Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • bugnbeansmom
    bugnbeansmom Posts: 292 Member
    Cheese!!! Cheese dipped in cheese with a side of cheese please! I still eat it but not as if it were the only food source on the planet. Well and........
    Sponge cake with melted cream CHEESE icing poured on it and then when the cake was gone, a spoon did just fine as a vehicle to get the icing to my mouth!

    These days I crave hummus so I am thinking that is a big deal!
  • lyndsloo
    lyndsloo Posts: 242
    Haha...this is so gross! In college, every single day before going to class I'd go to Starbucks and order a venti white chocolate mocha w/ whipped cream and a butter crossiant on the side. That was just breakfast!
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    NO portion control AT ALL with Pizza...oh, and diving into (almost literally) a bag of salt and vinegar kettle style chips (again with ZERO portion control).

    I still really can't handle those foods well with portion control so I've kind of stayed away for the most part. I have been at kid events where pizza was only food and I didn't know about it ahead of time (or I would have eaten at home in advance) and I was good about just having one piece...BUT, when I make pizza for kids at home, I just don't even touch it. I don't love it THAT much to lose control with it.

    Same here. I have to stay away from pizza - I have no control. My mom was with me this weekend and really wanted pizza, I had to tell her no way. I just can't control myself around it. If I could have a slice or two and be done, I totally would have let her get it, but I've learned its just nearly impossible for me once I start to stop.
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    ranch dressing! I would put it on everything - french fries, pizza, baked potatoes ugh so unnecessary!

    Another one is candy! My boyfriend would buy huge bags of candy on Sunday and when he left on Monday he would leave it all for me! And me having no self control would just sit there and eat and eat and eat. ugh so unhealthy!

    OMG - my favorite food of all time is Spaghetti with melted butter & DOUSED with Ranch Dressing!!!
  • Drinking 4-6 cans of Dr.Pepper everyday. During GS Cookie time, I'd eat an entire package of Samoa's or Thin Mints in one sitting. Eating 2 bowls of cereal just before bed.
  • j_fattler
    j_fattler Posts: 94 Member
    hmm. how about Frito scoops dipped in MAYONAISE! gross!!!! And I was addicted to fries dipped in ketchup mixed with mayonaise. Ugh, makes me gag just thinking about it.

    I used to eat Fritos scooped with Chocolate cake frosting!
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I would go to 7-11, get a giant slurpee and pretty big sized bag of Better Made barbeque potato chips and finish them both in about an hour or two.
    Awful. But it's been pretty easy to give up the chips since Better Made arent availabe here, lol.
  • remykins
    remykins Posts: 1
    I would fill up a bowl with chocolate chip mint ice cream, then scoop at least half a cup of peanut butter on top and demolish it!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Oh, there are sooo many!

    Twinkies--I wouldn't buy them often because I would finish a box of them myself in 1-12 days

    Cake--any kind. Like a previous poster said...I would eat it for every meal until it was gone

    French Onion Dip & Ruffles--I could eat an entire tub myself in 1-2 days

    Pizza-I could eat 3/4 myself

    Cheese on everything...from Wisconsin--'nuf said!

    Candy bars--multiple in one sitting

    Brownies--I could eat 1/2 a pan at once, then feel so sick from all of the sugar!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Quiznos. I used to eat Quiznos for lunch almost every day because there was one adjacent to my old workplace. I shudder to think of it now!

    I've never myself had Quizno's, I am guessing they aren't part of the Subway health club? Lol.
  • kmarie01
    kmarie01 Posts: 44
    My worst food habit, meaning this wasn't just a one time thing, eating a can of Pringles. Oh no not the tiny ones. The big tall ones. Seriously I would sit down and eat a CAN of Pringles. It has now been at least 80 days since I have even had a Pringle haha
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    McDonalds Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Fries, and a Supersized Coke!

    Burger King - Double Whooper with Cheese, Fries, and a King Sized Coke!

    That was just one meal and does not even count the other things I ate in that one days time. It is quiet a shock to the system to count back and think wow that was like a 4,000 calorie day! :noway:

    Thanks MFP, and my MFP family!
  • LixxiKitti
    LixxiKitti Posts: 116
    i could easily eat half a packet of jaffa thins, or a whole tub of so good soy vanilla or chocolate icecream...just sitting watching tv. or potato wedges with loads of sour cream. :/
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Large pizza - all by myself!

    Or maybe it was the half gallon ice cream in 1 sitting - then there is the entire package chocolate chip or Oreo cookies...
  • lesliekae
    lesliekae Posts: 57 Member
    I think I was your typical oversized portion eater. It took some will power initially to be satisfied with normal portions because I consistently overate. I'm also guilty of drinking too many of my calories. I love water when I am working outside in the heat but almost any other time I prefer something with more flavor. I stick to crystal light or tea instead of sodas now. I'm not sure how much soda I was drinking in a day because It was always well stocked in 2 liter bottles and I'm not the only guilty party in my household. I am sure there were days it was 2 liters or possibly more. I see a lot of people admitting that pizza is a huge weakness and I definately have experienced that. I could easily eat half a pizza (14") by myself at one time. I'm also guilty of indulging on french fries. I can't remember ever skipping out on fries with my hamburger but now I never order them for myself. If I am craving them strongly I might eat a few of my son or husband's so I won't overdo it. I still want to cave sooooo bad when I smell fries though. Another thing I did that contributed greatly to my weight problem was eating when I was bored. I often told myself I was too tired to cook even though I was bored and instead of busying myself with making a meal I would often grab the easiest, calorie loaded thing available instead. Those things never really satisfied my hunger and ultimately I would also follow that with a normal meal. It was bad! So very bad.
  • murrow1105
    murrow1105 Posts: 19 Member
    I used to be a total ice cream junkie in the summer...and if ice cream wasn't bad enough...frozen custard turtle sundaes! I am going to miss having them multiple times a week this year :(

    Overeating in general - and the wrong things. A box of mac and cheese or a frozen pizza when I ate dinner by myself.

    Milk and cheese were huge for me. I LOVED cheese. I have cut back A LOT and I kind of miss it.
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    I'd eat a big bowl of ice cream at least once a week. or I'd eat straight from the carton during the day, only I'd stand next to the freezer with the freezer door open and I'd take a spoonful and put it back.
  • Cheese!!! Cheese dipped in cheese with a side of cheese please! I still eat it but not as if it were the only food source on the planet. Well and........
    Sponge cake with melted cream CHEESE icing poured on it and then when the cake was gone, a spoon did just fine as a vehicle to get the icing to my mouth!

    You made me laugh so hard I spit my coffee out on my keyboard at work! hehehe. "Cheese dipped in cheese" and I'm thinking "yeah, that's bad?" ;)
  • doodles80
    doodles80 Posts: 59
    When I used to argue with my fiance instead of calming down and talking rationally I used to storm off to McDonalds and eat a quarter pounder with cheese meal and two double cheeseburgers before coming back!

    :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Cheesecake!! LOVE cheesecake!!

    I bake them and honestly could sit down with a cheesecake (not a slice- the whole thing) and a fork and be the happiest camper around. And there are so many different kinds...I haven't met one I didn't like. Never really did eat a whole one, but have eaten 2-3 slices at one time. I shudder to think of the fat/calorie content!

    ha ha, I bake cheese cakes too, Luckily for my, my weakness doesn't generally include baked goods. I'll eat it if it is there, but it's not something I really like. I bake for other people, not myself. In fact, i'd rather have the frosting rather than the cake any day.
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