The 17 Day Diet



  • Ktylerw
    Ktylerw Posts: 36 Member

    There are going to be times where you want to cheat, but I can tell you for the most part, eating clean will diminish your cravings significantly. I really do love healthy food and I have enjoyed eating this way immensly. I really could see myself eating this way for life. The book really does transform your thinking about food and eating. Don't be intimidated, really! You CAN do it! You have a lot of people here for support as well.

    Thank you! I like eating healthy too. Bad food has something in it to where it makes you want to eat more bad food. it's hard to get back on track once you're off. how long have you been on the diet and how much have you lost?
  • 65kar52
    65kar52 Posts: 23
    Hi everyone!
    I'm in europe .. I havn't see the book in the shoppes but saw esp of Doctors where this doctor was on. Interesting ... I read little about the plan since it sparked my curiousity ... I could only read pretty general outline but it says on phase 1 you can 2 yoghurts fat free ... why is this? I have read low or no fat products are worst then the full fat. I eat only real full fat dairy products ... so does this mean if I tried this diet I won't not succeed?

    Hi - I'm in Ireland and ordered book from Can't remember how much, maybe 9 euro.

  • TracieDS
    TracieDS Posts: 8
    Try it. It is a lot easier than you think. I am not a dieter. I am C1D5 and the only cheat I have done so far was have a green tea martini last night because my hubby and I usually have dirty martinis when we watch The Office and being Michael Scott's last day, I had to! You will not be hungry because you can eat as much as you want of veggies and lean proteins.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm in europe .. I havn't see the book in the shoppes but saw esp of Doctors where this doctor was on. Interesting ... I read little about the plan since it sparked my curiousity ... I could only read pretty general outline but it says on phase 1 you can 2 yoghurts fat free ... why is this? I have read low or no fat products are worst then the full fat. I eat only real full fat dairy products ... so does this mean if I tried this diet I won't not succeed?

    It does suggest fat-free yogurt, I assume simply to reduce the overall amount of fat. However, I use this as a "cheat" on this diet, because I eat low-fat, not non-fat. I agree that non-fat things are often not very good for you - generally, they contain a lot of artificial sweeteners and flavors to make up for the taste that is lost without the fat. (The one exception is milk. If it's been pasteurized, go with skim because any fat left in pasteurized milk is really bad for you!) I've noticed that low-fat items are not nearly as bad, but definitely check the ingredients list first, it varies wildly by brand.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    I read this diet isn't suitable for diabetes ... is it suitable for people with insulin resistence?
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I am wondering if hummus is allowed on cycle 2, does anyone know? It's made from chick peas (garbanzos) which the book says we can have, just not sure about the other stuff in it!

    Hi ya.
    Looked all over...We can have chick peas in cycle 2...but I haven't found hummus yet.

    But......there are a million recipes in The 17 Day Diet section...of The Doctors TV site.
    Go here:
    Good luck!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    So I started C1 D1 this morning! YAY!!! I choked down some lemon water ( :sick: ) and then went for a brisk walk around my neighborhood, carrying a second glass of plain COLD water to wash down the lemon - it was such a GREAT way to start the day (minus the lemon water) and I already feel so energized!

    I tossed some chopped mushrooms and bell peppers into a pan to saute, then poured eggs over them and scrambled it all up! Yummy! And I had a glass of milk, since I decided there's no logical reason to give up milk during this cycle: I'm still eating yogurt, so lactose isn't being removed from my diet, and I drink skim milk, so it's not adding extra fat.

    I'm a snacker, so I decided it was best to save my probiotics and fruit as a snacks for the day. I brought yogurt with blackberries, an apple, and celery with Greek yogurt - my first taste of Greek yogurt! I hope I like it!

    And I have chicken (baked with Salt-Free Mrs.Dash) with some mixed veggies for lunch, which is actually a normal lunch for me! I haven't decided on dinner yet...

    The milk may slow you down as it is the natural sugars in milk that you want to avoid during cycle one. Yogurt is different because of the probiotics and how they affect the sugars.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Personally, I am sticking to it to the letter and looking forward to Cycle 4! I don't think I could handle a little cheat right now without caving. I gotta break that all of nothing thinking, but that's where I am at.

    First week done - five pounds gone!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    So I started C1 D1 this morning! YAY!!! I choked down some lemon water ( :sick: ) and then went for a brisk walk around my neighborhood, carrying a second glass of plain COLD water to wash down the lemon - it was such a GREAT way to start the day (minus the lemon water) and I already feel so energized!

    I tossed some chopped mushrooms and bell peppers into a pan to saute, then poured eggs over them and scrambled it all up! Yummy! And I had a glass of milk, since I decided there's no logical reason to give up milk during this cycle: I'm still eating yogurt, so lactose isn't being removed from my diet, and I drink skim milk, so it's not adding extra fat.

    I'm a snacker, so I decided it was best to save my probiotics and fruit as a snacks for the day. I brought yogurt with blackberries, an apple, and celery with Greek yogurt - my first taste of Greek yogurt! I hope I like it!

    And I have chicken (baked with Salt-Free Mrs.Dash) with some mixed veggies for lunch, which is actually a normal lunch for me! I haven't decided on dinner yet...

    The milk may slow you down as it is the natural sugars in milk that you want to avoid during cycle one. Yogurt is different because of the probiotics and how they affect the sugars.

    But I am also eating natural sugars via fruit...

    And yeah, I'd love to be able to do it full on, but there's a few things that I know I wouldn't be able to stick to, so I figure I'll get as close as I can. We'll see how it goes! :)
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Personally, I am sticking to it to the letter and looking forward to Cycle 4! I don't think I could handle a little cheat right now without caving. I gotta break that all of nothing thinking, but that's where I am at.

    First week done - five pounds gone!

    That's great!
    Keep going!
    Good luck!
  • pnutz121779
    I read this diet isn't suitable for diabetes ... is it suitable for people with insulin resistence?

    Actually my mom is a diabetic and her sugar went from a daily reading of 200 and was at 120 today...Hope that helps
  • misspamyla
    misspamyla Posts: 46 Member
    :happy: Hey All! Just wanted to add my little bit. My sister and I started this diet 5 days ago. I haven't bought the book yet, she has the copy between us (but she lives 2,000 miles away - we text and call A LOT!!!) So I'm on C1D5 and I'm down 6 pounds. The reasons this diet appealed to me is that I have found that whatever program I tried (and I've tried many), I was able to be consistent with it for around 2-3 weeks an then just completely cave. What appealed to me is that I get to change things up a bit after 17 days. That works really well for me because I think my body and my mind get bored really easy.

    The first thing I did was stop having cream in my coffee at work, but couldn't cut out the coffee altogether because when I don't drink at least one cup a day, that's when I get the bad headaches. I couldn't stomach the lemon water the first day, but now that I've read every post, I'll add something to it to make it tolerable for me.

    I am taking this one day at a time. I have so far to go. I have 3 times as much to lose as my sister, so I have to look at this as more of a lifestyle change than a short-term fix-it. To celebrate my weight loss so far, I took myself out to dinner tonight and had grilled salmon and steamed veggies, with a garden salad. I don't cook salmon well, so it was a really nice change from the chicken and tuna.

    So far, after the first few days, I'm very hopeful. One day at one time is all I can think about right now. The weekend is ahead, which is going to be interesting!!

    Anyway, so glad to read the posts. Looking forward to keeping up with all of you.

    Have a great evening everyone!
    :smile: MissPamyla
  • lizalmp1234
    lizalmp1234 Posts: 311 Member
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    :happy: Hey All! Just wanted to add my little bit. My sister and I started this diet 5 days ago. I haven't bought the book yet, she has the copy between us (but she lives 2,000 miles away - we text and call A LOT!!!) So I'm on C1D5 and I'm down 6 pounds. The reasons this diet appealed to me is that I have found that whatever program I tried (and I've tried many), I was able to be consistent with it for around 2-3 weeks an then just completely cave. What appealed to me is that I get to change things up a bit after 17 days. That works really well for me because I think my body and my mind get bored really easy.

    The first thing I did was stop having cream in my coffee at work, but couldn't cut out the coffee altogether because when I don't drink at least one cup a day, that's when I get the bad headaches. I couldn't stomach the lemon water the first day, but now that I've read every post, I'll add something to it to make it tolerable for me.

    I am taking this one day at a time. I have so far to go. I have 3 times as much to lose as my sister, so I have to look at this as more of a lifestyle change than a short-term fix-it. To celebrate my weight loss so far, I took myself out to dinner tonight and had grilled salmon and steamed veggies, with a garden salad. I don't cook salmon well, so it was a really nice change from the chicken and tuna.

    So far, after the first few days, I'm very hopeful. One day at one time is all I can think about right now. The weekend is ahead, which is going to be interesting!!

    Anyway, so glad to read the posts. Looking forward to keeping up with all of you.

    Have a great evening everyone!
    :smile: MissPamyla

    Hi ya.
    Nice to see you!
    Congrats on your 6 pound loss!
    Great job!
    You sure have the right attitude. You'll find what's best for you...and be a big success!
    You can do it!
    We're all here to help.
    Keep us posted!
    Good luck!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I am wondering if hummus is allowed on cycle 2, does anyone know? It's made from chick peas (garbanzos) which the book says we can have, just not sure about the other stuff in it!

    Hi ya.
    Looked all over...We can have chick peas in cycle 2...but I haven't found hummus yet.

    But......there are a million recipes in The 17 Day Diet section...of The Doctors TV site.
    Go here:
    Good luck!

    You can probably figure out some sort of homemade hummus: it's basically olive oil, lemon juice, chickpeas and tahini - and tahini is optional in a lot of recipes. Just look for a recipe with "allowable" ingredients.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    So I started C1 D1 this morning! YAY!!! I choked down some lemon water ( :sick: ) and then went for a brisk walk around my neighborhood, carrying a second glass of plain COLD water to wash down the lemon - it was such a GREAT way to start the day (minus the lemon water) and I already feel so energized!

    I tossed some chopped mushrooms and bell peppers into a pan to saute, then poured eggs over them and scrambled it all up! Yummy! And I had a glass of milk, since I decided there's no logical reason to give up milk during this cycle: I'm still eating yogurt, so lactose isn't being removed from my diet, and I drink skim milk, so it's not adding extra fat.

    I'm a snacker, so I decided it was best to save my probiotics and fruit as a snacks for the day. I brought yogurt with blackberries, an apple, and celery with Greek yogurt - my first taste of Greek yogurt! I hope I like it!

    And I have chicken (baked with Salt-Free Mrs.Dash) with some mixed veggies for lunch, which is actually a normal lunch for me! I haven't decided on dinner yet...

    The milk may slow you down as it is the natural sugars in milk that you want to avoid during cycle one. Yogurt is different because of the probiotics and how they affect the sugars.

    But I am also eating natural sugars via fruit...

    And yeah, I'd love to be able to do it full on, but there's a few things that I know I wouldn't be able to stick to, so I figure I'll get as close as I can. We'll see how it goes! :)

    Part of the diet is to limit sugar as well, even if it is natural, and dairy has a lot. That's why only 2 pieces of fruit and 2 pro-biotics per day.

    I am trying to swap out one of my yogurts/kefir per day for live active cottage cheese or sauerkraut to keep the sugar down even further. However, I have not given up my soy milk...keeps my hot flashes in check. But I buy the unsweetened kind.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I have a couple of ideas to share!

    Tonight we went to Stir Crazy for dinner. I ordered the make your own stir fry with chicken. Hold the rice. Loaded up on veggies - put in a ladle of teriyaki. When they cooked it, I requested chicken broth, not oil. Result - it was too die for and an enormous serving of veggies! Will do again. You can find nutritional info for the teriyaki online - not a bad choice!

    Also - my co-worker makes spinach dip with plain greek yogurt, spinach and an envelope of Knorr onion soup mix. You can dip veggies in it. Such a treat! She is on cycle 2 or 3 I think. Anyway - it was incredible! I am not typically fooled by substitues, but this was so yummy!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Ok so I'm at my parents and going grocery shopping with my Mom in the am. Totally forgot my book. i had down low sodium chicken broth. Is that just to flavor with or has anyone actually ate it like a soup?
  • rjsbailey
    rjsbailey Posts: 78 Member
    BUMP =)
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Ok so I'm at my parents and going grocery shopping with my Mom in the am. Totally forgot my book. i had down low sodium chicken broth. Is that just to flavor with or has anyone actually ate it like a soup?

    I use it for flavor in my cooking, but a lot of people use it in the vegetable soup recipe.