Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • OK so just did my first Zumba and I must say: Becoming an anorexic seems WAAAY easier. Uggggh OMG idk HOW people do it?!?! I need some advice or I dont think Ill ever make it to another!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    OK so just did my first Zumba and I must say: Becoming an anorexic seems WAAAY easier. Uggggh OMG idk HOW people do it?!?! I need some advice or I dont think Ill ever make it to another!

    I just started Zumba last month and love it...The calorie burn is amazing...The hour flies by...Not one single crunch
  • Ur right about the not 1 crunch BUT OMG EVERYthing is sore! LOL. I made it through though! :sick: Hope I can keep it up!! Im stuck like glue on the couch right now-- can't move! HAHA
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I busted *kitten* on a 55 minute Turbo Fire--465 calories burned...I'm SO going to have a glass or two of wine tonight!!:drinker:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0

    Just have to get through tomorrow and then Friday I'll indulge in some wine =]

    This will make two weeks going Monday to Thursday with no drinks. Still would like to cut out the drinks on Sundays, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday is much better than Mon-Sunday.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Ur right about the not 1 crunch BUT OMG EVERYthing is sore! LOL. I made it through though! :sick: Hope I can keep it up!! Im stuck like glue on the couch right now-- can't move! HAHA

    I was the same way at first...but, I have to admit it whittles down the middle...good luck, enjoy the couch...oh, you have to do zumba to earn the :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: calories
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I'm back woohoo. Just got a new laptop yay. :laugh:

    mon - 0
    tues - 0
    wed - way too many
    thurs - 0
    fri -0
    sat - 0
    sun - 0

    This is my plan, only indulging once this week. I plan to do some spring cleaning on my day off tomorrow, and then its work all the way till next fri. No days off = no drinking.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I'm back woohoo. Just got a new laptop yay. :laugh:

    mon - 0
    tues - 0
    wed - way too many
    thurs - 0
    fri -0
    sat - 0
    sun - 0

    This is my plan, only indulging once this week. I plan to do some spring cleaning on my day off tomorrow, and then its work all the way till next fri. No days off = no drinking.

    I just finished my weekend Tuesday, Wednesday...working on Friday, Saturday and Sunday:grumble:

    Looking for our team to kick some *kitten* on Monday...tomorrow is 90 minute workout (elliptical and zumba) to make up for the brew-ha and jump start my weight loss

    It would be a lot easier to learn to just not drink....but, not nearly as much fun and I couldn't post on the coolest thread around

    Wednesday, 8 beers (super horrible)
    Thursday, 6 beers

    Total: 14
    Goal: <12

    Those suckers go down so easy...
  • Kim I'm taking your advice... I'll keep it up--but OMG I'm sore today! Geesh, I might only do this 2-3x a week to earn my 12 pack for the weekend :laugh: But I was really surprised on the calorie burn! Makes it ALMOST worth it :drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Kim I'm taking your advice... I'll keep it up--but OMG I'm sore today! Geesh, I might only do this 2-3x a week to earn my 12 pack for the weekend :laugh: But I was really surprised on the calorie burn! Makes it ALMOST worth it :drinker:

    I try to do it 3 times a week and my legs are really getting toned and my cardio stamina is way better...oh, did I mention the waist whittling without one single f'ing, go shake wha cha mama gave ya
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I just want to know why on a week I eat like crap and I don't exersize the scale just sits there. Yet when I do it all right the scale creeps up. I am beginning to think my body really likes being chunky and refuses to be anything else.

    I drank the rest of my wine last night then had two large vodka and shnapps things. oy!
  • @ Kim-- LOL!!! :) Ur going to be MY inspiration!!

    @ Robin-- I agree!! Sometimes its like wth!!??! I usually drink to that too!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Robin, you've lost a lot of weight before...what were you doing different back then?

    Either you have to figure it out, take a break from it or give up on it...take your pick and relax with the decision.
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Monday 0
    Tuesday 6oz of wine
    Wednesday 0
    Thursday 0 or so planned!

    Robin-I looked at your food diary, are you eating atleast 1200 calories? Sometimes that can make a difference?? :ohwell:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Monday - 4
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - 0 planned; 2 beers and 4ish glasss of wine....crap
    Thursday - no way I am moving all day tomorrow
    Weekend....who knows; probably will need to celebrate the new house
    Goal >15
    Currently = 10

    I'm screwed.

    But I lost 1.5 pounds this week. Partially may be due to dehydration, but I still feel like I lost. Funny thing is, I only worked out once or twice, ate out a lot, and therefore went over my caloires all days but 2, one of which was a 600ish calorie deficit. Maybe this whole thing about zig zagging isn't BS after all. We'll see what this week holds.

    I'm off work tomorrow to move so today is like my Friday! Everyone have a good weekend. I may not check back for a couple days after I leave at 3.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I agree with Kim, Robin. Take a break. Reflect on what you've done in the past, recommit and most importantly, relax! :heart:

    Elizabeth, make sure you're drinking a ton of water post-Zumba. It will help flush the lactic acid, which is responsible for the soreness. Take some ibuprofen will help. Believe it or not, doing some light exercise on the days your sore will help too. Crazy, but true!

    My wine was sooooooooooooooooo good last night. :drinker:
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    Robin - sorry you are feeling stuck! My progress has been very slow, because I have bad weeks. I don't know exactly why some weeks you can eat crappy and still lose (or remain the same) and the weeks you work hard it doesn't seem to do anything. The weeks I have seen most success, I indulge in a few meals & some drinks, but the rest I do really well filling up on really healthy things and exercise as much as I can squeeze in (for me that is 5 good workouts, plus a couple good walks with my dog). This week I am PMSing and eating total junk, and it's been pissing me off when I have to fill out my diary and see how the little crap adds up so quickly... and most of it was stuff I didn't even really want, it was just there and so I ate it. :(

    I have only lost 7 pounds (over 3 months :-/ - definitely not setting any records!) of the 30 I want to lose, so I don't have a lot of advice on what necessarily works the best - but I can definitely offer support, because I struggle, too!

    I know what doesn't work for me, is keeping easily consumable booze in the house! I used to always have a mini-bar stocked of my favorites and liked having stuff available if friends stopped by unexpectedly, but found if I came home from having a drink or two w/ friends, I would sit down for a "nightcap" and have the rest of an open bottle of wine by myself. If there is beer in the fridge, I will drink it. If there is booze I will make a mixer and I usually make them way to strong (I like the taste!), find myself buzzed and then snacking and/or drinking more than what I need. It's just too easy and once you have a couple, it goes downhill quickly. I'm obviously not judging anyone who drinks, because I love it!!! But if you want to drink less to help with weight loss (and keep from feeling hungover), then out of sight, out of mind works the best...

    Mon - 2.5 glasses of wine with friends
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 0
    Friday - celebration day, party!!!
    Saturday - plans to try a new hole-in-wall pizza joint with friends - beer & pizza!!! Better get in a good workout :)
    Sunday - Bloody Mary brunch at a friend's house

    Have a fun weekend, everyone!
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Heh well now, 4 pbr tall boys last night. Hubby had 2. We were commiserating/celebrating figuring out how the heck to handle taxes and surviving the month. And I sold a lot more hoops then I expected. So I'm sore this morning. Let's hear it for water!!

    And you guys SO have me interested in Zumba now. I just started the 30 Day Shred thing (every other day though otherwise my knee would be going insane) but I think it would be beneficial with the other dancing I do.
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Wednesday=0 drinks

    I think I will remain alcohol free tonight as well.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member

    My wine was sooooooooooooooooo good last night. :drinker:

    yes, yes it was !

    m : 2
    t : 3.5
    w : 3

    total : 8.5 / 14

    hmmm, looks like the weekly "goal" i set is a bit lofty. still, considering that a whole bottle over the course of the evening was pretty commmon, i say "great job, me!" and eventually i *will* get there.
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