
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Mon - none (this is my regularly scheduled day off!)
    Tues - 3.25 mi
    Wed - did do an insanity workout but no treadmill Promise to make up for this!
    Thurs - 2.1 miles, 285 calories
    Fri - 2.15 miles, 294 calories
    Sat - 3.25 miles, 450 calories; added in another 2.2 miles last night, 302 calories
    Sun -

    I'm so proud of you, Britt, nice job :)
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Everyone's doing great! I'm taking the day off as I'll be in the car for most of it. Weigh in tomorrow morning - I'm excited!

    Enjoy your day off, you deserve it!!!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Monday - 1 mile- 127 calories burnt
    Tuesday- 1.25 mile- 167 calories burnt
    Wednesday- 1.25 mile- 201 calories burnt
    Thursday- 1.65 mile- 241 calories burnt
    Friday- 1.25 mile- 172 calories burnt
    Saturday 2.00 mile- 274 calories burnt
    Sunday 2.47 miles- 592 calories burnt
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Monday - 1 mile- 127 calories burnt
    Tuesday- 1.25 mile- 167 calories burnt
    Wednesday- 1.25 mile- 201 calories burnt
    Thursday- 1.65 mile- 241 calories burnt
    Friday- 1.25 mile- 172 calories burnt
    Saturday 2.00 mile- 274 calories burnt
    Sunday 2.47 miles- 592 calories burnt

    FANTASTIC JOB!!!! Well done :)
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    Mon - none (this is my regularly scheduled day off!)
    Tues - 3.25 mi
    Wed - did do an insanity workout but no treadmill Promise to make up for this!
    Thurs - 2.1 miles, 285 calories
    Fri - 2.15 miles, 294 calories
    Sat - 3.25 miles, 450 calories; added in another 2.2 miles last night, 302 calories
    Sun - 3.3 miles, 452 calories

    Official first week stats - 16.25 miles ran!

    Everyone is doing so great! Congrats on finishing up the first week! Now on to week two...hoping I can hold steady this week as I'm have a full work week (usually work part time) so it will definitely cut in to my regular exercise routine.
  • mkum10
    mkum10 Posts: 21
    3/4 mile today. wanted to go for the full mile but just couldn't.
  • mashaka
    mashaka Posts: 1
    i will take up the challenge,,, i just found this site last night and am in the process of reading through it all,,, so here goes for a healthy (hopefully) 2011
  • westgre
    westgre Posts: 55 Member
    Starting weight: 179

    Monday: 1.076 mile, 21:15 minutes, 101.4 calories burned. Outdoor track.
    Tuesday: off
    Wednesday: 1.005 mi, 19:12 min, 102.2 cals. Indoor track.
    Thursday: 1.002 mi, 20:25 min, 99.9 cals. Mall walking.
    Friday: off
    Saturday: 1.0 mile, 15:00 min, 100 cal, Leslie Sansone workout
    Sunday: 1.0 mile, 15:00 min, 100 cal, Leslie Sansone workout
    Woo hoo! I made it! I hadn't been doing ANY exercise before this week. I feel so much better! Here's to another week!
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Starting weight: 179

    Monday: 1.076 mile, 21:15 minutes, 101.4 calories burned. Outdoor track.
    Tuesday: off
    Wednesday: 1.005 mi, 19:12 min, 102.2 cals. Indoor track.
    Thursday: 1.002 mi, 20:25 min, 99.9 cals. Mall walking.
    Friday: off
    Saturday: 1.0 mile, 15:00 min, 100 cal, Leslie Sansone workout
    Sunday: 1.0 mile, 15:00 min, 100 cal, Leslie Sansone workout
    Woo hoo! I made it! I hadn't been doing ANY exercise before this week. I feel so much better! Here's to another week!

    I LOVE LESLIE SANSONE!!! I plan to use her workouts at least once a day!
  • laneyb356
    laneyb356 Posts: 25
    Can I still join your mile-a-day challenge? I am having a hard time fitting in the workouts and need accountability also. I have been using a pedometer. If 2000 steps = 1 mile , I get in almost 4 miles at work but that's not the same. I know I need to go the "extra" mile and need much more activity. Will check back in tomorrow :-)
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Can I still join your mile-a-day challenge? I am having a hard time fitting in the workouts and need accountability also. I have been using a pedometer. If 2000 steps = 1 mile , I get in almost 4 miles at work but that's not the same. I know I need to go the "extra" mile and need much more activity. Will check back in tomorrow :-)

    It's never too late to join!!! Welcome!
  • Definitely. Sounds like a great starting challenge to me!
  • sherrismith82
    sherrismith82 Posts: 210 Member
    Definitely. Sounds like a great starting challenge to me!

    Awesome! Welcome Aboard!
  • wigal23
    wigal23 Posts: 363 Member
    Reporting in!
    Sunday 3/27 - 40 mins treadmill 2.2 miles
    Monday 3/28 - 30 mins treadmill 1.6 miles
    Tuesday 3/29 - 20 mins WATP video,approx 1 mile
    Wed - none
    Thues - none
    Fri - 20 mins outdoor, approx 1 mile
    Sat - 30 mins WATP, approx 2 miles
    TOTAL: approx 7.8 miles

    Starting an accelerated C25k program, should help me get more miles in. Congrats to everyone here, seems to be a successful first week!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    sunday 3.91 miles. Completed the first week min. 1 mile a day woohoooo....thanks everyone have a great week!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,445 Member
    last week walked 21.07 miles
    04-03 3.91 mils
    04-04 one mile completed
    My weight this morning is 143.6
    GW 135
  • Well, I dropped down to 192.0! This week is going to be a challenge for walking only because we're forcasted to have bad weather until Thursday.

    I'm going to borrow a Leslie Sansone video from the library and see how I like that! I also have a Wii and will be playing Just Dance 2 on that (not walking, I know) - so I wont be sitting on my butt all week!
  • SueSee
    SueSee Posts: 65
    Monday 3-28 3.56 Miles
    Tuesday 3-29 2.58
    Wednesday 3-30 2.50
    Thursday 3-31 3.06
    Friday 4-01 5 miles
    Sat 4-02 None
    Sunday 4-03 3.6 miles

    These were all done on my elliptical machine except for Friday, April 1st which was our Relay for Life and was done around a track.

    Total Mileage for the week: 20.3 miles! WOW Surprised myself!
  • jsteras
    jsteras Posts: 344 Member
    Fresh new week :)
    Two miles in this morning!
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    Ugh...need to get walking again. It's been a long weekend. No walking in, barely any exercise, and a lot of junk food. Today starts the end of junk food.
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