200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - I hope you have power now!!!

    I have no want to work out again this week...but I am going to drive to the gym and do my 30 minutes minimum of cardio if it kills me dernit! (I ate Arbys for lunch today)
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Hey all.. I made pretty delicious Spinach Lasagna rolls yesterday.. recipe is at Recipe http://bit.ly/h8RXgi 170 cals per roll:)

    BTW.. I feel lost if I have not visited this post even for a day.. it is moving soo fast.. that I feel dizzy.. even when I try to catch up. So please I am not ignoring you all.. I just feel intimidated by the speed & realize it will take me an hour to catch up.. & I just get up disgusted with myself.

    I :heart: you all. Just know I am here rooting for you & feel very touched to be amongst such fabulous gals. You are all doing GREAT & you commitment & heart are inspiring & very touching.

    Thanks for being you:drinker:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello ladies! Remember me? I skimmed through the posts, but there's no way I'll be able to catch up with everyone! I did make notes of people's weights. I apologize for not posting the chart this week. By the point, I'll just point next week's one. Congrats on everyone who lost!

    Dear lord, this thread moved fast over the past few days. I am alive and kicking. I've just had a rough several days and I wasn't on internet land in general. I've just been really sick, which has royally screwed me up in that 1)I don't care what I'm putting in my mouth 2)I'm not moving.

    I'm fessing up the scale tomorrow, but it won't be great. I'm off my training runs, as I haven't run since last Thursday. I've been sick-- nasty cold, and I"m allergic to cold medication, so it makes for one miserable Kristina. Feeling a bit crappy still physically, and also pissed at myself for not being able to keep the eating/exercise going.

    Tomorrow is a new day though and I'm back on the wagon, as my cold continues to improve. On the docket: a six mile run with my friend as long as the weather cooperates. It'll feel good to get moving again. I need it.

    Work has been crazy busy. Lots of stuff going on, and I'm ready for a break! haha.

    Also, big news on the family front. This does not come as a shock to me, as it was bound to happen, but my brother called tonight to tell me he bought an engagement ring to propose to his girlfriend. I'm so happy for him.. and his lady is great and I really like her. It of course comes with mixed emotions, as he's my baby brother... and he's getting hitched, while his big sis is single... perpetually. It just makes me think about where I am with my life, and I'm feeling a bit old maid-ish now, but I'm super happy for him.

    AND... future wedding is another excuse to get my booty into gear, cause I want to be the fit sister in her wedding get-up!

    ETA: victoria: hope the shelter goes well! I, of course am partial to shelters. That's where I got Emma!!
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    It's insane how much posting is going on in here! I did read everyone's posts and got a couple good chuckles, but I am in the same boat that I just can't keep up! I will try to do better, promise. :bigsmile:

    I'm having one of those days where I just want to eat everything in sight. I'm in a bad mood and not for any reason in particular. Sleep deprivation, drama with the ex, mental drama over a new guy I met (totally messed up... he left me but I feel like I'm cheating on him even looking at this new guy), the "sluggish" nature of my life since spraining my ankle (today was my first day at the gym since Friday and met with my personal trainer ). I haven't done any cardio in what feels like forever and I feel like just giving up. I know I can do this, even with the "pigging out" I did today I was (a whopping) 60 cals under, but still under so I suppose I'll take what I can get. I'll be doing my weigh in tomorrow. Wouldn't be surprised if I didn't meet my 3 lb loss goal but I guess we'll see. I'm content maintaining if need be for now.

    Hailie - I just had my second personal training session and I promise, you won't die! It's actually not too bad and I know you can do it! :happy:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kristina-glad you're feeling better! Sometimes you just have to wing it and keep going from where you left off as best you can! Good luck with the weather for running!

    Crystal-I hope it all works itself out for you! Eventually, this too, shall pass. Perhaps it's in the slow lane while we want it gone, but it'll get there!

    Well, I DID exercise! Didn't keep me under my goal for the day, which was 1800 cal. BUT, according to MFP, my BMR is 1803, so hopefully that extra 235 cal won't kill me for the week! I knew I was going over, I planned for it, and I enjoyed the break, but I feel I didn't do as badly as I could have. In the past, I would have had 3 plates compared to the 1 I had at work today, so I splurged without binging, so it's an improvement all the same!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Just doing a quick check-in. I'm thinking sodium was why I was feeling so bloated earlier this week. I drank 12 cups of water yesterday and my weight was waaaay down. Going for the same water goal today and tomorrow because dinner today was sodium-tastic and we're bringing in chinese food at work for lunch tomorrow.

    I've pretty much decided tomorrow's going to be a wash, calorie-wise. I'll try to not over-indulge at lunch and I'll guesstimate calories but we're ordering in from this mom & pop place across the street from the lab so who knows what the actual calorie counts will be. I'll have to make sure I eat a decent breakfast and supper, and I'll probably do a more intense workout unless I'm feeling gross from the food.

    Karen: Even though you didn't hit your goal of 1800, depending on your goals you may still have a decent deficit.

    Crystal: Being okay with maintaining occasionally is a good mental place to be!

    Kristina: No worries--everyone has weeks where they're super busy! Congrats on the future sister-in-law :). You'll totally rock it at the wedding, I'm sure!

    Suzie: I feel the same way a lot of the time! I love your constant cheerleading, though :). Very motivating!

    Lacey: You can do it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    HEY we totally ran through a page and a half in like two hours this morning!! It was rad!

    Suzie just because you can't keep up with the posts all the time doesn't mean you aren't doing a good job of consistently coming back! Thats the most important thing. We all have times were we post less and then post more. This is seriously one thing you shouldn't beat yourself up for.

    Kristina I'm so sorry that you are sick girl! I hopes you are on the mends and that your scale treats you nicely in the morning! Congrats on your brothers engagement.

    I'm super tired tonight. Dang female kangaroos and their triple vaginas. Should've just dvr'd that show. Another DUH.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning ladies! (I do realize it's night still for most of you but it's morning here) Check in for Wednesday: 1860 calories eaten/ 3296 calories burned (I think this is an over-estimate as the BMF estimated my burn for swimming yesterday, so it isn't exact)/ 1436 deficit. Oh, and the scale has me back at 201.2 so maybe, if I cross my fingers, I'll actually get a loss this week.

    Lacey: I miss my DVR so much! We've been here a year (this week!) and Gabe still occasionally mentions that he wishes he could pause the shows on TV.

    Sarah: Sodium is a killer for me. I can be under my calories but if the sodium is too high, I just bloat up. Drinking lots and lots of water helps but it still takes me a day or 2 to get rid of the bloat. Life would be easier if there weren't so much sodium in things. I make most of my food from scratch but things like pasta sauce and cheese have tons of sodium!

    Karen: I'm pretty sure that going over your calories for one day is not gonna mess up your week. Good job getting a workout in! Oh, and I have the mindset of a 13 year old boy. I think sex jokes and fart jokes are funny. I can't help it. It's who I am.

    Crystal: I think that being 60 calories under your goal for the day can't possibly fit in the same sentence as "pigging out". You were under your cals, you did good! Maybe you can make better food choices tomorrow but don't beat yourself up today.

    Kristina: I'm glad you're back! We missed you. I'm so sorry you've been sick. I'm even more sorry that you're allergic to cold medicine (is it ALL cold medicine or a particular ingredient?). That is super-sucky. Being sick automatically kicks into gear that part of my brain that needs to be taken care of so I go for comfort foods. I can't seem to get through to that part of my brain that carbs and sugar really won't help me feel better. As for your little bro's engagement...I can see how that would stir up emotions for you. The Hubbs is the baby of 4 kids and when he got married before his older sister, there was...pressure from some slightly retarded members of the family who have the unmitigated gall to ask when she was gonna get hitched. I adore Trav's older sister. She's funny, has a great job, has lots of friends, travels a lot and has no one to answer to but herself. There's nothing "wrong" with her. So I'm gonna go ahead and say there's nothing wrong with you either. Enjoy your single life, it's fun! I remember when I could do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted and it was great! And get back in gear so you can be the hottest chick in a bridesmaid dress!!

    Suzie: Thanks for posting the spinach roll recipe, they look yum-o!

    Victoria: I saw on FB that you didn't have power for 11 hours!! OMG, that's crazy! Did you visit the kitty??

    I got my dog jog in for the morning and I think I'm gonna do YogaX instead of the Insanity recovery week workout (I just can't bring myself to do something for 3 days in a row, my head will explode). Hope everyone has a great day!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Today will be wonderful!!! Electricity ROCKS!!! it finally came on shortly after 6 pm. YEAH!!! I drove over to the shelterand they were closed. I'll call today and see how our application is going. Hopefully Saturday we can pick the kitty up. I gave up logging food yesterday. Let's just say I ate the house put -hangs head in shame... I only burned 2129. Today is a new day!!! I will do great!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm only working a half day at work because my cousin's "celebration of life" service is this afternoon. Therefore, I need to get my butt in gear and get some things done. I normally wait till 1pm or later to really start kicking production's butt.

    But I did work out last night....the push up dvd and ad ripper. In case you didn't see on one of my status updates (mfp or fb)....I did two clap push ups last night! I was on my knees but that was the first time I'd ever even tried it. Every other time I just give my tv this look of "you really think I can get my fat *kitten* to do that?? I don't think so..." Yay for trying!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I stepped on the scale this morning, wincing at what the number was and it came back 178.0! Very pleasantly surprised. Weigh-in 2 weeks ago was 177.2, so I'm not up much at all. I'll take it. It's nice to see it won't take much to get things back on the road for me.

    Weather should cooperate today and I plan to do a 6-miler run. Still a bit sick, but I need to get my fat booty moving. Eating, other than a planned falafel pita (yum) at lunch, should be okay, and with the working out, should be under calories and will be back to diligently posting my numbers!

    Amy: I'm allergic to the active ingredient in both decongestants and cough suppressant, so any over the counter cold medication is off-limits. Blows! Thanks for the kind words about the upcoming nuptials. I'm super happy for them... it just brings up issues I have with myself.

    Kendal: I'll be thinking of you this afternoon when you go to the service. Congrats on clap push-ups! Incredible!

    Victoria- woo for electricity! Log that food woman!

    Sarah- you'll always have those days where you know it'll be somewhat of a bust food-wise. You had some good suggestions for yourself. As you know lunchtime will be a distastuh!, try and keep breakfast and dinner sensible, and log the food the best you can-- of course it won't be perfect, and try and do some extra exercise to make up for it somewhat. More importantly, it's just a day, and get back to the healthy grind tomorrow!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hi kids!

    I was on here a bunch yesterday and I still had a bunch of catching up to do! Love it.

    Lacey, you have no idea how much time I have spent thinking about a kangaroo with 3 vaginas. Or what it would be like to have 3 vaginas of my own. I find this to be mind blowing and terrifying. That's waaaay too much vagina in the world. Just like I've said the word vagina too many times in this post. Vagina vagina vagina. (some how this makes me think of Superbad - aka the funniest movie ever- "I'll be like the iron chef of pounding vag!) :laugh:

    Karen, how are these coming with the house? That's so exciting! Chris and I bought our first house almost 3 years ago. It was so fun and SO stressful at the same time. (we bought a foreclosed house, and dealing with the bank was a complete pain in the @ss) Good luck!

    Suzie, those lasagna spinach rolls look delicious! Thanks for the positive feedback you always bring us!

    Kristina, I missed you! I'm so unbelievably sorry you've been sick. My older sister is also allergic to all forms of cold meds... that is miserable! I'm happy to hear you're on the mends. Congrats to your brother, that's super exciting. Weddings are so much fun, and you are going to look amazing at it. Amy pretty much summed up all the awesome things to say to you, and I agree with her that you gotta love the single years, because I guarantee you will not always have them, and then you'll have times where you think "remember when it was all about me? I kinda miss that!" (that's not to say I don't adore my husband and love everything about being married... I'm just sayin that we all have times where we want what other people have).

    Crystal, I'm bummed that you're bummed. Just focus on the things you can do, like eating right or even just finding ways to work out your upper body... maybe try to find some punching exercises that you can do, if you really put a lot into you'll be surpised at how high you can get your heartrate just from throwig punches. Plus its good for getting out some of that frustration.

    Sarah, I fall victim to too much sodium all the time. I know its because of processed foods or mostly just asian-themed foods (my husband is1/4 Japanese and has all kinds of things that he loves to eat because of his Grandma, who is from Japan, but they are all SO high in sodium). Enjoy your lunch and good job on thinking ahead for the day... we all have days that we know will be a bust, but you are doing the right thing by thinking about it before and controlling what you can.

    Amy, I'm praying for a loss this week for you. You totally deserve it. And you wouldn't believe the amount of fart jokes that go on in my house. Its actually quite ridiculous, especially since Chris and I are the kind of couple that still close the door when we go to the bathroom (I like to think we're trying to keep the magic alive) :laugh:

    Victoria, HOORAY FOR POWER! I always think its crazy when the power comes back on and you realize just how much noise your house makes just to run. I hope you get to bring the kitty home ASAP.

    Kendall, let me just say, you are a bad@ss. Clap push-ups? Awesome. Freaking well done girlie! :drinker:

    This morning was KenpoX, which I love. Chris also thinks this one is the greatest. As I'm doing it this morning and he's getting ready for work, he'll walk through the living room, shout out "P90X!" and then make the "HEP" noises that Tony makes when you're adding speed/intensity to the punches. Its hilarious. I'm happy I got up and did it this morning because this is the first morning since I've started where I just wanted to sleep instead. TOM always makes my lower back hurt like a motha, not to mention the overall nasty feeling it brings, so it was a little rough to get out of bed. But I did. And I didn't mail in the workout either, so yay.

    It might actually be sunny out today, which would be the first time since last week. I'm very excited about this. Even if its still only 40 out. Maybe I'll run after work today? We shall see. I haven't ran yet this week (LAZY! COLD! RAINY!)
  • Hi All,

    I'm new to your world, and am very motivated by all your posts! I've had the Fitness Pal for awhile now, but I think I'm missing the group support and accountabilty, so I would love to jump in on your challenge, all be it late in the game.

    Starting on Thursday, April 21, 2011, weigh ins for me Thursdays

    SW-224/ GW-? Under 200 for now / CW-219

    Goal through May 8th:

    -Track food daily & post daily calories/exercise calories/left over on this thread daily
    -Keep up with all your posts!
    -Weigh in once a week on here
    -Walk dog for at least 30 mins a day
    -Cycle class at least 2x week
    -Elliptical at least 4x week
    -Get out and do things I wouldn't normally be inclined to do because my weight held me back!
    -Take my vitamins daily

    Ready to go!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendall-wow, I can't do A push-up, much less a clap one! Aweseom!

    Kerry-we're buying a foreclosed house too, so pray that this bank won't be as big of a pain, esp since I'm going to have to replace all of the flooring so I made a low offer on an already pretty low price! LOL!

    Eve-WELCOME! It's never too late to join in! :-)

    Amy-the fart jokes & stuff, I just have to roll my eyes at, and try not to laugh too hard, as I have a 9yr old & almost 7yr old boy...there's no hope for an end to those in my house, I just try to contain them to the house! LOL! Now if I could get my hubby to NOT teach my 2yr old baby girl to say "burpee" when someone burps, we'd be good! (Yes, it's cute, but she's otherwise very prissy & well mannered, so it's just a sight , or sound?)

    Crystal-I went over by 235 cal yesterday & made some horrible food choices! But if you have a bad day, all is not lost! Just move on to the next day & keep on going! Granted, I decided at the beginning of the day to just hang it all, but I think a part of me held back, b/c normally, I would have eaten 3 times what I did, so just the act of monitoring alone can make a difference.

    And on that note, I weighed myself this morning instead of tomorrow, b/c I'm off work for Good Friday, so it starts my weekend & thus the need to "motivate" myself....234.8!!! Another 2.4 lbs gone!! Woo hoo! Even with the bad, I had some healthy stuff. Fruit & a salad, but along with meatballs, taco dip, bacon wrapped sausages, and lasagna. And ice cream w/cookies for dessert, so I know it won't hurt me now & again (this is the 2nd time I've gone over since I started my change in habits). Just makes it a little easier to know that it's not an all or nothing kinda thing. Takes away a lot of the "guilt" I would have about eating stuff before. Thus less stress about it all! That's good, right! :o)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Yesterday: 3176burned/2500ate/676deficit. I ate a whole ton of crap yesterday...in looking at posts on my homepage, it seems to have been MFP wide lol. Just one of those days for most of us! Crazy!

    Poop, fart, penis and hooha jokes run amuck in our house. Our daughter farts and belches like an old man. She rivals my dad and brother any day of the week. It is truly amazing what comes out of her tiny little body. And she will just be talking, belch this enormous burp mid sentence and keep right on going. It is hard not to just completely crack up.

    I have a conference call with a customer...and then get to argue with two guys to decide who gets to have the lovely deal of flying all the way to Ontario for three days for a warranty. Joy.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Full moon was Sunday, I'm blaming that on all of the food binges! It's what we blame the crazies & increase in paperwork on here! I'm a records clerk at a police department...I get to see it ALL! And some of it...they should really keep to themselves!

    If my little girl wasn't so dainty & into tea parties & baby dolls & pink....I don't think it'd be as nearly disturbing to me when she does those things. Of course, I'm not into any of those girlie things, and never was as a child, so I'm rather at a loss most of the time when it comes to her! Esp when 95% of the time she wants Daddy! Thank goodness for my boys, they keep me sane & feeling loved! They like snuggles & cuddles & just whatever Mom's doing is awesome! Makes ya feel good! :o)
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    The baby's napping and I'm about to join as it sounds like a great idea so I'll catch up later but I met my goal even without going to the gym. Definitely has me feeling more positive today! (Although still a lil grumpy, lol.) So weighed in at 232 today, goal for next week I'll be forgiving and shoot for a 2 lb weight loss to be at 230. :happy:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Crystal: I'm glad you're feeling better today. I love naps!

    Karen: My mom was a police records clerk and then an evidence technician. The stories she'd tell about her day at work were insane!

    Lacey: Great calorie burn! WTG! My kid has the loudest burps and nastiest farts on earth. The child can literally clear a room in 2 seconds. And he thinks it's hilarious. (And...mostly...it IS)

    Eve: Hi there! You've got great goals and you have a dog - we already love you! What kind of dog do you have? I have a 4 year old Bernese Mountain Dog named Sofie. She doesn't realize she's NOT a person and we don't have the heart to tell her.

    Kerry: How long have you been married? Me & Trav are going on our 10th year and I STILL close the door to go to the bathroom and he NEVER did. I think it's a personality thing. I used to lock the bathroom door when Gabe was little to keep him out and he'd hang on the doorknob and cry while I did my thing. But -dood- I just gotta have some privacy, right??

    Kristina: Yay for not being up too much!!! That's pretty cool!

    Kendal: You are awesome!! Clap pushups are super-hard!!

    Victoria: Today IS a new day!! I hope you get that kitty soon!

    Ok, due to my ADD I started responding to you ladies on 3 separate occasions and never actually finished! But I think I got it done this time! Today was a gorgeous day. It actually hit 80 degrees here! That generally doesn't happen here until at least July. I spent a couple hours out in the sun watching Gabe at soccer practice. It was toasty out there. Nothing of interest to report. Have a good one.
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Ok.. this post is a well intended post from someone I regard highly.. but the comments had me falling off the chair:) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/222964-spot-burning-fat :laugh:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OMG what happened, so many comments!! So glad everyone is keeping it up! Easter break officially starts today, hope I can stay on track with my eating habits!!

    What does everyone have planned for Easter?
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