WOMEN AGES 50+ for April



  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Evening, ALL!

    Dee: Happy Birthday!!! Hope it's a good one.

    Natalie: Hope you have a nice anniversary...congratulations!

    Barbie: Good to hear from you on your trip. And way to go getting those steps in after a long day in the car. Ditto with your food choices...No wonder you have done so well!

    Denise: Good to year from you again. I was gone for a couple of months too and I didn't do well this time away...Jump back in!!

    Lynn: You're right...we are missing some of our regulars! Your memory was pretty good, actually! It does take more time these days, though, doesn't it???

    Today was the first day in a long time I didn't get any dedicated exercise...drove to Charleston to run lots of errands...so I kept my calories to 1200...in fact after logging everything in, I came in at exactly that! So I am done for the night. I did go over on my sodium because I ate the black bean soup at Panera Bread. I love it, but had no idea it had so much sodium! Yikes!:huh:

    My parents are coming tomorrow for the weekend. I am not making any special "treats" for them, like I usually do, so that I won't be tempted. :explode:

    Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! Kackie:heart:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just popping in to say the colonoscopy went fine. The doctor said everything looked great: no problems and see him in 10 years. I don't feel very well yet, so this will be short.

    Best wishes to everyone who has something to celebrate.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    congratulations on being part of the "Ten Year Club"........aren't you glad you did it and it's over :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Marilyn - what formula did your son give you to figure out your RMB? I used the Harris Benedict formula.

    No matter what I do, if I eat late at night, I gain. It doesn't matter what it is I eat -- even a piece of fruit. If it's late, I'll show a gain. It may just be a small gain, but it'll be a gain all the same. Everyone has to do what works for their bodies. Also, if I go too low in my calories, I won't lose. If I have something like 200 calories remaining for the day, I can be assured that I won't lose. If I only have something like 50-100 calories left, then I'll usually lose.

    Today I'll do a weight DVD then go to this crochet class. I'm determined that I'll learn to crochet in the round. For the last 2 weeks the woman who runs it hasn't been there, so I haven't really worked on my piece since I want her to look at it and be sure that I'm doing it right before I get too far along. Then I'll probably do a little food shopping. Tomorrow I'm planning to do some HIIT on the elliptical. I just have a hard time doing HIIT on the treadmill, I prefer something with less impact on my knees.

    When we took Bonnie and Clyde to the vet, he told us to put this ear cleaner once/day. Clyde isn't much of a problem, he tolerates it. But Bonnie!!!! We tried to give it to her earlier, she literally jumped off me, started to bite me. We gave it to her tonight. I now have these little marks on my hands where she bit me (not real hard). It's only ear drops! Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to give ear drops to a very very squirmy cat? We're thinking that next time we may have to put her on the counter so she can't get a grip to push away and I may have to hold her head.

    Natalie - happy anniversary. What form of canasta do you play? The newcomers has a canasta group and I'm thinking about joining it. From what I read on the net, it doesn't look nearly as complicated to learn as mah jongg. I think, tho, that they have lunch catered, so the first time I go I'll go late and not eat but just see what it is they're serving. Where do you play? In a way, I wish I could bring my own food. However, they play at the airport and this restaurant caters it. It wouldn't do for me to bring my own food, but really wish I could. Maybe I can just skip the meal and have something to eat at home.

    Dee - happy birthday

    barbie - when we take a long trip (or really just about any trip), I pack a bag with food for me. Vince laughs, he has his McD's and I have my turkey sandwich, fruit, juice, etc. I also have some snacks in the car

    Jeannie - glad the colonoscopy went well (well, as well as it could!)

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Oh, they changed the shuttle launch to the 29th. I was scheduled to lector and be a Eucharistic Minister on the 30th. Fortunately, I found someone who would trade with me for each of them.

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Great Jeannie:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie...it's great to hear an update on your trip..I know how that is to try to get steps in...You are amazing. Getting that 10,000 steps in.:tongue: Wow!...You are the one who inspired me to get pedometer to keep up with my steps. I have gradually been pushing that number up. It motivates you to get moving.:flowerforyou: Be safe!:smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Natalie - happy anniversary! I love Canasta! Our family plays it a lot. I've been playing since I was 4 or 5.

    I made it to the pool today and matched my previous highest distance, I/2 mile. Yeah me! Then I came home and made a weight watcher's recipe for homemade tomato/spaghetti sauce, then worked on the ptom dress for my student. I think that I had better get to bed. Good night, all!
  • mrsanderson404
    msh0530...there was a story on the news today about the 17 day diet...how have you liked it?
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    msh0530...there was a story on the news today about the 17 day diet...how have you liked it?
    That wasn't me. I couldn't say for sure who was trying that. Too bad I didn't catch the news story.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Isn't that what Vicki M is doing?
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    Thank you all for the anniversary wishes... 43 years together... we ate a nice dinner out, I was pretty good, had antipasto, asked for extra tomato, then had chicken parmesean, ate 1/3 of it, and brought the rest home, asked for veggies instead of the side of pasta, stopped at McDonalds and had an ice cream cone (my big treat), went to a casino, won 70.00 on a TWO CENT machine!!! haaaaaa
    Nice day in all..
    Thanks again for the well wishes on our anniversary...
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Hello my friends,

    What did you think about the American Idol results? Pretty crazy, huh? Pia was not my favorite but I didn’t expect her to go home so early. (I admit to being an American Idol junkie.) :wink:

    I had an over-my-calories day yesterday but felt good about logging every thing. :bigsmile: I didn’t do so well today. :grumble: When I take that first nibble without weighing it, I’m in trouble. That’s how I started out this morning. From then on, it was brakes off.

    My sister was here for a visit. She’s watching her eating too but I have a harder time sticking to my goals when I have a visitor (or when I’m the visitor).

    The day and weekend will be a challenge as I’ll be visiting my folks. So many times, a visit’s been my excuse for going off track…like a car headed downhill without brakes. (I’m going to fix that image in my head, particularly the end of the trip!) :noway:

    Saturday, I’ll be joining friends for lunch. We worked together more than 10 years ago (on the Y2K project, if you remember that). I’m more than 100 lbs thinner than when I last saw them, although one of them has seen pics of me on Facebook. Their reactions should be fun.

    We’ll be going to lunch at a Thai restaurant, where I can eat moderately. Except for that lunch, I’m committed to using my scale and logging my food throughout my visit. That means no other meals out. Instead of one day at a time, I’m going to focus on one bite at a time. :smile:


    I started skimming the posts then realized I’d better respond now to some of them cuz tomorrow and the next few days are going to get crazy. Ohmigoodness, this is a chatty group!

    If I missed you, please know that I’m thinking about you.

    Kackie, good for you for one week on the straight and narrow! :flowerforyou: Good luck on keeping there when DH comes back. I know you (and we) can do it with practice and determination.

    Denise…it’s so good to hear from you. :heart:

    Linda, you are amazing…good for you for all the walking you do. Little by little, I’m getting to be a better walker. It helps to have your good example.

    Dee, a very big congratulations. You’ve done wonderfully well. Happy birthday too!! :flowerforyou:

    Faye, welcome back. I missed you. :heart:

    Chiclet, you are doing amazingly well. I hope you’ll let yourself feel how well you’re doing. Honestly, you’re remaining a caring daughter in a challenging situation, you’re continuing to lose weight despite the stress, you’re planning to use the new pool, and you’re signing on for physical therapy. Girlfriend, do you hear how many awesome, hopeful things you’re doing?!!! :flowerforyou:

    Viv, beautiful profile pic! You look so happy.

    Robin, sometimes it takes some wandering around to figure out what works and what doesn’t. I know cuz I’ve been there and done that and will again. I’m sending good thoughts to you.

    Laura, hang in there. You’ve done an amazing job. :heart:

    Barbie, you are making good choices. You are a wonderful role model and an incredible woman.

    Natalie, happy anniversary! :flowerforyou:

    Jeannie, congrats on the good colonoscopy results. They’re not much fun but it sure is reassuring to get that “See ya in 10 years” message. :happy:

    Welcome to everyone new. This is a wonderful bunch of women and a good place to find encouragement.


    I took my little dog, Izzy, to get groomed a couple of days ago. She was getting pretty long and shaggy. I asked them not to cut off too much. Well, she now looks like a freshly shorn lamb! Really, really short hair. Oh well. It’ll grow. At least she’s easy to brush. :tongue:

    She is a smart cookie. She learned to sneeze on command today and to speak in an “indoor voice.” (She’s already very proficient at her "outdoor voice." :laugh: ) She’s getting more demanding, bringing toys to me and barking or patting my arm with her paw to ask me to play with her. It’s nice to have a friend. :happy:

    Good night all.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Msanderson it was me who is on 17 day diet. I like it. I lost 9 first week and 4 second week then I stopped losing for a few weeks, I am not back on first phase and losing again. I have kind of adapted it to me and it is working. when I got the book my niece had ordered it online but I have seen it at our local sams, so if interested you may be able to get it there. I like it because it has a great maintenance plan which I hope to use someday, It is so good to log on and have so many posts to read. Hope you all have a great day
    vicki m
    ps my oldest granddaughter turns 12 today. My she is getting old.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    It's our anniversary today, 43 years... whooooooo

    Hope you have many more!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all! I've been reading your posts and want to leti you know I'm with you all!
    Just going out for my walk and to supermarket to buy ingredients for Mary's (msh0530) Mexican quiche
    since it seems so healthy and I've been eating a not too healthier diet these past few days.
    Mary (mimi) I have been bad too diet wise but somehow have managed to keep within my calories allowance
    mostly due to my walking. I'll be back on the straight and narrow over the weekend, I hope, and may manage to lose
    another pound by my weigh in on Tuesday.
    On an entirely different subject, I've been wondering about all these scenic walks some of you have been doing...
    Is there a limit to how many pics we can post on our home page? Would it be possible to start swapping pics?
    I know we get some wonderful sunsets here on the west coast of Scotland...
    What do you think?
    I'm off out now, be back later!
  • grabbit97
    grabbit97 Posts: 445
    It's our anniversary today, 43 years... whooooooo

    Hope you have many more!

    thank you for the anniversary wishes, CONGRATS on the NO SMOKING TOO... I quit 25 years ago, glad I did.
    Today is a dreary day here in AZ, suppose to rain, so don't know if I can get my bike ride in, I will do my upper body exercises with the 5 pound weights... the scale didn't like my glass of wine last night to celebrate our anniversary, hopefully it will disappear by Monday!!
  • Caharleygirl
    Caharleygirl Posts: 109 Member
    Hi to all...I am pretty new to this site (although not new to dieting unfortunately...lol) I am loving this site as it is so much easier than manually journaling and of course I'm loving all the support & motivation from everyone on here. It looks like you all are a great bunch of ladies and I would love to join your group. So do I just watch all your posts and then reply??? Do I need to do anything else to join you? How do I keep this thread up so I don't have to keep searching for it? Thanks so much and if any of you want to friend me...that would be great, too. I hope all of you have an awesome day!!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome ..:flowerforyou: .all you do is post, whenever you want to say something. Then enter the Community Window..under My Topics, it will show your topic, after you post.
    BarbieCat...is our Esteemed Leader. She may check in tonight. She is on a trip. She starts the thread each month. You just click on her link and each month that will take you to the new thread.
    Someone else may be able to explain it plainer...so if this explanation is hard to understand...ask again.:wink:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Hi all! Surprised myself today by walking 6 miles in sunshine! Now up to 37 miles with 8 to go and having to decide whether I need to slow down or raise my target! I think fine weather makes all the difference, though and we're supposed to have a 'fine' weekend here.
    'Fine' by Scottish terms that is, though some of you wouldn't think so! :laugh:
    Good luck all! :flowerforyou:
  • glendaaus
    glendaaus Posts: 27
    Hi ladies, thanks for the welcomes - hope you all had a great week. I have logged my food and exercise all week - find it such a great site - and the people are friendly, I love it - it has just about replaced facebook for me! We are having visitors tomorrow night - they are very artistic people - and we have a great time singing and playing music - I am fussy - so today has been spent cleaning and preparing - even though my friend doesn't care one bit for housework - still makes you feel better when it's done anyhow.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!