Senior Golden Sneakers -April 2011



  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Glad to hear from you Irene:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Irene, thanks for sticking with us. We love you. Yes, our Father has His own plans for us. So glad you know Him. You are in our hearts and prayers.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :yawn: Good Night Song -by the Beatles

    Now it's time to say good night
    Good night, sleep tight
    Now the sun turns out his light
    Good night, sleep tight
    Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
    Dream sweet dreams for you

    Close your eyes and I'll close mine
    Good night, sleep tight
    Now the moon begins to shine
    Good night, sleep tight
    Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
    Dream sweet dreams for you


    Close your eyes and I'll close mine
    Good night, sleep tight
    Now the sun turns out his light
    Good night, sleep tight
    Dream sweet dreams for me (Dream sweet)
    Dream sweet dreams for you

    Good night, good night, everybody
    Everybody everywhere
    Good night

    Linda Ronstadts version on is very soothing.....:yawn:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :sad: I just updated my ticker with the two pounds that i wanted to believe were water retention but they aren't going away :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: I'm getting up at 3 AM to be out of the house at 5 AM to catch the 6:30 ferry to an all day event that will be great and filled with people I love and don't see very often but there will be little exercise and the best I can hope for in food is a Subway veggie delight sandwich for lunch.drinker drinker I'll be home before dark and will try to check in :bigsmile:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Dear Irene,

    God be with you and be well. All my heart and hope goes out to you.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Evening,

    The twins are in bed and we are recovering. Boy they have enegry. We had lots of fun with them for sure but I wonder how we'll make out with our our daughter's son in June. We agreed to babysit our 18 month old grandson, their only child, for 1 week while they go to Hawaii. Whew I'm tired already. LOL Actually the part that worries me is his extreme allergies to milk, eggs and nuts. We'll have his epi pen with us at all times. Scary stuff. Good news is, I don't eat milk or eggs but we haven't had to look out for nuts before -- well except when the family all comes for a visit.

    I went down and walked for almost an hour on the treadmill - 2.86 miles in 52 minutes. I'm tired but glad I did it.

    Best wishes to all,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,262 Member
    Hi Sneakers!!!

    For some reason my laptop isn't set for Arizona time so when I check in it is past midnight Illinois time. Things are going great and we had a busy fun day. We started off going to an Al Anon meeting even taking my granddaughter with us. My ex sister is law has been in the program for over 20 years so it was good to go to a new meeting. After that we went to a canyon for some site seeing and it was great. After lunch Bryanna and I went to the pool and since it was 95 today I was in the water a lot. Tried to do some lap swimming but I am not very good, so I did some of my own type of aerobics in the pool to help rid some of the calories I have been consuming. I don't see a scale anywhere so I will wait until I get home to see how this trip has treated me. Tomorrow I hope to find something to do with Bryanna before going to the pool, we will then go see her great grandmother so I can help her with a computer problem. By then my son and his girl should be here and we will go to dinner and come back her and play domino's. Possibly brunch on Sunday and more pool. Before I know it it will be Monday and we will be flying home. It is so beautiful here and the weather has been wonderful. Life is good and I am grateful. :heart:

    Welcome Deb, I know you will love this group and have fun with us. Looking forward to hearing more about you. :flowerforyou:

    Irene, God Bless you and keep you strong, your faith will help you get through all of this. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Marie, congratulations on the weight loss, you are super woman.

    Everyone else forgive me for not addressing you all, but I am so tired and want to go to bed. Just wanted to check in and keep myself focused.

    Have a great day!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all. I will confess, it is after 2 am and time for bed so brief I shall be!

    I wanted to welcome Deb to our wonderful little group. If it is support you need, you will find it. If it is a laugh you need you will find that too. If you need someone to kindly set you back on track someone will be willing to help you out there as well.

    Irene -- Glad to see your post. You are in my thoughts and prayers. You have a wonderful attitude which will help you so much. Never, never feel that you can't post if you feel down. We are here for you, happy or sad. Also know that those days that you don't feel up to posting we are still here and rooting for you. I am so hopeful that the new medication will kick this darn cancer!:heart:

    Marie -- also praying for Jerry, give him a big sloppy kiss. I know you are so anxious to get those results and I hope it shows improvement.:heart:

    My eyes are closing so I better crawl up to bed. Neil is here for the weekend and hoping he isn't up early!! :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Sneakers. Good morning


    Sort of big. But my heart is filled with love for everyone.

    Sound like Sandy and Bryanna are having a jolly time out in Ar. Sounds like fun. I hope spring has sprung in Ill. when you get back home. You ought to have a nice suntan. I was thinking Bryanna was going out there for a dance deal.? but have not heard anything about it. 95 years old and still on the computer........ Maybe there is still hope for me. Do enjoy yourself and don't worry about those nasty old calories. You can take care of that when you get back home.

    Jeri sound like you are haing fun with the grandkids. . They will keep you young and active.

    Gayla. another late night. Are you up yet this morning??

    Wonder what state Phoebe is in this morning.?

    I have forgotten what I read this morning, Short term menory problems, i think.

    What goals have you gals made for this month? The only goal I have is sticking to my plan and let the lbs fall where they might.!!
    I made a wonderful salad Thurs. I bought a stalk of celery, a cucumber, a red onion , bag of Brocolli sticks, zukinnie, bag of angelhair cabbage, ran it all thru my processor on slice and made a wonderful chopped salad. It made 2 gallons. I did not add any lettuce. I will add difference kind of meat, egs, or cheese With 2 T. of hidden valley Spicy
    ranch dressing , my faverite dressing. plus 1/2 cup of balck beans low sodium and rinse will good. 3 cups for Lunch and supper. It takes me 45 to one hour to chew it all up. I think today I will have shrimp and black beans for lunch in my salad. i hope the salad will keep for a week. Next week when I make it hope I can find a nice red bell pepper to used in it. The one I seen this week was amost 3 dollors and did not even look good.

    Jerry has got our little garden all planted and now it is up to mother nature to make them grow, Sure hope we get some nice April showers this month. It has been so dried here this past year.

    Have a wonderful day Sneakers Luv ya':heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Good morning to you all......Saturday, sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, sunny, cloudy!:grumble: Ahhhhhhhhh!

    Barbie: Allergy that makes you break out in bulges :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's the best and I'm stealin it ! It's fatabulous!

    Marie: Wow, that graphic woke me right up!! Woo Hoo :bigsmile:

    I want to mention something that may be, like, a downer.....why is that so many of us give ourselves and each other permission to eat whatever we want for whatever reason???? Weight loss does not take a vacation or a couple of days off. We've all seen the results on our tickers (remember my recent donut incident. It took me a week to lose the same two lbs that I had already spent a week losing). We have to find a way to live our goals wherever we are and whoever we're with......I recently saw a sign outside a church (love their signs) that said "A goal without a plan is just a wish". How's your ticker doing? :ohwell:


    With Love, Maddie
  • weagle8183
    weagle8183 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm like Deb and thought it would be nice to join you too. The supportive atmosphere here and your positive attitudes are just what the Dr. ordered. I like what I see!

    This is the first time I have really thought much about weight in probably 20 years and it shows. And now it's not coming off easily at all!!

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I'm like Deb and thought it would be nice to join you too. The supportive atmosphere here and your positive attitudes are just what the Dr. ordered. I like what I see!

    This is the first time I have really thought much about weight in probably 20 years and it shows. And now it's not coming off easily at all!!

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you.

    Have a wonderful day.


    Welcome aboard, Kathy! You are more than welcome. For those of you keeping a list, Kathy is 53 and is from Knoxville, Tennessee!

    You see, Kathy (and Deb), some of us come up short in the "memory" bank so we keep a list of posters, their sign in name, real names, ages and locations to help us keep everything straight. I think you're our first person from Tennessee although Nyll54 - Lynn is from Kentucky and I am in your neighboring state to the west, Missouri.

    None of us have found losing weight effortless. It takes a kind of strength most of us have never tapped into before. We've all been so busy taking care of the people around us, we've neglected the MOST important person in our lives, OURSELVES. Once you really understand that this journey is NOT about diet (origin of the word 'diet' is from the Greek word 'diaita' which means 'prescribed way of living') but about living, it will get easier.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Connie, I have neglected to thank you for starting the thread this month....THANKS!:flowerforyou:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Saturday everybody and welcome to our newbies!

    DEB - congratulations on quitting smoking! :drinker: it's the toughest! (except, of course, food, which we can't "quit"). I quit over 30 years ago and every now and then i STILL wish i could smoke.............Thanks for the Zumba input! I love the class - just hope my knees will handle it. The music and the energy are so fun!

    Hi Kathy - you'll like it here - we have all ages and walks of life and geographical areas! Always something fun, interesting, sometimes life altering going on here..........

    IRENE - you are in my thoughts and prayers as i know you are in all of the Sneakers. I'm glad you chose to do the new drug trial. don't feel like you have to say much of anything - we sure love hearing from you though. Glad you're keeping depression at bay.

    CONNIE - i LOVE the 39 year old trapped. Can i borrow that one from you??? I'm definitely feeling you there!:smile: I've tried the thomas bagel thins but what i like a lot better are the Western Bagel alternatives - the sweet wheat are my favorites. They're more like a real bagel and i think they're 110 calories.

    hi JERI - i'm glad you put a profile pic up - i like it! Your kids are so lucky you can take care of their babies like you do. I HOPE some day i'll get to take more time off so my grandkids can spend a week with me! whew - twins though........have you seen the u-tube video of the twins who are having a hilarious argument/conversation???? so cute!

    BUZZ - thanks for that Zumba advice - i'm going to remember it next week - not to stress about the actual moves (which i really tend to do) and just keep moving and have fun without hurting myself!

    MARIE - you are doing so great with getting all those vegetables in! You make a non meat eater proud!:bigsmile: My big goal for April is to get back to hot yoga - oh yea, and to lose the last dang 1 or 2 (depending on the day - today it's actually 3) pounds!!!!!!!!!:embarassed:

    SANDY - sounds like you are having so much fun! GOOD! That's what vacation is for! Whatever you're doing in the pool it's burning calories! I swam laps for 30 minutes when i was on that roadtrip last month - about killed me!

    BARBIE - i bet those 2 pounds will be gone by the end of next week - the way you work out!

    so this morning i was able to get up, no problem, at 5:30. I hit the gym (last night a girl friend called and said lets do early dinner and a movie so i didn't get to the gym) early and had a great workout! Now I'm roasting a chicken to fix dinner for my "k"s (Kota, Katie and Kodi - only she doesn't eat chicken yet ) later on today. I better got rockin and rollin though if i'm going to get anything done today! Have a great weekend everybody!

    l, e
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning~:flowerforyou:

    It's a beautiful Spring day here. The sun is brilliant and the sky has very few white clouds. It is windy and 65 degrees!! It's been cold/cool all week. A welcome change, indeed. :smile:

    While there are only 3 pages, I am going to try to address everyone. I have been behind since vacation and very busy.

    Judy- I always read your posts. Your jokes keep things light. :happy: I need that in my journey here. You are doing so well with your excercise and diet.:flowerforyou:

    Elli-L,E.-Your grandbaby is so cute. :wink: I have to look at her pic everytime I see your post. Hope your zumba class is going well for you. I thought of you too when we were making pitt stops on our trip. I thought I remembered you drove a truck too. Hopefully, your business ventures are getting "ironed out.":flowerforyou:
    Enjoy your 3 K's:heart: this weekend.:flowerforyou:

    Marie- You are such a big hearted lady.:heart: We love you too! :heart: I enjoy seeing what you are eating. :drinker: I am glad it is working for you. Jerry deserves a big kiss :smooched: anytime you can give him one and you deserve it too. They say kissing is good for your health because of all the seratonin levels it booosts!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    My irisises haven't bloomed yet. All my ornamental trees are still blooming. I think the colder air had kept them blooming longer since it didn't freeze them.

    Jackie- I am glad you enjoyed the poems. :smile: I like poems. I have actually had one published. When you mentioned the poem by Joyce Kilmer, I remembered we had to memorize it in school. I was glad you brought that back to my memory.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie-I hope you have good luck with your house sales, soon! In the meantime, you are having a blast with your dancing and your hubby.:wink:
    Your teacher instincts are kicking in with your dancing. I wish I lived close to you.

    Fancy Lady- It was fun hearing about your twins.:smile: I have always thought they would be fun. Taking care of Grandbabies after not having kids for awhile, will wear you down. It's fun too!

    Phoebe-:flowerforyou: I hope you had something good to eat and good for you. When you have traveled a lot, sometimes, down home cooking, like beans and cornbread sound good.

    Irene-:flowerforyou: I hope your spirits are lifted up by all you friends praying for you.:flowerforyou:

    Debz-:flowerforyou: You did a great thing by quitting smoking...for your health. Now, you are tackling the side effects of doing that. I don't think I know anyone who quit, who didn't gain weight. I hope you like it here. May you have great success with your goals.
    Did you enjoy the ballet?

    Marilyn-:flowerforyou: I hope you have a restful weekend. Take care of yourself.:flowerforyou:

    Maddie(Lady of Many Names)-You have worked hard to overcome your stint with the steroids and the eating it caused. Thanks for all your funny pics, songs and jokes!:smile:

    Buzz- I always look for your posts. :smile: You are a person who says kind things to us..:flowerforyou: .I can always use some kindness and encouragement.

    Sandy- Miss you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Hope you have a great time in Arizona.

    Gayla- Maybe you can get some rest tonight.:yawn: You are a good mom. :flowerforyou: How is the remodeling coming along?

    Kathy - Welcome to our world! 4lbs already...a good start!:flowerforyou:

    Dee- You are an inspiration with your knowledge about food and food plans. I enjoy your comments and company.

    Everyone have a good weekend.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Kathy, welcome! Im from GA., so it looks like you are surrounded loll!
    hope it is a pretty day there, I saw that the weather is a bit on the cool side, but that is about to change! Warmer days ahead.
    lynn, I dont know What is blooming at my house Lol! I noticed the azaleas had buds on them about a week ago.
    Marie, we are in CA. We are getting our load and we will be heading east. Ive figured out that the load may be going to GA, but it doesnt mean we will get to go with it! They may swap us again.
    Have a very pleasant Saturday.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    OH SH..! I just lost my daily post into cyberspace after I reached to post it!
    Hello every one, welcome Debby and Kathy, ... Irene, my sister is an 11 year survivor of OV Ca after making the same choice you made,, love you all but I'm freakin' frustrated about my computer right now. Too nice to remain indoors, so we're off to the Farmer's market. Sorry, I feel better now; I wasted 3/4 of an hour only to have the post page taken over by Groupon!!!
    About bagels, go to <> to see if you can get their whole wheat SmartBagels in your area! You missed out on my bagel story about transporting 3 dozen mixed bagels to Hawaii and stinking up the entire plane years ago. Maybe another time... I REALLY DO love you all!!! :flowerforyou: (Today must be HalfZeimers Day!)
    (Excuse my language, puhlease!!!:embarassed:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    Winter storm going on in Calgary today. We get our largest amount of precipitation in the Spring. Just when I am anxious for nice weather.

    ELLI, I'm glad you like my profile picture. I usually don't post it unless I am comfortable with the group. And you guys are a great group.

    As for time to help out with the Grandkids, I'm glad we can do it too. I retired from commercial banking about 6 years ago and my husband retired as an engineer at an oil company about 4 yes ago. It was an easy transition for me, but harder on my husband. I just love it and Ed enjoys it now too. But with our 8 Grandkids and my 83 yr old mother we are so busy helping out. We just said we need to get a car that is more economical on gas because of all the miles we put on in a month.

    And LYNN we had a blast with the twins but need to catch up on some quiet time now.

    Best wishes to all,
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood and I've been playing outside. Our neighbor came over with a wheelbarrow full of goat poop for my garden. I wish I had had it last fall so I could have composted it but much of it is dried and powdered. By the time my veggies begin t produce, enough time will have passed for any nasties to have disappeared. We always wash things from the garden carefully. I've been raking and tilling it into the soil. Marie and Jerry are ahead of me. The only thing I have planted are potatoes. I'll get lettuce and spinach in this week but am going to wait a bit to put in the rest. We have had April ice storms before (2007) and I hate to take chances.

    I checked the Western Bagel web site. Closest store that carries them is 100 miles away. And in order to order on line, I have to buy six bags of them. If I knew for sure I'd like them I wouldn't mind but not knowing, it is a bit of a risk.

    Aldi carries a whole wheat mini-bagel that isn't too bad calorie wise. Of course it isn't much to eat, either.

    I am hungry for fresh Albacore. Wish I could find it around here. Definitely one of the drawbacks of living in rural Missouri, but there are so many positives it makes it all worth it. Our meadow is loaded with wild garlic and I'm going to dig a pail full when the sun goes down a bit. It is a lot of work to pick, clean and chop but it is so tasty - not to mention free.

    Irene - I'm sending you a virtual hug. :flowerforyou:

    I've discovered the most delicious white fish called Swai. WalMart carries it in their frozen fish department. Each fillet is about 6 ounces. You can bake it, broil it, poach it. it's very mild and pleasant. Not too expensive and very low in calories. I keep a couple of bags in my freezer for a quick, easy supper.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Connie, thx for the fish tip. Ive never heard of swai, but it sounds like my kind of fish.