Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member

    Testing a picture--Peggy's Cove Lighthouse in Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia...
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome back, and thanks for not deleting me @skinnyjeansbound.

    This week my goal is simply to stay within the calorie limits Myfitnesspal has given me. I should be able to do that, since my size gives me a large amount. I did go over Sunday, but raked leaves for 45 minutes and was back on track. Yesterday I went over a wee bit and went for a walk.
    Next week my goal will be to stay under the amount of fat mfp allows me. That will mean choosing more chicken breast and less hot dog and Polish Sausage in my diet!
    Funny story! A few months ago my food scale fell and broke. I should have bought another one right away, but since I was already off the wagon, never thought of doing so when I was in the store. Last week Thursday I went to a "pre" garage sale (my friend was helping another friend and invited me for first peak) and found a food scale for 50 cents (an old one... no food tray, but tin foil works). For 50 cents I said "what the heck, I broke mine". Then that awful picture shows up in the bulletin, and I'm back needing a food scale! Talk about good timing!
    @NK congrats on the weightloss!
    @kah68 That is amazing! Losing 5 pounds while on vacation takes a lot of dedication. You should be proud of yourself!
    @skinnyjeansbound I saw this on fb yesterday and thought of you! :-)

    @LaurieK70 Good luck with your dad. I hope he listens to you!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy National Chocolate Day
    There is no better way to celebrate Halloween’s approaching than with a piece of chocolate. But just in case you need another excuse to try your favorite treat, it’s national chocolate day.
    Chocolate can be used in almost any dessert. It can be enjoyed plain, mixed into your favorite cookie dough or glazed on top of a cake. While I always enjoy the way chocolate tastes, I never really think about how it’s made. Here are a few insights into how your chocolate bar makes it into your grocery store.
    Chocolate 101:
    • Cacao trees grow around the world in tropical areas. They grow pods, which contain about 20 to 40 cacao beans.
    • The beans are removed from the pods, and then fermented in piles for about one week. This process allows for the beans to dry out and develop their color and flavor.
    • The beans are then taken to the factory and roasted. Next, they are “hulled” by removing the outside shell from the inside of the bean called the “nib.”
    • The nibs are then ground into a chocolate liquor. Then, the liquor (it’s not alcoholic) is pressed to remove the fat, called “cocoa butter,” and the residual powder is what is mixed in to create different kinds of chocolate.
    • Depending on the kind of chocolate (milk, bittersweet, semisweet, etc.) cocoa butter, milk and sugar are added to the chocolate powder.
    • White chocolate does not contain the chocolate powder that regular chocolate contains. It just contains cocoa butter, milk and sugar.

    “It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not.” ~James Gordon

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @laurie - wow do you look stupendous! what a dramatic change you have done! All that exercise has made you over into a new, beautiful Laurie! Its funny you mention your dad not following orders at home. You are such a strong person, but still not able to boss your dad around, haha! Time to change that - you have to take control of him for his own health or he will suffer in front of you later on....
    @susan - oh, my heart goes out to you and your friends in their sad time - so glad you can join them now and comfort each other. Laurie's story of her friend's mother's funeral and the joy of the children made me smile - did you? I do believe in life after death and that our departed remain as "angels" to comfort and watch us - and are just a "question" away.
    @returnees - so happy to see you back - and I am among you - having gained back weight quite recently - sigh -
    @Morgori - Sad to say, I can no longer eat chocolate, but found your info quite interesting non the less. And the quote quite satisfying too. Often I wonder where my willpower is.... sometimes I ask - "was I born without it? "
    AFM - I have been away for several days, down in the dumps with some emotional rides, one concerning my step-mom, 93, who has an serious illness now....and needs more care at home than she is willing to receive. I've offered to stay with her. She refuses. Her daughter in law, an RN, is Director of the Masonic Home in the small town where she lives and would make sure she receives top notch care there. For several years both she and my step sister have suggested, cajoled, and pushed her to move there, but she refuses, does not want to be in a "home" of any sort. Flat out refuses. So, I must take my own advice to Laurie and get "tough" with my step-mom. First must have a huddle with step-sisters and let them lead the way though. I'm certainly not going to usurp their positions and rank.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited October 2014
    Just a few pics from my cruise to share :smile:


    Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia


    Titanic Cemetary in Halifax, Nova Scotia


    Newport Bridge in Newport, RI at Sunrise


    Bar Harbour, ME at Sunrise

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kah/Kelley- the pictures are beautiful. Thanks for sharing, looks like a great cruise.

    Robin- Thanks. Good luck with your step mom. It is so hard to see your parents get sick and yet refuse to seek help. My mom also refuses to ask for help with my dad.

    Tom- You provided the perfect reason to eat chocolate today. Thank you for telling us about world chocolate day. I celebrated with chocolate cashews and MM's.

    Skinny Karen- I end to drag and drop the pictures into the text box and that seems to work. If I am going from the photo gallery on my computer, I need to export the picture to the desk top then drag and drop that into the file. Try the icon that looks like a piece of paper with a folded corner, it will drag and drop image. Once that comes up and you drop the image into the box, a blue line will show up that shows the picture is loading.

    I just posted a picture of Swallows Fallsk7uyeca65qon.jpg

    This is the lower end of the falls

    Goal- To increase my level of activity in November.

    Have a great Wednesday. I am wishing for an easy day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited October 2014
    Pics still aren't working. I tried the icon everyone is talking about--it opens and brings up a "browse" ability, but the pics don't post. I just tried the drag and drop technique laurie suggested. When I do so, a black box pops up that says "drop image/file" so I do, but nothing happens. Or the picture opens up on a plain white background, but there's no "post reply" button and I'm not even on the post page any longer--I have to use the "back" arrow to get to the thread again.

    Oh well--I give up.

    @kelley-those pictures are so lovely! I've never been to NE other than NYC and NJ--would love to travel there someday.

    @robin--that's a tough situation with your step-mom. Hope she listens to you and your step-sisters--the home where her daughter works sounds like the perfect solution. Too bad she doesn't see that.

    @tom--I'm glad I didn't know it was NCD! I might have used it as an excuse to overindulge.

    @helen--thanks for the link--the cartoon is now my desktop background. My students will love it.

    @holly--hang in there with the algebra--X = what...? LOL

    @barbara--glad I'm not the only one having photo issues. I'm not super tech saavvy, but I can usually post a simple picture. I may try opening the website in a different browser to see if that works. Otherwise, I'm all out of ideas.

    @marsha--love your grandpup!

    Tuesday Goal:
    Not really a goal, but I'm just trying to get through this week. I honestly am feeling very defeated about work. I can't seem to keep up with grading--there just aren't enough hours in the day. I keep planning to get to my AP essays, but then other responsibilities come up and I get side-tracked. I mentioned to a colleague today that I wish I could just hit the "pause" button in all of my classes so I can catch up. Sadly, that's not an option--I need to keep teaching new curriculum and collecting more assignments even when I'm behind as I am now.

    To top things off, I'm a member of our contract bargaining team and the meetings are just piling on. I had one yesterday until alomost 6, and another today that lasted until about 7 pm. We spent the last half hour coordinating calendars to schedule all of our upcoming meetings through Feb. I seriously felt like crying when I saw that most weeks I have at least 2 school related meetings.

    Of course both yesterday and today, I had grand plans to come home and grade, but by the time I get home and eat some dinner, I'm exhausted. Tomorrow I have no meetings, so I would like to go to the gym, but I really need to grade. Ugh.

    Sorry I'm being a whiny crankypants. Grades for 1st quarter are due on Monday, so I have no choice but to catch up. Maybe after that I'll be in a better mood. My students are being pretty awesome lately, so that's a positive--trying to see the bright side.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 21/66 AP essays
    2. x/60 Montana 1948 vocab 2

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day (meeting) DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sorry to go off Thread everyone ... but so people are reporting having issues with posting images I had to do a bit of investigation. There is a help forum from MyFittnessPal that you can make a post on about your problems

    I looked very closely as to what was happening when I attached these two photos. The screen shot was selected from my desktop via the Choose Files function from the Attach Image File icon. It is the screen shot I took to post here. The second one is of one of my favorite sayings, and it was selected from the Drop Image/File function. This one had me a little confused because I saw a blue bar across the text area (where you type) and I had to try it a couple of times before I realized that the icon image went away and were replaced by an icon that led me to drop the photo into this text area ... but it didn't show up there.

    Then I realized that the images appear on this page just below this text input box, but above the note that says "You can use BBCODE in your post. Now I will hit Post Reply.

    PS, ok, now I don't understand why the picture didn't fill the post like the first one I did ... but the photos are a part of the post and you have to click on them to see them in full size. Weird ... those who are having issues ...

    Tuesday results for October Challenge ; 19/28 ... only a few more days left in October so thus far I've had 67.85% days at calorie goal ... if i can keep at it, I can reach 70% for the month. Will keep doing this for my challenge in November.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Forgot to report Tuesday Goals to share with you. Well ... Tuesday is over and the goal I had didn't get done because I took a nap in the afternoon instead of going for a walk. >:)

    Some more data on photos. The cats are Kitcat and Strawberry.


    Ah-HA! ... When you have the image link that MFP creates in the reply text box, it shows up big right off the bat. When you don't have it there, the photos show up as little links you click on.


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~glad that your Dad is home, hope he isn't too stubborn. :wink: Pictures of the falls are beautiful!

    @Karen~I'm so sorry for the late meetings and the grading, I know it gets overwhelming. I hope you can get caught up soon. I had to use the chrome browser instead of IE for pics to post, it still took awhile too.

    Tuesday Goals are to get back into my gym routine and start with yoga once/week. I'm also thinking of taking Pilates. May start with private lessons, my gym offers them before transitioning into the classes.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited October 2014
    Okay, it seems to be working in google chrome--yay!


    This one is me (on the right) at 2009 Pridefest. Sadly, this is a "good" picture of me at my heaviest. One of the few I saved from that time b/c I thought I looked so "trim."


    This one is 2009 or 10 (also on far right) at Edison Park Fest. I know you can't see much of my body, but I think you can still see how much heavier I was in my face alone.


    This one is in Switzerland July 2013. The man on the van is an advert for a Brocki which is like our flea markets here in US.


    Finally, this is last month with Susan in NYC.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Skinny - I'm so sorry to hear about your frustrating work schedule - and on top of that your very important work with the Union. I'm sure at some point you've had students grade each others work, is that possible now? Or open discussion even "for grades made on their participation and/or commentary" while you mainly just ignore them and grade their papers while they try to remember and talk about what they wrote? (in other words just trick them into talking during class so you can grade?) I don't know...I hate to see anyone work to the point of tears....I've def. been there myself.

    @Challenge - Skinny's suggestion is great, and I agree as well, November would be good for an "All In" Challenge. I am so fond of the Challenge we used for October and the past several months, I think it should just become a Standard Monthly challenge, because - heck, that is what we are here for - to get our Calories In Less than our Calories Out, Right? So, I propose we do just that... and then have another Monthly Challenge we work on each to our own degree of capability. There are so many of us at different levels of weight loss to go, exercise expertise, and nutritional knowledge. All of us are at different levels of learning.

    Again, I liked Skinny's plan to give herself 3 "free" days - one for Thanksgiving here in the US - and 2 for other reasons. She can plan ahead and cut back on calories ahead of time or plan extra exercise to combat the added calories.

    @Everyone - so what do you think of these Challenge ideas.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Skinny - you looook mahvelous! so super skinny! And @Susan - you're looking great too! I can tell that boot camp is making a difference!
    - Glad you got the photos to work!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Yes, and to her credit susan looks thinner in person. That picture doesn't do her justice, but it's the best one of me, so I selfishly posted it. :#
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @everyone ... I like RobinEgg's idea for @challenge
    .... keep the under or at calories for day rolling as a standard
    .... add another challenge we work on each to our own degree of capability.
    count me in.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hey chaps, I'm back from my holidays!

    The last few days we've been staying with my brother and his family in their farmhouse just over the border in Scotland. The photo I've attached is the view from their window; how cool is that? It was a bit cool and misty all the time we were there but we still got some nice walks out in the lovely countryside. Food-wise, well, we ate a lot of delicious food!


    Squeezing in personals -- sorry to all those i'm missing.

    @NaomiFilcock -- Naomi, everyone used to sing that song in schools here in the UK.
    @Morgori -- Tom, Martin Gardner was a huge influence on me while I was growing up, and I studied maths at university. Now I'm helping my daughter work towards her maths university entrance exam and I'm giving her Gardner's books to read.
    @GrammyWhammy -- Marsha, let me know when the date in June is! It would be great to meet up if the timings work out.
    @tlh0407 -- Tracy, my sister-in-law is a wedding cake maker. It's a good business but she's working every weekend! And my local Facebook swap group is full of Halloween costumes this week; I think being able to swap makes it much more affordable.
    @jtconst -- Tammy, yay for kittens!

    I am loving starting to see everyone's photos!

    And a great big WELCOME to all the newlings! This is such a great thread.

    Right. My big plan for today is to work out what we're going to eat for the rest of the week and to procure a pumpkin ready to carve tomorrow.

    -- Alison

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited October 2014
    Wow, October has flown by—it dawned on me yesterday my birthday is next week. :astonished: I’m glad daylight savings time ends on Sunday, too—while I like the sun out later I’m looking forward to more sleep!

    I like the idea of an “all-in” challenge for November; I’ve been a bit lax since June and really need to step it up. I didn’t like the newer gym as much as I thought I would so didn’t go often for cardio—just goes to show you cheaper isn’t always better. :confused: Now that I’m back to my old gym I feel like I’m back in my comfort zone and I’m looking forward to getting back into the pool and yoga along with trying new things to me, like Pilates. I also noticed they have added a bunch of new group fitness classes, I’m not one for group fitness but I may try the new Barre class.

    @Karen~Great pics, amazing transformation! Thanks for sharing. Susan looks great too! :smile: I wish I had more pics of myself, but I don’t. I think my friend took one of me in Newport when we toured The Elms mansion, need to ask her to send it to me. I had my picture done by the ship for one of the formal nights, but didn’t like the way it came out—I’m too critical of myself sometimes. :neutral_face:

    @NK112~Cute pics of your kitties.

    @Alison~What a beautiful picture! Scotland is on my bucket list.

    AFM~I got back to my old gym last night, it felt good to be back. I got everything set up through member engagement and then spoke with one of the trainers regarding sessions with the registered dietician (RD), Pilates and Yoga. I’m anxious to get back into yoga and try Pilates—my chiropractor has been on me about yoga, so he’ll be happy I’ve taken this step. I’ll start there and then in December or January I’m planning on repeating the resting metabolic test and scheduling some sessions with the RD to see what I need to tweak. Tonight I have a session with my trainer, so first cardio back in my old gym will be tomorrow.

    I love that it’s so much easier to post photo’s now. Just a couple of more pics to share, one of Zoe since I haven’t posted any since she was a baby and she’s grown so much—she’s a lion. :lol: The other is in Acadia National Park in Bar Harbour, ME.

    Bear Creek at Acadia National Park in Bar Harbour, ME. The water was so still and I loved the way the trees reflected on the water. You can't see it but on the far right was the largest beaver hut I've ever seen!

    Zoe, now 2, and silly as ever! :wink:

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - Lovely pictures! Glad you had a good trip.

    @robin - You're making progress. You seem to be doing more every week and I hope your recovery continues apace.

    @skinnyjeanz - I had the same issue with pictures. Google Chrome was also my friend.

    @susan - So sad about your friend. I've been there and know how helpless you feel. Prayers for you during this hard time and that your decision will be one that leads you to happier times.

    AFM - Had a wonderful (and food filled) weekend. My mother's 85th birthday was on Saturday and I had the whole family over for dinner. Made a delish Butternut Squash soup which was actually pretty healthy having just 1 cup of light cream. I'm going to make a double batch and freeze it for the cold nights ahead. Also, made a Brioche chocolate chip bread pudding with cinnamon rum sauce for dessert. Oh my. Nothing remotely healthy there, but it was sublime.

    Went shopping for engagement rings with DD. So exciting! She found a beautiful platinum band with tapered baguettes on either side and was planning on shopping for a diamond with her fiance in Boston. My mother has 2 beautiful diamond rings (one from my Dad and one from my Stepdad) that are specified to come to me in her will. She offered to give them to me now so DD and fiance could use one of them for her ring and the other can be put aside for my other DD. DD was so touched and surprised when we gave her the option to use either of the diamonds in her ring. Her fiance-to-be is ordering the band and when it arrives, I'll take the ring she chose to have the stone removed and set in her band. Not exactly sure when they plan to get engaged, but thankful she has found a wonderful young man! And oh so thankful that I have a Mom who is willing to help them on their way!

    Love the idea of "All In" for next month. I've have been "Kinda In" for the last few months and need to get my act together.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: No one else gets this stomach bug. My nephew was over on Friday night and early Saturday morning he threw up. He acted fine before and after so we just assumed he ate too much popcorn and drank too much pop at the movie on Friday night. WRONG!! Got a phone call from school on Monday morning that Emma felt nauseous and needed to come home. Luckily it was only on Monday that she felt bad. Fast forward to Tuesday a.m. (3 a.m. to be exact) and I find myself quickly cleaning my toilet so I can throw up. UGH! Feel great today so at least it is fast moving, but…

    @Susan…good luck with your decision. They talk about pros and cons sheets (which are important) but listen to your gut…usually it is right. Sorry to hear about your friend…I’ll pray for his family, pain medication that will keep him comfortable and peace for everyone that is losing him from their lives.
    @Niki…Another 2 pounds…that is awesome!
    @Laurie…no lip from your dad???  HA!
    @Karen…I can’t add pictures the new way either. I did have success (semi – someone had to fix the sizing) using the old way. While I understand that bargaining for the contract is important, it’s such a bummer that it’s going to eat up so much of your time. I’m usually doing this from work computer so I don’t have access to Chrome…hmmm.
    @Kelley…beautiful pictures. While I have been to the East coast, it has always been New York and south. My mom has commented about wanting to do a leaves tour…we’ll have to see about it.

    AFM…with a sick daughter and then a sick self, Monday and Tuesday I did not get any workouts in. I even had my Mom take Jacob to saxophone lessons so Emma wouldn’t leave the house. We do have a workout planned for tonight so, I’ll get back on track.

    Fall is officially upon us. My trees (for the most part) are bare and the temperature is dipping very low overnight. I finally had to shut my bedroom window and am contemplating turning on the heat. We are seeing 40-50s for the daytime highs and 20-30 for the overnight lows. I’m trying real hard to wait until at least November 1st for the heat. Guess it’s time to pull out some blankets!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to everyone.

    Happy International Internet Day
    International Internet Day is celebrated worldwide, every year on 29th of October. Since the year 2005 the International Internet Day has been famously celebrated to commemorate a momentous day in the history of telecommunications and technology. This was the event of the sending of the first message, first electronic message which was transferred from one computer to another in 1969. This was situated in California, in the USA. Today the International Internet Day is also an on-line project germinating from the society, of the society and for the society. The International Internet Day project is open to everyone and anyone just as access to the internet is open and free for everyone. The International Internet Day thus celebrates this grand democratic fervor which in essential is linked to this idea of liberation, where everyone is afforded an equal opportunity and an equal advantage to share of services, which connect the world to each other.
    Gleaning back at the history of the event would inform us that the journey to this era of easy communication wasn't exactly as simple as surfing up information on Google. For starters it the present scenario has been preceded by years of attempts including failed attempts to render digital data visible to everyone, instead of using teleprinters and other devices. At the time when history was being made, Internet was known as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). This was the year of 1969 when Charley Kline, a student programmer at the UCLA transmitted the first ever message on 29th of October in 1969. This event was to follow only few months after the first man landed on the moon. Great things were happening in the world, and this was one of it. Charley Kline, working under the supervision of Professor Leonard Kleinrock, transmitted a message from the computer housed at the UCLA to a computer positioned at the Stanford Research Institute's computer. The two computers, one at the UCLA was the SDS Sigma 7 Host computer and the receiver was the SDS 940 Host at the Stanford Research Institute. Interestingly enough the message was a text message comprising the word 'login'. But as it would transpire only the letter L and O could be transmitted across, because following the initial transmission the system collapsed and the transmission crashed.
    The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching, using standard IP (Internet Protocol). Now Internet has become one of the most important part of our life. Most of us cannot think of spending one day without internet. Internet has made our lives much easy.

    “If you chase two rabbits, both will escape.” ~Unknown
