Confession Thread!



  • strongwoman84
    strongwoman84 Posts: 71 Member
    I confess that I am probably going to be late for work because I have been reading threads for too long.

    I confess that I really don't care if I am late because I am getting to the point where I dread going to work anyway.

    I confess that I want to find a new job, but the thought of starting over again somewhere terrifies me.
    VICKYORTIZ Posts: 37 Member
    I confess that if I really confessed to things ive done i would get banned from the message boards lol

    LOL.... PM me! LOL....
  • SaraCakes1
    I confess I can relate to alot of the other threads but scared to admit it!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I confess I bought a bag of Brach's robins eggs last night and ate way too many. I don't even celebrate Easter but those things are so good.
    I confess that I used to be the cutest girl one out of my friends and that it really bothers me that I'm not anymore. I've turned into the plain one. I also confess that even though I am still a little chunky, I am still fitter and healthier than they are and I take comfort in that.
  • pinup_mama
    pinup_mama Posts: 33 Member
    I confess that I sometimes focus so much on my husband and kids that I forget to take care of myself...I didn't eat until 3:00 p.m. yesterday because I was so busy getting the kids around in the morning to take to daycare and I didn't want to eat any of the fast food available near my job because it's bad for me and we're trying to save up for a swing set.

    I confess that working out sometimes feels like "selfish" time, but I really love it.

    I confess that I've recently become addicted to MFP...
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    I confess that I just wasted 600 calories on Taco Bell for lunch....and I don't even feel bad about it because I know I will make it up with exercise later.

    I confess that the closer I get to my goal weight (Within 15 pounds), the harder it is for me stay on track.

    I confess that the girls at work must hate me because they have to hide their snacks so they don't tempt me :(
  • sarabig2fit
    sarabig2fit Posts: 274 Member
    I confess that all of the other times that I've tried to lose weight, I didn't really care.

    I confess this time it is different and I'm gonna get to my goal this year!

    I confess that I really want some cupcakes. Like 7.. with ice cream too. And a whole pizza.
  • bk2011
    bk2011 Posts: 268
    I confess I don't really wear makeup, ever.
    I confess when I get closer to goal weight, I plan to start wearing makeup again.
    I confess I'm very frugal about everything, except when it comes to my son (he gets it all from special diapers to organic foods to any and all toys).
    I confess my husband is the exact opposite of me when it comes to money the extreme...and it drives me crazy.
    I confess my idea of the perfect day is staying home with my son and staying in our pjs all day!
    I confess I often look at pictures from before my pregnancy and wish I would have embraced how toned and fit I was.
    I confess even if I never reach my goal weight, my son was worth every single darn pound.
    I confess I want to lose the weight so my son is never embarassed to have a fat mom.
  • ItsMandeeBitch
    ItsMandeeBitch Posts: 159 Member
    I confess that I enjoy reading and posting on this board even though it seems the majority of the people on here are women.

    I confess I would like to come up behind you and grab that *kitten*...

    I love chipotle
    I dont get along with many women
    If I only ate when I was hungry I would never eat.

    several other BAD things I should not say at this time.
  • LyndseyMcKnight7
    I confess that I will have my boobs done when I get to my goal weight and will not give a rat's *kitten* about anything anyone else has to say about it

    Me too! Good for you!
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    I confess that I think a lot of girls on this forum are hot
    I confess that I have a twisted sense of humor
    I confess that I have a side to me most will never see
    And I confess that while I've only been at MFP for a few days, I love it!
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    I confess I find many of the men on MFP attractive :love:
    I confess I have most likely been slacking and that is why I am plateauing, but not slacking enough not to see a minor loss.
    I confess I am single and LOOKING! :tongue:
    I confess that I smoke pot and it is 420 so might as well get it out there - happy holiday! :smokin:

    Addition: I confess I am completely crushing on a trainer at my gym - d'oh that can never bode well!
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I confess that I have lost over 60lbs, Im in the best shape of my life and am working as a fitness instructor but I still feel like crying when I step on the scale.

    I confess that I have 22% body fat but I let the scale rule my world, I do this for other people, I should know better.

    I confess that I when I tell people my weight loss story I tell them that I got so heavy because my kids are so close in age, but really I was heavy my whole life.

    I confess that I wish I was happy with my body but every time I look at myself I find things that I hate even when I compare to my before pictures.

    I confess that I am terrified of screwing up my daughters, I worry about them having all my body image bulls**t.

    I confess that having a safe place to write this all down has made me feel a little better.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I confess that I am jealous that my sister doesn't have to work hard to lose weight.

    I confess that I am sooo SORE from my fit wall work out 2 days ago!

    I confess that I like to have sex more than my husband ( can't think of a funner way to burn calories) :wink:
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I confess that I am secretly jealous of people's before/after pics.

    I confess that I am on MFP everyday at work... and I work for the government, so if you live in Ontario, you are paying me to write this.

    I confess that I try to make myself feel better about my shape by checking out people that are bigger than me--- and allowing myself to judge them.

    I confess that I judge people who eat fast food, and secretly feel like a 'moral authority' on healthy food.

    I confess that I gossip about my middle sister with my eldest sister and vice-versa. I often wonder what they say about me to each other.

    Finally.... my most well kept secrets, if exposed, could possibly put me in jail. So this is all you get.
  • kat05317
    kat05317 Posts: 96 Member
    I confess that at 36 I am still so shy it is hard for me to post on MFP. :ohwell:
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    I confess I hate spiders. I have no problem killing them. Makes my skin crawl thinking of one climbing my leg. Oh and put ticks in this category as well.

    I confess that I would be happy if my wife wanted a boob job. Is that bad?
  • VenusEnvy
    VenusEnvy Posts: 92 Member
    I confess that vodka and cranberry is at the top of my 'top used' dinner entries.
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I confess that I may have more confessions even after this.
    I confess that I am still angry with my parents for divorcing more than 30 years ago.
    I confess that I wish that I had taken advantage of living the single life
    I confess that there are times when I think I am better than the people I work with
    I confess that even though I am heavy I know I am pretty.
    I confess that I used to wonder if I made the right choice when I got married but I know for sure that I did!
  • hayley_m
    hayley_m Posts: 61 Member
    I confess that I'm so obsessed with Doctor Who that all my friends/ my boyfriend gave me Doctor Who toys/DVDs for my birthday.
    I confess that after my birthday I haven't watched a Doctor Who episode without having my sonic screwdriver with me.
    I confess that I just CAN'T give up beer (don't really want to anyway).
    I confess that I have a giant shelf in my room dedicated to anime/game/cute figurines.

    i too confess that i love Doctor Who and get very excited when new series starts! (not long now till the weekend arrrrrrrggggghhhh!!!)
    i confess that i'm insanely jealous that you have a sonic scerwdriver
    i confess that i have probably eaten too many 'just a slither' bits of chocolate orange fudge cake since i made it on sunday
    i confess that i want to lose weight and be known as a 'hot redhead' and not as a 'fat ginger'