Starting P90X!



  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    My son is going to be a dad in April, which means I get to be a Grandma:happy:
    We were not expecting this to happen so soon, but we are really excited about it:bigsmile:

    Got in Shoulders and Arms, plus ARX and when I feel the urge to pick up some unclean food, I start to do other activities that I have been putting rearrange my office and go through paperwork and now I am working on pictures:bigsmile:

    Have a great one!

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,399 Member
    Hello all! Congratulations on the grandbaby on the way, Licia!

    I overslept this morning, didn't even hear the alarm. I think over a week without sunshine is taking its toll on me ::yawn: My students had a very rough day, also: tattling, arguing, just outright naughty, :explode: which is very out of character for my bunch this year.

    Anyhow, I came home and worked out the grumpies with Back and Biceps, and ARX. I feel GREAT! Not very hungry, but I know I need to eat something good. Maybe a spinach salad with grilled chicken breast!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Congrats on your news!!! WOW!
    My son is turning 21 this month... maybe in 2-3 years I'll catch up to you :smile:

    TechN - spinach and chiken salad - yummm!

    I did OK on food today, but I think I have a few too many apples....
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,399 Member
    Good morning! Kenpo X for me. I switch this with Yoga. I prefer to do Yoga on the weekends.

    Bring it, ladies!
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Good morning!!!
    I so wanted to get my WO in this morning, but last night someone scheduled an early morning meeting and I had to rush out the door like a march hare!!!!
    I am po-ed!
    I am trying to get it under control though - can't expect the world be flexible.
    OK, OK, I am calming down...

    My pants are feeling tighter....hmmm....I wonder why. Tony does not work legs as much as Debbie does, that's for sure...
    I am a bit scared about that...
    My thoughs are pretty huge and get soft very quickly...
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Sorry I haven't been around but I got hit with a stomach virus. I was fine all day Tuesday and then on the way home my stomach starting twisting and knotting up. I got home and changed and put the 1 on 1 Plyo legs in. It was brutal and ugly. I would do one exercise, pause lay on the floor, get back up and do it all over again. I got to the last 3 and finally just shut the dvd player off. That is when the throwing up started. I was in bed ALL day yesterday! It was awful. I have not been sick like that in over 10 yrs.... I lost a whole day!!! Of course, I could not workout last night! This morning I felt fine but the weirdest thing, I have a rash from my neck to right below my breasts. It is awful and I cannot figure out where it is coming from! The men I work with think it is the Starkist Tuna Lunchkit I had on Tuesday and it is a reaction. I don't know if that is it, but you will not see me eating any more tuna for a long time.

    Well tonight I have Yoga X. That should feel good....

  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    Hi, Tina - nice to meet you!

    That rush makes me really concerned. I am not the one to run to the doc every time I sneeze, but rush is something I would not ignore. That's my 5c.
  • p90x_Dude
    How's the x treating you Jenny? you won't regret it, I'm going to pickup p90x plus this month too.

    Keep pushing play, God bless
  • JennyGetsFit
    JennyGetsFit Posts: 263 Member
    X is tough, my life is full of ups and downs.

    but I am hanging in there..
    Today is real bad, hope tomorrow is better
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    Sorry that you had a not so good day yesterday....hope that you have a much better on today!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! I had an excellent Yoga X workout last night! It was just what I needed. Tonight is Kenpo Cardio+. I just love that workout so much and I use weighted gloves 2 lbs each hand!

    Jenny: Thank you so much for your concern. But the rash was just due to the fever. It is completely gone now and I am back to 100%. It was just a stupid stomach virus. I have to tell you, I have not been that sick in over 10 yrs. I am sorry yesterday was a bad day for you. Keep your chin up and today will turn out to be an EXCELLENT day! :smile:

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,399 Member
    Hello! Legs and Back for me. I struggled this morning, so I just did half. Came home and kicked butt to finish and do ARX.

    Hope today was better Jenny. Tena, glad you are feeling well again.
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey guys great to see you're keeping it up through flu season. Me, back from a work trip, gave up the late night "out for drinks at the local pub" to do my P90X in my hotel room-yeah me, but still eating the pits. PMS week too-ahhhh:sad: :sad: :explode: :sad: :mad: :explode: :grumble: Anyway, gotta get down those stairs to do the legs and abs. Wish someone would push me. Instead cookies are calling....mmm...chocolate chip....K, that`s it, down I go. Have a great weekend guys.:wink:
  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Last night I did Kenpo Cardio +. I had an AWESOME workout! I definitely left it all on the floor! I burned 432 calories in that 45 minute workout! I really love that workout! This morning I am finishing my Recovery Week with something alittle different. I plan on doing the Jillian Michaels Shredder, all 3 segments.

    My coach finished working up the next Round of P90X, Round 6. It looks brutal but with alot of variety. She planned the weighted workouts following the P90X classic and worked in alittle 1 on1, P90X+ and other stuff on the cardio days. Should be an excellent Round. Tomorrow is Rest Day and Round 6 starts on Monday!

    Well, I hope everyone is doing great and pushing play every day!

  • tenaarnett
    tenaarnett Posts: 677 Member
    Hey Everyone! Well this morning I did the Jillian Shredder, all 3 workouts! It was excellent!!! I burned 714 calories! Then I took a shower, ate lunch and headed out to start my Christmas shopping. I was surprised the stores were so packed but I was by myself and took my time and was gone 4 hrs with ALOT of walking!!! I am pretty darn worn out!

    Tomorrow is my regularly scheduled Rest Day and I plan to do just that!!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day and excellent workout today!!!

  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I'm starting the TMT videos tomorrow and completing the 4 week 'accelerated results' program. I'm going to be busy these next couple weeks moving my bf and i, into my mom's basement. No bills = all my money goes to student loans! After that 4 weeks I'll be starting up P90x again. Maybe I can get my mom to do it with me! :smile:
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    I have been doing my workouts as scheduled and my nutrition was almost perfect yesterday.
    Today everything is once again planned out, and there is no "junk' in the house so I should be okay.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,399 Member
    Welcome to a new week, everyone. Chest, shoulders, and tri for me this morning. I think this is a tough workout! My arms shake for quite awhile afterward. I am doing more push-ups, total, and a few more standard version each week. I find I burn the least amount of calories with this workout though.

    Have a great day!
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    After some late night contemplation I have come to the conclusion that I need to raise my cals.
    I had lowered them to accomodate adding in my excercise cals (something I had not been doing)
    I was great for a bit at the new level, but my issue with not being able to resist temptations happens whenever I play with my cals.
    Doing the Plus, I workout harder than with Classic it is only reasonable that I need my cals:wink:

    I have adjusted my goals to where they were, have added in my excercise cals for the day and we will see how I do today....

  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Welcome to a new week, everyone. Chest, shoulders, and tri for me this morning. I think this is a tough workout! My arms shake for quite awhile afterward. I am doing more push-ups, total, and a few more standard version each week. I find I burn the least amount of calories with this workout though.

    Have a great day!

    I think CST is one of the toughest! I'm always sore for a couple days after it! Great job!!!
