New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    Forgot to post my weigh in on Saturday!
    Start weight 170
    Today's weight 164.6
    Goal 140
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Totally forgot about the fitness challenge yesterday but I will make up for it today! The only snack I had yesterday was a banana, 104 calories for a medium size one. Great snack before exercise!

    I used to HATE bananas! Seriously...could not drink a banana smoothie, or even a strawberry banana smoothie. Since starting MFP, I have slowly come to love them!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    well so far today I had done my day 6 of 30 day shred. Yesterday was supposed to be day 6, but i made the mistake of waiting to workout until AFTER dinner, I got halfway through before my tummy hurt, so I stopped and didn't count it.

    I did about 10 crunches and 10 push-ups so far, but I plan to do another workout this afternoon so I'll get them in.
    I haven't had any snacks yet, but Im sure I will today.

    And Bstamps, I HATE bananas...well, just the actuall banana. I used to LOVE them when I was little, but now I have those texture problem and I can't eat them. however, I will eat them in banana pudding, banana popsicle, strawberry banana smoothies, anything but the actual banana. lol

    My weight has been fluctuating from 182.8 to 183.8, it's frustrating, I want to get into the 70s!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Options are so close to the 170s! Keep it up!

    I haven't had any snacks today! I was too busy at work to have one then did Zumba & a short ride on the stationary bike between work and dinner. I have 810 calories left today after dinner and I don't want my body to go into starvation mode so I am going to eat about 400 more calories tonight so tonight will be my night to have a more unhealthy snack.

    I totally forgot about crunches and situps I go!

    How is everyone else doing w/ crunches & pushups? And what have been everyone's snacks??
  • SivirSarah
    oh i just saw that post about crunches and push ups, let me go do them real qucik....ok back... ( lol i seriously did that) but i have been trying to challenge myself this week to burn 7000 cals in work outs so i have been doing that.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    wow 7000 calories in workouts?! That'd be awesome. This week I've been doing mainly my 30DS. It's like I've lost my motivation! I keep looking at my new bathing suits for the beach and somehow it's just not working. I get off at 9 tonight and I'm still gonna do something. I'm gonna make something to hang on my wall that says something along the lines of "you won't get there unless you try" Or Sitting on your *kitten* won't get you to your goal, get up and do something!


    I did do my shred this morning. I need to get in about 15 more pushups and 15 more crunches. My snack today was a mcflurry soooo, that was NOT good.

    I'm hoping to be around 181 by weigh-in day..
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in for tomorow ! I have lost a pound since last week was hoping for a bigger number but a pound is a pound and i will take that ! Down to 206.5 ! 26.5 pounds to go to be at goal !
  • tracey2710
    tracey2710 Posts: 197 Member
    Hiya - thanks for this!
    Name: Tracey
    Age: 29
    Goal Date: June 30
    Goal Weight: 135lbs
    Current Weight: 154lbs
  • beckymike36
    beckymike36 Posts: 105 Member
    Name: Becky
    Age: 30
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): July
    Summer Goal Weight: 135-140
    Current Weight: 146
  • FaithfullFit
    FaithfullFit Posts: 40 Member
    weigh in today 158
    I started power 90 last Saturday and have stayed on track all week. Hopefully that continues because I was struggling for a few weeks. I really would like to make my goal weight by June 1 which means I have to lose 2 pounds every week between now and then. I even resisted the temptation of no bake cookies yesterday and they are my absolute favorite dessert.
  • NanoReefDiver
    Still 128.6. No change this week.
  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    WOW!! I have already burned 2686 calories this week!! If I workout tomorrow I will have burned 3000 this week! I would have never thought I was able to do that! It's kind of exciting! My only obstacle tomorrow is that my husband and I are taking our kids to an Easter carnival and then staying at a motel for the night for them to swim and have fun! I will have to get up and get done early! Wish me luck (I am not a morning exerciser).
  • succeedin2
    succeedin2 Posts: 501 Member
    I would love to join the group my birthday is April 20th so I have some aggressive goals set based on my aggressive workouts!

    Name: Tahra
    Age: 46
    Date of Summer Goal (or month): June 15th
    Summer Goal Weight: 155 - 162
    Current Weight: 192
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Well at least no one has gained so far this week!

    SW: 155
    CW: 149...finally into the 140s!
    GW: 142

    I lost 1 lb this week & I am checking my measurements tomorrow and I bet I see big changes there! It's the start of the weekend which is where most people undo their hard work...let's make sure we all stick to our plans for the weekend...I am starting with a super early 4 mi run since my husband is leaving for drill w/ national guard at 7am and won't be here to watch our daughter so I can run later. Alarm will go off early...I need lots of motivation to get up!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    And welcome to the group Tahra, Becky, and tracey!
  • xlizardx11x
    Im actually intested in joining..ive just started on this site so i am not really familiar with much yet
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    welcome all newcombers!
    Saturdays are weigh-in days. Some people do it on Fridays, some on Sunday, whichever you prefer. I try my hardest to post the chart by Monday night. Sometimes work gets in my way. HOWEVER! This Monday I don't have a long shift so it should get up by Monday night.

    Also, Sundays are challenge day. You don't have to participate, but you can.

    AND, if you are inactive for two or more weigh-ins I will take you off the chart, you can still join back, but you'll have to post stats again. HOWEVER, if you choose not to weigh-in, but don't want us to take you off, just let me know. Tell me you're not doing this weigh-in or whatever! It'll be fun!

    We as a group have done so well! I'm gonna add up exactly what we've lost as a group come monday!
  • tashasbaby
    Saturday weigh in

    Starting weight: 161
    Current Weight: 155.8
    Goal Weight: 130 ish

    So i'm down .8lb i really need to break this cycle of only breaking under lb, but at least i have now broken the 1 stone barrier woo hoo
  • SivirSarah
    weigh in

    Sw 217
    Cw 205.6

    yay :) 2.4 lbs lost in a day lets hope it contiunes like this lol
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi All,

    My weigh in this week..

    Start (Jan 1st): 154.0
    Start (this group): 146.0
    Last Week - 140.2
    Current: 139.6 - 0.8lb lost :)
    Goal: 126.0

    Only 0.8 lost but I am now definitely in the 130s so feeling good. I've been slacking a bit with exercise but will try the challenge this week and have also just bought an xbox kinect with the adventures game and a fitness one, also going to get dance central so with all that I hope to burn a good few calories the fun way :)

    Keep going everyone! :)