Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • doodles80
    doodles80 Posts: 59
    When I used to argue with my fiance instead of calming down and talking rationally I used to storm off to McDonalds and eat a quarter pounder with cheese meal and two double cheeseburgers before coming back!

    :ohwell: :embarassed:
  • lcoulter23
    lcoulter23 Posts: 568 Member
    Cheesecake!! LOVE cheesecake!!

    I bake them and honestly could sit down with a cheesecake (not a slice- the whole thing) and a fork and be the happiest camper around. And there are so many different kinds...I haven't met one I didn't like. Never really did eat a whole one, but have eaten 2-3 slices at one time. I shudder to think of the fat/calorie content!

    ha ha, I bake cheese cakes too, Luckily for my, my weakness doesn't generally include baked goods. I'll eat it if it is there, but it's not something I really like. I bake for other people, not myself. In fact, i'd rather have the frosting rather than the cake any day.
  • heatherlfulton
    heatherlfulton Posts: 37 Member
    Ah! Irish Nachos! Sliced skillet cooked potatoes smothered in cheese, bacon, chives, and ranch dressing to dip it all into.

    Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies (You mean I was supposed to share?!?!?)

    Ben & Jerry's Half-Baked Icecream....I would eat all in one sitting instead of the 4-6 listed on the side of the carton.
  • kjtrimmer
    kjtrimmer Posts: 14
    Oh, wow.. just ONE? I can't name just one.

    Most notorious bad food habit..on weekends when the Husby and I are alone, we'd go to Bojangles and I would get two Cajun chicken biscuits and a large picnic fry with their addictive and salty spice and wash it all down with a vat of Cheerwine.

    Or..the many, many times I'd chow down on an entire bag of Lay's Salt & Vinegar chips dipped in ketchup.

    Or..the nights (not recent..when I was in my early 20's) when I'd come home from the bar and order an extra large pizza and eat it all by myself.

    Or..the many, many, many times when I felt sad, lonely and unloved and would just curl up in my room and eat, eat, eat, eat anything I could get my hands on.
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    pufff, so many bad stuff...

    one meal: 1 bic mac or angus bacon & cheese or double quarter pounder, (plus 2 mcdoubles) large fries and chocolate or strawberry triple thick shake, also large... or if it was burger king, then triple whopper with everything, large onion rings, same for wendys plus a frosty...

    larg, extra cheese pepperoni pizza any time...

    sunday breakfast: TWO mcds big breakfast...

    250 g cadbury milk chocolate bar (snack)

    3 big slices of chocolate cake (for snack or dessert, whatever)

  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    Apple Turnovers. I would buy a pack of four and hide them in my file cabinet in the bedroom. They would last about a day and a half.
    Also, I would go get subway for dinner and eat a meatball sub on the way home, then eat a double meat, double cheese cold cut combo.
    Salt, salt, salt, salt.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    White, milk, and dark chocolate mousses cake :-)
  • monicaP413
    monicaP413 Posts: 165
    I would eat a Ben & Jerry's pint every night. Whenever there was cake or ice cream, I'd have at least 2 large peices and as much ice cream as I could without trying to be too noticeable! If we had frosting in the fridge, I would just eat that by itself. I would also take a bowl of peanut butter and a bag of chocolate chips and dip a spoon in the peanut butter and cover it with chocolate chips till I was so full, I couldn't eat any more! OMG!! I don't know if I have ever admitted that in one sitting!! Haha! What a fatty I was!! But it was so delicious!
  • fireflyangel22
    fireflyangel22 Posts: 85 Member
    Spoonfuls of peanut butter!!
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    I can eat an entire jar of peanut butter with an entire jar of jam with a spoon in one sitting.

    Have done so in many "one sitting"s...
  • Life0nMars86
    Life0nMars86 Posts: 155 Member
    oh wow this is just embarrassing...let me count the ways...

    PIZZA - could eat a whole large by myself or at least 1/2, or any form or pizza, frozen, pizza bagels, pizza bagel bites, pizza rolls, french bread pizza.....u get the point
    SODA - Love Pepsi, growing up I drank it like crazy
    ICE CREAM - Would just sit there with the whole big containers n keep eating till I couldn't eat n e more...which could be 1/2 to more than 1/2 of it :frown:
    ITALIAN ICES - any kind...ate tons
    BAGELS - esp the ones my dad brought home from Brooklyn...yummm.....they are HUGE...or any from NY (lived there for 16 yrs) or well, just any kind of bagels lol with loads of cream cheese or butter or sometimes both!
    CHEESE - mainly mozzarella I'd just eat it like crazy could eat a whole block of it in one sitting, sometimes with crackers other times by itself, also american cheese.
    CHINESE FOOD - chicken n broccoli, white rice, fried rice, chicken lo mein, vegetable lo mein, sweet n sour chicken, sesame chicken, general tso's chicken, must I go on?
    RANCH DRESSING - would load it on everythinggggg
    CANDY - almost any and every kind, if it was sweet if it was sugary if it was sour (sour patch kids, sour straws, sweedish fish, sour gummy worms, etc.) anddd probably every kind of CHOCOLATE there is
    Mac N' Cheese - could eat like the whole thing by myself
    OREOS - obsessed with double stuffed oreos, could eat them all day
    CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE DOUGH - yes, by itself could eat a whole ton of it, prob loved it more than the cookies themselves, but don't get me wrong, could easily eat handfuls of the cookies too once they were made...esp right out the oven mmm
    CEREAL - whether it was the healthy kind or the sugary junky kind I ate HUGE bowls of it at a time
    BREAD - all kinds, but italian bread in restaurants mmm load it with butter n pass it on over
    PASTA - ate large amounts prob like 3-4 cups at a time
    MAYO - love it, could never get enough of it
    CAKE/CUPCAKES/PASTRIES/DANISHES - lots of bakery parents buy tonssss of it
    APPLE PIE - o how I love thee
    CHEESECAKE - used to eat it like crazy growin up cuz my aunt made it all the time, I've gotten much better over the years tho and don't want it as much but sometimes I have it n damn is it good
    DINER FOOD - for over a year or two when I was with my ex bf and his friends we'd go to the diner at least 1-2 times a week and I'd get a Turkey Club (the kind with 3 slices of bread) and EXTRA MAYO along with fries and a ton of ketchup....I know this alone prob added to like 10-15 lbs of my weight gain over those years
    STARBUCKS CARAMEL FRAP WITH EXTRA CARAMEL - same as above went with my ex and his friends multiple times a week n I wasn't a fan of coffee so I'd always order this
    TACO BELL - o i loved it, chicken quesadillas, chicken chalupa's, chicken gordita's, any kind of hard or soft taco's with sour cream (this is making me sad and hungry :sad: )
    McDonald's - McChicken's, Mcnuggets, fries, Oreo McFlurry, Soft Drinks....
    Burger King - whopper junior (sometimes 2), fries, spicy chicken sandwich, soft drinks again...
    Wendy's- Chicken sandwich's, fries, Chocolate Frosty (yum)
    CINNABON'S - o gosh started having these when I was a kid, easily ate the whole big one's by myself and still wanted more
    Any kind of chips, doritos, pretzel's, crackers...usually loaded with some kind of dip or cheese or ranch dressing
    CHEESE FRIES - didn't have them toooo often but man when I had them I ate a ton and loved em
    FLUFF - marshmellow topping stuff, usually on ice cream, sometimes by itself
    MOVIE THEATRE POPCORN - extra butter and salt
    SOFT PRETZEL'S - with yummy nacho cheese dip

    And going out to eat at restaurant's usually included spliting 1 or more appetizer's (almost always fried mozzarella if they had it), a salad (caesar or ranch) and in the beginning usually a full meal (loved the fattening stuff like cream sauces and fried stuff and chicken parm and such) along with tons of Pepsi...then I eventually got a little better n could eat only half the meal n usually didn't get soda jus water....but stilllll.....going out to eat is just plain evil to me lol portion sizes are rediculous and my prob was always having some kind of *need* to finish everything that was on my plate

    Okay, I think my list is the longest of everyone's...but I figured I might as well try to list ALL the bad stuff....and hopefully look back at this as a reminder to try to remain staying away from most of it, altho sum I still have in moderation like candy, chocolate, ice cream, ice's, pizza, bagel's...ok I guess I still have a lot of it in moderation :blushing: , but I haven't went to a fast food place since I started I'm workin on it...and sadly I might be havin frozen pizza for dinner tonight cuz I'm not sure if there's much else left in the house to eat haha oyyy least I log it and own up to it

    But Geez, I certainly do NOT wonder how I managed to put on 50-60+ lbs in like 10 years...disgusting....I'm actually surprised I didn't gain more weight now that I think about it....but I also had several years on n off where I was bulemic - still ate this kinda stuff, jus binged and purged, also got really sick in 2006 n lost weight n had major surgery in 2007 n lost 10 lbs cuz I couldn't eat for a week was just hooked up to an IV n went down from 160 to 150....but sure enough gained it all back and then some.

    Sorry to completely gross everyone out and prob. make ya'll hurl lol :embarassed:
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    I was nicknamed, "The Butter Queen" by my family. I figured out once that between baking, cooking and spreading, I was eating 4# of butter a month by myself! OMG
    Once I chopped up cold butter and sprinkled it on a bag of hot popcorn. It was evil!

    Dipping potato chips in ganache.

    I once ate a half a large pepperoni pizza from Dominos with an entire order of buffalo wings with 2 sides of bleu cheese.

    I am also a cheese fanatic. I used to dip fresh mozzarella in hot homemade tomato sauce. Let it melt a little, but still cold in the center. Mmmm!

    Cakes in general. I have rarely met a cake I didn't like. Even if it wasn't that good, I'd finish it. Why waste?

    I was a barista for a while and would drink EVERYDAY at least 2 of those frappachinos. With heavy cream, extra syrup and whipped cream.

    On prime rib nights at the restaurant, I would eat a "King Cut" portion through out the evening. Naturally dipped in horseradish/sour cream. (I still long for that. Grrr.)

    I had zero concept of portion control. It's a struggle/bummer each day.

    I used to eat bacon with abandon. At work, every time I would pass the bacon pan, I would grab a slice. So good hot from the oven!

    I could also destroy a GIANT bowl of cereal or macaroni salad. There is macaroni salad in my fridge now and I am doing my best to ignore it!

    Rice crispy squares from scratch. Huge suckers. 3 at a sitting.

    I once ate an entire box of Samoas. (Damned GIrlscouts and their delicious cookies!)

    Entire packages of Velveta shells and cheese.

    And I would sip cream right from the container because I love the way fat feels when it coats your tongue!

    Yep, this is all pretty bad. And I NEVER exercised. Nope.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I love Salt & Vinegar chips...Tom's Brand....I could eat like 3 bags in a day...or until my tongue was raw...YUM!!

    I hear you! ME TOO!!!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    every habit i had was bad lol... eating half a family size bag of chips at the computer... chips and queso dip.......... eating two to three big bowls of cereal at a sitting supersizing a combo for the fries and dipping them in bbq sauce ( bbq not ketchup) ... i could go for days with this

    Now this sounds like the old me! At my lowest point, I remember eating a double quarter pounder combo supersized and polished that off plus a 20 piece chicken nuggets. I was so stuffed I had to take a nap. How awful I know.
  • depri
    depri Posts: 9 Member
    My two WORST eating habits during college (because they were pretty cheap):

    Wendy's - 2 double stacks w/ cheese and ketchup, no onion. an order of spicy chicken nuggets, and a medium (or if I was feeling extra mean to my body...large) fries, with a large coke. That was a single order.

    Taco Bell - 2 or 3 grilled chicken burritos, 3-layer nachos, 1-2 crunchy tacos, large Pepsi or Mt. Dew, and MAYBE one of those caramel apple things. Can't remember what they're called. That was also a single order.

    Now that I look at these two, I'm seriously sitting here saying out-loud to myself "WTF was I thinking??!!"

    Ever since this year's started, I haven't even TOUCHED Wendy's (nor McD's or BK), and I've been to Taco Bell ONCE...and decided to try those Fresco...Fiesta...crunchy tacos. Had just 2 of them, and nothing else.

    Every time I drive by a burger joint, I can hear those burgers calling my name, and it takes every bit of willpower I have NOT to listen, lol. One day at a time. :)

    Also, I did Subway quite a bit, but I kept it pretty healthy as best I could. Always did an Oven Roasted Chicken Breast on Whole Wheat or Honey Oat with lettuce, banana peppers, jalapeños, pickles, with just a splash of oil and vinegar (probably not the best condiment choice...but it was better than the mayo based ones...and I can't stand mayo and lite mayo on it's own).

    Also...just thought of this one: LOTS of Guinness Draught and Extra Stouts, and too much Scotch and Gin and Tonics.

    I've really knocked down my alcohol consumption as well. Actually, I think I may have only had just a couple drinks since the start of the year (and those were on St. Patrick's Day). *Note: I was no alcoholic by no means...just let that be known. I didn't drink heavily, but I would partake of the liquid a few times a week, and was responsible.
  • kristarablue
    OH chocolate, lots of chocolate...yuuummmm. I also did way too much night eating.
  • kjtrimmer
    kjtrimmer Posts: 14
    Oh, and bacon. My entire life, bacon has been my downfall.

    Me, age 4 at the beach, asking my grandma "How much bacon did you bring?" after a grocery shopping trip.

    My entire life, I have been able to easily eat more than a pound in one sitting.

    Four weeks ago, if I had had a child, I probably would have named it Bacon.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member

    Rice crispy squares from scratch. Huge suckers. 3 at a sitting.

    I could eat an entire pan of homemade rice krispy bars hun. So bad...I'm making them for my daycare kids tomorrow and I'm dreading it - they have been begging for them, as well as my own kids and hubby. I can't even do one small square because I will not stop at one. It's just not possible for me!! :sick:
  • aristel
    aristel Posts: 110
    did I mention Taco Bell?, 4 taco supreme, couple burrito supreme, cinamon twist...

    or sometimes 6-7 pieces of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy

    half dozen donuts with a big glass of chocolate milk... buahhhhhhhhhhh

  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member

    Four weeks ago, if I had had a child, I probably would have named it Bacon.

    OMG I laughed so hard at that. Bet you loath Kevin Bacon. :laugh: