Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Thanks Ladies! lol

    How is eveyrone doing today! I'm struggling with what to do for lunch... we only really have fast food restaurants around my work, and my hubby packed my lunch and some how forgot the "lunch" part.. all I have is my snacks LOL
    Oh no!! Well, he tried!
    I do well with my Lean Cuisines and Weight Watcher frozen meals for lunch. Easy to grab out of the freezer when I'm running late (which is always!) for work.
    We have a grocery store near my work that sells pre-packaged salads in the produce department. They are called "Ready Pak Bistro Bowls." I love them! The highest one I've seen is about 290 calories for the Chicken Cesar. I love the Spiniach Salad with chicken, cranberries and almonds. I have that and a fruit salad sometimes, fills me up!
    Hope you find something good for lunch!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    Hey everyone,
    My name is Sarah and I am here on MFP because I need something to hold me accountable for what I eat and how I exercise. My highest weight was 315 lbs and I was shocked when I found that out at the doctor's office. I was so ashamed. Then my mom put forward a challenge for me around Thanksgiving on 2010 and said the first one of us to lose 30 lbs would give the other 100 dollars. When I stepped on the scale for her to record my weight she looked like she was going to cry. She said it was all her fault I was this big. I told her that I am an adult and I am the one who made these choices. It wasn't until the end of March that I finally got fed up with being heavy and I started here on MFP. So far I have lost 29 lbs and I am still going strong. I have logged in everyday. I have exercised regularly and it is definitely working. I am so excited and I am already seeing results in both size and pounds dropped. I still have 140 lbs to go but I will be thrilled with however far I get. I am ready to change my lifestyle completely. If you want to know more about my life and my weight loss journey thus far feel free to read my blog at: http://phatgirlsguidetoquitting.blogspot.com/

    For exercise I am currently doing the biggest loser power walk DVD and swimming.

    I look forward to getting to know all of you. Have a Happy Friday!
  • SassyMissDasha

    I am Dasha - a.k.a. SassyMissDasha ;) .. I am *gasp* 30 years old. I have 3 children, 1 from my first marriage ..I eloped in Vegas, and 2 little ones from my second marriage to my current hubby Daniel .. well not curent .. lol you know what I mean. I also have struggled with weight all my life. I don't remember most of my childhood, and I have been told I block out stressfull events .. which is kind of good I guess, or might be bad. If I knew maybe it would make me a stronger person. But anyways, I finally had the lapband in February/2006 .. I was 394 lbs at the time. I initially lost 94 lbs with the help of it, went to Curves and Weight Watchers .. then I got pregnant with my last baby - and had to have the band loosened. So after that I just basically gave up, started eating everything and drinking pop again. Then my dad passed away in September/2009 on my son's 4th birthday. So I just didn't even care anymore, I was so lost and depressed. Last year I was at 405 lbs. When I started MFP, I think I was around 387. Then my cousin and uncle came to visit from Russia and we had taken some pics together, and I saw them ..and I guess I had a "epiphany" ..and finally put my foot down and said that is enough. Went in and got my lapband filled again, and have lost 162 lbs since then. So currently I am at like 241 - 243 .. depending on the day. But I'm ok with that for now.

    I am hoping to lose 60 - 70 more lbs, so I can be around 180 - 190. I am tall 5'9 .. so I don't want to be too skinny, just healthy.

    Can't wait to get to know you all!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Thanks Ladies! lol

    How is eveyrone doing today! I'm struggling with what to do for lunch... we only really have fast food restaurants around my work, and my hubby packed my lunch and some how forgot the "lunch" part.. all I have is my snacks LOL

    Well if you can get onto the fast food website( Subway/Wendys) and go to nutritional information you can see what is the best option/calorie wise for you...

    Good luck!!!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks Ladies! lol

    How is eveyrone doing today! I'm struggling with what to do for lunch... we only really have fast food restaurants around my work, and my hubby packed my lunch and some how forgot the "lunch" part.. all I have is my snacks LOL

    My fall backs are always Taco Bell (fresco tacos 150 each), or Subway (most of their 6 grams of fat subs are less than 400 for 6" w/ no cheese or sauce...I get honey mustard on the side so I can control how much I'm using since it seems to be pretty low cal)
  • Laurathabomb
    Laurathabomb Posts: 44 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Laura. I joined the site back in October 2010, I think :). I was totally not ready at that point to really commit myself to losing weight. I have struggled with my weight off and on since I had my daughter in 1998. Before I got pregnant, I weighed 164 lbs. I am 5'10", so that put me around a size 9. That was almost 13 years ago! I can't believe it has been that long. I also have twin boys that are 4. I am married and have 5 step children. So, my husband and I have 8 children all together.

    About 3 years ago I lost 50 lbs. But I only kept it off for about a year. Then, I gained it ALL back, plus some. I started, little by little, breaking all the rules I had set for myself to keep the weight off. That's how I gained everything back. When I joined MFP, I weighed 290. When I started faithfully logging on 2/21/11, I weighed 294. In the last two months, I have lost 20 lbs. I now weigh 274. MFP has given me back the tools I need to get control over my life and my eating. Now I can get to know people who can support me and vise versa. :) Before, when I lost the 50, I had no support.

    My ulimate goal is to get to 165 lbs. My current goal is set at 190. Once I reach 190, I will adjust the goal to 165. 165 ust seemed so unattainable, coming from 294! Anyway, I plan to stay here a LONG LONG time and make lots of friends. I already have!

    Happy Friday! Kisses!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Friday: I've discovered over this past week that any movement is good for you. I've been really sedentary for the last few years and especially bad the last couple or so where I barely got out of my recliner mainly due to depression. Because of that I've put on a lot of weight causing my back and hips to really hurt whenever I try to do anything for an extended period of time. My doctor recently put me on a pain patch that has made a world of difference for me and I've been able to get up and get moving a lot. So I decided to start excercising 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Well, in the meantime I've been spring cleaning because I'm feeling better. Well, between the two, I overdid it...lol. So the doctor said no more exercise for a few days while I let the inflammation go down. I was having a hard time doing this because now after getting up and moving more, I have more energy and I just want to get up and do something. So I decided to keep up the spring cleaning and you know what? I feel great!! Both because I'm getting the exercise in (cause believe me I'm working up a sweat just cleaning) and because I feel better about myself because my house is cleaner and more presentable and that makes me feel good about ME! So, for right now my exercise is spring cleaning! I'm hoping to get back to my 30 minute aerobics in a couple of weeks when my body is more ready to handle that too, but for right now, as long as I'm breaking a sweat cleaning, then I'm doing ok!

    That's great that your up and moving more. I really need to do some spring cleaning around my house, but sometimes I just look at it and decide closing my eyes is so much easier. Have you tried water aerobics? I hears that is a really great way to burn calories that isn't tough on the joins.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member

    I exercise only a little... I got for walks wirh my puppy about 2 to 3 times a day. I go over to this field and jog and run up this hill. great cardio. I tried to do the 30day shred but my apartment is way to small for evercise. I cant go outside much to exercise becasue we live in a horible area. I am hoping to get a tredmill or elliptical next month so I can exercise inside

    I want a gym membership so bad but with the economy I can't find a job...
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Thanks Ladies! lol

    How is eveyrone doing today! I'm struggling with what to do for lunch... we only really have fast food restaurants around my work, and my hubby packed my lunch and some how forgot the "lunch" part.. all I have is my snacks LOL
    Oh no!! Well, he tried!
    I do well with my Lean Cuisines and Weight Watcher frozen meals for lunch. Easy to grab out of the freezer when I'm running late (which is always!) for work.
    We have a grocery store near my work that sells pre-packaged salads in the produce department. They are called "Ready Pak Bistro Bowls." I love them! The highest one I've seen is about 290 calories for the Chicken Cesar. I love the Spiniach Salad with chicken, cranberries and almonds. I have that and a fruit salad sometimes, fills me up!
    Hope you find something good for lunch!

    Ya I use to be a faithful Lean Cuisener until I start tracking carbs, which thye are filled with! .. so I went off them, mostly now I do chicken and salad... and even some of the prepackaged salads at the store I won't touch...
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Thanks Ladies! lol

    How is eveyrone doing today! I'm struggling with what to do for lunch... we only really have fast food restaurants around my work, and my hubby packed my lunch and some how forgot the "lunch" part.. all I have is my snacks LOL

    My fall backs are always Taco Bell (fresco tacos 150 each), or Subway (most of their 6 grams of fat subs are less than 400 for 6" w/ no cheese or sauce...I get honey mustard on the side so I can control how much I'm using since it seems to be pretty low cal)

    Yea the carbs though it what kills me @ Taco Bell... and even Subway! lol ... I love them both though. I stuck with Popcorn chicken with only 22g of carbs...
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Hey guys!

    My name is Amanda and I'm 25 years old. I have 3 kids, all under the age of 2 years old! Twin girls who will be two in about a month and a 6 month old son. I started this journey at 230 pounds and am currently 217 pounds. My ultimate goal is to be 165 by my wedding anniversary (February 21st), but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

    My biggest issue is portion control and stress eating. I just got told by my doc yesterday to stop exercising so hard, but I'm not sure I'm going to listen... I really want to lose weight. Honestly, I almost cried when she said that... I asked her, "Well what the hell am I supposed to do then?" And she had nothing to say. Got home and had a letter in my mail (couldn't have possibly be sent the same day) about a "Medical Weight Management Program". Contemplating doing that, but felt really upset that someone (I'm still not sure who) thought it was necessary to send me this information for people who have "over 40 pounds to lose". Maybe I should take it as a good thing and actually look into it.

    Anyway, I'm struggling and pretty upset right now as I'm trying to decide what to do... but things will work out. They always do.

    Have a great day and it's WONDERFUL to meet you all! :happy:

    You sound like you have my patience! lol That is my biggest downfall, I want the weight off, but i want it off now! ....and well...when it takes me 2 weeks to lose only 1-2lbs I get discouraged really easy. I finally had to stop making weight related goals, because I kept not making them "on time" , and getting mad. And usually drowning my disappointment in a Ben and Jerrys pint....very counterproductive.

    I always leave out the fact that our bodies are going to plateau, or that we're only human and are probably going to have cheat days, and things like will make the weight loss not happen exactly how its "supposed" too. :0/

    I wouldn't do anything to drastic, and listen to your doctor. Did she say exactly what she didn't want you doing? Sounds like she is just telling you to cut back on your exercise, not stop all together. The last thing you want to do is hurt yourself, then you won't be able to exercise at all and be stuck on the bed or couch (not fun I tell you! Makes you feel really crappy).

    Don't give up, that's what the group is for, support :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Yea the carbs though it what kills me @ Taco Bell... and even Subway! lol ... I love them both though. I stuck with Popcorn chicken with only 22g of carbs...

    I didn't even think about Carbs! Drrrrr. You know Subway has their Salads now which might not be too bad. Lettuce & meat, can't go wrong there carb wise. lol Though your popcorn chicken sounds pretty yummy too.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    chrystal559 (Crystal) - Awww, I want to see the puppy. lol

    pinstripepirate (Theresa) - Glad your here. :) 85lbs is an amazing loss! Your inspiration all on your own. I really want to get into yoga, but I can't seem to find the right kind of DVD for me. I snuck a peak at the beginning yoga class down at the college...but it looks more like sweat to death and snap your neck yoga. haha Some of the positions they were doing seemed way out of my league.

    rebecky27 (Becky) - I miss Zumba, its fun and addicting. Classes are so much more fun than the video. It used to be $2 a class at our local dance studio. But because it became such a hit in our community she started her own Gym...which is now $35/mo (with 1 yr membership)...or $65 if you don't want to be held to a contract. I haven't done it since. I think if I could pay the $35 as the monthly I would have still be able to go, but my families budget goes up and down, sometimes we have the extra...and sometimes we are struggling to pay for groceries. Some of our medical bills are going to be paid off in the next few months, which will free up about $75...I'm thinking of putting that towards a membership if it doesn't get sucked up into something else we "need" which seems to happen a lot.

    jaelwoman (sue) - I can't wait till our local pool opens. I want to go swimming so bad! haha

    ChubbieTubbie (Jennifer) - Hope you get what you want for Mothers Day! :) That would be great.

    itsbigjoesgal (Elly) - I think its even more discouraging when we get told our bodies are going to work against us the whole way. Sounds like watching your carbs is really helping though :) Hopefully as you lose your body can readjust and won't fight back so much.

    sarahnicolexoxo (Sarah) - Just wanted to say you look lovely in your dress :)

    cobarlo14 (Joey) - Glad to see you. Posting at least once a day seems to help me...its when I let myself get away with not logging on that things really get bad.

    sarahbear1981 (Sarah) - I love your blog. I've been reading it since you friended me a lil while back. lol

    SassyMissDasha (Dasha) - Isn't it crazy how seeing yourself in a picture can really get the blood boiling? I had seen one of myself from behind at a family gathering (where there is a few people I felt were "bigger" than me)....I just remember looking at it, and it was like..."no way....that's not me....is it?" .

    Laurathabomb (Laura) - Support definitely seems to make losing weight not as hard...and well more fun sometimes too. haha

    Friday Fitness: I'm still in training to do a 1/2 marathon in December....I was doing really well, motivated, walking everyday to try and build up stamina...and then about 3 weeks ago my motivation just died, and my exercise (and eating) has been very on/off. I'm also doing the C25K, missed a week because I sprained my ankle and was told to stay off it for an entire week, then I kept making excuses after that...I'm determined to get through it though. Hopefully I'll be on week 2 sometime soon! haha

    ...... And that concludes my many...many...many posts. lol I probably won't be as active the rest of the weekend...but I will be reading. :smile: We are working a wedding Saturday, then have to drive 2 hours back home at like midnight so we can wake up and do Easter with our daughter.
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks Ladies! lol

    How is eveyrone doing today! I'm struggling with what to do for lunch... we only really have fast food restaurants around my work, and my hubby packed my lunch and some how forgot the "lunch" part.. all I have is my snacks LOL

    Do you have a Wendy's nearby? I usually will get a small chili and a baked potato and it's really not that bad and cheap too!
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Sorry I am a little late to the game!

    My name is Tessa and I am 39 years old. I started working on losing weight and getting healthy in January and joined MFP in February at 273 pounds (I am 5'7"). Since then I have been exercising regularly (I'll list what I am doing below) and eating as "clean" as I can afford to with food prices being what they are. I have lost 57 pounds and am currently 216 as of my last weigh day. My diary is public, so feel free to have a look.

    Please understand that this is just history, not an excuse for my weight gain. I know I am responsible for my body and I hold myself accountable for my actions.

    I have not always been overweight, but I have always had body image issues and was comfortable with how I looked for a really short window of time. I exercised and ate healthy, but I was "chunky" in high school (150 pounds) and just "average" in my early twenties (135-140 pounds), in southern California, this kind of equals fat and that is how I was treated by a lot of people, I felt ugly and invisible all the time. In my late twenties I started running longer and longer distances until I was finally up to 10-15 miles a day and 25 miles on weekends. I trained for distance events and was very fit, weighing 125 pounds with low body fat. For the first time I could live with myself and the way I looked. About 4 years later I moved to Washington state and met my current partner. After we started living together we decided to have children and that's when things got difficult.

    I knew I had weird internal issues, but had always been told I could have children. I had a "double" uterus and two cervix, not a hugely rare occurrence and after it was diagnosed I was told I could carry on either side of my uterus and it generally didn't cause complications during labor. However, over the course of a year and a half I had three miscarriages (one of them mid term), two laparoscopic surgeries to remove endometriomas and then finally a radical hysterectomy to remove a massive (benign) tumor. The surgeon informed me that my ovaries were so riddled with cysts it was doubtful that I would have been able to carry a pregnancy to term even without the presence of the tumor, which due to the size of my uterus and the fact that I overproduce estrogen, grew to a enormous size very rapidly. Hysterectomies usually take place with the same type of cut that is used for C-sections, but I had to have a full abdominal cut, opening me up almost from hip to hip. I was in the hospital for two weeks and then put on strict bed rest and light activity after that. I started physical therapy as soon as I could but overdid it and ended up rupturing some internal (and external) sutures and got a severe infection, requiring a second surgery to clean everything up. I didn't know I was overdoing it because I had lost a great deal of sensation, I still don't have much feeling in my lower abdomen.

    I had already gained weight in the hospital and afterward at home from the inactivity. Runners who stop running usually pack on pounds pretty fast and I was no exception. Then after the recovery set-back I put on even more weight and the whole concept of not being able to have children with the person I had been waiting my entire life to meet started sinking in. I have struggled with depression my whole life and this series of events just slammed into me and knocked me off my feet. Shortly after my medical problems, my department went through budget cuts and I lost my job. Now I was free to sleep all day, drink alcohol and eat one big fatty meal a day after my partner went to bed, which is what I did for what seems like forever. I packed on 148 pounds in about 5 years and felt like killing myself (which I more or less was).

    Then I had that epiphany that many people here talk about. I realized my partner and I weren't having sex and hadn't in a long time, I was afraid to let him see me naked and I hated it when he tried to touch me because I thought that all he could feel was fat. I wasn't technically overeating but I was consuming empty calories in alcohol, which goes straight to fat and only eating one meal a day, which I hid from my partner because I was so ashamed to eat in front of him. I was destroying my relationship and my health. Although I worked from home for people in my academic department doing research and other data crunching, I wasn't even really employable. I could not see how my life could continue as it was so I gathered up all my strength and got to work changing it. And here I am.

    I am looking forward to getting to know all of you and offering support and encouragement!

    Fitness Friday:
    I go to the gym 6 days a week and have Sunday as a "rest day".

    Monday-Wednesday-Friday I do straight cardio, 30 minutes on the elliptical alternating programs, 40 minutes on the treadmill (alternating between jogging and walking at an incline) and 20 minutes on the rower. I also do 10-15 minutes of abs at home.

    Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday I do cardio and strength. I do 20 minutes on the elliptical using either the "hill" or "strength" setting, then 60 minutes of weights, then finish with another 20 minutes on the elliptical.

    Weekdays I also walk 3 or so miles in the morning with the dog, usually about 60-70 minutes depending on the route. Weekends my partner and I try to get out for longer walks, 4-5 miles and we are working on adding miles as we go.
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    Hello! Since I "talked "so much I just wanted to take the time to greet everyone and say a few quick words!

    Anyone who is not already a friend, please feel free to add me. I can be a good cheerleader and an ear when you need to vent.

    @N.V. (Christina): Thanks so much for starting this group. It was an inspired decision.

    I understand about depression and the cycle it can send you on with unhealthy eating and not exercising. Congratulations on getting started (and getting moving, way to go!) choosing such positive goals.

    I also have a history with sexual assault, both as a child (3-5 years old) and as an adult (I was raped at 23 years old) and was a "cutter" for many years. You are doing a great job at taking yourself back from everything that has happened to you. Wanting to be healthy and happy with yourself are some of the best reasons to do this.

    Congratulations on finishing your Master's! Six months and 85 pounds is an amazing and inspiring accomplishment, I am so incredibly impressed with your dedication and hard work. If you can, give us some feedback on the yoga, I have been looking into it and would love hear some opinions about it.

    Your fitness plan sounds amazing! It is a great feeling when you find an exercise that clicks for you and makes you feel excited to do it. Congratulations on your loss, you are doing an incredible job!

    I know all about the panic at seeing that number on the scale. I am so glad you found an exercise that you enjoy and that gives you a challenging workout. I look forward to getting to know you, too!

    I can relate to gaining weight after discontinuing exercise (and adding some unhealthy foods), much of my weigh came from the same reason. I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, you have my condolences on your loss. Great job at getting more exercise in, I think having a goal in mind is a wonderful motivator and it sounds like you are really dedicated to getting healthy.

    It is amazing what a complicated journey weight loss can be, I am glad you have a partner that is right there with you. It sounds like you have put a lot of work into figuring out the best ways for you to get healthy. I love that you LOVE exercise! That is a great foundation to start from, I bet you have some kick *kitten* muscles and endurance!

    Hi gorgeous! Your hard work and beautiful attitude is always an inspiration, glad to see you here!

    I am aiming for comfortable in my own skin, too. It has been a long time since I felt that way and I am tired of staring at the ground to avoid having to see people looking at me. Sixty pounds! Holy crap, woman, that is amazing! Big congratulations and a round of WAY TO GO!

    I am sorry that you had a bad experience with your physician. I do not want to intrude but, is it possible for you to talk to her further and ask again if she has suggestions on what you can do? It seems like bad practice to tell someone they need to cut back on exercise and then not give them any options.

    @Sarah (1981):
    29 pounds is a great accomplishment, congratulations! I love your enthusiasm and it sounds like you are doing a amazing job with your exercising! Thanks for sharing the link to your blog, I look forward to reading it.

    I love that you said you want to be healthy instead of skinny! I am so glad to hear that from the women in this group. Congratulations on your amazing loss and for "putting your foot down" and doing great things for your health.

    Having the support is essential for me, too. I am glad that we can all be there for each other. You have made an amazing start, congratulations on losing 20 pounds in two months that is incredible!
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    Friday: I've discovered over this past week that any movement is good for you. I've been really sedentary for the last few years and especially bad the last couple or so where I barely got out of my recliner mainly due to depression. Because of that I've put on a lot of weight causing my back and hips to really hurt whenever I try to do anything for an extended period of time. My doctor recently put me on a pain patch that has made a world of difference for me and I've been able to get up and get moving a lot. So I decided to start excercising 30 minutes, 5 days a week. Well, in the meantime I've been spring cleaning because I'm feeling better. Well, between the two, I overdid it...lol. So the doctor said no more exercise for a few days while I let the inflammation go down. I was having a hard time doing this because now after getting up and moving more, I have more energy and I just want to get up and do something. So I decided to keep up the spring cleaning and you know what? I feel great!! Both because I'm getting the exercise in (cause believe me I'm working up a sweat just cleaning) and because I feel better about myself because my house is cleaner and more presentable and that makes me feel good about ME! So, for right now my exercise is spring cleaning! I'm hoping to get back to my 30 minute aerobics in a couple of weeks when my body is more ready to handle that too, but for right now, as long as I'm breaking a sweat cleaning, then I'm doing ok!

    That's great that your up and moving more. I really need to do some spring cleaning around my house, but sometimes I just look at it and decide closing my eyes is so much easier. Have you tried water aerobics? I hears that is a really great way to burn calories that isn't tough on the joins.

    I love water aerobics! Unfortunately I live in a rural town and the nearest gym is 15 miles away and you have to join the gym in order to do the class and right now I can't justify the gym membership until I'm up and exercising more. Plus with these dumb gas prices it costs $6 to $8 a trip. So, all in due time :0)
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    Well, my plans fell through for the weekend and I'm thinking about going back to the gym for some running on the treadmill - maybe some practice in the pool?? Maybe I should just watch the 100 tv shows I have piled up on my DVR waiting for a night just like this....what to do???
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Well, my plans fell through for the weekend and I'm thinking about going back to the gym for some running on the treadmill - maybe some practice in the pool?? Maybe I should just watch the 100 tv shows I have piled up on my DVR waiting for a night just like this....what to do???

    Definatly go back to the gym and the pool sounds great! I miss the pool.. maybe tonight after my training I will do pool!! and HOT TUB!! oh yea now I am excited... and then relax witht he DVR well doing situps! kidding LOL

    To EVERYONE: Wow this is gonna be hard to keep track ..LOL - Glad to see Evryone!!!
  • SassyMissDasha
    Well now I feel like a big slacker, for not replying to everyone individually. Thanks you everyone for your encouraging words.

    Fitness Friday: I haven't done much of anything. I have been having problems with my lapband .. I was coughing up blood earlier and almost nearly blacked out. I think it is just really irritated and swollen, not sure what it is that I ate. But I am taking it easy today, just sipping on a bottle of Vitamin Water. It is not fun let me tell you.

    I did the take the kids to play for a few hours. I was the neighborhood babysitter, there was so many kids out and like none of their parents where out, and they all wanted me to push them on the swing. And the kids helped me take the garbage out. That's about it.