Starting P90X!



  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Teena: Have fun with your grandson and Kenpo+. How wonderful to teach him the importance of fitness!

    Tiff: Good for you in getting the workouts in while out of town. That can be so difficult.

    It was Yoga and Ab Ripper for me today. I dread yoga for some reason, but it felt so good!!!!!

    My daughters are spending the night with their grandmother, so I am off to buy some wine for myself and to cook dinner for my dh and myself. We don't have a night at home alone very often. :smooched:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hey Everyone! Sorry I did not post last night. Last night I did P90X Legs & Back workout. It was the BEST Legs & Back I have ever done! I had a personal best and did (both rounds combined) 32 unassisted chin-ups. My max prior to that was 10! I have never been able to do an overhand unassisted pull-up and I did 6 wide front pull-ups, 9 closed grip overhand pull-ups and 8 switch grip pull-ups, all unassisted!

    That is awesome!!! WTG on your PB workout!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    It was Yoga and Ab Ripper for me today. I dread yoga for some reason, but it felt so good!!!!!

    My daughters are spending the night with their grandmother, so I am off to buy some wine for myself and to cook dinner for my dh and myself. We don't have a night at home alone very often. :smooched:

    Hope you enjoyed your time w/ your dh tonight! I'm not a huge yoga fan, but I do feel better when I do it!

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Hello Hello!! I didn't post last night because my bf and I are at his sister's house this weekend. I did the poly for the 1st time! Only got half way through before I totally died!! :angry: I didn't make an excuses and found a time and place to do it (10 PM in the kids' playroom... Used one there "life size" barbie dolls for the exercise to raise my legs up and joke!!! lol!) :glasses: Next week my goal is to get through more than 3/4 of it!

    I am going to do the shoulders and arms with the ab ripper X today (even though my shoulders KILL from Thursday workout!! LOVE IT!! :love: ) Will likely have to wait till they go to bed so I can use there playroom again.

    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Tiffany :flowerforyou:

    Hahaha, that's very funny that you used a lifesize barbie for Plyo!! Great job getting through halfway! I remember when my brother first did Plyo, he called me and said he could only make it through the warmup. :laugh: It took him about a month, but he was sooo happy when he made it through the whole workout! (but couldn't hardly walk the next day! :laugh: )

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Wow, I hope I can stay as focused as you guys seem to be. I just ordered the program today. I've been going to the gym, working out isn' the problem, my eating habits are terrible. My daugher and Grand-daughter live with us. I hope I can make the time to stick to the program, finding time isn't easy around here. I love the way I feel when I'm in shape. Other wise I feel like crap, and have no energy. Looking at some of the pictures sure gives inspiration.

    Good luck as you start your program. Nutrition is a big part in it, so get ready to lose the junk and eat clean! Let me know if you have any questions!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Happy Monday, everyone! Hope you all had lovely weekends.

    Chest, shoulders, tri for me this a.m. My upper arms feel like jello, it's even hard to type :tongue:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well this week, I am in Phase 3 Recovery Week. This will be the end of Round 5 on the X. Tonight I did 1 on 1 Road Warrior! It was a great workout! I burned 436 calories in that one hour workout and really felt the burn in my arms, chest and back. Tomorrow I am doing the brutal 1 on 1 Plyo Legs. I just love that workout and burn in your butt and legs!!!

    Sounds like everyone is doing excellent with their workouts! Be proud of yourself.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Good morning! 423 calories gone thanks to Plyo! :happy:
    Have a great day, girls, BRING IT!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning!
    wow! So many new people!
    Sorry for being MIA!!!

    I took a week off because of my cold.
    I did Cardio X yesterday and shoulders/bi/tri today - I am barely alive after that. :laugh:
    I am glad for Lora in that DVD - she is close to my age and doing push-ups in a simplified/easy way, that makes me feel better. Today was the first time for that work out, so I did not do a a perfect job of it, still learning and not getting too ambitious.
    I have a bit of a problem with my right elbow and very mindful of it. I am hoping that by doing things less intensely I'll be able to strengthen it, without doing too much harm. I am really hopeful.

    Also, by taking some time off I realized that I was not eating enough and probably sabotaging my recovery. I am going to stay with 1800 calories as advised, but going to ease up on proportions of carbs.
    The reason for that is that when I don't eat enough carbs, I get stopped up :embarassed:

    :smooched: I am sure I will offend some peoples sensibilities, but at the same time more people will say they are in the same boat as me.
    OK, even though it is a holiday and I am not at work, I cannot relax...tying the loose end of renovation and planning my life for the rest of the year!!!

    Hope all of you are staying strong but smart and flexible!!!
    Bring it!
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Hi Jenny and gang.
    I am feeling like I need a bit more accountability for my nutrition at this time. For some reason I am in a bit of a funk and have eaten REALLY poorly today and had more than my share of cookies yesterday.
    I am currently in the middle of week 8 of X+.
    Can I join you all?
    I need help:huh:
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,402 Member
    Welcome back, Jenny! Sorry to hear you were sick, but glad you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Licia, welcome. I stay within my calories, but I do not follow a "clean" diet, as of yet. So nutrition accountability would be good for me also.
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, Licia!
    Cookies? Bad girl!! I( feel like I know you so just fooling around with you)
    While sick I was a bit in a disarray with food. there was a few days when all I felt like eating was ...bagels !
    Couple of time I felt as if I had morning sickness and almost reached for pickles and icecream!!! shishhhh....very weird...

    It was ar-mazing to me, because while I can eat a lot, I don't crave carbs!

    I am back to my normal taste now, but I admint - I need to shake up my cooking a bit.
    On top of it, I think I forgot how to cook during renovation :embarassed:
    Anywhooooo, I am back and will do my best to stay with it and improve as I go....

    Oh, wow...the day went by real fast...
    I've done a lot done, but just now taking a break.
    My area rugs are back on the floor, and it feels like home again!!!!

    I was even singing some opera area in Russian,I think from Marriage of Figaro, and man's one, as usual....I don't know why I always remember those!!! Ar-mazing I tell you!!!!
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Glad that you are back to being yourself... and no worries you can tease me all that you want:happy:
    I can't believe that I ate cookies nor can I believe what I ate today.

    Renovations? Please share with me what you did. Was it your kitchen?
    Do you got pics from before and after?
    I am a reno junkie:bigsmile: I watch all the home shows that I can:laugh:

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Thanks for the welcome 515!
    I usually stay within my calories and ratios, and 99% of the time I eat clean, I just feel as though I am having a bit of a hard time at the moment.
    When I clicked here and started looking around I figured that this may be a great place for support outside of BB Boards.
    As I said " I need all the help that I can get":bigsmile:
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Licia - I want to forget renovations exist!!!!!

    still need to get over this one...
    we re-did our kitchen and converted our English basement into a walk-in apartment.

    several weekends in the row I keep washing and washing and sorting and moving things around, and I am still not done! Thanksgiging is around the conver - I need to be ready for the family get-together!

    Everybody seems to want to come and see my new kitchen etc, so I am under pressure to get this ship in tip-top shape!!!

    I thought I would change the couches that I bought from Macys 10 years ago, but now we don't feel like spending money too freely in the light of all that's going on and I think I will wash the pillow cases yet again....agr...that will take up half-of my next weekend...bugger!!!! The sains don't wonna came off either...

    Sorry, I am venting, but I am happy I am back and feel chatty!

    OK, ladies and occasional gents - have a great night!!!!!
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Good Morning Gang! I am waking up and planning my meals. I do this every day and I usually only eat what I have planned, as I said before I had a hard time the past two days doing this, Please wish me luck and if I have a moment when I feel the "urge" I will come here first:bigsmile:

    Today I have Shoulders and Arms along with ARX, I haven't done this one for weeks and wonder how I will do...hopefully I can pull my 15's for curls:happy:

  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Jenny it sounds like you made some great home improvements.
    I hope that they all bring you plenty of joy after this period of aggravation.

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    I woke up and did Yoga X!!!

    Today I really enjoyed upward dog - I felt a lot of pent up stiffness in my lower back.
    I could tell I did a lot of good to alleviate that. I did not do venyasas the way the man and the "kids" were - I am giving my elbow a break!!! I am sharing this with you, so especially those who struggle with Yoga know that you don't have to do everything - feel free to modify and skip a venyasa, or two :smile: It is not a sin!!!!

    Generally in US the move to make Yoga into all-encampusing exercise is very wide spread. Yoga is first and foremost, in my view, for flexibility and balance, breathing and relaxation - not how many push-ups you do. Hope this will make you like Yoga X more :smooched:

    I wish Tony was yupping less though :laugh:
  • maya08
    Hello! This is a great thread!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Great thing on planning your meals.
    I cooked for a week so I can just mix and match: turkey with green beans or pork with swiss chard, stuff like that...a little blend, but safe as far as calories.
    I need to jazz it up a bit, and I will soon. Still getting used to my new kitchen.

    I noticed that occasionally our bodies/or minds go into revolt and reject the routine. Hard to understand why, but the usual suspects are PMS, stress or boredom.

    Takes a lot of though to figure out.

    How is your son doing, Licia?