12 Weeks Till Summer Challenge - 6 Wks To Go!



  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
  • 1csdancer
    1csdancer Posts: 27 Member
  • Jonicha26
    Jonicha26 Posts: 107 Member
    BUMPing with my chart for the end of the week. :)

    Starting Weight: 152
    Goal Weight: 120
    Challenge Goal: 135

    3/27: 149
    4/3: 152
    4/10: 149
    4/17: 149
    4/24: 147.6
    5/8: <<<mini goal>>> 142
    6/12: <<<challenge goal>>> 135

    Question: Today was Day 16 of the 30DS for me... it's been a crazy process. I get frustrated with myself when I feel like I just can't keep going, but I force myself to do it anyway. I am building my endurance and toning up my body. I even have a little two pack starting to take shape! :) All of my clothes are beginning to fall off of me -- I can't explain how good that makes me feel! (I will probably post progress pictures at the end of the 30 days). I am also paying much more attention to what I eat -- eating is my down fall. I will eat too much or too little and I am trying to find my balance. I am starting to be proud of my progress and the little accomplishments on my journey... I am not going to wake up tomorrow with the body I want -- so, I am trying to take it one day at a time. :) (That's a big deal for someone as impatient as me!)
  • arleneevans
    hi My name is Arlene Evans and I just joined

  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    What is your most recent non-scale victory (NSV)?
    I was in need of new clothes since my pants didn't fit without being belted. I now wear a size 12 jeans and a medium t-shirt! This is the smallest I have been since pre-puberty and it's so surreal. reflecting back on these past 6 weeks, it's gone so fast but my habits haven't changed much besides remembering to eat often. I am looking forward to these next 6 weeks for sure and seeing this challenge through until the end. My biggest challenge is getting out of the house because my daughter has been eating a lot lately.
    this is my revised chart. I changed my mini goals by a little bit.
    Starting Weight: 176.4
    Goal Weight: 140

    5/12: <<<mini goal>>> 162
    6/9: <<<challenge goal>>> 155
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    Awesome job everyone!! I seriously can't believe how fast this challenge is going, Half way there!!!
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    I'm at 130.4 this week.

    Thanks Tina...I fixed it on my chart. Sorry I was off. :wink:
  • frecklemouse3k
  • ukjessi
    ukjessi Posts: 169 Member
    Congrats to the week's biggest losers!! Woohoo!!
  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Thanks Vic!
    Once again, you have outdone your self. :flowerforyou:
    My NSV this week was running 5K on Saturday. I also weighed this morning ( not an official weight) and I was 153.8. I hope to keep this about the same for the next few days so I can actually post it for this challenge.
    Thank you again for starting this thread and challenge!!

    Good luck to everyone this week.
  • going2losebig
    going2losebig Posts: 26 Member
    Good job everyone!
  • FierceFeline
    CHALLENGE: I officially ended my first 12 week challenge today (from Jan-Easter) and in that time I went from 157.6 lbs to 138.6 lbs and lost 19 lbs! I have noticed though that my rate of loss has decreased. Yesterday I decided that I was going to start zig-zagging my calories. So my plan is to have 1200-1280 NET calories three days in a row and then one day of 1500-1700 NET calories followed by three more days of 1200-1280 and one day of 1500-1700...and continue the pattern for the duration of our challenge. I'll post updates and pictures on my blog (newmeat30.blogspot.com) to track my progress and document my skin "condition".

    I am really considering doing this soon too! I will keep track i.e. stalk your blog to see how it goes because I am really curious about how it works. Perhaps I will get to do it once I am out of school for the semester and have time to focus :tongue:
  • feliciapeters
  • janiscurry
    janiscurry Posts: 109
    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Reflection and Change

    We are half-way through our challenge. It is a perfect time to refect on how the last 6 weeks have been. Think about the changes that you have made in your life. Have you given it your all? Did you fall off the wagon? Seriously refect on your progress up to this point and decide if there are changes that you need to make. If you are struggling, reach out to someone else in this challenge that has made progress that you admire and ask them how they have done it. If you are making great progress, offer advice to others that seem to be having a hard time. Come up with a game plan for how you are going to succeed over the next 6 weeks of this challenge.

    QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your most recent non-scale victory (NSV)?

    Start bragging people! We see your numbers every week....but what have you accomplished that the number on the scale can't tell us?

    I have two brags for the past weekend. Yesterday at our family get-together, my brother-in-law called me "skinny." Having someone recognize the hard work always helps me keep going. Also, I had a gift card and went to spend it on some clothes and was able to fit into a size 6 pants. When I started, I was in a size 10, which was tight. I was pretty pumped!
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Great work on the chart Vic, thank you sooo much for your hard work!!

    And great work to everyone who is part of the challenge!

    What is my latest NSV? I'm still here, logging in everyday!! lol So oftenpreviously I have made a half-hearted "commitment" to lose the weight once and for all... and then the motivation peters out and I give up. Not so this time! While I have times that I am more motivated...and more successful...than others, I am in this for keeps! And we have only 6 weeks to go on our challenge.

    Eeeeek! Only 6 weeks to go! Yikes! :tongue: Best get planning my menu and my exercise for tomorrow!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks, Newmeat for your hard work.

    Relecting on the last 6 weeks -- my NSV has been in sticking with logging and exercising even though I have been trading pounds back and forth for a few weeks. Although I took a week off from "normal" exercise to clean my house for Easter, I continued to watch what I ate. I experienced my first 1000 calorie burn by mowing the lawn this weekend (2 1/2 hours -- I couldn't quit -- had to get the lawn done before it started raining again!) And I logged Easter dinner before I ate it.

    Thank you to all my MFP friends who have kept me on track!
  • licha75
    licha75 Posts: 391 Member
    Bumpity bump! Thanks Vic for the great chart, beautiful chart as always! Good job everyone who have lost!

    NSV- I reached my 40 pounds lost in 100 days. :smile: I have now lost 44.5 pounds so far in 110 days. :bigsmile: My biggest triumph is that my doctor told me I wouldn't be able to lose weight because I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome):cry: , he said I would have to eat half of what others eat and exercise twice as much as a normal person if I want to lose weight. :sad: Well, I can't wait to go see him in a couple of months to show him that, yes, it can be done and I did lose weight !:happy: I still have a long journey ahead of me but I am getting there 2 pounds a week at a time!
  • mjtmorr
    mjtmorr Posts: 75
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Ok, I am seriously getting back on track now. Between a week long birthday celebration followed by Easter, I had a terrible two weeks. I'm pretty sure I gained but I refused to get on the scale and get disappointed with the results. This week starts the motivation all over again. 6 weeks to lose 12 pounds.... I think I MIGHT be able to pull that off...