Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    m : 2
    t : 3.5 (oops)

    total : 5.5 / 14

    * so a question for the lushes * : do you all log each drink ? my few friends on here aren't really drinkers, and i'd love to see how it affects different daily calorie totals. i do log all my drinks, sometimes it puts me over, sometimes it reminds me to pass on dessert and other times i worry that i'm not eating enough food calories cuz i overindulged in the wine. any input is welcome!
    I usually log all of my drinks whether it puts me over or not...the only reason I didn't log on the other day is because I was sleeping off the vodka and lemonade and by the time I woke up it was the next day. Happy April fellow lushes!!!:drinker: :smokin: :smokin: :drinker: :glasses:
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Oops! I slept thru yesterday too, but I'm feeling much better now!:bigsmile:
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    Excellent article, Amy!

    I tend to steer towards the Three Olives flavored vodkas...I just wish they sold more of the BIG bottles in my favorite flavors at my L.Q.

    I didn't used to log my drinks, but I do now...keeps me honest. :tongue:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member

    I didn't used to log my drinks, but I do now...keeps me honest. :tongue:

    Totally agree......I always wondered why I couldn't lose weight or inches.....cause I was overindulgent with the alcohol and now once its logged I feel too guilty if I go over :smile:
  • Tiffeney
    Tiffeney Posts: 87 Member
    Skinny girl margaritas = just ad ice it say on the bottle it is 35 calories a once ! The taste is not that bad !
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Skinny girl margaritas = just ad ice it say on the bottle it is 35 calories a once ! The taste is not that bad !

    Actually, it's a 1.5 ounce can mix it with sparkling water as well
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I meant to say, Kim, that Saturday may or may not have had something to do with my 2-day break. :laugh: I almost had some wine last night...the kids were stressing me out (when I PMS everything is magnified x eleventy bajillion) but I never opened the bottle.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I log all my drinks, even it it puts me over 1,000 calories plus...which it has before. Otherwise, what's the point? I log every weekend and typically try to get as close as possible to what i really think I have drank (and eaten).

    Vanilla vodka - since you're mixing, it doesn't have to be top top shelf. Smirnoff (sp?) makes a decent vanilla. Stoli does as well.

    I haven't read Amy's article yet, but I have also heard that people that "drink more" tend to usually be more intense about working out etc. I fit into this category for sure. Saturday I ran 4 miles with friend, got done and realized I was terribly hungover. Got over it eventually and had some wine during the games. I'm going to try for no drinking tonight or Thursday. I am finally moving Friday (YAY!!) so I'm sure celebration will be in order for me.
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    a drink is a drink realy,
    one beer if you go lightish is around a 100 calories, you can go lighter (but I don't like them) and you can certainly go heavier
    5 oz of wine is around 100 calories champagnes and whites are a little less than reds but reds have more good stuff for you
    80 proof alcohol is around 60- 80 calories and oz and a shot is around 100.

    If you like the taste of an alcohol like vodka, rum or whiskey you can mix it with club soda and a lime. Many people use sugar free drink mixes of lemonade or other things to mix with vodka and rum. you can get creative.

    I usually mix a flavored vodka with club soda. Lots of people dont like it because it is not sweet at all. I like it because it leaves the flavor behind as an after taste. My favorite is Three Olives Grape. Club soda has no calories or sodium and no fake after taste like diet sodas.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Boulevard Brewing Company is the new beer I tried yesterday and earned my seal of was a yeast beer; but not a heavy yeast...they are from Kansas City...will be great in the SUMMER on the deck
  • deanie0515
    deanie0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Just wanted to jump on this thread.... I log all of my drinks also. Can't seem to skip the red wine in the evenings!! I believe it makes the "homelife" a lil smoother!!!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Just made a girl date with my best gal. She is preggo and says she doesn't mind me drinking at dinner. (she did it to me when I was preggo)

    But I don't know, I am torn. I know how much it sucked when everyone enjoyed margaritas or beer with dinner when I couldn't but on the other hand...this will be my first night without the baby in a month...if she said she doesn't mind, is it okay to order margaritas??
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I would order a brother got married in Hawaii when I was pregnant with the boy, and, my (then) husband, mom, dad, and sister, would try a new fruity, foo-foo drink from Duke's on the beach. It kinda sucked, but it wasn't the end of the world!! Get yer drink on, sister!!
  • I always log my drinks too, and yes-- looks kinda embarrassing logging a 12 pack on one party night LOL but it makes me more self conscience about it next time. Trying to pick a lower cal drink, etc.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I would order a brother got married in Hawaii when I was pregnant with the boy, and, my (then) husband, mom, dad, and sister, would try a new fruity, foo-foo drink from Duke's on the beach. It kinda sucked, but it wasn't the end of the world!! Get yer drink on, sister!!

    Amy says it is ok, so it shall be done! :drinker:

    Yikes, being in Hawaii w/o deserve an award for that one!. :flowerforyou:

    (this friend put on my baby shower where there was wine for the ladies and a keg for the gents :laugh: )
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I always log my drinks too, and yes-- looks kinda embarrassing logging a 12 pack on one party night LOL but it makes me more self conscience about it next time. Trying to pick a lower cal drink, etc.

    I hear ya, and it makes me reconsider "just one more" (sometimes :embarassed: )
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    I love this thread! I'm totally jumping on here. I drank a ton in college, it was pretty much all we did to socialize, as it was a small school in the middle of nowhere. I also come from a family of social drinkers, where every event includes wine, beer, trying out the latest cocktail... Now that their kids are out of the house, my parents love "happy hour" and we have drinks together when I'm visiting and often get carried away. :) I feel "weird" going out for dinner and NOT ordering a drink; it feels like an adult privelege that I should always take advantage of. haha. Post-college, I have tended to mainly socialize with other people who, like myself, are unmarried and without kids... so social drinking is still a huge player. I don't go out partying like I used to, but it's also so much harder to shed any pounds or to get over a hangover!! Girls' Wine Night, happy hour... even if we do something healthy like go for a bike ride, take a walk, play beach volleyball, we often follow those up with beer. House projects, gardening, cleaning... all better with a beer. :-D Some weeks I control myself and only have a couple on the weekend, other weeks I fall completely off the wagon and have to force myself into "detox". I know it affects my weight somewhat, but I also gave it up for Lent one year and didn't lose a thing. I think my love for food is my bigger problem, and the complete lack of inhibitions for what I will allow myself to eat if I've been drinking or if I'm hungover (need Greasy Food!!).

    I am entertained by all of your stories - and also feel less bad about my indulgences. :) I have been a little better lately, because I've been studying for a certification exam for work for the last 3 months... but the exam is on Friday, so there will be celebrating. And I will NOT be logging how many drinks I have!!! ;)
  • Welcome Erin :drinker: I like this thread too-- not judged or EXPECTED to quit drinking. But they have given me some good advice on flushing those bad alcohol calories away :)
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    Right! No sense in feeling guilty about it. Guilt adds to stress and stress impedes weight loss!! We only have one life, so we should take care of ourselves... but who says we can't have some fun, too! :)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    No drinks again tonight :happy: On another good note I tried on a favourite dress that has been lurking in my wardrobe for ages in the hope that I would fit back in it one day and it fits really well, not tight at all so I think I'll wear that out tomorrow night.
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