Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    Sorry gals, I've been out of town for easter. I should have checked in but I have been so bad this week.
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    Better late than never.
    My name is Tess and I'm in my 30s. I have always been volumptious and curvy but over the last three years I have gained 60lbs which makes me OBESE! Uhg!
    I started MFP because my bestie Leigh and I needed emotional support. When I started I did awesome and lost 23 lbs. Sadly, I have gained 17 of them back. I have a million excuses which I'm tired of coming up with. The real reason is that I stopped counting calories. I need to lose this weight. I need to get my motivation back. I have to stop being self destructive. Currently, I am trying to do Marianne Williamson's A Course In Weight Loss although I havn't picked it up in weeks. This morning I ate a bearclaw and I feel terrible about it. I love to laugh, dance, and be the center of attention. All those things have drastically been affected by my weight gain. I'm glad for this group. Nice to meet you ladies!
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    298.8 I broke the 300 mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    :love: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I'm doing the HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!

    That is WONDERFUL!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Claudia - good luck with your interview!!! Being closer is awesome, especially with gas pricies climing as they are. Just saw my first gas station today with gas prices over $4/gal. ugh!

    Chirstina, thak you for educating me on how to post pics! :smile:

    Welcome aboard Tess, nice to meet you! It's all head games, you gotta get in the right mindset. Things will start falling into place!

    Wednesday whine......Biggest Looser at work, I know I lost 3 pounds since last Wednesday according to my scale at home...but the scale at work keeps getting out of wack. It said I only lost one pound. Boo! They had one girl weigh in this morning at one weight, then gained 5 pounds in an hour......stupid scale!
  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    @Jael-- I have been having the same problem with exercise lately. For a while I was doing so good and getting up every morning, because our evenings are very hectic! BUT now I'm not... I'm going to add you, maybe we can hold each other accountable?

    @Tess-- At least you are recommitting! I feel like a big step for me and for a lot of other people is realizing where you "strayed" earlier than before, and becoming rededicated! You can do it!

    @rebecky-- the picture thing is ridiculous sometimes.. I always have my dear hubby do it! (he's a computer programmer!)

    So my WHINE is I would love to have some WIne.. JK-- Mine follows suit with Jael-- I need to get myself moving. My very first 5k is Saturday, and I would prefer to finish it in less than 50 minutes! We'll see! :)

    Happy Wednesday Ladies!
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    Wednesday Whine: So I have been walking every evening with a professor/friend here at school and she thinks its just great walking and everything, but I don't. I feel like its a waste of my time. I need to start jogging or alternating running and walking instead of just walking at a snail's pace because I have to go much slower than usual to not get too far ahead of her. It was alright for a while but now I feel like I am wasting 45 minutes of every night. Not to mention she seems to think that she can continue to check her email or do work around her office for an hour before we actually walk. Also, all she does is ***** (pardon the language) about a mutual friend (one of my very best friends) and I am really tired of the negativity (and whenever I actually have something I need to talk about or be upset about-like missing my friends in England from when I studied abroad-she dismisses it with her problems being worse "I think its worse to be friends with someone that you see every week and not really be able to do stuff with them." That type of thing.) I don't know how to tell her that this is just not going well for me and that I dread it everyday because it means I am going to walk in circles listening to someone complain about everything.

    Wow. Sorry that got really long and very whiny.
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    @Mrs...I'm all for being held accountable. It's been a crazy week of no work and hanging out with kids. Routine comes back tomorrow....awwww...who's kidding who, I can come up with a million excuses. Until I make myself a priority nothing will change!

    @rebecky - that scale is messed up and if they really want to do a Biggest Loser they should do something about it.

    @mds - You have to take care of YOU! If this walking relationship isn't working then you need to say something to her - Tell her you want to train for a 5k and need to ht it a bit harder...or that you want to start walking so talking is difficult and have to pick up the pace...

    Like I said above - if WE don't make OURSELVES a priority then NO ONE else WILL!!!!

  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Wednesday Whine: So I have been walking every evening with a professor/friend here at school and she thinks its just great walking and everything, but I don't. I feel like its a waste of my time. I need to start jogging or alternating running and walking instead of just walking at a snail's pace because I have to go much slower than usual to not get too far ahead of her. It was alright for a while but now I feel like I am wasting 45 minutes of every night. Not to mention she seems to think that she can continue to check her email or do work around her office for an hour before we actually walk. Also, all she does is ***** (pardon the language) about a mutual friend (one of my very best friends) and I am really tired of the negativity (and whenever I actually have something I need to talk about or be upset about-like missing my friends in England from when I studied abroad-she dismisses it with her problems being worse "I think its worse to be friends with someone that you see every week and not really be able to do stuff with them." That type of thing.) I don't know how to tell her that this is just not going well for me and that I dread it everyday because it means I am going to walk in circles listening to someone complain about everything.

    Wow. Sorry that got really long and very whiny.

    I have to agree with jaelwoman. Tell her you like to walk at a faster pace and GO. She can talk to herself all she wants! :laugh:
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Wednesday Whine:
    I got sick over vacation and I seem to be getting worse instead of better. That and the fact that I'm still on "vegas time" is making it difficult for me to get back into the swing of things. Not to mention everything that I have to do at home! Last night after I got home from work I cooked dinner, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the toilets, made lunches for myself, my husband and daughter, plus breakfasts, and of course cleaned up the dinner dishes and folded the clean laundry. Then when my alarm went off this morning for me to get up and workout, I just hit snooze and went back to sleep. *sigh*
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @PirateJenny - Thanks! I'm always looking for "salads" that aren't just lettuce. :laugh:

    @jaelwoman - Do you have anyone to exercise with? That's my biggest problem, I get bored alone. Have you ever tried Zumba? The classes (with other live people like a gym or the Y) are pretty fun...once you get over the initial "omg I have 2 left feet and I'm in public" (if you have that problem...I was so embarrassed the first few times I went)

    @tesshaney - The negativity is what gets me all the time. Its gotten better since joining MFP and having all the positive chatter pounded into my brain (and that's not a complaint mind you...I'm just thick headed). Try to think of positive things, and the #1 thing to do...forgive yourself. When you mess up and eat something you feel you shouldn't have, or when you don't exercise, don't hold a grudge, tomorrow is a new day. And if you have a slip early in the day (like a bearclaw), make up for it with exercise or having lower calorie lunches & dinner. It can still be a good day! :flowerforyou:

    @rebecky27 - The scale thing would annoy me....1) for telling me I didn't lose as much as my home one did...and 2) because how are they supposed to monitor challenge if the scale is always wrong...

    @mds2372 - I'm sorry, that actually does sound pretty dreadful. ::frown: You could always say your trying a new work out program (and well...actually try one since you want to anyways lol) so you won't make the walks anymore, but that way its more about the fitness than her to avoid hurt feelings....
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    @mds - You have to take care of YOU! If this walking relationship isn't working then you need to say something to her - Tell her you want to train for a 5k and need to ht it a bit harder...or that you want to start walking so talking is difficult and have to pick up the pace...

    I totally agree! It's important to keep yourself challenged.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Wed Whine....This might be my favorite day...but only because I have a lot of weight related whining that could probably last me every Wed for a year! :laugh:

    I really need some new clothes. I've had the same clothes for what feels like forever, to the point most of them are faded, or have holes in them...I have 2-3 pairs of jeans that actually have patches sewn on them... My "professional" work clothes are hand me downs from family, and even though according to the tape measure I haven't lost any inches in any of the places I've been measuring (like waist, hips etc)...I must have lost in somewhere because my clothes (well mostly my shirts) look big and baggy on me, and doesn't really look very professional. My aunt gave me a new shirt she bought for me while Fashion Bug was having a sale. Its not tight...but its much more form fitting. The same day I wore that shirt I had a few people ask if I had lost weight...a sure sign my clothes are probably making me look bigger than I am too.

    ugh....but buying clothes always makes me depressed. I'm still a size 24 pants & a XL or XXL for shirts....and all the clothes they make for anyone bigger than a size 10 seem to be ugly or really really expensive (like shopping at Lane Bryant or Torrid).

    I guess this explains why I still have the same clothes after forever...shopping for new ones suck. :grumble:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Would anyone be interested in doing 30 Day shred with me come May 1st?
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member

    I get so frusterated with my mother. I want to lose weight and I try to eat healthy and exercise. But she doesn't want to eat healthy and always eats junk food and keeps it around the house. I get so tired of cleaning, because she is a slob. She dosn't clean her own room, her dishes, she doesn't even do her own laundry. I have to do all her laundry, and then put them up when I get home. I wish I could just live with my husband alone but my mother can't live alone. I am so tired. I try and exercise and then she always calls me because she needs something. I can never get through a workout without having trying to stop at least 5 times in a 20 min window. I get so mad and frusterated.

    But what can I do...
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Wednesday whine - I don't have much to whine about that's weight loss related.. I feel like I'm doing pretty well getting back on track. I've been tracking my calories and drinking 1-2 bottles of water a day... not enough water but at least it's something and I can build on it without having to run to the bathroom every 30 minutes. :laugh: My whining today is about school... I was sick last week and missed a couple days in my accounting class and one day in my math class. I figured it was ONE day, how much could I miss? Well, when I went in on thursday we had a quiz over what was discussed on tuesday and I just sat there, mind totally blank, having no idea what to do. We got our quizzes back yesterday - I got an F. An F! That is not acceptable to me, I almost started crying on my drive home from school. With the exception of the first test (I got a B) I've pulled a strong high A on every homework assignment, quiz & test. I just can't believe I got a freakin F.... and now I'm scared to see how much it drops my grade. All we have left is 1 homework assignment, 1 quiz, 1 test and then the final.... I can't be getting F's now. Ugh.

    Ok I'm done whining about it.
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Would anyone be interested in doing 30 Day shred with me come May 1st?

    I'll do it with you. I started it and got to day 8 then my knee started to give me probs so I stopped. I'll start it again and see how it goes. Just one thing: May 1 is a Sunday and I usually have Sunday as my rest day, so I will start it one day after, if thats ok? Also, lets make sure to measure ourselves and see if we lose any inches!
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    Would anyone be interested in doing 30 Day shred with me come May 1st?

    I won't do the shred because...well I won't do it. But I was going to commit to going to the Y every day in May so I'll commit to the 30 day part. I'm warning you though I need accountability and sometimes I lie!!! Lol!!
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Would anyone be interested in doing 30 Day shred with me come May 1st?

    I will do it with you. I have the video
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member

    I get so frusterated with my mother. I want to lose weight and I try to eat healthy and exercise. But she doesn't want to eat healthy and always eats junk food and keeps it around the house. I get so tired of cleaning, because she is a slob. She dosn't clean her own room, her dishes, she doesn't even do her own laundry. I have to do all her laundry, and then put them up when I get home. I wish I could just live with my husband alone but my mother can't live alone. I am so tired. I try and exercise and then she always calls me because she needs something. I can never get through a workout without having trying to stop at least 5 times in a 20 min window. I get so mad and frusterated.

    But what can I do...

    I don't know if this will work, but tell her you will be busy for at least 30 minutes and you cannot be disrupted, so if she needs anything, to tell you now or she has to wait half an hour. I do that with my daughter- ask now or forever hold your peace! LOL
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    mds- I agree with the others, you need to take care of you. This walking friend is not a good fit for your needs, physically or emotionally. She's toxic and a drain on you! Let her know you are kicking it up a notch and you are switching around your workout schedule and ooops, it doesn't include a slow-paced walk anymore.

    virgo - you described my wardrobe! I have been wearing the same clothes for over 10 years! If it's newer, it's a hand me down because someone else lost weight. No more!!! I'm actually to the point where I don't have to unbotton any of my pants to get them off. LOL! and...I'm ready to start the 30 Day shred again....for the third time!! Third time's the charm, right??

    Chrystal - that's another bad situation. So sorry you have to live like that. I lived with my mother for 2 years with my husband and son, and it was a drain on our relationship. Is your mother elderly? Is that why she can't be alone? Hoping you find a solution to that situation. Once we moved out of my mother's house, my relationship with her improved 1000%!

    Learning- hopefully that quiz won't way against your grade too bad. Do you get to drop your lowest grade? Hope so!! Good luck for the rest of the semester....not much longer!
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