New Group - Summer Lovin'



  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I need to change the number that i had posted i had only gained .5 pounds instead of 1.5 !
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Terribly sorry that I have slacked on the challenge. I spent all day yesterday with my boyfriend, which I haven't done in months!

    Anyway, I will have the challenge and new chart posted tonight!!
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Nutrition Challenge: Watch your fats! I don't know about everyone else, but I've noticed me slacking sometimes in that department. Let's try and keep them belowe or right at our daily allowance this week!

    Fitness Challenge: Get outside and do something for at least 15 minutes each day. Most places have begun to warm up a bit and it's been some ncie weather. Even if it's just taking your dog for a longer walk, or jogging your back yard, or even cleaning out your car. Get outside and soak up that Vitamin D!
    2nd Fitness Challenge: 25 crunches and 25 push ups each day!

    And an extra challenge: Do something for you this week. Whether it's cook up a new healthy meal, do some fun workout, or even just read a new book you've been meaning to read. For me it's gonna be buying that Harry Potter movie that comes out Friday. I'm a big HP fan!

    So, that's the challenge this week. i hope it sounds good. I'm going to get the chart up here in a few minutes, after my show. haha.
  • JubaGirl06
    JubaGirl06 Posts: 4 Member
    Oh, im soo excited!! thanks for doing this!!!

    Name: JubaGirl06


    Date of sumer goal: end of july

    Summer Goal Weight: 150

    Current Weight: 185
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I'll have the chart up tonight. Slacked a bit yesterday I went to bed with horrible cramps and a bad headache. I've still got both today, but I'm hoping that a good workout will make it better.
    I woke up this morning and the scale was going back down. I think I'm bloated right now so I'm going to avoid the scaled until about Sunday.
  • deemedpriceless
    deemedpriceless Posts: 72 Member
    I would love to join!

    CW 157
    Goal by May 29th
    Goal Weight 145 lbs
    I can give up desserts too! I've been addicted lately.
  • LettsBvegan
    LettsBvegan Posts: 54 Member
    I'm gonna skip out on the challenge this week. I'm pretty sure I have a fever lol Just great. I didn't lose anything last week and I really wanted to workout hard this week but I think it would be wiser not too... Ugh! I'm still gonna weigh in on Sunday though. Hope everyone has a great week!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hope you feel better soon LetteyB
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Aww LetteyB I hope you get to feeling better!!

    I've got the new chart up!

    Not many people were here to weigh-in and a few had no changes or weren't able to weigh-in. That's is perfectly okay!

    I hate to say this but if you are going to join the group please try and keep coming back, if not to join in our discussion, then at least to weigh-in with us. I love this group and everyone here is so supportive with everything! It's a great group, even if it doesn't seem too active, we still do challenges and weekly weigh-ins. I'm trying to think of some more fun things to do to keep us going throughout the week. I know next month a few people have their goal date coming up!
  • nimmi1302
    nimmi1302 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! Is it too late to join? I know a lot of you started at least 2 months ago....
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Thanks so much for getting this challange together ! I cannot believe i am the biggest loser once again this week ! I feel so much better already but have another 70 some more pounds to go have lost 30 so far ! I cannot wait till the day that i am in onederland ! I love these challanges and love the support from this group !
  • Hi everyone, i don't think i'm gonna see a loss this week because i think AF knocking at the door. I've been trying to eat all my calories plus eating most of my exercise calories back (i think this is where i went wrong last week) so hopefully i'll get a nice loss next week.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome Adrienne! And Lettey, I hope you get to feeling better!

    Tashasbaby-way to stay positive about next week! In this challenge, I have had several weeks with no loss then I will lose 3 lbs in one week, keep up your hard work!

    nimmi-not too late to join!
  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    I have been doing pretty great working out and keeping on track with my 30 day shred. BUT.... I have had terrible eating habits this week. Just being bored and not hungry but eating junk food anyway. What are your tips on how to not eat junk when bored?? Thanks for your help:)
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    @Dubord: I have that same problem, well I used to at least. I've gotten better at it, sometimes I slip. I have found that not having it in the house works best. If it's in the fridge or pantry or even in my room and I know it's there, I WILL eat it. However, I do actually love fruits and veggies and those are perfect for snacks. Try buying a whole bunch of fresh fruits and veggies then having thsoe in your fridge, then when you go there for a snack, you won't see unhealthy, you'll see healthy and go for it.

    I also keep dark chocolate. It's actually pretty good for you, and when you eat one or two squares at a time it usually will satisfy my chocolate craving. And fruits with a bit of sugar on them also satisfies my cravings.

    Just keep it out of sight and out of mind and you won't go for it, don't even buy it. If someone else in the house eats it, have them put it somewhere you won't think to look, and put it there when you aren't looking so you don't know where it is.

    For me this week so far I've done good. I've gotten to my goal NET calories all week. Something I have realized I rarely have done on MFP. I know so many people who have shown proff it works, and I'm hoping it does. My beach trip is 28 days away, and I'd like to be in the mid 170s by then.

    good luck nto everyone else this week!
  • lynnellec
    lynnellec Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry been MIA.. It's been a busy two weeks with getting ready for our summer exhibit opening soon at work and prepping for a 5 am Royal Wedding Breakfast watching party... Among other work related things. Plus we've been busy with wedding stuff since that is quickly approaching and we've recently acquired a foster dog that needs a little TLC until his new home is found. Whew... Busy couple of weeks!!

    Regardless my weight this past Saturday was:
    Last weigh in- 168
    Current weight- 168.5
    Goal: 155
  • dubord29
    dubord29 Posts: 57
    @Dubord: I have that same problem, well I used to at least. I've gotten better at it, sometimes I slip. I have found that not having it in the house works best. If it's in the fridge or pantry or even in my room and I know it's there, I WILL eat it. However, I do actually love fruits and veggies and those are perfect for snacks. Try buying a whole bunch of fresh fruits and veggies then having thsoe in your fridge, then when you go there for a snack, you won't see unhealthy, you'll see healthy and go for it.

    I also keep dark chocolate. It's actually pretty good for you, and when you eat one or two squares at a time it usually will satisfy my chocolate craving. And fruits with a bit of sugar on them also satisfies my cravings.

    Just keep it out of sight and out of mind and you won't go for it, don't even buy it. If someone else in the house eats it, have them put it somewhere you won't think to look, and put it there when you aren't looking so you don't know where it is.

    For me this week so far I've done good. I've gotten to my goal NET calories all week. Something I have realized I rarely have done on MFP. I know so many people who have shown proff it works, and I'm hoping it does. My beach trip is 28 days away, and I'd like to be in the mid 170s by then.

    good luck nto everyone else this week!

    Thanks for the great tips! Keep up all your hard work and it will pay off for your beach trip!
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    I agree about the dark chocolate, I just can't live without it but one square of dark takes the craving away when I'd want to eat a whole bar of milk!

    My weekend last week threw things a little bit and I went back up a couple of pounds but thankfully it gave my body another kick and I'm back down to my lowest yet today. Hopefully it will stay that way for the weigh-in this week!

    Is anyone doing any interesting activities outside now the weather is picking up? I have quite a big garden and mowing the lawn the other day was quite exhausting but I just keep thinking about the calories I'm burning! :)
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    @lenesi: I've been trying to do more outside, my work schedule has been throwing me off. Somedays I'll get off when It's still daylight, others not. This week has been gorgeous and I've been wanting to run in my neighborhood, but I've been working. GRR!
  • lenesi
    lenesi Posts: 32 Member
    So frustrating isn't it! I work from home so sit at my desk looking out on the garden and so want to be out there. Friday at last though so hoping for a green fingered and active weekend :)
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