    I am from Tampa, FL although I have lived in West End, NC for the past 2 years

    I work in the mental health field (administration) which is a HUGE change from my past life. I worked in the liquor and wine biz for 8 years.

    I have 2 sons, one is 15 going on 16 and the other is 5. I have been married to my best friend for 13 years although at times I can hurt him. lol He is an amazing guy and puts up with alot from me. Hey, I am Italian and Puerto Rican so I know I am a handful. *wink*

    I have managed to gain 30 pounds since my move and I contribute a lot of it to my sedentary life. We live in a small town now and everything is so far away so the walking and running around I did in Florida I cannot do now. We used to entertain alot and go out dancing and now it is sit in a office chair for 8.5 hours then plop on the couch for another 2. I have encorporated healthy food and exercise into my life and hope this challenge gets my butt in gear.
  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Diana and I'm from PA. I'm 38 and working on losing 130 lbs. I've just gotten lazy and comfortable and it needs to stop. I joined MFP in January and found Kerri's last challenge on my first day. SOOO glad I did. Even when I screwed up, everyone encouraged me. It definitely helps to be held accountable every Friday morning.

    I'm currently on vacation in Fenwick Isl, not going crazy on food but definitely not being active. For this week, i'm not logging meals, even though I'm eating the same stuff over and over. I'm back on the wagon on Friday, and I promise Kerri, I'll get my weight and measurements in on Friday when I get home.

    Good luck everyone!! I look forward to 'meeting' you all!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Hello everybody! My name is Lindsay, my friends tend to call me Lindz and before I was married my last name was Fisher, so that's just about every username I use was created. I "8" a fish :) It's been with me for quite a while now.

    I am 25 years old and have lived in Lansing, MI for a good part of my life. I am married to my best friend, Zack. We've been married almost 2 years, been together for 7. We have a handsome 3 month old boy named Lukas. He is my world!! We also have two dogs. Roxy a great dane/pit bull mix and Archie a great dane. I am now a stay at home mom, but I do assist dog obedience classes a few times a week. Before baby, I usually had at least 2 jobs working around animals, dogs mostly.

    Since I was about 20, I've had a steady increase in my weight. Before getting pregnant I think I was at about 155lbs and only 5"3'. Once I found out I was pregnant, I vowed to be careful of what I eat and walk as much as possible, I also did pre-natal yoga. I did pretty good for quite a while, buuttt the third trimester seemed to hit me like a ton of bricks. Well, okay the Mackinaw Island Fudge ice cream did haha. I ended up at 195 before having my little boy. Since then I've been on a mission to get back down to below my pre-pregnancy weight. I only have 10 more pounds to lose to be at that, so I'm pretty pumped about that :)

    All that being said I'm looking forward to challenging myself with what seems like an awesome group of ladies. Looking forward to the next 3 months for all sorts of reasons! Life is great :)
  • JenabeeRose
    JenabeeRose Posts: 73 Member
    First, thanks Kerri for starting this awesome challenge!! I'm hoping it will help me start losing inches again!

    Now for a little (or maybe a lot) about me!! My name is Jennifer.. I'm 23 & Apostolic Pentecostal.. I'm married to a great man and we have 2 amazing little creatures. My prince is Travin & he's 4, and my princess is Caridyn, who is 19 months. I'm a homeschooling mama... Travin & I just finished his preschool year and are currently in transition mode (school jus a few days a week) until we start our kindergarten year in July. It's hard work & will only get harder but we are loving it. umm what else?? ooh Im working on my associates in Human Services... just about finished up with it. I have no career goals really, becuz my husband and i have a strong desire to homeschool both of our children, but itll be a good thing to have in case something happens. I love my husband & babies like crazy and God has really blessed us.

    Now as for my weight...

    My problems with weight started after i had my first baby. I was 169 lbs when I got pregnant with my son and I was okay with that weight, especially compared to now lol. I got up to 210 with that pregnancy and only got back down to about 185 before i got pregnant with my daughter. i got back up to around 215 and have been trying to get it off ever since. I'm down to 201 right now and MAN will i celebrate when I hit ONEDERLAND! lol. ive accepted the fact that even when I lose the weight I am still gonna have to work hard to keep it off. Obesity is a real problem in my family. My mother got to 320 lbs and had to have gastric bypass. i never want to be in that position. I want to kick this problem now and get it under control.

    **secret:: I'm thinking very seriously about getting certified to be a personal trainer. not many people know that becuz they'd probably have a good laugh lol buut i'm very serious about it. itd be a good lil side job and a nice motivator to keep my weight off.

    well im ending this now! so excited to start this challenge with you ladies!
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member

    I just found out I'm pregnant!

    First off, CONGRATS!! Second, if you have any questions just shoot them my way! I just did the whole preggo thing so it's still fairly fresh in my mind :)

    I used a pre-natal yoga dvd my whole pregnancy that really helped with the aches and pains. It's called "Prenatal Yoga" by Shiva Rea. I loved it. Even when I didn't have time to do the standing or sitting exercises, I religiously did her warm up stretches twice a day. When I didn't, I could feel it! She has a different person showing you modified moves for each trimester too.

    Anyways, enjoy it! It goes by too fast :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Kacy- Congrats. I had my first child last September. If you have any questions let me know, pregnancy is still very fresh in my mind.

    Hello everyone! Super excited about this challenge! This is the most serious I have ever been about getting health

    Real name: Danielle (but I usually go by Dani)

    Screen name: Drcarrier- First initial, middle initial, last name

    I have a wonderful little boy named Hunter who is 6 months 1 week old and a great husband of 7 1/2 years. I currently live in Central Mass (GO RED SOX!). I love to travel, and have recently started to run. I am running my first official 5K in May. I love pretty much anything outdoors- walking, running, kayaking, swimming, hiking.

    When I was pregnant last year I had gestational diabetes. After doing some research and talking with the endocrinologist I was told I have a 75% chance of having type II diabetes when I get older. This was a good kick in the butt to start getting healthy. My dad has diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and pretty much any other obesity related illness you can think of. I don't want to have that be my life when I am older. I also don't want my son to lose his mom at an early age due to something that could have been prevented.

    I am looking forward to getting to know you all and working towards my final goal!
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    Hello fellow challengers!

    My name is Jackie…my screen name is just my initials, nothing special there.

    I live with my wonderful husband of almost 5 years in Madison, WI. My husband and I grew up together and have been together going on 13 years. He is my hero and I can’t imagine my life without him! No kids yet, but would love some soon.

    I have been very active my entire life…three sport athlete in HS (Volleyball/Basketball/Softball), and played a bit of Softball in College. I basically like to be around team settings, so I naturally gravitated to sports. I am not bias as to which Team I like…I just enjoy watching a good game.

    In College I basically just studied a lot…so the coffee/soda/chips started showing up on my hips, eek! I decided to make a lifestyle change in 2005, lost about 10 lbs and have basically stayed the same since. I am ready to push it to the next level …why not?

    I am a busy person: I work full time as a Civil/Transportation Engineer and I run an International Business with my husband. It’s amazing what you can do with technology. We have business set up in Australia, UK, Jamaica, Canada, and of course the US.

    I am a people person and love seeing others realize their goals and dreams.

    My goal is to get lean and cut…and reduce my BF to 18% :noway: . I am 10 lbs away from my ‘stretch’ goal weight and 5 lbs away from my original goal weight. Now that I am where I am (thanks to the last Challenge) I honestly believe I can reach that stretch goal!!!

    Here’s to making it into the 130’s…cheers! :drinker: