Pregnancy 2011 - April

brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone!

For those of you just finding us, this is a group that is trying to be healthier and/or lose weight while:

a) wanting to drop some weight before trying to conceive (TTC)
b) (Trying to conceive) TTC
c) Pregnant

Welcome all!


  • abf11388
    abf11388 Posts: 3 Member
    glad to find you. I am trying to get pregnant again after a miscarriage. Trying to cut out a few things before getting pregnant this time around. Successfully cut out caffeine this week. This is Day 3 of Caffeine Free
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hello ladies! So I had my monthly checkup today. They told me my blood pressure is really low- 96/60, which could explain the fainting spells. The doctor told me I need to drink more water. I was surprised to hear that because I already drink 10-12 8oz glasses of water a day. She said that this is a time of major growth for the baby and that I needed more. She measured me and I was 28 (not sure whether they measure in centimeters or inches... I'm assuming centimeters). At the last visit the doctor told me I should be a centimeter for every week pregnant I am. According to that logic I'm 2 centimenters bigger than I should be? I don't know. I said something to the doctor today about how I felt like my stomach is growing really fast lately and she commented that my weight gain was a bit too much this last month. According to their scale I gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks! I didn't realize I had done that! I asked how much they have me gaining overall so far and she said they have me down for a 26lb gain at this point. This morning, my scale at home had me at a 24.8lb gain, so it's really not that far off. Boo for my first slap on the wrist when it comes to weight gain. I've got to start being better. But then again I'm exercising, taking my prenatals, and getting as many good nutrients as I can. I don't really want to keep myself from enjoying being pregnant and round. I'll just try to be a little more controlled. A few less indulgences :smile: I would like to stay within the 25-35lb recommended weight gain range, it's not going to be a big deal if I gain a few more pounds than that.

    Now I just need to wait for my glucose test results. Well, she said that they would only call me with bad news, so I guess I just need to relax and be glad the blood drawing is over with. Hate that!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Jen – yea for a good appointment! I’m glad everything went well. I’m confused that the doctor told you that you won’t be able able to hear the heartbeat at 11 weeks (I’ve noticed that a lot of women on this thread haven’t been able to until later in the pregnancy). I was able to hear it at 6 weeks, but my ultrasound at that time was internal, so I guess that makes a huge difference.

    Brittony – I’m sure I’m going to get a slap on the wrist about my weight gain next week. I haven’t stepped on the scale since my last appointment and I’m sure it’s not going to be good at all!

    Abf11388 – welcome!
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    Jen – yea for a good appointment! I’m glad everything went well. I’m confused that the doctor told you that you won’t be able able to hear the heartbeat at 11 weeks (I’ve noticed that a lot of women on this thread haven’t been able to until later in the pregnancy). I was able to hear it at 6 weeks, but my ultrasound at that time was internal, so I guess that makes a huge difference.

    Brittony – I’m sure I’m going to get a slap on the wrist about my weight gain next week. I haven’t stepped on the scale since my last appointment and I’m sure it’s not going to be good at all!

    Abf11388 – welcome!

    She said that she wouldn't be able to pick it up on the doppler, but we picked it up on the US both at my 7 wk appt and yesterday. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks for the well wishes! I'm stoked that everything is good with the baby. (*sigh*) :)
  • My wife would like to join
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member

    Happy April Fools Day ladies!! :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- Thanks for the new thread! Weird they said your BP was low. That's about my norm (though my top # is usually between 100 & 105) but I don't normally feel faint or anything so I guess that's the difference.
    Though, I have to admit I'm feeling pretty faint today. I hope it's allergy or BP related instead of blood sugar related considering my glucose test is next Wednesday. I'm so worried about it with my history of hypoglycemia. But I haven't been feeling like my blood sugar has been wonky (the 2 pints of Ben & Jerry's I ate this week should have been a pretty good test, eh? :tongue:) so I think I'm going to be fine.

    Great -- my HR director just introduced me to the new administration deputy director as "This is Julie -- she takes care of leave, FMLA, insurance, retirement -- things like that. Also, she's pregnant." As though she was just throwing me being pregnant out there as part of my job description.

    Seriously, what is wrong with my coworkers? :laugh:

    The woman responded "Oh, I thought you had a glow about you." :indifferent: I didn't have the heart to tell her my "glow" is just my stupidly sensitive Irish skin reacting negatively to my new face wash. :tongue:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Happy April Fools! I got to work and people had pranked other people galore. Someone moved the couch to block the stairs coming up to the office area. I couldn't move the couch and I didn't want to walk around clear to the back to get up. Luckily someone pushed it out of the way for me . :)
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    So did any of you have a "gut feeling" about the gendar and it was right? With my DS I just knew. Everyone said I was having a girl but I was pretty sure he was a he! And now this baby is giving me a girl vibe. Anyone have that and was right?
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Hello ladies! So I had my monthly checkup today. They told me my blood pressure is really low- 96/60, which could explain the fainting spells. The doctor told me I need to drink more water. I was surprised to hear that because I already drink 10-12 8oz glasses of water a day. She said that this is a time of major growth for the baby and that I needed more. She measured me and I was 28 (not sure whether they measure in centimeters or inches... I'm assuming centimeters). At the last visit the doctor told me I should be a centimeter for every week pregnant I am. According to that logic I'm 2 centimenters bigger than I should be? I don't know. I said something to the doctor today about how I felt like my stomach is growing really fast lately and she commented that my weight gain was a bit too much this last month. According to their scale I gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks! I didn't realize I had done that! I asked how much they have me gaining overall so far and she said they have me down for a 26lb gain at this point. This morning, my scale at home had me at a 24.8lb gain, so it's really not that far off. Boo for my first slap on the wrist when it comes to weight gain. I've got to start being better. But then again I'm exercising, taking my prenatals, and getting as many good nutrients as I can. I don't really want to keep myself from enjoying being pregnant and round. I'll just try to be a little more controlled. A few less indulgences :smile: I would like to stay within the 25-35lb recommended weight gain range, it's not going to be a big deal if I gain a few more pounds than that.

    Now I just need to wait for my glucose test results. Well, she said that they would only call me with bad news, so I guess I just need to relax and be glad the blood drawing is over with. Hate that!!

    A lady I work with - also pregnant - has a normally low BP, but hers dropped so low the other day she fainted while she was at a visit with a patient. They ended up taking her to ER as a precaution, but she is ok.

    I wouldn't worry to much about the measurements, they are just an estimate but everyone is different. I just met a girl today who is due 2 days after me and our measurements definitely wouldn't come close to each mine is probably double hers... :huh:

    I think you're doing a great job Brittony! You certainly keep me motiavted to get my butt of the couch when I see you enter your exercise! I feel the same about my weight gain, I don't really feel like I've put on as much as the scale says I have, but I suppose the scale doesn't lie. I used to (as I'm sure you remember) get really upset about my weight gain, but I've been trying really hard to change my mentality.

    Keep up the good work, I'm glad your appointment went well!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Happy April Fools! I got to work and people had pranked other people galore. Someone moved the couch to block the stairs coming up to the office area. I couldn't move the couch and I didn't want to walk around clear to the back to get up. Luckily someone pushed it out of the way for me . :)

    Happy April Fools day!! No pranks at work, but every girl on my facebook has either eloped or is suddenly announcing their pregnancy on this very suspicious day... :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So did any of you have a "gut feeling" about the gendar and it was right? With my DS I just knew. Everyone said I was having a girl but I was pretty sure he was a he! And now this baby is giving me a girl vibe. Anyone have that and was right?

    I suddenly got a "gut feeling" at 12+5 & it turned out I was right. I had a 50/50 shot. :wink: I wasn't really *sure* or anything, but that's when I started telling people I thought she was a girl. Before that, I had done a really good job of convincing everyone she was a boy so when we found out at 15+2 I was the *only* person who had guessed correctly out of all my family & friends who had ventured a guess.

    To be quite honest, I think I became convinced she was a girl because up to that point, I really thought I wanted a boy. So, by preparing myself in advance for a girl, I wasn't going to be disappointed either way. Now I'm insanely excited about her being a girl. If she comes out with a willy I'll be so upset! :laugh:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I definitely got the girl vibe and ended up being right. People tried to pull the whole "you're carrying high or low" stuff, but in my head I just knew I was brewing up a little girl.

    I've started to worry lately that the US tech was wrong and I've wasted money on girly things. I hope not!!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Dr.'s office called and the results of my glucose test are good. Whew...not sure why I was worrying so much about it? She said my Iron is a little low, so she wants me to start taking an Iron supplement along with a stool softener, to offset the constipation side effect from the Iron. So...should I double it then? :laugh: I've been taking 2 stool softeners a day for a couple months now to "keep things movin" :wink:

    Has anyone used a belly band with a previous pregnancy? I think that's what they're called. I'm talking about the post-pardum one that you wear to help with posture, muscle control, and getting your stomach to shrink down and have good shape.

    Someone gave me a size Medium one (cruel right? :laugh: ) that I might be able to wear a few months after baby, but I'm thinking about getting one for right after I have him. Any suggestions on whether they're worth it/brand?
  • jenzimmer
    jenzimmer Posts: 300 Member
    I definitely got the girl vibe and ended up being right. People tried to pull the whole "you're carrying high or low" stuff, but in my head I just knew I was brewing up a little girl.

    I've started to worry lately that the US tech was wrong and I've wasted money on girly things. I hope not!!

    Cool! We'll we are not finding out so I'll let ya know in Oct. lol! I kinda want to find out tho but my hubby says no way. IDK, maybe I just really want a girl and it's all in my head. But by the sounds of everyone's responses maybe I'm on to something!!!!!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member

    Has anyone used a belly band with a previous pregnancy? I think that's what they're called. I'm talking about the post-pardum one that you wear to help with posture, muscle control, and getting your stomach to shrink down and have good shape.

    Someone gave me a size Medium one (cruel right? :laugh: ) that I might be able to wear a few months after baby, but I'm thinking about getting one for right after I have him. Any suggestions on whether they're worth it/brand?

    I have found with that brand that if you are typically say a Large then get the Medium. I got the L/XL and I should have gotten the M/L because it's way too big for me (I'm using the one that lets me wear my prepreggo pants HOPEFULLY for the entire pregnancy.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    So did any of you have a "gut feeling" about the gendar and it was right? With my DS I just knew. Everyone said I was having a girl but I was pretty sure he was a he! And now this baby is giving me a girl vibe. Anyone have that and was right?

    Gut feeling since 6 weeks is Girl here. I've had numerous dreams- so have my mother and grandmother. And just other little signs. I'll be able to tell you if my gut is right in a couple weeks! Either way I don't care- as long as it's healthy :heart:
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Hello ladies! So I had my monthly checkup today. They told me my blood pressure is really low- 96/60, which could explain the fainting spells. The doctor told me I need to drink more water. I was surprised to hear that because I already drink 10-12 8oz glasses of water a day. She said that this is a time of major growth for the baby and that I needed more. She measured me and I was 28 (not sure whether they measure in centimeters or inches... I'm assuming centimeters). At the last visit the doctor told me I should be a centimeter for every week pregnant I am. According to that logic I'm 2 centimenters bigger than I should be? I don't know. I said something to the doctor today about how I felt like my stomach is growing really fast lately and she commented that my weight gain was a bit too much this last month. According to their scale I gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks! I didn't realize I had done that! I asked how much they have me gaining overall so far and she said they have me down for a 26lb gain at this point. This morning, my scale at home had me at a 24.8lb gain, so it's really not that far off. Boo for my first slap on the wrist when it comes to weight gain. I've got to start being better. But then again I'm exercising, taking my prenatals, and getting as many good nutrients as I can. I don't really want to keep myself from enjoying being pregnant and round. I'll just try to be a little more controlled. A few less indulgences :smile: I would like to stay within the 25-35lb recommended weight gain range, it's not going to be a big deal if I gain a few more pounds than that.

    Now I just need to wait for my glucose test results. Well, she said that they would only call me with bad news, so I guess I just need to relax and be glad the blood drawing is over with. Hate that!!

    Don't beat yourself up about it. Enjoy your pregnancy. It isn't like you are eating fast food/ice cream tubs every day/night (even though we'd often like to :wink: ). You are doing great thus far, Mama :flowerforyou:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ugh! I just tried posting and everything is gone.

    I had my 38 week check up today and much to my surprise I am 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced and he is head down as he has been for most of the time (I know because of where he constantly kicks and I always feel his hiccups). I know I could sit this way for a couple weeks but I was happy to see some progress. My doctor said to get my bags packed because this isn't my first rodeo.

    Oh my gosh my husband just asked me if he could go to Minnesota (Twin Cities) for the day next Thursday for work! Like it is just the next town over or something. Hello! That is an 8-9 hour drive one way! All my labors have been under 5 hours. I looked at him and said absolutely not! Like this isn't his fourth time going through this with me, geez! Seriously.

    Hope you all have a great Friday!

    Sounds like you're making great progress!

    I know what you mean about the clueless husband. Mine wanted to go on a kayak trip the first weekend of June, I'm due June 19th. He would only be about a 3 hr drive from home, but he would be in a kayak floating down a river with no phone, and no way to just get in the Jeep and come home, he'd have to at least make it to the next pickup point. Even though this is my first rodeo, it's possible that I could go into labor that early, so I asked him to either plan it for an earlier date, or later in the summer. I swear I could see the lightbulb come on over his head when I explained it all to him.... :laugh:

    Ha! I have you both beat! It was two days before my due date. I came home after work and told my husband that I'd been having contractions all day and that they were getting stronger. Less than an hour later he informed me that he was thinking of heading out with a buddy to shoot some pool (which for him usually means $100 in alcohol and home around 2 or 3 am).... I basically gave him a "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING?!" and he totally did not get it .... um.... remember the part where I told you I was in labor?!?! We're having a baby tonight!! You're not going to play pool!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Happy April Fools! I got to work and people had pranked other people galore. Someone moved the couch to block the stairs coming up to the office area. I couldn't move the couch and I didn't want to walk around clear to the back to get up. Luckily someone pushed it out of the way for me . :)

    Yes... fire hazards are always a hilarious April Fools joke. :laugh: :wink:

    I really wanted our whole staff to call in sick this morning around the same time and then wait 1/2 hour before calling back to say "joking" but my boss seriously would have a coronary in the mean time so.... probably would have been a bad idea! :laugh:
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