Are You Insane???



  • cangel81603
    cangel81603 Posts: 64 Member
    I just finished week 1 day 6 today. I've done some of the workouts here and there before but I promised myself to start and finish the whole thing this time and so far I have stuck to it. I sooo want the t-shirt Can't wait to post before and after pics and I look forward to seeing yours too:)
  • Keep up the good work everyone! Starting week four and feel great just getting to the point that I can do the whole workout without being dead meat, month 2 im sure is going to be hard. I will keep you guys posted on how bad.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Yup...I'm insane. LOL I'm crazy as hell because I actually did Day 7. I was able to do more than before, however, the Cardio Power is a bit tough on me due to excess boobage and belly. All that jumping and push-upping is just a big much for me and my knees. But hey, pulled through it and made sure to take breaks when they were needed. It helps to see the people in the video get tired too LOL

    Hope ya'll are doing great! Day 8 tomorrow. Game face on--grrrrrrrrrrrr.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Well, well, 8 is a wrap. Ooooohhhh yeeeeeeaaaaahhhh! Pure Cardio--felt good but wow. Lol
  • Day 1 & 2 of week 2 in the bag. Day 3 today (in about an hour). I tried to do it yesterday early morning, and that was a mistake. Suffered bad through the whole thing. Won't make that mistake again!!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    LOL @ Skolls--early mornings can be brutal. I did it early a.m. today and I swear I need a do over. hahahahaha

    Aiight, so Day 9 down. 3 more days and week 2 is in the bag. whew! Aside from this morning, I felt like I could do it and was ready to jump in and getter done. This morning though, I just...I had to stop and literally yell at myself for not pushing hard enough. I may go home and do it again.
  • LOL @ Skolls--early mornings can be brutal. I did it early a.m. today and I swear I need a do over. hahahahaha

    Aiight, so Day 9 down. 3 more days and week 2 is in the bag. whew! Aside from this morning, I felt like I could do it and was ready to jump in and getter done. This morning though, I just...I had to stop and literally yell at myself for not pushing hard enough. I may go home and do it again.

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Seriously????? I'm sitting on the couch today, staring at the Insanity box, saying to myself "Good lord, I do not feel like getting off the couch...screw this!!!! I'm not doing it today!!!" Then I said to myself "Get up jack *kitten*!!!! You started this- you're finishing it!!!" I felt beat through the workout till the end, and all of a sudden felt energized! Not my best performance by far but Day 3 of Week 2 down!!! 3 more to go!!! I still had a good calorie burn. I may try to do tomorrow in the early am again. It's the Cardio Recovery so at least i won't be killing myself at 7 am. Awesome job everyone!!! Keep it up!!!
  • cangel81603
    cangel81603 Posts: 64 Member
    I wasn't in the mood to work out today either but I put that dvd in anyway.(week 2 day3) I didn't give it my all but I did pretty damn Glad tomorrow is recovery but im sure ill find alil something extra to do:)
  • Day 4 Week 2 down. It was nice to have the recovery day today. My lower back is bothering me quite a bit. Actually, I'm sitting on the couch typing this with an ice pack on my back. Didn't burn as many calories this time, but still a nice start to my day. I decided since it was the recovery day, that I would get up early and start my day with it. It was nice. Nice stretching, and yoga...felt pretty good. So off to the rest of my!!! Catch up with you all later.

    Oh yeah....2 more days this week (although I'm scared as hell of Cardio Abs!!!!) But I'm really looking forward to Mondays Fit Test (and then I'm remeasuring myself- I hope there is at least a little change!!!)
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Yea...sooooo....I hate the Cardio Recovery. The last time I did it I spent the day heat padding my friggin back. So this morning I took a little detour and worked out with Jackie Warner and some weights. I have to say, I was able to do waaaaaaaaay more a lot easier than this morning than I EVER was prior to starting Insanity. I was barely out of breath. Even the abs portion was not too bad. Not saying I didn't work it, but it was a lot easier.

    Ok so tomorrow is back on the Insanity train. Ugh. I don't think I'm ready. LOL I can't wait to see what my 30 day pictures are going to look like. Hopefully I'll see a difference....
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I ordered mine yesterday, I will be a bit behind you guys but would love to join.
  • I ordered mine yesterday, I will be a bit behind you guys but would love to join.

    By all means, jump in!!! You're in for a hell of a workout!!!
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Can I please please please jump in!!??? i can never find a group to keep me motivated! I did 4 wks of it over the I have RE started and am on wk 1 day 5. I would love to be able to complain to people who "get it!" :tongue:
  • Can I please please please jump in!!??? i can never find a group to keep me motivated! I did 4 wks of it over the I have RE started and am on wk 1 day 5. I would love to be able to complain to people who "get it!" :tongue:

    I dodn't start the thread, but personally, the more the merrier (ok, well maybe not merry...this is tough stuff!!! lol) Jump in. We can all use the motivation. I have 2 days to finish week 2, and then I get to measure up on Monday!!!
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    well, I switched days around yesterday, My hubby did the workout with me and didnt want to do recovery so we did cardio power and res.....OMG I am SOO sore!! My back is KILLING!!! Gonna try to make it through recovery today...wish me luck!!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    I ordered mine yesterday, I will be a bit behind you guys but would love to join.

    By all means, jump in!!! You're in for a hell of a workout!!!

  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    well, I switched days around yesterday, My hubby did the workout with me and didnt want to do recovery so we did cardio power and res.....OMG I am SOO sore!! My back is KILLING!!! Gonna try to make it through recovery today...wish me luck!!

    Steph, please stress to your husband how important it is to do the programs in the order Shaun T designed them. I say this because you have to give your body time to recover from the previous days work out, so he has set it up to work different angles of different body parts.

    Good luck to everyone who is going Insane. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me.

    Also I forgot to mention for those of you who ordered through Beachbody, you were assigned a coach when you purchased the program. If one has not contacted you, you should at least try and reach out to them. They can be an incredible source of information and motivation while you are on this journey. If you have not heard from them, also let me know.

    Keep Pushing Your Fitness Forward!

  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Can I please please please jump in!!??? i can never find a group to keep me motivated! I did 4 wks of it over the I have RE started and am on wk 1 day 5. I would love to be able to complain to people who "get it!" :tongue:

    Hi! Yes, jump in. We'll be happy to listen to your complaints. LOL
  • Day 5 of Week 2 down. I felt good! Scared as hell of tomorrow. First time to pump it up a little longer. And the Cardio Abs just sounds painful. We shall see!!!! Really looking forward to Mondays Fit Test (and my remeasurement to see if I've lost any inches anywhere!!!) I am still amazed that I'm doing this. Shaun T is crazy, and this is an awesome workout. Just never thought I'd be here physically!
  • stephbraden74
    stephbraden74 Posts: 92 Member
    Good job everyone!! ready for day 5 of week one today. Then sunday OFF woo hoo!! A little bummed that Im not seeing results a quick as I did last time around but Im still going to stick with it and I know in I few feeks I will!! Have a great weekend everyone!!
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