Starting Jillian Michaels 30DS Friday the 22nd! Who's in?



  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Day 4 done. I really wasn't in the mood this morning and grumbled a bit while I was doing it, but I'm glad to have gotten it in. Thank you so much for starting this thread. Knowing I've got company makes this seem like a greater priority.

    I didn't take measurements but I took a photo this morning. Note to self, I'll probably wish i'd taken the measurements later, better just do it! :)

    Great job everyone!

    PS - to the poster who isn't wearing shoes during this workout.... why not? Any certain reason? I think my feet would hurt if I did all the jumping without my comfy sneaks!

    Im glad i started this post too, its great for me and glad to hear its great for others. I dont wear shoes anymore. Tried 3 different pairs and it seems to hurt my feet more. Weird I know =]
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    PS - to the poster who isn't wearing shoes during this workout.... why not? Any certain reason? I think my feet would hurt if I did all the jumping without my comfy sneaks!

    I don't wear shoes either - my reason is I can't be bothered to put them on - seems fine without - I may need to for Levels 2 and 3 but so far I haven't needed them.:bigsmile:
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Day 4 done! I'm also doing it in the evening after a walk because if I got up to do it in the morning I'd feel rough as and wouldn't really push myself. Day 4 definitely getting easier - not easy by any stretch of the imagination, but I don't feel like I'm going to die after the first circuit anymore! The jump rope still hurts like **** though, I feel like my calves are cramping when I do that bit.
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    Day 5 doooooooooooone!

    I did it first thing and thought Id hate it because I was shattered but I really got into it and feel terrific now. I went walking with my friend for an hour last night and I'm going to a body toning class tonight.

    Just got to ask though - is anyone else retaining water? I'm up 5lbs!!! I know its water weight because I can feel it in my fingers and see it in my face. I googled and saw that people seem to have this problem when starting new exercise, but it is so annoying! Has anyone experienced it, and if so what did you do to get rid of it and how long did it take?

    I'm going to up my water intake and cut out salt to see if that helps for a couple of days and if nothings happening I might try an otc diuretic, does that sound like a good idea?
  • Late to this post, but I started the Shred on Friday too :)

    My legs are sooooooo sore. Day 2 and Day 3 were the hardest for me because of how sore they were. Day 4 didn't seem as much of a work out, but I think that's partly because of me being sore so I probably wasn't pushing as hard. But jumping jack and jump ropes with incredibly sore calves is hard :/

    I'm excited to do it tomorrow though, my legs feel pretty good tonight compared to the first few days, so I'm stoked on that.
  • DJ31
    DJ31 Posts: 64 Member
    I had a tough time with Day 4 too. I'm still so sore it hurts to sit up straight here at work, but I was able to do more of the moves. I can tell a difference in my endurance, but not my strength yet. Oh, and I did a real push up! Only one, though. I'll try for two today.
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Day 5 done! Not sure if doing it twice yesterday was a good or a bad thing. I can do the lunges really well now by not doing the curls with them and really feel a good burn in my legs while doing them. Hoever I am still really back and forth on if i should keep doing it in the morning or do it in the evening. In the morning its first thing gets it out of the way, but i dont feel like im getting as hard of a work out, and warning, TMI im nursing so my boobs are fuller in the morning and kinda hurt during the first circuit. Evening like when i did it for a sencond time yesterday evening i literally had sweat on my forehead and felt like it was the easiest but the best work out so far. I dunno, when do ya'll like to do it???

    ps- Still not happy that were 5 days in and ive gained a pound, dang water weight!!
  • mrswilson0511
    mrswilson0511 Posts: 128 Member
    doing day 5 when i get home and absolutly dreading it! TOM came a week early and I have horrid cramps!!!! I know i will do it but man it hurts through my back and hips! I never have cramps like this either!!! After today I will go back to doing it in the morning! just wanted to rant about my cramps!!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 5 L1, legs arent sore anymore and im quite enjoying it except im 2 pound heavier on the scales, damn water retention, wish i was a man lol
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Day 5 L1, legs arent sore anymore and im quite enjoying it except im 2 pound heavier on the scales, damn water retention, wish i was a man lol

    Haha exactly, Im right there with ya!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Day 5 done! Not sure if doing it twice yesterday was a good or a bad thing. I can do the lunges really well now by not doing the curls with them and really feel a good burn in my legs while doing them. Hoever I am still really back and forth on if i should keep doing it in the morning or do it in the evening. In the morning its first thing gets it out of the way, but i dont feel like im getting as hard of a work out, and warning, TMI im nursing so my boobs are fuller in the morning and kinda hurt during the first circuit. Evening like when i did it for a sencond time yesterday evening i literally had sweat on my forehead and felt like it was the easiest but the best work out so far. I dunno, when do ya'll like to do it???

    ps- Still not happy that were 5 days in and ive gained a pound, dang water weight!!

    Great joB! I thought you were a little nuts yesterday to do it TWICE but i understand why. Sounds like you got the balance thing figured out. I would agree, if it helps you to really do the lunges right, then skip the curls for now.

    As for time of day - for me, it just depends on when I have time. I did it in the morning yesterday but sometimes I will do it in the afternoon.

    Also, about the scale going up - don't freak. I have heard many other people say this happens to them when they shred. Also, from personal experience - I did it in October (not this past October, but the year before) and my weight went and stayed up, but my measurements went down and I felt pretty toned. It was irritating to see the numbers jump, but since I looked better, I went with it. My scale has hopped up the past few days too. I read somewhere that when you work muscles that aren't used to it, they can retain water and swell for a few days, so this can look like a "gain" on the scale.
  • rethers
    rethers Posts: 8 Member
    too late to join you all? I've got that dvd at home and will start it tonight! looking forward to the extra motivation! :)
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Day 7 done - I've been doing this a week already :noway: - still finding the jump rope a bit painful. The right side of my right calf is hurting when I do it. Not sure what is going on there, however, I'm finding everything else ok.

    3 more days then Level 2.

    Is anyone going to take a day break between the levels?
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Thanks Smiles! I think your right, about all of it!!

    And it is never to late to join, anyone is welcome!!!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Day 7 done - I've been doing this a week already :noway: - still finding the jump rope a bit painful. The right side of my right calf is hurting when I do it. Not sure what is going on there, however, I'm finding everything else ok.

    3 more days then Level 2.

    Is anyone going to take a day break between the levels?

    Jump rope is a bit rough on me still too, and nope no breaks for me, 30 days straight!
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    Day 5 done last night. I am so proud of myself for continuing with the shred even though I am running a fever and have a horrendous cold/hacky cough. I am determined not to miss a day. Mind you, I didn't time it very well, it is due to finish on my birthday and between now and then I have 2 nights away from home so am going to have to pull the twice in one day thing too. My endurance is def up from day 1. :)
  • MrsGaff
    MrsGaff Posts: 42
    Well day 6 completed!

    I have to be honest I was flagging a bit today - didnt get up at 6.30am and do it as I planned, instead I dropped my two oldest to their weekly playgroup and did it at about 11.30. I still pushed and gave it my best but I was sore and had less energy today for sure which was annoying. So I'm taking the kids walking now and going on a walk later as well. The jump rope thing is killing me!

    Going to try to get to bed early tonight and feel invigorated for tomorrow!

    I lost two of my water weight pounds (drank 5.5litres yesterday, :indifferent: ) so I'm now my original weight +3 but I'm hoping that will fall by Monday for the weigh in/measurements update. Give me a motivation boost.

    Katrob - fair play to you for doing it whilst sick!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Thats great to hear the water weight is coming off (pleased is an understatement) :) Day 6 L1 for me today and i will completing this as soon as i get home from work today as i did day 5 after my dinner last night and suffered horrendous heartburn all night lol
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    D6L1 Done! Today seemed, dare I say it, almost easy! I was still panting and sweating like a mad woman but it was much easier today then all the other days. I decided im not going to weigh myself till friday(when i have a ww weigh in) But Im really looking forward to monday for our level 1 weigh ins. Saturday I have a 6 mile walk for the march of dimes on top of doing Jiliian so i may or may not be dying come saturday night!! :laugh:
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    D6L1 Done! Today seemed, dare I say it, almost easy! I was still panting and sweating like a mad woman but it was much easier today then all the other days. I decided im not going to weigh myself till friday(when i have a ww weigh in) But Im really looking forward to monday for our level 1 weigh ins. Saturday I have a 6 mile walk for the march of dimes on top of doing Jiliian so i may or may not be dying come saturday night!! :laugh:

    I'll do my measure on Saturday morning but keep them til the monday so we're all posting on the same day.

    I'm kind of dreading it tonight, my right shin is really painful (reckon I've overdone it as I've also been doing C25K which I completed today).

    Glad to see that its not just me struggling with the jump rope
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