200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Ok.. this post is a well intended post from someone I regard highly.. but the comments had me falling off the chair:) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/222964-spot-burning-fat :laugh:

    ROFL!! Talk about tangent! Wow! Too funny!!

    Amy-my 10th anniversary is this December....and there is NO privacy in my house...I don't think there ever was! At least not if I'm the one in the bathroom. Locking the door just makes them think I'm sick. *sigh* If I take longer than 5 minutes, my hubby is checking on me, seriously! I envy anybody who gets more than 5 minutes to themselves a day! LOL! And my Casey (9yr old) can rival a skunk...but only after he's had peanut butter, and apparently it's a family trait that skipped a generation, as this is a fact I did NOT need to know about my father-in-law! Aaron (almost 7yr old) can burp on nothing! Give him soda, and I'm ready to beat him after 5 minutes! And I find it hilarious...if we're at home. If we're in public...watch my face turn RED!! Though my best story is my mother trying to get onto me for their manners, and my Aaron tried to say the ABC's while burping (got to F) and we told him we don't talk while we burp. His response "Grannie says burp when she does it!" My prim & proper mother, when in select company, will say the word burp as she does so. And would be mortified to know that I just shared this fact, but my husband had a field day when he got to tell her my son's comeback!

    OK, that was just random & fun! One more hour of work then a 3 day weekend! Of course, I have to go to soccer practice, so my day isn't done, but I get to walk! :-)

    For Easter, I have a Cantata that I'm singing in, along with the 2 boys, at church. My husband is running the computer screen for the music, and my mother is in the choir as well. Thank goodness for nursery workers to watch the 2yr old! Then it's egg hunt at church, then home to open baskets! I think I have all the stuff to make them, just have to get them together tomorrow probably, as the boys will be at school & can do it while the 2yr old naps. Less likely to get caught than if I wait til Sat night!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ok.. this post is a well intended post from someone I regard highly.. but the comments had me falling off the chair:) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/222964-spot-burning-fat :laugh:
    Lord I love when people use sarcasm to get their points across!! LMAO!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Suzie - thanks for the tread and the laugh!!!

    We have been approved by the shelter to adopt another kitty!!! We plan to pick the kitten up Saturday morning. We both want to go and interact with all of the cats at the shelter and pick the best one for us... We are leaning towards the gray 6 month old male posted on their website... I'll let you know and try to post some pics when we have the new kitty...

    Welcome EVE!!!!

    Amy - so jealous of your weather!!! It hit 45 today and I ran around without a coat... I thought we were having a heat wave. What's 80 like???

    Crystal - congrats on your loss this week!!! You are a superstar of weight loss!!!

    Karen - yeah - lets blame the moon for everything. Your job sounds like fun. You sound like a great mom!!! Congrats on your loss!!!

    Lacey - LOL... Gracie would be welcome at my house. She'd be a princess of smells!! My BFF's 4 year old kept tooting on my lap at the restaurant last weekend and DH was giving her high fives. True friends allow farts and belches without complaint!!!

    Kendal- awesome job on the clap push-up!!! My prayers are with you today due to your cousins funeral ((((hugs)))))

    Kerry - Hope you got the run in. Chris sounds funny... Bryan does similar things. He's actually made some of my workout videos into drinking games... When ever Leslie Sansone says "Walk, Walk, Walk" he has to take a drink...

    Kristina - great job on staying close to the same weight... I think you'll be beautiful at your brothers wedding. I wish him and his fiance the best of wishes in achieving all their dreams!!! I hope you're feeling better!!!

    sarah - keep up the great work!!!

    I'm off to bed. Love you all and good luck in your weigh-ins this weekend!!!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    did i miss it or was there no chart posted this week?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning all! Check in for Thursday: 2623 cals burned/ 1798 cals consumed/ 825 deficit. My weigh in was at 201.2 (AGAIN!). I think this is my 3rd week at this weight. I just wanna get into One-derland, is that too much to ask??

    Amber: Kristina was sick this week and did not post the chart but she said she'd post it on Monday.

    Victoria: Congrats on the new kitty!! That'll be fun.

    Karen: My 10th anniversary is this December too! Mine is the 21st, when's yours?? Gabriel (almost 8 years old) can burp his ABC's entirely under his own power (no soda or anything). He was so proud of it, he made me videotape it and send it to Grandma.

    Andrea: No real plans for Easter here. The Hubbs is coming back from England tonight around midnight, then we get to get up super-early on Saturday for an 8am soccer game. On Sunday we're planning on sleeping in! and we'll do the regular Easter basket stuff but mostly, sleep in.

    Suzie: Thanks for posting that thread - it was hilarious!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thurs check-in 2819 consumed and 2100 burned. No formal exercise. I need to get off my duff and get active. I've been moping all week with post race blahs, the winter storm and TOM... Yesterday was a good day but I just didn't have the energy to workout.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Weigh in day... I'm still at 187.75 this week. I'll take it with bad eating and lack of exercise this week.

    I just printed out a training log for my next 1/2. I'm hoping it will motivate to get my tush in gear. I'm a bit concerned that the trail run has a 4 hour time limit. I think the hills will slow me down. I guess I just need to learn to run faster. LOL... 22 weeks until the race. I only trained 16 weeks for the last one. The hard part will be planning practice trail runs. Yep, I'm starting to get excited.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy- December 19th! The 21st is my best friend's birthday! That's kinda cool! I'm not sharing with my Aaron (7 in June) that I know of an 8 yr old that can burp he ABC's....he'll never quit trying! And you'll get to onederland! I just know it!

    And now for laundry!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Yesterday was rough, emotionally and food wise. I rode with my sister Lauryn to the funeral (an hour away) and we got Burger King on the way there. After the funeral, we got McDonald's on the way home. I'm up almost 2 pounds from yesterday. I had to see my bratty *kitten* little sister who didn't invite me or Lauryn to her wedding on new years eve. We all sat on the same row and the bratty sister's husband wouldn't stop bouncing his leg. I can't even stand to sit in a rocking chair without getting a motion sickness headache and that about killed me. I wanted to slap his leg and yell at him to stop bouncing, but he wasn't sitting next to me and he probably just had a lot of frustration/sadness/apprehension about the whole situation. So yeah, that gave me a headache. And then by the time the receiving line was over I had another huge headache from crying so hard. When we finally got home, I continued crying. Slept with a cold washcloth over my my eyes to try to get the puffiness down (should it have been a warm washcloth? I couldn't remember but I went with cold)

    Still have a headache this morning.

    There's also more drama with the bff. I told her she hurt my feelings and rather than apologizing, she basically said its my fault cause "they" (I guess she's including her husband) feel like "they" have to walk around on eggshells around me. I haven't responded. I'm not in the right mental state to deal with that right now. I'm tired of things always being my fault, I can't remember if she's ever said "I'm sorry" to me for any of the ways she's hurt me. But like I mentioned earlier....I have a bad memory, so I just always let it go and do what I have to to keep the friendship. Lauryn says I've outgrown the friendship. I'm starting to think she's right.

    And today is my birthday. I just told the guy I'm dating that I'm not in the mood to go out- I'd rather stay home and have pizza and watch a movie.

    I'm going to get a mani/pedi before my photo shoot tomorrow. I hope that lifts my spirits and puts me in a better mood.....it won't be easy if I can't cheer up and get into it. Lexi scratched the crap out of my arm last night when we were playing. He's going to have to do some serious photoshopping on my pictures :ohwell:
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Kendall, funerals are rough, esp when you involve family. Everybody is concerned with their own grief & everybody gets additional hurt. I'm sorry that your friend doesn't seem to want to be there for you. Sounds as if Lauryn has a good point. If they're "tired" of you, then maybe you have grown beyond them. I do hope your birthday gets better! Sometimes just chilling out for a day can be better than going out & partying, so enjoy your day however you like! Praying for you & your family, just because the funeral is over doesn't mean the grieving process is at an end. *hugs*
  • Hi all, thank you for all the warm welcomes!

    Amy- I have a Golden Retriever named Fancy. She's my little love muffin. I love Bernese Mountain Dogs, too. I just want to hug on them. They are so sweet!

    Suzie-Loved the link, cracked me up.

    Kendall- I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Karen, great advice. I'll be praying too.

    CC 1422/CB 1836/ Remaining 414

    Gearing up for holiday weekend!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Umm so I had this Cakesters Incident last night...Target+Oreo Cakesters are not a good mix for me. I can avoid them in any other store and can avoid them for months and months on end even in Target..however, a bad period and my counciling session last night turned me into a Food Zombie. (Have you guys had Cakesters? They are seriously The. Best. Thing Ever.)So I go into Target for dog and cat food and against my own mental will my body steers me to the cookie aisle. I can't fight it. I get there and WTF there are NO cakesters. At all. I was freaking out! Like texting three of my girlfriends freaking out. Over stupid cakesters. So I'm half cracking up at myself and half like a zombie looking on end caps because maybe they are on clearance or something. They weren't. Then a poor unknowing male Target employee asks me if I was finding everything okay and my head swiveled around so fast and he must have seen the crazed look in my eye because he left. Quickly. I went down every aisle in the food section and finally found them. And all was well.
    I've never had a tom where I was crazy pmsing for food that I can remember..its usually the depression thing that gets me. This week has been a whole new experience for me. Now I get it when you guys talk about food+tom. I've been ravenous for sugar this week like nobodies business. I was cool with the peanut m&m's earlier in this week, but this? This is bad. The box is GONE. Next month I will prepare myself and make sure I have everything I need from Target by the 10th so I don't have to go there at all till the end of the month! I've had to go to Target three times this week and forgot something AGAIN last night and need to go again. I think I will have Jeff go. I can't afford another Food Zombie moment.

    I'm up to 207 this week..but with the tom and the sugar I'm not surprised.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - YEAY on the kitty!!! I think you will be just fine on the trail runs...do you have some near your house you will be able to use to train? I'd bet even jogging up hills would work right?

    Amy - you will get there girl!!! Have you put any thought into eating a bit more?

    Suzie - I was snort laughing reading that post yesterday! Thanks!

    Kendal - enjoy yourself tomorrow. Remember that it is for YOU, not anyone else...something you are doing for you!
    I'm so sorry about your cousin and the funeral. It sucks when siblings don't connect or get a long. I totally can relate. Somewhere in my mid-late 20's I really had an eyeopening regarding who my true friends were and weren't. Some I had to walk away from simply because the drama wasn't worth it anymore. It was as if they couldn't get away from the She Said, I Heard BS from highschool stuff and I didn't want to deal with it any more. It was really hard. There were a couple points that my BFF and I didn't go around each other too. I'm sorry you are having to deal with that :grumble:

    Eve - WELCOME!!

    Andrea - I hope that you are doing good too!

    I had a major sinus headache this morning but its clearning up YEAY!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I said it below, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENDAL!! :drinker: :heart:

    Amber- yep, I didn't post the chart this week. I got most of everyone's weight, but I was sick and didn't come back to the boards until yesterday, when it's pretty much weigh in week for this week. I'll have the weights from last week when I post this week's chart. I apologize!

    Amy- B****slaps your scale! That stinker! I vaguely remember when I was teetering at ONEderland, the scale just didn't want to drop that last pound. I hovered around there for a while. I also remember, right when I finally hit 199, TOM hit, and it bumped right back up to the 200s and I was like NOOOOO! Darn you! *shakes fist at world*

    Victoria- yay for a new pet! I still troll the humane society's site, even though I'm not getting Emma a playmate anytime in the future (maybe WAY down the road), but I like to torture myself. They have 4 puggle puppies right now that someone was trying to give away in their parking lot. Me WANTS! I expect pictures once you get him! A weight loss would have been nice this week, but you fully admit you'd didn't eat as well and wasn't moving as much. Get to it! You've been doing so well--- rapidly approaching your October low again! Can't wait to hear more about the trail run. I think that sounds great AND exciting! I'm still many weeks away from my next half, but I'm already contemplating what my next race will be, as I really like having a goal. I imagine it'll be another half. I really would like to ONCE in my life, run a full marathon, but, even though I have gotten faster, I still feel like I need to have more weight off me, and be closer to a 10min/mile before I'd be willing to try and tame that beast. We could always do Detroit again!

    Kendal- I'm sorry yesterday was a rough day all around. You're not truly up 2 pounds--- it's just the salt and stuff. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I'm sorry you're having a tough go at the moment. I'm thinking an evening to sort of unwind and hang out would be nice. I'll be thinking about you!

    Lacey- I've never had a cakester, and now that you're talked them up so much, I definitely will NOT be trying them, as it sounds like I will be unable to resist their allure. As you can now associate your Target love and as that's the place you'll get Cakesters, definitely plan ahead next TOM!

    Okay, and for me... yesterday's log in:
    1460 eaten / 1107 exercise calories / 847 left over. More than I had planned.

    So I got out and ran for the first time in over a week. 6 miles, and it wasn't even that bad! Well, my legs felt okay, but because I'm still residually sick, it was hard to breathe at times. Just didn't feel like I was getting enough air into my lungs. The amazing part is that I had to stop and walk 3 times for short periods, and it still averaged out to an 11:24 pace. NICE! Helps that my friend was there to push me.

    Today, I had a munchkin run in in the morning--- those suckers add up in calories! But I think I should be okay otherwise. I plan to get my core cardio & balance INSANITY on today before my hella early group run tomorrow morning (only 6 miles though).

    Oh, and a lovely surprise on the scale this morning. It said 176.0 :noway: Couldn't believe it! I'm one pound away from my low back late last fall! Don't know how 2 pounds disappeared over night, but I'll take it! I think I'm still going to stick with the Monday weigh-ins though, so I'm just hoping this will stick (of course more coming off is always nice) through the weekend.

    Happy weigh-ins everyone!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    :drinker: Happy Friday everyone! :drinker:

    Eve, welcome! Tell us about yourself! Your goals look great!

    Karen, woohoo! 2.4 down! Awesome!

    Crystal, happy to hear your weigh in was good, and that it has cheered you up. Naps really are amazing.

    Amy, Chris and I have been married for 2 1/2 years. (November 29). He is an only child, so the whole privacy thing is really big with him. We have been living together since 2006, so really the marriage is a certificate making it cool with the rest of the world. I can't believe it was 80 in Germany. That is awesome. I am again, muy jealous of you. I've been meaning to tell you I can relate on being there and not hardly speaking any German. I think I survived for a month by just saying "genau" whenever anyone asked me anything. For example... Do you know what time it is? Exactly. Are you having fun? Exactly. Would you like to eat some schnitzel? Exactly. :laugh: (come to think of it, a German kid was the one who told me that "genau" means exactly. I never bothered to verify that.) :ohwell: I can't believe the scale still says 201.2. That is ABSURD. I strongly dislike this.

    Suzie, that thread was awesome and hilarious, thanks!

    Victoria, YAY! :happy: You're getting a kitty tomorrow! I will have to fill Chris in on the drinking games idea- he'll get a kick out of that!

    Andrea, we always spend Easter at Chris' parents' house. They're like 10 minutes away so its really easy (my parents are like 5 hours). We usually do a redo of Thanksgiving dinner, so I currently am panicking about portions and calories and all that BS, which I never have before.

    Kendall, I just want to give you a hug. The internet is not condusive to that. I'm so very sorry that you have been continually dealing with all this crap. Funerals are the worst. I think death by nature just brings out the worst in people, whether from greed, sadness, frustration, what-have-you. Its hard. Since 2007 I have lost a great grandfather, all 4 grandparents, a cousin, and an uncle. So when I say I feel for you, I REALLY mean it. Just know that this too will pass, and although things will never be quite the same, it will get better. On a happier note, HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY! :drinker: Enjoy that mani/pedi - that's YOU time and you totally deserve it.

    Lacey, duuuude... oreo cakesters. OMG delicious. My dad works for Kraft and up until about a year ago was at the plant in Chicago, which is the world's largest bakery, and where they make all things Oreo. (Kraft owns Nabisco. I think they are secretly taking over the food world) Needless to say, it was a couple of years filled with waaay too many cookies. And I have the @ss to prove it.

    Ok, I just realized I have stoppped reporting cals to you guys. I have nothing to be ashamed of with my numbers, quite frankly, I'm just kinda lazy. It takes work to get those numbers and then get them to you. And I'm a busy girl. :laugh: I am weighing in today though... I'm THRILLED to report that my scale said 200.3 this morning. So last week was totally PMS and water weight. Which is awesome. PLUS, I am no longer obese!!!! :drinker: Now I'm just rockin' overweight style, baby! I'm thinking its time to up my calories though... I read somewhere that you need to adjust how much you're trying to lose based on your BMI, and I think I need to cut back from 2lbs/week. I'm gonna look into it a little more and then make a decision. Being at 200 also puts me at my halfway point. Woot!

    Today is one of my bestest friend's birthdays, and my birthday is next Thursday, so we are doing a joint bday party tonight... everyone is bringing wine and an appetizer and we're doing a food and wine tasting with prizes for the top rated app and wine. I think there will be about 30 people there. I'm super excited. A bunch of the people I haven't seen in forever, so I'm excited to show off the lighter version of me too. Plus its a sweet way to celebrate. I just keep telling myself that I can't get all excited about my progress and completely blow it this weekend. Fingers crossed.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Kristina, we must have posted at the same time! Congrats on the loss and well done on the run! Freaking fantastic!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KENDAL!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556

    I follow this blog now thanks to finding a post about it here on MFP... thought if you have some spare time and want a good little read you could check it out. Have a great weekend girls... I'll try to sneak on here and keep up with you guys! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I totally did not lose anything today...but happy with not gaining. leaves me at 255
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I totally did not lose anything today...but happy with not gaining. leaves me at 255
This discussion has been closed.