Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Day 9/ 30 Day shred completed....I'm joining in your group late but I figure the more groups I join the more likely I will finish the whole 30 days! I began on 4/1 and have taken 3 rest days ( because it was my birthday on the 8th) After reading about all your progress I think ripped in 30 will be my next goal!!
  • Housetroll
    Housetroll Posts: 109 Member
    I bought Ripped in 30 this weekend after reading some of these posts! I level 1 for the second day today and am so sore! I was sore already, but was determined to do it today as well. I am really looking forward to seeing some results! I have reached my weight loss goal but have been SO out of shape! I had considered myself somewhat active, but after doing 2 days of Ripped in 30 I am thinking I was not nearly active enough! :laugh:
  • Kaileyxoxo
    Kaileyxoxo Posts: 95 Member
    I bought Ripped in 30 this weekend after reading some of these posts! I level 1 for the second day today and am so sore! I was sore already, but was determined to do it today as well. I am really looking forward to seeing some results! I have reached my weight loss goal but have been SO out of shape! I had considered myself somewhat active, but after doing 2 days of Ripped in 30 I am thinking I was not nearly active enough! :laugh:
    haha oh i felt the same way! jillian definately breaks us down to build us up, it feels really good to complete a new move that i couldnt have done before. Your stamina and strength will improve, keep working at it and you will get stronger!
  • Day 2 L1 of ripped. I hurt! Was worried about my knee hurting (carrying exra 80 lbs =big girl=bad knees :smile: ) Was not prepared for everything else hurting. Untli now only knowledge of Jillian came from the Biggest Loser. After 2 days I am having a love/hate/fear relationship with her. Scared of the next levels (especially after reading some of the posts...planks are not sounding good) but not ready to quit! Needing a LOT of support. Have a long way to go.

    SW 242.5 (3/31/11)
    CW 231.6
    GW (mini) 155
    GW (final) 140
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    Day 2 L1 of ripped. I hurt! Was worried about my knee hurting (carrying exra 80 lbs =big girl=bad knees :smile: ) Was not prepared for everything else hurting. Untli now only knowledge of Jillian came from the Biggest Loser. After 2 days I am having a love/hate/fear relationship with her. Scared of the next levels (especially after reading some of the posts...planks are not sounding good) but not ready to quit! Needing a LOT of support. Have a long way to go.

    SW 242.5 (3/31/11)
    CW 231.6
    GW (mini) 155
    GW (final) 140

    Welcome all! You will def get your support here!

    I am finished with this dvd and have seen great results, IMO. I lost 7lbs, and have toned up a ton! I feel like everything went in and up! I think I have said this before, but I feel "light and tight" now! :bigsmile: I plan on still incorporating this dvd into my routine probably once a week atleast b/c I love it so much! I used to hate planks, but actually enjoy them now! I have also purchased JM 6wk 6 pack which I just started doing, along with Yoga Meltdown and NMTZ. I also love BFBM, and it is a great cardio workout! I don't think you can go wrong with a JM dvd. I am def a JM Junkie now!
  • I saw @ Target last night. Decided to start with shred first. :)
  • stephc71885
    stephc71885 Posts: 50 Member
    I have been searching for some posts about ripped in 30 and i'm so glad i found this! i love reading about all your results :) I'm on day 20 on the 30DS and i just bought the ripped DVD this weekend so I have something to move on to when 30DS is over. I have to say, i have fallen in love with crazy jillian and what she has done for my body. in 20 days, i lost 5 pounds and 5.5" total from my body! my only issue is that i do get a little bored with the workouts. 10 days straight of the same thing gets a little old... so i'm looking forward to ripped and changing every 6-7 days! i plan to work through all the levels, even if i haven't perfected one yet because i want to do 30 days straight. after that, i think i will repeat shred and then ripped again and try to do both at full force :) good luck everyone!
  • Just finished Day 2 of Week 2. Its a beast but its great! Scared of Week 3 from what I hear but I will rise to the challenge haha. I can already see more muscle definition in my arms just from the last two weeks. :)
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I just did level 1 day 1 today....I bet I'm gonna be hurting tomorrow!!!! :happy:
  • slm33
    slm33 Posts: 11
    Hey all,

    So it was the first sunny and hot day in NYC on Monday and I stayed out ALL day with the two little ones I nanny for. In my intense focus on their sunscreen and hydration I managed to forget all about myself and ended up with a bad case of Sun poisoning (In April... who does that?!?!). So I skipped yesterday as I was asleep for most of the day but I'm back in it today and going strong. I still like level three the best so far and I think to make up for yesterday I just won't take my rest day on Sunday. I lost another inch on my waist this week and another pound! But more than anything I can really see the definition in my tummy. It's like there are abs under there after all! Can't wait to post my pictures in a week and a half for you all. You've been so great and inspiring!

    Hope everyone is hanging in there and staying motivated! Welcome to all the newbees and 30DS-ers!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Anyone else hit a plateau the first week of doing ripped?
  • Tiana405
    Tiana405 Posts: 270 Member
    I am on day 3 of week 2 and OMG... this is like the worst thing ever! There's so many moves I still can't do! ugh I hope I can make it past this level eventually but I have a feeling I am going to be spending more than a week on this one... I haven't officially lost any weight yet but my clothes are fitting better and I can start to see a difference in my body... My back fat is disappearing! YAY! and my mom said that my face looks much smaller... Hope this thing actually works with all the pain it's bringing me... :)

    I just finished day 3 of week 2 last night and I was FINALLY able to do all the exercises without modifications EXCEPT I had to stop a few times during the plank jacks to mountain climbers cardio part. MY SHOULDERS WERE BURNING SOOOOOO BAD!!! :explode: I assume I'll be on week 2 longer than 7 days.... I refuse to go on to week 3 if I can't do all the exercises properly and without breaks. This video is TOTALLY kicking my *kitten* and it's GREAT! Definitely see a difference in my body already and in strength!!!! IT'S SO AWESOME to see and recognize those changes!!! :blushing: I LOVE this DVD and it doesn't bore me! I'm motivated to do it every day and to see what I can do now that I couldn't do yesterday!!! I lost 1.6 lbs in the first week and inches all over so far! Excited to see how much progress there will be by the end of it... :bigsmile: IT WILL BE WELL WORTH ALL THE PAIN IT BRINGS!!! :drinker:
  • forkeeps
    forkeeps Posts: 79 Member
    So I'm still in Level one-just finished Day 3-and may I say that I detest the Running Man. I RUN for Pete's sake but this thing HURTS. I think it's because my calves are too tight, but I just can't get the big movements going. Also, I still have not managed to do the side lunges front raises with weights in my hand. I can do them now (I'm slightly uncoordinated so it took 2 days just to get the hang of the movement) but not with weights. I'll try that tomorrow. Just felt the need to share my challenges with others. ;-)
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    I finished day 1 of week 2.. WOW! I am glad there were no burpees, but I hated the running mans with the plank jacks... I don't mind all of the plank work, I think that is a little much. I also didn't get the move where you sit up with your hands by your hips and then go up into the ridge... My arms are too short for this...Anyway... I will figure out a way to make it work... Good luck to you all! Thanks!
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    So I'm still in Level one-just finished Day 3-and may I say that I detest the Running Man. I RUN for Pete's sake but this thing HURTS. I think it's because my calves are too tight, but I just can't get the big movements going. Also, I still have not managed to do the side lunges front raises with weights in my hand. I can do them now (I'm slightly uncoordinated so it took 2 days just to get the hang of the movement) but not with weights. I'll try that tomorrow. Just felt the need to share my challenges with others. ;-)

    Yeah, I hate running man too...I'm just really uncoordinated and I look really goofy doing it. But I totally understand the side lunge with front raise issue. I had a hard time mastering that move back when I was doing the 30 day shred and I only have 5 lb weights. They work great for all the other moves and I refused to buy 2 or 3 lb weights just for that move, so I do as many as I can with the 5lb weights and then just put them down and continue without them. Maybe one of these days I'll be strong enough to do them all the way through without putting them down lol!
  • Anyone else hit a plateau the first week of doing ripped?

    What are you eating? It may be time to shake up your eating plan?
  • Sden1231
    Sden1231 Posts: 61
    Just got back from vacation where I didn't do any exercise and I had no phone, computer, or anything! I'm thinking I'm just going to start over
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    L2D2.. Ouch! My shoulder hurt... I HATE THE PLANK JACKS and mountain climbers...I did more today than yesterday. Tomorrow is another day... I have to run too..
    This DVD is much harder than the Shred, but well worth it.
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Well I finished lvl 2 today. My shoulders just kill threw the planks the the push ups. But I know I seen progress. By the end of the week my leg was going up so much higher with the side lunges with leg raise.
    I also hit a new lvl of fitness this week my heart rate doesnt get as high during my cardio. So here is how many calories I burned for each day of lvl 2:
    day 1 219
    day 2 265
    day 3 205
    day 4 230
    day 5 238
    day 6 207
  • Just started Ripped In 30 this week. Tonight's my 3rd day of Week 1 and boy am I sore as heck, but I love it because I know I'm working hard and it's all going to pay off!
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