Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    October Challenge: 13/21 .... whoopie broke the 3-day over limit streak

    Wednesday Wishes: I wish I could teleport myself back in time to before my parents became ill and passed away. Perhaps to one of those July days when we gathered to make hay and worked hard all day in the hot sun' and everytime we brought a wagon load in my mom would be there with iced tea and lemonade and everyone's favorite soda-pop. At the end, we would have a family barbecue all together. So happy with ourselves and the world.

    Have a wishful Wednesday everyone.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014
    Wednesday Wish…that the scale would budge a little. I’ve actually been very good about my calories and working out and it hasn’t moved at all! I know not to expect miracles, but something would be nice.

    @Niki…I saw a suggestion somewhere to ask for half of your meal to be packaged right when you order it. That way it is not on your plate tempting you to keep nibbling. I’ve tried it in the past and it does help with the whole “finish your plate” mentality. What a wonderful wish…I still have my Mom but lost my dad 9 years ago and still have moments that my first thought is to call my dad and tell him about it.
    @Laurie…ugh. No answer to what is ailing is tough. Hopefully he can get some rest to help heal.
    @Karen…Emma is going to be a Wick’d Wolfie for Halloween. More than I wanted to spend, but pretty much every one was expensive. Our water tastes fine (I have an in the fridge door filter water), I just don’t like it. I think it stems back to having farm water when I was growing up. City water never tastes as good. We were those kids that would go turn on the windmill pump and drink freezing cold water straight out of the pipe. We would also sneak carrots or kohlrabi from the garden, wash it off in the same water and eat it. I just know that if I’d get back in the habit, it would be better.
    @jtconst…cute kittens and cute boy who seems to be enjoying them immensely. 
    @Kaye…your baking would do me in! I know you, for the most part, donate them right away, but…
    @Lois…a loss is a loss. Celebrate it! Yes, I love Pinterest. I haven’t actually pinned any of my cakes (mostly because at this point I am using cakes I find for inspiration…I try not to copy exactly…just close). And yes, if I get going, I can spend too much time on that dang site! Good luck with the guy in your office. I had a bit different – I would have a great idea and then someone else would always take credit for it. Found out later that the bosses knew all along that it was me and not her.

    AFM…Ate super late last night. By the time my errands were done, it was too late to start my meatballs so planned on making them after I got back from the gym. Then I got a text from my sister asking if we could push back the gym to 8:30. That gave me enough time to brown the meatballs and get the gravy prepared. Put it all in the pot and used my delayed start on my new oven. When I got home I threw on some potatoes and had supper really late. Still made my calorie goal though! Our workout was a good one. The last set is double crunches, tick tocks, reverse crunches and supermans. HATE them! And then had to do them twice through. YUCK! But like every workout, I don’t want to go…hate it while I’m doing it…and then feel so glad about it afterwards.

    I do want to share a compliment I received. I got a Facebook message from my cake decorating instructor. She had been to my cake page and said they were really good and asked if I would be interested in becoming an instructor. I don’t, but to hear that she thinks I’m good enough for that certainly made me feel good.

    Have a great day!

  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Was all prepared to hate the new recipe calculator, but...surprise! It's really neat and takes half the time! Try it if you haven't already.

    Wednesday Wish: Don't have one! Must be something wrong with me as I normally feel like we should all "aspire higher," but feeling pretty okay with my life as long as I don't examine it too closely. :o Okay, it would be nice to have family live nearby, but then I'd probably grouse that they are always underfoot. :#

    October Challenge to date:
    17/21 under daily goal calories of 1350
    18/22 days cardio
    11.2 lbs. lost since Oct. 1, 39.4 since August 1

    Tracy: That scale WILL budge eventually. I examined my 90 day report and could clearly see 2 plateaus. Hang in there.

    Naomi: Congrats on getting under your goal calories. Each time you do it, it gets easier.
    That doesn't mean I don't have an internal dialogue whenever I want chocolate or pumpkin anything and I only have 30 calories left. That's when I get out my flavored sparkling water or go to bed.


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good afternoon.

    National Nut Day
    When : Always October 22and
    National Nut Day is today. It's a little kooky and crazy if you ask me.
    One can go a little bit batty contemplating the meaning of this day. Our research came up empty on information about this day. So, we can't be certain as to the meaning of this very nutty day. There are two very obvious possibilities:
    1. This day honors (???) all of the nutty people in the world. It gives recognition to all the kooks, loony birds and daffy people in your life. Show them you care today.
    2. This day celebrates nutritious and healthy nuts (food) of all kinds. Celebrate today by eating lots of nuts, either as a snack, or in baked goods. May we suggest Chocolate Almond Ice Cream?
    Of course it is always possible that this day celebrates the "Nut" that screws onto a bolt for fastening things.
    A couple of nutty facts:
    • Peanuts are not really nuts. They are Legumes, a member of the "Pea" family.
    • The center of seeds, like pumpkins and squash, is called a "nut".
    Are you a nut case? If so, you probably understand and enjoy Count Your Buttons Day
    Have a happy National Nut Day !!

    “No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.” ~Bill Phillips

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Dad is still in the hospital and today was a marathon day at work.
    Will catch up more tomorrow.

    Wish that dad comes home soon.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited October 2014
    @NK,Niki = My sympathies for your longing for your parents. Truly I know that feeling. I was 19 when my mom passed, and in my 30's when dad left. After many years, I started having "conversations" with my dad - mind you I would just ask him for advice, and for a long time just guess what kind of answer he might give me. But, over time these conversations really became more and more an opening into a greater realm of understanding for me and a deep spiritual connection. I wasn't very religious before and still keep an open mind.

    @Lois - work situation like that used to drive me crazy. But, in my past experience, it seems whenever I got so frustrated with a co-worker that I'd complain about them, and eventually my wish materialized and they moved on, got canned, or whatever, they were replaced by an even MORE obnoxious person. I think there is a business rule going on here. A subordinant always tries to undermine you. No Matter What.

    @Naomi - thats a great reason to rejoice. When it falls into place and everything works together.

    @Laurie - Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope he is home soon too - My VNA nurses credit my extremely high-protein diet to my quick wound healing. And of course you know all about nutritional benefits. If he is ill along that route, you know better than anyone.

    Welcome any @Newcomers - I have been distracted and off-line a lot. -sigh- health issues.

    AFM - Today another big first step and will hope for increasing muscle strength after todays new soreness goes away! Did the usual daily take-care routine, which now includes changing the dressing on my knee (lets just say - ick) and I still can't wear slacks or capri's so it's skirts- of which I own one. All this wears me out and then left home finally at 3 pm. Gosh, so long just to get ready! Then to the grocery store. One hour and 15 minutes later a nice young man loaded my trunk with $125 of groceries. I did a lot of impulse shopping - after telling myself Not To Do That. I was mad at myself mainly because all the extra lifting involved. Into the cart. Out of the cart for the checker. Then, home it was out of the trunk and into my cart thats in the garage. then lifting the groceries out of my cart and down into the freezer or up into the cupboards or shoot - find a place for the impulse buys! I wasn't done til 5:15 - my back was so sore when I was done. But, I remembered my PT instructions. I didn't sit down - I laid on my bed and did the stretching exercises she taught me and felt much better after that. So, working out just by living life. And having had a thing to eat yet - there's too many choices!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--glad you are out and about, but don't overdo it!

    @marsha--I didn't even realize the recipe importer had changed. Seems like this is the 3rd or 4th time that has happened. Glad to hear it works well.

    @tracy--I'm sorry that you don't enjoy your workouts. As someone who's grown to love my gym time, I can't help but think maybe you need to find a different form of exercise. Sure I don't always "want" to go, but once I'm actually at the gym (or running outside), I would say 99% of the time I love it. And if I'm not enjoying something anymore, I switch to something else. I kind of have exercise ADD in the sense that I tend to switch things up a lot. I'll get on a kick where I LOVE the stairmaster and I do that a lot until it gets boring, Then I'll switch to the stationary bike for awhile. I do the same thing with weights. I'll do certain machines or free-weight exercises for a while and then switch to some different ones. My only real mainstays are running and some ab work (incline sit-ups, roman bench, hanging crunches). I thought this was probably a bad approach b/c it lacks focus. However, when I told the trainer about this, he said that's actually better in the sense that I would avoid injuries that can result from repetitive exercise.

    Anyways, I think if you're not enjoying exercise while you're doing it, you should try something different. I know you lift and do your trainer workouts, but I'm not sure what they consist of. Are there any cardio machines or classes available that you haven't tried yet? Maybe try some of those and see if you like anything better. I'm a firm believer that the optimal workout is the one (or in my case many) that keep you coming back to the gym. :wink:

    Sorry--not a lot of personals tonight b/c it's late and I need to get to bed.

    Wednesday Wish:
    That laurie's dad gets better quickly.
  • jfields1987
    My truth: I am extremely self conscious of going to the gym. I always feel like I am being judged, or being talked about where I can't hear. I know its probably not happening, but I can't help but to think it.

    Anyways, good luck everyone just keep pushing' on and you will get there.
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    @lois - a loss is a loss!!!!!!! Keep up the work, this is a lifelong journey, so small osses are great because they are sustainable. Well done you. Work can be hard when everyone doesn't do their bit.

    @Marsha - i often find to get a tune out of my head "achy breaky heart" is the best LOL. Goodluck getting that out of yor head though.

    @saggybaggy - weight comes off at its own pace. All we can do is persist. Keep up the good work and you will reap the rewards in time.

    @tlh - i am trying to drink more water too. I hadn't realized that i had stopped drinking enough while i was 'away'. Your cakes must be wonderful, its so nice to receive a compliment.

    @Niki - the Kookaburra is one of Australia's weird and wonderful animals. It's 'laughing' is so amazing, and to hear them in our own backyard is fab. They are not common, but do appear almost everywhere at times.glad you looked them up, they are very special. I hope your girls lunch was a success. What a wonderful memory you have of your family, it's so important to keep them close when family losses occur.

    @laurie - hopes and prayers for you and your dad. Hope he's out of hospital soon.

    @robyn - I'm so glad you are taking your recovery seriously. It's hard to take things slow isn't it? Sometimes just living is really all we need to do to get our body back in order. My mum is trying to recover some strength (at 75) by doing small excercise several times a day. I have to say she is walking better than the last year or two, so small persistent steps are how we get real results.

    @jtconst - love the new kitties, so cute.

    Welcome newlings, come often and join in, its so worth it, and so are you!

    Thursday truth - my boss drives me mad & i quite often wish for chocolate while I'm at work!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hello everyone. Yesterday was such a bad time, and he has continued today. I have a feeling it's a man thing. He has been brought up for his mistakes and i think he is just trying to pass it down the line, but it's not going to work. I also think he is trying to 'find his place' in the company and doesn't like being at the bottom. argh. I thought I would cheer myself up with some retail therapy and finally buy myself the new iphone to discover they are still sold out! So in the end naughty food came into play. :disappointed: But today is a new day and I will swim my worries away at lunch... and maybe get 'caught in traffic' to keep him waiting for his lunch :smiling_imp: Yes, I'm terrible, I know! :wink:

    Thursday Truth: This last week has gone a bit downhill with my food choices and I don't think it will improve until Monday due to lots of things going on. So I'll I can do is move more to try and counterbalance the naughtiness.


    Have a good day everyone!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Sorry for being MIA this week. Work continues to be very busy and stressful. The weekend is going to be equally crazy. Both daughters are coming to town. On Saturday youngest DD and I are giving a baby shower for one of her best friends, then we're going to look at engagement rings (flattered she wants my opinion!) and then I have the whole family coming to dinner for my mother's 85th birthday. No rest for the weary this weekend.

    Been very bad about noting my progress on the challenge lately. I need to go back and look at each day and figure it out. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @tlh0407 - thanks for the take-out suggestion. I usually wait to see how large the dishes served are and then ask. Sometimes the meals are portioned correctly so that I can go ahead and eat the entire meal and still be within my macro’s. That’s what happened yesterday. The Rueben sandwich was correctly sized and not grilled, and I had no sides with it so I ate the whole thing … after asking for more sauerkraut to be brought over. (love a lot on this sandwich)

    @GrammyWhammy - I also tried the new recipe calculator and it seems pretty easy except I couldn’t change the brand food it came up with. Then, the darn thing wouldn’t save. Maybe next time I will succeed.

    @RobinsEgg - thanks for sharing about your dad. All my life when my mom (who had been separated from her mother when she was 21 due to WWII) would cry often when she recalled her mom and I just wouldn’t understand it. I remember asking her one time when she was already a senior citizen about it and she said “Daughter, you will understand one day.” My mom passed away in 1994 and my dad in 2003 and I think I will miss them the rest of my life.

    So funny that you had too many choices after your shopping trip to be able to eat! Wonderful that you can keep your sense of humor throughout all this.

    AFM … October Challenge: 14/21 …. yes!

    Thursday Truth: Everything is going according to plan, except for the homestead work. I just seem to always continue to not have that as a high enough priority and get ticked off at myself about it …

    Have a great Thursday everyone.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014
    Thursday Truth: I feel old today. For the most part, I do okay. However, this past week, I have an ache in my right collarbone, ache in my left should, my foot hurts…I think I’m going to have to give in and just go get the chiropractor to give me a once over. I generally only go when there’s a big issue.

    @Marsha…it moved!! 1.4 pounds. Yay!!!
    @Karen…I probably wrote that all wrong about my workouts. I actually enjoy them but they kick my butt so much that I say I hate them and I don’t really realize I like them until afterwards. I’ve tried cardio straight and am bored to tears. I don’t like walking outside, nor on the treadmill. I make myself do it on occasion. The trainer workouts we do are a mix of different things and changes from week to week. Some weeks will focus more on cardio but each one gets my heart pumping. I’m pretty sure next week we have to run two flights of steps and then a lap on the track as a section of the workout (yuck!). My problem is that I feel that I’m so busy running kids, doing chores, making cakes, working etc that I just want to sit in the chair and catch up on TIVO. I know that is what got me to my current weight so I’m trying to just get in the habit. If we could go at 5:30 every day, it would be much better, but like last night, I left my house at 4:00. Had to run to the school, grab supper, take Emma to a babysitter, attend 3 different things at church, get Emma. Dropped the kids off at home and headed to the gym at 9:00. Home at 10:15. Normally, we skip those types of days, but I’m not able to go Thursday or Friday due to activities so it is what it is. I was just in a really whiney mood yesterday I guess. I’m not any busier than anyone else, but I sure wish my husband would be home to help out in the evenings. For the most part, this has been my favorite type of workouts to do to date.
    @jfields…I used to feel like that as well. However, I’ve gotten “glad you’re here” and “doing great” comments along the way and that helps. For the most part (from what I’ve seen from threads here), people are glad everyone is doing something for themselves and working on fitness.
    @Lois…I smiled with your Dory cartoon. I went through infertility and one of the times, the doctor did the procedure and then sang “just keep swimming, swimming” to the sperm….AWKWARD!!!

    AFM…Today and tomorrow are my rest days from workouts. Today I get my permanent crown on (I’ve never had one but I’m assuming I won’t really feel like eating after that) and then Emma has a food drive for Girl Scouts. I live on one of the biggest hills in Bismarck and we’re doing our neighborhood so it should be a nice walk. And it’s in the 70’s today – no one can complain about that at the end of October in the Upper Midwest. We then wrap up the day with a Halloween Party for all the Girl Scouts in the Bismarck/Mandan area.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    Celebrating National Pharmacy Technician Day & American Pharmacists Month 2012

    October is full of awareness causes. Two very relevant ones have presented themselves this month to honor pharmacy technicians and pharmacists. This month we celebrate National Pharmacy Technician Day and American Pharmacists Month to honor and celebrate the courageous and important efforts of both pharmacists and technicians in the field of pharmacy.

    The yearly motto for American Pharmacists Month is ‘Know Your PHARMACIST, Know Your MEDICINE.’ According to the American Pharmacists Association, American Pharmacists Month is a time to educate patients, motivate staff, engage, and inspire patients to get to know their pharmacist better and make patients more knowledgeable about their medication.

    October 23rd is also National Pharmacy Technician Day with the motto being ‘Helping America Feel Better.’ NPTA has some great suggestions for celebrating the day in your pharmacy. Some of the tips are:

    1. Make a poster or banner to hang up in your pharmacy.
    2. Provide brochures or flyers to patients explaining the role of CphT’s in providing care.
    3. Host a luncheon for pharmacy technicians or plan an after work get together.
    4. Go speak to students at a local pharmacy technician program.
    5. Get an official proclamation from your mayor, city council, or governor.
    6. If you are a pharmacist let your techs know they are appreciated by giving them a gift of appreciation. NPTA logo items can be found by going to

    Please remember to celebrate American Pharmacists Month and National Pharmacy Technician day this year!

    “Act as if everything you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    @Lois…I smiled with your Dory cartoon. I went through infertility and one of the times, the doctor did the procedure and then sang “just keep swimming, swimming” to the sperm….AWKWARD!!!

    Ah ha ha that is hilarious. I suppose it applies though. I hope it worked!
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    @Lois…I smiled with your Dory cartoon. I went through infertility and one of the times, the doctor did the procedure and then sang “just keep swimming, swimming” to the sperm….AWKWARD!!!

    Ah ha ha that is hilarious. I suppose it applies though. I hope it worked!

    It didn't, but then we ended up adopting our wonderful Emma, so in the end it all worked the way it was supposed to.

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    @Lois…I smiled with your Dory cartoon. I went through infertility and one of the times, the doctor did the procedure and then sang “just keep swimming, swimming” to the sperm….AWKWARD!!!

    Ah ha ha that is hilarious. I suppose it applies though. I hope it worked!

    It didn't, but then we ended up adopting our wonderful Emma, so in the end it all worked the way it was supposed to.

    Awwww I like a happy ending! Congratulations. :smile:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Thursday Truth.
    Scale only moved 1/2 pound today - My poor food choices. My extra 600 calories last weekend. Too much sodium. Actually all of the above.
    I am truly bone tired. The third night in a row hubby was snoring very loud. I have been up since midnight. No time for a nap today.
    Whine on!!!!

    @Robin - An ambitious day I hope it does not come back to bite you.
    @jfields1987 - Trust me they are looking at you but the thought in their heads is "Do I look that good?"

    Love to all,

  • chulisGonzalez
    chulisGonzalez Posts: 56 Member

    @Naomi...Congrats on being under your cals! Just think about that when you wish you could eat all the chocolate in sight :p. It can be so stressful, just breathe and count to 100.

    @tlh...It's frustrating right?? You do everything you're supposed to and nothing happens. The Halloween cake i saw was pretty awesome! Maybe later on you'll think about taking up the offer for being a cake decorating instructor! And have fun with your walk and the Halloween party!

    @Laurie...Hopefully he'll be home soon!

    @Robin....You had such a long day! My goodness, I hope you recover really quick. And it's a good thing you did your stretching instead of sitting.

    @jfields....I think at some point we were all the same. I remember being the same way when i first went to the gym a LONG time ago. It's especially embarrasing when you go by yourself and just stand there staring at all the excercise machines, it's overwhelming haha. Walked right out the first time :p. Maybe you can try going with a friend! That usually takes your mind off overthinking it

    @Lois...That's not terrible at all! I would've probably done something worse lol. Stress and dealing with incompetence can lead to naughtiness :p. Monday will be a new day, like i said before, breathe and count to 100 :(

    @cblue....You know what you can try so hubby stops snoring, and I usually do this and it works....Cover his whole face with a pillow until he stops.....hahaha just kidding (I laughed a little too much). Hope he stops snoring soon.

    Thursday Truth: I seem to have a problem with putting things away as I'm done using them! Then i turn around and there's this huge mess EVERYWHERE. I've gotten a bit better but it's still a dumb habit I need to break. Along with finding a liking to cleaning :grimacing:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Man sorry to drop off the face of the earth. One of my new boys, Finn, has been in the hospital for a long time. He's out now, though. Whew. What a nightmare. He has medical ptsd from China where they apparently kept him restrained every night. I'm tore up from the floor up. I've got bites and scratches all over. Yikes! I know I gained weight since I haven't been eating anything but fast food for weeks and sleeping terribly. But I'm afraid to weigh myself yet lol.