Like Minded Lushes April 2011



  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I don't drink much beer, but I would tend to agree casey..those light beers don't seem like they'd be worth it to me. But whatever works for ya I guess?
    Good luck on your weigh in Kim.
    NIce to see you back Pam! Have fun in the hot tub.
    I've got my MIL coming over. We're gunna grill some burgers and some fresh sweet white corn. (maybe some veggies too..portabellas?)
    I'm going to have some wine I think. Although that may turn into vodka later in the day, depending on how things go with the MIL. :drinker:

    dreaded MIL goodluck!

    we are also making some burgers and potatoes on the grill. The weather today was amazing and my face sucks thanks to sunburn. I am an idiot without sunscreen! haha oh well..
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    After eating out today, I was left with only 100 calories for the rest of the day. It's supposed to be a rest day but I hopped on the bike and earned some dinner and more importantly, wine calories :smile:

    Tomorrow starts round 3 of P90X Classic, after a week off, I'm excited to get back to my weights and pull up bar.

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone, I'll be enjoying wine and watching River Monsters :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    That 55 crap is like someone drank it then pissed it back in a bottle and topped it off with card water.
    oh dear..that made me really laugh
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    That 55 crap is like someone drank it then pissed it back in a bottle and topped it off with card water.
    oh dear..that made me really laugh

    Mine was complete with a visual:noway:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all,
    I am going to try and be good this week. I enjoyed my break and so now I will put things on the right track. So my goal is no drinks until wine on Friday. (I am making linguini with clams so I have to have wine) Good luck to everyone this week. :drinker:
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hello to everyone. I've been MIA this weekend. We were moving so we have been super busy to say the least. I hardly logged anything, but burned a ton of calories carrying boxes, packing, unpacking, cleaning, etc etc etc. so I think I was close to evening out. I drank quite a bit Friday and Saturday though and feel pretty exhausted this morning. I'm going to try not to drink much if anything during the week, but I have to go to Atlanta for work Wednesay and Thursday, so we will see. I'm ready for a normal week.....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    wtg Kim doing well on the lush front.

    Good to see you Pam :smile:

    mon - 0
    tues - 0
    wed - way too many
    thurs - 0
    fri -0
    sat - 0
    sun - 0

    I did it yay!!

    This weeks plan

    Mon - 0
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 1 bottle of wine
    Fri - 0
    Sat - 0
    Sun - 0

    Faith, you did awesome this week!!!:flowerforyou:
    Robin, sounds like a good plan and mindset
  • bethany41h
    bethany41h Posts: 218
    Cutting out the alcohol has been the hardest thing for me. I love good wine and I love craft beer. I have reduced my drinking though to every other weekend. I have a beer festival and a wine festival coming up.... yikes! :)
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    Well, I had 3 glasses of wine at my mom's on Sunday...that, along with all the food she made (I think it was all in some "casserole" form too) I probably added 50lbs to my rear-end. Sundays are a tough day for me...dinner and time with the family always including pleanty of alcohol. Lets see what this week has to offer.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,283 Member
    I had a rum and diet coke at the in-laws last night...we were hauling plywood to our house (don't ask) and I needed to fortify myself.


    Glad everyone had a great weekend!

    Oh, and thank you for never making me want to drink a 55 calorie beer...EVER! :laugh:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Sunday 4 beers
    Monday 0

    I'm really really really going to try and not have any drinks until thursday....really really! :indifferent:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I lost a whooping 0.2 lbs this week :mad: WHATEVER:explode:

    The only day I work is Thursday this week. I definitely think if I worked full-time, I'd be a bit better about the indulging. Too much free time can lead one astray. :bigsmile: I have to figure out if my drinking night is tonight or tomorrow.

    I'm leaning towards this evening as I am so very tired today. I don't even know if I have it in me to workout today. I had the WORST weekend at work with heavy, total care patients. Code Brown after Code Brown. I never sat down for a moment.

    Wednesday, nada
    Thursday, nada (working 7A to 7P)
    Friday, bottle of skinny margaritas, 5 drinks (I think I will water them down with perrier water and a twist)
    Saturday, nada
    Sunday, nada (weigh-in on Monday)

    Goal: <12 to 14
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I'm going to have some wine I think. Although that may turn into vodka later in the day, depending on how things go with the MIL. :drinker:

    I understand about the MIL. I try not to drink when she's around, but I can't seem to make it very long. Sometimes just a phone call will send me running for my friend Ron.

    I've been away from the thread for a while, but not away from the bottle. Maybe indulging a little too much, but I do that when I'm depressed. I'm working on coming out of the dark place and trying to find the light again. Actually, I'm just forcing myself to get out of bed everyday and do what I have to do. I'll just keep faking it till I make it! So glad to find this month's thread. I thought I had lost you all forever!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I haven't been here in a while. I found out this last weekend that summer on the bikes...and at the boat...are going to be a real challenge. So far we have just gotten the boat ready to go in the water next weekend. Just being at the marina, working, was too much like a! I sipped on Kid Rock's Badass American lager...2 of them....and Michelob Ultra....a couple. I have no idea what Badass is as far as calories and can't find the info anywhere. I even wrote to the CEO of the company and got no response. I also had some vodka and diet Code Red. And, of course, when I drink I forget to eat light. Looks like I am going to have to learn to plan ahead and keep plenty of veggies and fresh fruits on hand to allow calories for my beverages! I'm also going to try to get in the habit of, when I'm partying, having one drink and then a water...alternate. But my biggest plan PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.....and be prepared!
  • ttaylortulsa
    ttaylortulsa Posts: 96 Member
    Oh. My. Goodness.

    Where has this thread been all my (weight-loss) life?! I came across it and if felt like walking into my favorite dive bar - I felt "home."

    I'm super excited to join you all, alcohol is one of my biggest vices - in the weight-loss world and in general life. Seems like you all will be a great inspiration to keep my intake in check. Thinking I'll just follow along a bit this week, track my drinks and maybe set some goals next week.
  • I must be part of this thread since I'm like many of you! I try to keep it to a weekend of drinks, but now the nicer weather is here and when I'm working outside, it's hard to not want a nice cold beer when taking a break!
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member
    Amy, if you don't like it, there *is* no point, because you won't push yourself and won't get stronger/better/faster. Find something you enjoy!

    I second the motion!

    It is super important to like what you do as a workout. Like most things in life "if you hate it you will not full achieve in it".
    :laugh: thanks for giving me permission to quit.
    I am going to try cross-fit on Monday! Also, I may be furloughed since I am a federal employee, we'll see if they can agree on a budget by midnight. But if we are, I will have time to try all kinds of things!

    Amy - glad you guys didn't get shut down! I am a state employee, and we have been going through the same ordeal at budget time for the last several years. It is frustrating!!!

    I agree that if you don't like something, you should not force yourself. I have never been able to get into either. A 5k here or there, or my favorite: Pub Runs!! Charity+Exercise+Beer, now that is what I am talkin' about! :) Anyway, what is cross-fit? Haven't heard of that referred to before?
  • Had a HORRIBLE beer filled weekend. Now I'm regretting it. I hope I don't tip the scale when I weigh in on Wednesday :sad:
  • Don't worry! Today is a new day and get yourself going again.
  • erin_kercheval
    erin_kercheval Posts: 37 Member

    It's actually one of my boyfriends bestfriends birthday today and he's going out to Hartford to the bars. Nothing wrong with it but my boyfriend and I are younger than him and don't even like the bars anymore. I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to meet up with people after dinner but he'd rather come home and veg on the couch haha. The cruise however will be another story :drinker:

    I am so over going out to bars...much rather get my drink on at home. Like you, vacation is a much differnet story! We're gonna tear Vegas up next month :happy:

    My boyfriend is 26, I'm 25. Two of his bestfriends are almost 30 and still live at home, they haven't grown up at all. They never understand why we don't like going out anymore. Well, it's because we have a nice house and like to sit back and enjoy it, instead of pushing our way through loud drunk idiots. Now when we go on our yearly cruise, that's a different story. Kyle doesn't have to drive so he lets loose, doesn't have to think about work and can really unwind. He'll still act like an old man some nights but he gets over it as soon as we are walking around the ship with drinks in hand :smile:

    I wish it were easier to get more of my friends to do stuff at people's houses. Almost all of own our homes, or rent something decent, but still people are more likely to want to go out. I know it is because many of them are still single, so they have the desire to get "out" in hopes of seeing some new faces. We usually get a good turnout when we DO have parties, but it's not often enough, because like Said, people are always planning to go "out". And like you, I am actually the youngest of most of my friends (31) and my boyfriend is 30. Summertime will be fun this year though. I got a little fire bowl for Christmas, so I plan to invite people over on the cooler nights, and we're building a patio so I am excited for people to see my yard! :)

    As for my lush-y weekend, I definitely drank more than I probably should have (and ate junk). Also caved on Thursday night and drank two beers even though planned on ZERO. My mistake was that I was going to make this awesome Turkey Sausage Lentil soup, which calls for either beer or chicken broth. I prefer the extra flavor of beer, so I bought that... then it was just sitting in the fridge taunting me and I knew I didn't need ALL of it for my soup... :) Friday I had an exam for work where I was up at 5 a.m. and didn't get home until 7:30 p.m., went to the bar and friends bought me drinks. I was so exhausted I did not stay out late, thankfully, but I ate crappy bar food and drank high calorie drinks!! Saturday went out for dinner & drinks, but I was DD so I was pretty good and only had 3 over a 4 hour span. Sunday was beautiful out, so had a beer while working outside in the yard... then boyfriend convinced me we should go out with friends to sit on a deck somewhere for dinner & beers. Darn it! We made a pact though we would drink one day MAX during the week this week. It is definitely going to be more difficult during the summer, especially once I start volleyball and softball!!!

    Anyhow last week tallies up to:
    Mon - 2.5 glasses wine
    Tues - 0
    Wed - 0
    Thurs - 2 Miller Lite
    Fri - 2 Grape Bombs, 1 Slippery Nipple (my friends choice of shots, haha) and 4(?) Miller Lites
    Sat - 2 Capt & Coke, 1 Summer Shandy
    Sun - 3 Miller Lite, 1 Ace Pear Cider

    Total: 17.5 Yikes!! I think I might make a weekly total goal like some of you have done. Do you feel it works?
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