Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • Nurseshar
    I'm in! I started day one today. I don't see this in the exercise database. For those of you that do this, how do you calculate the calories burned?
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Most people us circuit training from previous challenges
  • Rockd13
    Rockd13 Posts: 5
    I AM IN!!! I have bought the dvd but it's still sitting in the plastic!!!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Just a couple of random suggestions.
    I did the level 1 shred today to see what it was like.
    For those who haven't been using weights, you might want to have more than one set available if you have them. One of the moves was too hard for me to do (correctly) with my 8# weights and I needed to switch to the 5# weights.
    According to my HRM, I burned 186 calories during the 20 minute workout, so I was happy with that.
    Lastly, I wish that I had warmed up more before turning on the exercise TV program. While she *does* do a warm up, my body really performs better if I do a 10-15 minute treadmill walk before exercising. I was huffing and puffing through the first cardio segment, but the last one felt terrific, and I think it's because I was thoroughly warmed up by then.
    Good luck~!
  • fayella
    fayella Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys, im on d3 L1 and id love to join this group, my left arm is killing me i think i need to get smaller weights as my left arm cant keep up
  • k_ewilliams
    Every website I go on says you burn about 160- 180 ish cals a level. Creditable sources? Probaly not, but they all seem to be in the same ballpark.
  • Karmol
    Karmol Posts: 8
    I am new to the site and I would love to join this challenge!! I really need to be kept accountable!! Any tips on getting the most out of this site is appreciated too!!
  • StephanieJ82
    yaay! tomorrow is the day! so measure what ever you like i will include arms, thighs, chest, hips and waist. I am taking a photo today and every 10 days. I will post them when i am done the 30 days (lol I hope) My weights are 2 or 3lbs... i dont remember. I love that we have all these people doing it together.

    we can even do little mini challenges during the 30 days that anyone can post. Like drink 8 8oz glasses of water for the next 3 days, or do 10 sets or squats throughout your day.... something like that. It will keep people checkin in I think.

    for those who dont have weights, i used soup cans a long time ago and it was the same to me. (till i was able to get the)

    I have a HRM watch that I will use and let you all know the calories I burn with that. Might give an idea.
  • StephanieJ82
    I am new to the site and I would love to join this challenge!! I really need to be kept accountable!! Any tips on getting the most out of this site is appreciated too!!

    hey number one, log EVERYTHING you eat and drink. I like to add everything i plan to eat that day ahead of time. Gives me an idea of what I need to adjust. Another thing that got me motivated was reading the success stories. i have a girl on my friends list when i first joined last year, then i just stopped MFP, and when i came back 3 weeks ago that girl has lost 73 lbs and looks amazing! great motivation. And just remember that everyone is here for the same reasons, to lose weight, tone and be healthy. so no need to be embarrassed about anything. Good luck and lets stick with it!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    yaay! tomorrow is the day!
    I have a HRM watch that I will use and let you all know the calories I burn with that. Might give an idea.

    I did the level1 shred today and my HRM with chest strap said 186 calories burned in the 20 minutes.
    I used 8# weights for most of it and 5# weights for the lateral lunges, 'cause the 8# were just too much at that point.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I took my measurements. I hope I did it correctly. They go as follows:

    Left Arm: 10.5 inches
    Right Arm: 10.5 inches

    Upper Waist: 27.5 inches
    Lower Waist: 32 inches

    Hips: 40 inches

    Left Thigh: 23 inches
    Right Thigh: 23 inches

    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 127
  • k_ewilliams
    So what is recommended, doing this video in addition to our usual workout or is the video by itself (+ good diet) able to make you lose up to 20lbs?
  • julesaz
    julesaz Posts: 12 Member
    I'd like to start! I bought the DVD this morning and did the Level 1 workout to see what it entailed. I used 5 lb weights, though at one point I switched them out for 3 lb weights and then back to 5s.
    I want to do the challenge as well:

    Weight: 189
    Height: 5'3"

    at belly button: 42 inches
    arms: 13 inches
    thigh: 26 inches
    chest: 42 inches
  • StephanieJ82
    @ k_ewilliams - Well personally I don't think 20 minutes is long enough (is it 20 minutes?) I have been doing 45 minutes of p90x - Cardio X. every couple days. I think i am going to incorporate other kinds of workouts if i have the time. BUT I will stick to the Shred every day.

    this site was helpful in getting started.

    OK, todays measurements
    159 lbs

    arms: 12"
    chest: 39"
    waist (upper/smallest): 33"
    waist (belly/biggest): 37"
    hips: 42"
    thighs: 26"
  • StephanieJ82
    So what is everyone looking forward to most from doing the SHRED?

    Mine would be losing most of the back fat that appears when i turn a certain way, or have my bra too tight. LOL I immagine this wokout, with all the arm workouts, will help that.
  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I just got back from Target and picked up the DVD and some 5# weights (hoping they won't be too heavy). I will start tomorrow also. Last Sunday I started the Couch to 5K and did the first week's plan for 5 of the 7 days. Today I did Day one of Week 2, and plan to keep up with that in addition to the 30Day Shred. I'll have my daughter get some pictures of me tomorrow and I'll do fresh measurements.

    I was looking one of the posts in the Success Stories message board and there was a lady who was on about Day 17 and she had DRAMATIC results already - that's what sold me on giving this a try.

    Best of luck to everyone and I'm looking forward to all of us looking fantastic!!!

    (Anita in the Cleveland, Ohio area - Suburb of Brunswick)

    PS....Someone who posted earlier had a Ticker for the 30 Day Shred in their signature - could you tell us where you got that and how you added it to your signature?
  • k_ewilliams
    Thanks for the link!!

    Here's my starting info:
    5'7 ..150 pounds
    arms: 11.5'
    chest: 34"
    waist (upper/smallest): 29.5"
    waist (belly/biggest): 34.5"
    hips: 39.75'"
    thighs: 22'

    What I'm looking forward to is using my muscles! Maybe getting a little definition, I hardly strength train, I mostly just go running. So I'm definately looking forward to gaining some muscle endurance!
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    I am definitely in to start tomorrow! My measurements are 5'4" Bust= 39" Waist= 30" Hips= 41" I weigh about 163ish and would like to end up at between 145-155 (I know 145 is the top of my BMI but I have always been very curvy and muscular even at my lowest of weights, so as long as I am healthy I don't care too much about the higher number) so I don't lose all my curves, just want to mainly lose around the belly and tone up. I do alot of (heavy) lifting and it has turned into bulky muscle, so leaning down would also be great.
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    Since I've been doing the 30 day shred on and off for awhile, I think ill have today be my official start date and do it for 30 days straight, no breaks. Yay! I'm excited!

    Took my measurements today.

    Chest- 35.5
    Bust- 37.5
    Upper waist- 32
    Lower waist- 36
    Hips- 37
    Right arm-13
    Right thigh- 22.25
    Right calf- 14

    5'4" 143lbs

    I'm looking forward to tightening up and fitting into my old clothes when I was 120lbs! I don't really care too much about the number just as long as I look good in a bikini! Lol. Summer is just around the corner.... let's do this guys!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Ok, Ok, Ok, I'm in... I've been watching other people start this and have been extremely hesitant to jump in. But I think this is the time. I already have the DVD, I do not have weights but do own cans of soup and bottles of water :) and I'm hoping that by adding this to the C25K plan that I'm already doing, that this will speed up the weight loss a bit. I get very discouraged very quickly when I don't see hte changes I want right away. Hopefully this addition will help. The only thing I am NOT looking forward to is waking up a half hour earlier since that's the only time I'll have to fit this in.

    I'll do measurements tomorrow night. I'm curious to know what they are anyway and I'm sort of disappointed that I didn't take them when I started this journey.

    Are we doing the work out everyday? Any rest days?