Before a bad food habit you'd like to admit...



  • Drinking soda several times a day and eating way too much fast food before I joined here..
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    I'm pretty sure my blood type was sweet tea at some point. I could and did drink sweet tea all day long. I would take my daughter to the mall and let her play at the playground there after we ate lunch at Chickfila (Chickfila sandwich, carrot raisin salad and a large sweet tea) then get the tea refilled 3 or 4 times.

    I always have something to drink near by. It used to always be sweet tea, now it's water and I only get tea when we go out and then I can only have one glass.
  • MotherOfTwins2010
    MotherOfTwins2010 Posts: 14 Member
    I would eat black salt. Yes just plain black salt I still crave it but I don't eat it.
    I also would eat cheese on EVERYTHING. I gave up cheese for Lent this year and joined MFP it's helping a lot.
    I also ate out a lot now I eat the stuff I make for my kids (I make all of their baby food from scratch always have) and unless I can find it on MFP's food list I don't eat it when I'm out.
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    :Lol wow some of you guys have me gagging not gonna lie! Fun to read though. I really don't think my eating habits were THAT bad but of course I had my moments :blushing: For me my biggest problem was living with my parents. My awesome mom ALWAYS was baking something yummy & fatty! Like peanut butter truffle brownies or 3 different kinds of cookies! And people would bring even more junk food over! And there was always ice cream & candy! Starbucks was also a big contributer to my weight gain! I'd get a grande or venti iced caramel mocha with extra caramel sauce & chocolate syrup which was delicious but not healthy! But I was only full for hmm maybe 15 minutes after drinking it?! It's just like drinking milk loaded with calories! Now I rarely have coffee drinks. I also got hooked on Red Bulls & Dr. Pepper. Drinking your calories = weight suicide lol! Also guilty of dipping a lot in ranch or ketchup & ranch! And cheese! And butter sometimes. Ya eggs & veggies are healthy but not when your eggs are half 2% milk & half eggs fried in butter then topped with a mountain of cheese! (over exaggeration lol!) Hmmm Taco Bell trips were bad. I'd get usually 2 items off the 99 cent menu like the 5 layer burrito & a chicken burrito coming in at just under 1000 calories! :noway: :devil: :noway:
  • michelletyler38
    michelletyler38 Posts: 469 Member
    Ok thought of another TERRIBLE one. I'd get a half gallon of brown cow ice cream & eat the whole thing within about 3 days! I still did this even when I first started my weight loss! I'd usually then eat the big chocolate swirly fudge part out within 2-3 days then work on the chocolate ice cream & usually throw the vanilla part out. Sooo bad hahaha
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    Burrito San Jose... my favorite meal at my favorite mexican eatery. The dang this is about as you elbow to wrist and filled like 3 types of meat, with beans and cheese and all sorts of ooy gooey goodness!!! I havn't had one since the new year lol. I do miss it still! I just have to make sure If i plan on eating it, I got the calories to cover it lol It think its entire days worth of calories! ugh!
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    I used to eat butter and sugar sandwiches

    OMG!!! I used to eat these as a kid! Soooo good. Yet soooo bad... :(
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,141 Member
    Burrito San Jose... my favorite meal at my favorite mexican eatery. The dang this is about as you elbow to wrist and filled like 3 types of meat, with beans and cheese and all sorts of ooy gooey goodness!!! I havn't had one since the new year lol. I do miss it still! I just have to make sure If i plan on eating it, I got the calories to cover it lol It think its entire days worth of calories! ugh!

    Reminds me of the chicken and bean with cilantro rice burrito I would always get at Burrachos...still eat it though and have them cut it in 3rds and I eat 1/3 and the next 1/3 for lunch the next day and the last 1/3 the following day. I can't give it up but I at least give myself a litlte piece of Heaven. I'm sure they are full of sodium, but I don't care. Still yummy and now and then it won't kill me.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    McD's sausage egg biscuit, with hash brown and large coke (refilled several times throughout the day) every week day!
  • anakinlover
    anakinlover Posts: 109
    EWWW! I am making myself half sick just writing this, BUT..I used to eat Fritos Dipping corn chips with ranch dressing, as a dip...I put french fries into my salads...I dipped tater tots into mayo/ketchup dip...I ate potato chip, pickle and cheese sandwiches with GOBS of mayo ( my nemesis) :grumble: ....And I would spread Jif chunky peanut butter between homemade choc. chip cookies, kind of looked like a whoopie pie.....OFTEN!! How far we've all come! Oh! and McD's sweet tea. every day, sometimes twice! :sad:
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I thought of another great one...

    When I was in college, I used to go for a four or five mile run...

    Stop at McDonald's as I was running by, get a burger and a diet coke, and then keep right on running. lol. ;)

    I'm amused by the absurdity of that now.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Here's another one I used to do frequently:

    2 (yes, 2!) McDonald's Egg McMuffins for breakfast with a large vanilla cappucino. UGH!

    I would attempt to make a pan of brownies but would end up eating half the batter before I even got them in the oven. Then what I baked I would eat before they even got cooled off. They were super good with a huge glass of milk. But I felt SO BLOATED after all that. The enjoyment was very short-lived.
  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
    Sugar soup! My friend taught me how to make it in first grade. Half peanut butter and half maple syrup, heat in the microwave and stir! I actually will still do this about 2 times per year. Its like a super decadent treat. But when I was in college I would come home after the bars at night and make a huge bowl of it. DISGUSTING! Now if I do it I make it with 1 Tbs of each and call it lovely. Oh yeah, and I used to smoke Marlboro Mediums while eating Papa Johns pizza at the same time. Eeeek!
  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
    Haha! I once lit a cigarette just as I was finishing a run and headed back to my car. Seriously, I actually brought my smokes with me on my runs. I got some serious comments from bystanders that day.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I had so many but one of my worst was probably Little Debbie Zebra Cakes & diet mtn dew for breakfast. . .what a way to start the day.
  • tamiller93
    tamiller93 Posts: 195
    Sugar soup! My friend taught me how to make it in first grade. Half peanut butter and half maple syrup, heat in the microwave and stir! I actually will still do this about 2 times per year. Its like a super decadent treat. But when I was in college I would come home after the bars at night and make a huge bowl of it. DISGUSTING! Now if I do it I make it with 1 Tbs of each and call it lovely. Oh yeah, and I used to smoke Marlboro Mediums while eating Papa Johns pizza at the same time. Eeeek!

    I grew up putting loads of peanut butter on my pancakes and waffles! With the syrup, it was sooooo good. Ahh I miss that.
  • GTI_Girl
    GTI_Girl Posts: 207
    thinking back on it now...I was such a fat little kid lol. I used to eat pancake syrup...alone...out of the bottle. just stand in the pantry and squirt it down the hatch lol. I also use to drink the flavored coffee creamers lol
  • staceywoo
    staceywoo Posts: 56
    I didn't have any particularly bad habits, apart from eating too much of everything! Pizza though, I could easily eat a whole medium to myself, or my partner and I would share an extra large between us.
    Cheese was also a big love of mine, you know when you're grating cheese for a meal, and you end up eating half of what you've grated and have to make more? My worst habit!
    There were also a couple of years where I worked in a job in the centre of town, so I'd get up and have my morning cereal, but then go to work and have a second breakfast with everyone there - sausage rolls, pasties or toasted sausage, mushroom, bacon and egg sandwiches. Something greasy for lunch, or a 'healthy' meal deal of a fat loaded prepackaged sandwich, crisps and a fizzy drink, then a huge dinner (normally involving mashed potato and cheese) and a night out drinking alcohol.
    At least I was young so I only gained about 3 stone, I'm sure it should have been more!
  • i used to eat 5 takeaways a week!!!! even if i get one once a month now i can't eat it all :):wink:
  • DanielleAThomas
    DanielleAThomas Posts: 8 Member
    Hot chips and gravy! KFC for lunch 3 or 4 times a week!
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