Confession Thread!



  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    I confess that sometimes I think I have eating disorders.
    I confess that I feel pressured to be thin.
  • sherri31
    sherri31 Posts: 80
    I confess i ate 2 cream eggs today.

    I confess i go for drives on sunny days just so i can wear my sunglasses.

    I confess i haven't logged any food since saturday.

    i confess i really hurt someone i love this weekend and even though they say they forgive me i've cried everyday since saturday cause i feel so bad.
  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I confess that I am a people pleaser.

    I confess that I think people are mad at me or don't like me over the silliest things.
  • Jonesie1984
    Jonesie1984 Posts: 612 Member
    I confess that although I am losing weight for me I am doing it because people treat me better when I weigh less.

    I confess I'm jealous of people in happy healthy relationships.

    I confess I'm distraught to know I'll have to count calories for the rest of my life so I won't be overweight again.

    I confess the thought of having more children terrifies me because I don't want to be overweight again.
  • coakes31
    coakes31 Posts: 32 Member
    I confess...that I put everyone's needs before mine.

    I confess...that I hate exercising, but I know I have to do it.

    I confess...that I love my husband, but our marriage has been difficult for a long time.

    I confess...that it kills me everyday knowing my husband tells woman their beautiful but never tells me that I am.

    I confess...that I think about sweets constantly and dodge every gas station on my way to work, I love reeses peanut butter eggs!!

    I confess...that I weigh myself everyday and beat myself up when it fluctuates during the day.

    I confess...that I found some great people on here, I only wish I had more friends in real life.

    I confess...that I know I will never be happy at any size that I am, when Im skinny im still going to be seeing the fat girl.

    I confess...that the 4 kids that I gave birth to were the best thing I have ever done in my life, no matter how hard it gets for me.

    Lastly....I confess that I miss my dad everyday and wish he could be here with us.
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I confess, weight loss seems to be the only thing I'm in control of lately.

    I feel that way too. I confess at night I often log in here to stop myself from sending insecure, pathetic texts to someone.
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    I confess I love my husband intensly...even after 15 years.

    I confess I love Jesus ... but dont always have the dedication I should

    I confess I have issues with my mother sometimes.. even though I am 54 and she is 71 (lol)

    I confess I am afraid of my strength, flexibility, endurance and health diminishing as I get older

    I confess I dont always realize I have become as chubby as I have .. until I see a picture of myself..

    I confess my 30 year old son is my biggest worry

    I confess that grandchildren are way better than your own children (lol)

    I confess that if my stomach was flat and if it ever does get flat again.. I am having my belly button pierced
  • oh some of these are funny, some are heartbreaking, and some are making me happy :smile:

    I confess that I am insecure about my intelligence
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I confess that I stop doing a profession I loved because I know I'm smarter, and hated being thought of as having a low intelligence because I did said profession.

    I confess that I HATE HATE HATE working out.

    I confess that I have asthma attacks every day that I work but refuse to quit because it's the first job I've LOVED in a long time and I can't see myself anywhere else.
  • PaulaDDN
    PaulaDDN Posts: 162 Member
    - I confess that i love my 7 months old so much but sometimes i wish to not to have to watch him 24/7 and have at least 1 hour a day for me to go to the gym (or get my nails done)
    - I confess that when i feel sad is more probably that ill break my diet, right now i feel pretty down but i wont break it (im not hungry at all :P)
  • MrsFarrow
    MrsFarrow Posts: 326 Member
    I just went back and read some more, and you all are so brave for putting yourselves out there. I thought of a few more.

    I confess that I stopped keeping track of how many days/months/years I've been sober from cocaine because I saw that as it still controlling my life. I can give approximations in years, but not specifics. I wish I hadn't lost count.

    I confess that the thought has also crossed my mind that if I were to pick it back up again, I'd be thin in a matter of weeks.
    I confess that I hate myself for even thinking that way, because it ruined my life.

    I confess that I'm pretty sure I would commit homicide if anyone ever committed a crime against an animal of mine. (watched Animal Precinct today where a kitty had to be put down because a woman's landlord beat her :( )
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    Bump for later.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I confess that I cheated this week. I didn't really lose any weight, but converted to my new home scales (weighing myself naked before breakfast instead of at the gym with clothes and shoes). So it actually does look like I lost some weight.

    I struggled with making the conversion, and felt like I was cheating, but I couldn't weigh myself at home until I got new scales.

    I know I'm only cheating myself, but I'm not in denial, I know i didn't really lose any weight. But that's it now, i can't cheat again, and with easter coming up, this week, the scales may not be so favourable...
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I confess that I hate my mother.
    She is my best friend.
    And my worst enemy.
    My confidant.
    And my competition.

    I confess that I have the emotional capacity of a rock.
    Because my ex-fiance tried to murder me.

    I confess than I'm scared of falling in love.
    And refuse to date anyone.

    I confess that I would rather have meaningless sex.
    Than ever cuddle, or feel close to someone.

    I confess that I am seriously ****ed up.
  • i confess i brush my teeth in the shower.

    i confess that i only keep a girl on MFP to see her trainwreck.

    i confess that i know this makes me a ****heel.

    i confess i had a naughty dream so naughty about my friend the other day that im afraid to look her in the eye next time i see her.

    i confess that i spend way too much time on here.

    i confess that other people's try/fail/try/fail in this lifestyle change makes me try harder.
  • and i confess that i run out of patience with my daughter so much that i feel like im setting her up for anxiety as she gets older and that she'll despise me for it. damn, i love that girl so much.
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member

    - sometimes think my husband is only here because of the kids even tho he says he loves me

    I think that too about my husband. And also that regardless of the kids, he's going to wake up one day and realize how low he settled.
  • Bump for later
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I confess that I've farted and blamed the dog.
  • I confess that if I really confessed to things ive done i would get banned from the message boards lol
    love it!
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