200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    BTW... Planning ahead with a high fiber meal before a rich meal will decrease eating too much rich food :) And of course if we do go over our calorie goals we will just get back on track after that:) Have fun:)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - a baby shower on Easter - really??? It should be family time. Your food sounds good.

    Suzie - awesome job on your loss this week!!!

    My house smells sooo good. I made apple pie. It's so simple, I hope it's tastes great.

    I lost Marty for about 2 hours. He climbed into a cabinet - sighs. The other cats are taking the new additions better than I thought they would. We're about ready to leave for moms. Enjoy your day.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hi everyone and happy Easter!

    I've been a scale addict this weekend and went with my lowest weight of the weekend, 221.0, as my official number for this week. That's -2.2 lbs since last week!

    I celebrated by going out and buying $350 worth of clothes yesterday for just over $200... got some great discounts! And guess what? EVERYTHING is size 16/1X! I was in a 24/3X at Christmas!

    Now, I'll be honest... some of the shirts are a little snug and I've got a bit of a muffin top in the pants and shorts. But that just means I'll get to wear them longer. My husband says no more clothes until I'm out of plus sizes, though... the regular stores are cheaper than the plus-sized stores so I'm inclined to agree with him! And this new stuff should fit til then! Woohoo!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    sarah - TWIRLS for new clothes in smaller sizes!!! Congrats on the weight loss as well...
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Congrats everyone on such great jobs! It's so motivating to see others seeing such great progress and results.

    Welcome Ariel!

    Sarah - How exciting! I'm so happy for you!!! I can't wait for the day I can shrink down to my former size. It's sad to think that just 1 1/2-2 years ago I was a size 11. And I finally succumbed to buying something other than the sweats I lived in after my daughter was born and I'm now a size 18. But I know I'll make it back down! Even at an 11, I was at 200 lbs so maybe I could manage smaller than that! :)

    Sorry it's so hard for me to keep up with all the crazy posting going on in here! I do read everyone's posts though and it definitely inspires me to keep going and I thank you all for that! I met with my personal trainer on Wednesday and Friday of last week and man was it brutal having those two days so close together. Because of my ankle we did upper body only on Wednesday and did whole-body on Friday (with a little less emphasis on legs because of the ankle issue obviously still being a problem). My arms were KILLING me when I went in on Friday but I still managed to push through! The pain now is a good one, especially the abs. It means that I'm making progress!!! :) Also, I managed to do 30 minutes on the elliptical before my personal training session which felt AMAZING. I spent all last week being SO crabby and I didn't realize until I spent that time on the elliptical, how much pent-up frustration was released on that equipment! Lol. I decided the elliptical would be the best choice, not only because it's my favorite due to the low impact, but also because of the foot pedals keeping my ankle stationary as opposed to having to worry about tweaking my ankle landing wrong on the treadmill. But it felt so amazing!!

    Charlotte now has an ear infection, so I haven't done much of anything again. Yay sleep deprivation! Haha. It's like my specialty - somehow functioning on zero sleep. I hope she's better soon so I don't have to avoid the gym too much longer.

    Happy Easter everyone! I wish mine was a little better. Charlotte's father (for those of you that remember my post about him deciding he was done trying to work things out with me) decided that he would rather be doing other things than spend Easter with us. Definitely rubbed me the wrong way and after a brief screaming match, I remembered what I've been trying to live my life by - the fact that I can only change ME. I can't change his mind, the way he thinks or feels, what he does... All I can do is whatever makes ME happy and do what I need to do in the best interest of my beautiful little girl. So I'm trying to stay on the bright side of things. :) I hope you all are doing well!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend. Was not a great eating weekend for me (bad girl!!), but could be worse, I suppose. I was supposed to do a "recovery" 4 mile run today, but it just didn't happen. I did do my 6-miler with my running group on Saturday, which I was proud of myself for, as it was very early! This week is supposed to be 6m, 6m, 8m, 4m. ACK!

    So, I've decided to dip my toes into online dating for the first time. It's a bit daunting because, well, let's not talk about how long it's been since I've been on anything remotely resembling a date. I've sat on my butt too long waiting for it to come to me, and I need to be more proactive, but I have no idea what I'm doing!! I know some of you ladies have met your hubbies/bfs online. Any pointers for a newbie? Profile writing is rough-- and mine's uber generic. Plus, I've found like 2 pictures I remotely like of myself recently-- this is the problem when I don't like taking pictures of myself! I need help ladies!! Site recommendations? Advice to go about it? Help!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina - I used match.com. I went on there just to kill time and have fun talking on the IM to guys around the world. I canceled three date before I went out with Jeff and that was only because he came into my work and met me or I wouldn't have seen him. I totally kept chickening out I hadn't dated in over four years because I was married for part of it and then decided go be single for a year after my divorce. It is scary but if you make it fun it will be. It was a HUGE ego booster because I spent a ton of time IMing guys and talking to some on the phone flirting. Yes there were definitely a few douches and one dude who was apparenty a voyuer but overall I think it was fun. My best advice I can give you is to take it all with a grain of salt because there are a ton of people out there just looking to kill time on those sites at night but you can also meet serious people on there too.
    Two of my girlfriends used eharmony. One is in a long term relationship with her guy and the other is married and having a baby this summer. So remember, At the very least its a major ego boost and eveyone can use that!!

    Saranthes - YEAY on weight loss! Congrats on the new clothes too.

    Crystal - keep pushing forward girl! You will get back to where you were. It takes time and that's okay. Focus on what is good for you and for charlotte. If the ex comes around he does, it not pushing it only puts stress on you and your baby. I'm sorry you have go through that.

    Victoria I hope your pie was good.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Hiya ladies! I haven't been around here much the past 2 days because I was being a lazy slug. The Hubbs got home around midnight on Friday and then we had to be up at 6:30 to get Gabe to his soccer game. I am NOT a nice person when I don't get enough sleep so everything and everyone pissed me off on Saturday. Seriously, I was screaming at lazy 8 year olds for not paying attention to the soccer game they were playing in (it is usually the Hubbs that is doing that - I just laugh). I eventually got a nap but it really didn't do much for my attitude. Watching a season of 30 Rock did though, I ended Saturday without harming anyone. (I'm sure that PMS is at least part of the reason I was such a raging biznatch on Saturday). Sunday was just laziness. We just hung out and watched movies and relaxed....and ate chocolate. <hangs head in shame> But I'm back at it. I did my mile & a half run and my Fit Test for Insanity. I've got the Max Interval DVD still to do (as I recall the 2nd month of Insanity is quite a bit tougher than the 1st month so I'm kinda not looking forward to it).

    Kristina: I have no experience with online dating. I met The Hubbs in the laziest way possible (at work), I've never been one to "work" for love. I'm way too lazy for that. I think Lacey gave you good advice. We're behind you all the way!

    Crystal: I'm glad you're workouts are so good! Keep at it girl, you're doing great.

    Sarah: New clothes in a smaller size are AWESOME!!!!

    Victoria: Congrats on the kitties. I'm glad you took both brothers home so they would have each other. That's really awesome. Mmmmm...apple pie!

    Lacey: "Cooking School" is soooo fun! Gabe loves it. He even has a apron and a kid-sized set of utensils he uses to cook. My mom didn't really teach me to cook when I was a kid but some of my favorite memories as a kid are hanging out in my grandma's kitchen learning to bake bread or make lemon meringue pie.

    Suzie: Congrats on the weight loss!

    Kendal: Your flower pics on Facebook are gorgeous!

    I know I missed some people, I'm sorry! Welcome to the new ladies! Have a great week!!
  • Rhianwen84
    Rhianwen84 Posts: 33 Member
    2lbs lost this week TOM. Will catch up next weekend baby in hospital with asthma. Current weight 215lbs x x
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Ronnie - congrats on the loss and sorry to hear about the baby!!!

    Kristina - how exciting. Sorry no advice on the dating tips - its been 24 years since I went on a date with anyone other than Bryan. Internet dating wasn't around then... I've had friends have success with eharmony. You are a beautiful, successful and athletic woman!!! I know you'll succeed if you put your mind to it... Keep us posted.

    I'm running out of time this morning. I continued being a slug all weekend but am back on track today with logging and exercising... The boy kitties are starting to come out and play. In time, they will be fine. I have cat toys everywhere!!! Enjoy your Monday.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I'm still around. I have today off work for no reason. I do have an appointment with my lawyer at 4:30, but that was scheduled after I already had the day off. My sister gave me Animaniacs for my birthday so I watched the first dvd last night and am working on the 2nd one now. I think after breakfast I will take my camera out and take more pictures. I was happy about that yesterday.

    Amy- thanks :bigsmile:

    Kristina- I emailed my online dating advice to you :-) hope it helps. Don't settle...think of dates as test runs...just because it doesn't work out with a guy doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you (or necessarily him), it just means the two of you aren't compatible.

    Ronnie- I hope your baby gets better! I know that has to be stressful!

    and thats as far back as I can see right now....sorry!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Remember to get your weights in by later today, as I'd like to post this week's chart this evening!

    Lacey- thanks for the advice. I set up a profile on match (but haven't paid yet) as well as okcupid, cause it was free, and I have a friend who met her current bf through there. Have already spoken with a couple of people briefly. It's just a bit daunting as it's a new experience, but thanks for the feedback.

    Amy- sometimes you just need a lazy weekend!

    Ronnie- nice weight loss this week! Sorry to hear about the baby!

    Victoria- glad the kitties are starting to adjust. You had the weekend to veg and get to know them, now get your booty back in gear!

    Kendal- thanks for your advice. I haven't gotten any email though :( You sent it to what address?

    So, this weekend was not a terribly great eating weekend for me, as I mentioned before. I'm going to take my Friday weight as my weigh-in, as I'm sure it was much more ugly this morning (I didn't step on the scale). Back to the grind. I definitely need to get back into the habit of being good on the weekends. I tell you, when my routine gets disrupted, it's so hard to get back into it! Damn you sickness! I think I'm going to hold off on INSANITY... or at least committing to the schedule. I'm supposed to do the recovery week and then start up in month 2, which I hear, as Amy said, is even more insane than month one. And with my running mileage continuing to up, I know I'll get burned out. I think I'll use the first month dvds on my off-run days as well as some other exercises, but won't start the program fully again until after my half at this point.

    Hope everyone has a great start to their week! Work is a bit crazy this morning. Our email got changed over to Outlookover the weekend, which I think will be helpful in the long run, but it's a bit of a clusterBLEEP at the moment, as some things have migrated, and others haven't. I still don't have my address book, which is making me weep. They said it'll take up to 96 hours for everything to have migrated. Argh!
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Ronnie-hope the baby gets better! Nothing worse that sick little ones!

    Kristina-not much help myself, I'm like Amy, I met my hubby at work. But I wish you the best of luck!

    OK, I know there's more I should answer, but I'm at work with the boss at the next desk, so keeping it short! Friday night's tornado warning was the 1st! One hit Saturday afternoon while I was driving home, got to stop in a gas station w/3 kids for that one. And now my road is flooded, so we're all piled into my mother's 1 bedroom apt til the water goes down! And it's supposed to rain til Thursday, with more severe weather tonite! *sigh* Good thing mom & I get a long well & the hubby too! :o)

    Weight is the same as on Thursday, so 234.8 is what I'm going with! :o)
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies

    I hope to be able to catch up on all your posts this week. My husband is taking a class out of town so my evenings should be available for me time.

    I was a my partents house the weekend and I did pretty good on Saturday but was over on Sunday. I'm conditioned to eat at there house. It was really difficult to not eat the whole time I was there.

    Back on track today. Just trying to figure out what's for lunch.

    more a little later
  • Suzie- thanks for the recipe, I can't wait to make it.

    Miss Woods- welcome, i'm a newbie too.


    1275 CC/ 2765 CB/ -1490

    worked in the yard for 8 hours yesterday, lovin it.

    hope to post pics soon.

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kristina- I emailed you here on mfp. Not sure why you didn't get it, but I sent it again, so hopefully you'll get it this time. I use okcupid to find guys cause like you said, its free.

    I've been stuck on "month 2" of p90x for at least 2 months. I haven't been able to finish the 3rd week completely so I haven't moved on to the recovery week. I can get Monday thru Wednesday but then Thursday hits and things come up. My goal is to stick to it this week. I'm going to get at least 5 days of it done this time.

    I'm passing on the weigh in again. I will check in at the end of my recovery week (so 2 weeks from now).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well the effing scale said 209 this morning, so I'm not counting it. I know I had a bad food incident but there is no possible way I gained almost 5 lbs over a week. It is frustrating to lose lose lose and then TOM hits and it starts all over. I don't know how to get past that...but I did put two reminders to ping at me on my phone telling me my tom is coming and to be careful. Maybe that will help.

    Back to the grind today with food and exercise. I've got to figure something out for Thursday and Fridays since Jeff and I have afterwork activities both nights that prevents me from going to the gym. Maybe I need to think of those to days as my weekend and start pushing to either run/walk or get to the gym Saturday and Sunday. I think I will try that and see how it goes. Also I've got the major urge to get outside and get some exercise in..but the weather turned again.

    I want to order the kettleworx but won't do it until after we get back from our vacation. Yesterday I didn't track calories but I am pretty sure it was an even stevens sort ogf day. I grazed while I cooked for hours on end yesterday, some of which were cookies, but I didn't eat big meals so I'm pretty sure it was okay...although I didn't track.

    Goals for this week are to watch my food intake, get to the gym Mon, Tues, Wed, Sat & Sun or do some sort of exercise at home etc.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: My exercise always gets screwed up n the weekends too. Stuff comes up or I get too lazy. I normally have to force myself to get it done but the last 2 weekends have gone by exercise-free. You can stick to it and get it done, I know u can!!

    Eve: Wow! 8 hours of yard work - that's hard-core!

    Noelle: I tend to over eat at my in-laws house. They always have yummy stuff around. Thankfully, they are several thousand miles away, so I don't have to worry about it for a while.

    Karen: I hope your flooding goes down soon, your situation sounds really awful!

    Kristina: OMG! The 2nd month of Insanity is freaking INSANE (I had forgotten that as I did this program about a year ago)! I did the Fit Test and The Max Interval workout today (on top of my jog with the dog this morning) and I am wiped out! I didn't realize that the workouts had gotten longer as well as harder. The Max Interval workout was 59 minutes long. I think cutting back on it while you up your running mileage is a very good idea.

    Victoria: Sometimes weekend sluggishness is just what we need to kick-start our week. (At least that's the excuse I'm using)

    I upped my calories today to a bit over 2400. I'm kind of unsure where my calorie burn will be due to the increased time/intensity of the Insanity workouts. I was averaging 2700-2800 calories burned on a typical day with exercise. I'm hoping that the calorie increase will kick-start the weight loss again and help fuel my workouts. We'll see how it goes. It's soooo hard to eat above 2000 calories when a donut or pastry isn't involved.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy I realized today that I brought in healthy food for my breafkast and lunch today and was so happy with myself considering last week. And then I realized that no way in hell was my smoothie, the stuffed tomato I made and the meatloaf going to be enough cals...FML. I have cookies and cheesecake at home. FML FML FML FML lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: It's really hard to get enough of the "right" calories. It's gotta be even harder for you as you are at work all day and can't just run to the ridge to grab some string cheese or an apple when you realize you didn't eat enough. Bummer.

    Side note: I ADORE cheesecake.
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