Confession Thread!



  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    I confess I'm attracted to dominant women...
    Walt....Did we ask you to speak?? :tongue:

  • I confess I'm scared to death for my online friend who's threaten suicide and hasn't been heard from for two weeks.
    I confess that I'm in the middle of a panic attack right now and I don't know why.
    I confess that I want to curl up into my bed and never leave.
    I confess that I would kill to be an author, but I'm so afraid I'll lose motivation once I start writing the novel idea that's been bouncing around in my head.
    I confess that I hate what my school's turned me into...I don't think I want to be in a noncompetitive program.
    I confess I feel like a failure when I compare myself to my boyfriend.
    I confess I don't actually like being around my "best friends" anymore.
    I confess that if I could, I'd take a passport, go live somewhere and keep moving until this illness can't catch me.
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    I confess that if I really confessed to things ive done i would get banned from the message boards lol

    *LOVE THIS* hahaha

    Point well taken. I confess the same! LOL
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    I confess that I think Vin Diesel is hot. That is all.

    I confess that I agree!

    I confess I agree as well
  • Chikeebabe
    Chikeebabe Posts: 41 Member
    Ah Ha ~ I confess i loves me sum Vin Diesel too and tried to steal the life size Vin from the movie Theater lobby yesterday. But, couldn't get it loose without tearing down the whole Fast & Furious display!
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    I confess that I sometimes elaborate on the slightest excuses and setbacks, so other won't think me a failure.

    I confess I am fast becoming addicted to MFP, almost as much as FB.

    I confess I am a compulsive over eater, been to the meetings, may work for some but not for me.

    I confess I go out of my way not to be around my family. Their judgment and narrow mindedness pains me to no end.

    I confess I LOVE LOVE LOVE to belly dance and have stepped away from taking classes and performing for fear of being laughed at as "that fat girl" (sad, this has happened).

    I confess I have a serious crush on Drew Carey and Vin Diesel. Go figure.

    I confess it has been years since I have had a date, for fear of being judged by men.

    I confess I get nervous at times when working out at a Cross Fit gym when there are a lot of guys there.
  • millygrl
    millygrl Posts: 98 Member
    I confess that when I enter a room I try to determine if I am the tallest person there. If I'm not I go stand with other tall people to make myself look shorter.
    I confess that when I'm feeling down I listen to the filthiest, most vulgar rap music and it always makes me smile.
  • I confess, at the age of 34, almost 35, I think I have a superpower. I have not been sick with the flu/cold in 25 years, not so much as a cough, stuffy nose, headache, or sore throat.

    I confess I have never had a hangover, and trust me, I LOVE beer.

    I confess my only weakness is not kryptonite, but strawberries and bananas. If I eat them, they give me the worst acid reflux ever. The pain lasts for 2 hours.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I confess:
    That I didn't realize that so many people are suffering, in so many different ways;
    That I wish I had healing words for those in pain;
    That I sometimes I look at others pain and learn how to cope with My own, Life does not seem fair but you have to keep moving and growing, LIFE IS HARD;
    That through all of "THIS" I just can't quit, I just can't give-up on Me>>>WHY?
    That I don't know if LIFE gets better, but I trust My Mom and Grandmother who said it will;
    That Thus Far My Reality has been far lower than My expectations for Myself;
    That I don't believe that you can Plan a Career, that you just have to make the BEST of opportunities as they come along;
    That I NOW UNDERSTAND what My Mom meant when she said, "A Rollin' Stone Gathers No Moss," it took Me 25 yrs to "get" it!
    That the 3 simplest things in Life are the Hardest to get/have at the SAME Time for Me: Good Health, A Good Job, and A Good Relationship...BUT I'm NOT giving up!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member

    - sometimes think my husband is only here because of the kids even tho he says he loves me

    I think that too about my husband. And also that regardless of the kids, he's going to wake up one day and realize how low he settled.

    My husband did. He left me and the kids today. I am heartbroken.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    I confess that I love chocolate way too much!
    I confess that I hate my job and I want to give it up and excercise all day
    I confess that this may just be my excuse - time!
    I confess that I only went on a second are third date with my current bf coz I liked his car lol
    I confess that I know my mum and dad should not be together as im sick of being stuck in the middle of arguments
    I confess that Im doing ok on the exercise front but not the food side of things!
    I confess that Im rubbish with money - in one hand out the other every pay day lol
    I confess that I constantly fear im pregnant
    I can confess that I still fancy philips schofield a little bit hehe

    Wow I think thats enough for now lol! :)
  • koizumi6
    koizumi6 Posts: 274 Member
    i confess, your baby is probably ugly
  • I confess that I have a serious spending problem, but I don't want to fix it.
    I confess that I sometimes would rather make love to a woman than a man.
    I confess that I am in a relationship with a guy who is angry all the time, it makes me sad.
    I confess that I can be selfish when it comes to laffy taffys. Lol
    I confess that I feel like an outsider to my own family.
    I confess that I poke my boobs when I'm bored.
    I confess that I could keep going all day with confessions......

    Omg and I too love taco bell. Yummy!
  • Walt75
    Walt75 Posts: 182 Member
    I confess that I have a serious spending problem, but I don't want to fix it.
    I confess that I sometimes would rather make love to a woman than a man.
    I confess that I am in a relationship with a guy who is angry all the time, it makes me sad.
    I confess that I can be selfish when it comes to laffy taffys. Lol
    I confess that I feel like an outsider to my own family.
    I confess that I poke my boobs when I'm bored.
    I confess that I could keep going all day with confessions......

    Omg and I too love taco bell. Yummy!
    MMMM!! Banana laffy taffy's are sooo good!
  • Those are my favorites. Lol I make laffy taffy sandwiches. I take two laffy taffys n put skittles between them. Unhealthy...i know, but oh well its yummy.
  • SarahWrittenThin
    SarahWrittenThin Posts: 595 Member
    I confess ..
    that I have not practiced my spanish for two months
    That I think any calorie intake over 1000 is going to end up with me breaking through the floor.
    That I eat it anyway.
    That though I graduate university in 3 months I have no idea what I will do after.
    That I feel weak when I feel I need people.
    That I tend to eat peanutbutter with a spoon at least once a week
    That I have never met my best friend in person
    That my boyfriend thinks I weigh 5 pounds less than I do because I can't admit I re-gained it.
  • kittycat613
    kittycat613 Posts: 55 Member
    I confess, weight loss seems to be the only thing I'm in control of lately.

    Ditto to this. Everything else in my life seems to be a free for all.
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I confess that I have no real-life friends. I have isolated myself from almost everyone. Before I started this journey I felt awful about myself so I sorta became a recluse. Then I stayed that way because I didn't want anyone to know I was trying to lose weight. Then when I finally started losing the weight I got sick of people judging me for how I was eating (counting calories, measuring food, etc) and telling me I was too thin. You'd think finally feeling great in your own body would make you want to get out more. Now I'm more lonely than ever.

    I confess I'm also struggling with something else that I cannot confess.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I confess that while I encourage everyone to take a rest day from exercise, I rarely do.

    I confess that I'd rather eat my own food at home than eat out at or at friends/family's houses 99% of the time. I confess that when I'm forced to eat out somewhere that I'm "wasting" a free meal, that I could have otherwise used on something *I* wanted to eat.

    I confess that I love my MFP peeps and wish we could hang.
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    I confess that I've been hiding the fact that I used to weigh 240 lbs and as of just today lost a total of 90 pounds so far but I was ashamed to tell anyone, for the fear of ever admitting I ever weighed that much.....

    I confess that I don't always eat all my exercise cals back but you can't tell my buddy taso!

    I confess that I want to meet some of my best MFP peeps and have an island beach party :drinker:
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