Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited November 2014
    @niki--I lost most of my weight eating at a deficit of 500-1000 calories/day, BUT I ate back all of my exercise calories. No wonder you've been hungry lately if you were eating at a deficit and not eating back exercise calories. I bet you will see good results with your new plan without going to bed hungry/ :smile:

    @lori--you've made such great progress! Do you know where you're doing your tri? Maybe I will drive up and cheer you on!

    AFM--I only did a bit more grading tonight, but it was better than nothing. :neutral_face:

    The talk of the triathlons reminded me that I'm thinking of doing an event in June. It's not a tri, but a relay. Teams of 12 run from Madison to Chicago, running 3 legs each. The legs range from easy to very hard--about 3 to 10 miles--with total mileage ranging from 13 to 21 miles over the course of 2 days. A friend at work has done it before and said it's a lot of fun, so she and I are trying to get a team together. This is another reason I'm pushing myself to run the 8k on Thanksgiving.

    If anyone else is interested, they have them all over the country:

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 7/9 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 2/9 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 3/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 15/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Susan~Congratulations on the new job and your move back to Atlanta. I’m so happy that this opportunity came along for you; I feel Atlanta is where you and Cyrus belong. I’m sure the next few weeks will be really stressful as you work through all the details—but it will be nice to be back to celebrate Christmas with friends and family.

    @Laurie~Great job at your swim meet yesterday!

    @Niki~I believe in eating more to lose weight, too. It’s a hard concept to follow, but we have to think of food as fuel for our bodies—it allows them to function optimally and also fuel our workouts, important for recovery too! Just remember to give yourself some time as you increase your calories, sometimes people gain weight initially until their body becomes acclimated to the changes—give yourself 6 weeks. I think Tanya does the EM2LW program, she might have some tips for you.

    @Hansea~Great to see you back!

    @Karen~Wow, on winning on that booze! Any whiskey I can take off your hands? :wink:

    @Helen~Thanks for the birthday wishes! Don’t think of the birthday’s as completely “off” days if that scares you. Instead just plan for the pizza and/or cake. I go out for pizza fairly often with some friends and always work around it—I always plan for once slice (usually thin crust veggie) and a salad, honestly the calories aren’t that horrible. As a result, just adjust your breakfast and other meals—try and track everything before you go, if you plan for it you’ll do great! If you're concerned about cake and/or ice cream--have it, but a small serving (as hard as that seems). Have a slice of cake that is about 3 bites or one scoop of ice cream (one scoop amounts to about a 1/2 cup). You can do this! :smile:

    @LoseLift~Welcome. You happened upon the most supportive group of people in MFP land! Check back often for help and encouragement.

    AFM~Sorry I was MIA this weekend, didn’t feel well Saturday—I was down with my back bothering me (ascertained Pilates not good for my back--its been bothering me since I took the first class) and felt really tired, so slept late and rested/napped all afternoon/evening. My trainer worked out the spasm in my back yesterday, so felt better afterwards—then had lots to do after laying around on Saturday (although I think Zoe enjoyed the napping :wink:). Hope I can get to the gym after my Achilles treatments today/Wed, for cardio.

    November “ALL-IN” Challenge:

    At or under calories: 7/30
    Met Exercise Goals: 8/30

    Exercise Goals 11/9-11/15:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio or Rest Day (Chiro)
    Wednesday~Cardio or Rest Day (Chiro)
    Friday~Yoga (or HH)
    Saturday~Cardio or Swim
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @skinny - The tri is July 15th in Winneconne, WI. 1 mile swim, 20ish mile bike, 10 K. I am very pumped for this event. If all went perfectly and I did not have to do everything back to back my total time at this point would be about 4 1/2 hours. I just keep working on getting faster. As the weight comes off my times increase. After New Years I start the couch to 5K program.
    Love the idea of the relay, I would really like to be in on that event.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everyone.

    @getitamb- We had Smoked Buffalo and pork meatloaf muffins on Bold cooking day and they were real good. I used buffalo instead of beef because that is what I had and like better than beef. I used pork sausage from a local butcher that we like also.


    @RobinsEgg- I had to look up hirsute. :D

    Happy World Orphans Day
    This special day has been put in place in order to draw attention to the plight of the world’s orphans. Children all over the globe can become orphaned for many reasons: war, famine, displacement, disease or poverty. To make sure that they are not forgotten, once a year there is a special day dedicated just to them: World Orphans Day. This special day falls on the second Monday of each November. On this day people are encouraged to actively participate to help raise awareness, support and funding for worldwide orphans. This can be in the form of a donation or a group sponsorship event to raise money. People are also encouraged to sponsor an individual child in an orphanage or to invest in education programs that aim to give orphans a new start in life. There are many ways to help orphans and this annual day aims to bring those ideas to as wide an audience as possible.
    “Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might as well put that passing time to the best possible use.” ~Earl Nightingale

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - when you set your calories, what did you use to come up with the correct intake per day? I originally used MFP's auto setup saying I wanted to lose 1 lb a week and that I was sedentary.

    @Kah ... I think that's why my weight has yo-yo'd so much over the same 4 or 5 pounds for a long time ... I eat at too much of a deficit and then after a while I end up eating more than my maintenance calls for the weight ... I want so much to break that cycle. I don't log exercise into the system because I tend to believe too much expenditure is calculated and it makes it hard to then correctly eat back the calories. So my plan is to eat at maintenance but have a deficit from exercise. I figure that way I probably won't drop below my RMR unless I'm exercising long or hard ... not a usual occurance at this stage of health.

    @skinnyeanz ... That's wonderful - the relay race between Madison and Chicago. I can't run ... never could because of asthma ... but walking would be something I would do.

    @Morgori --- Tom, thanks for the link to the recipe. I don't have a smoker ... but I want to try the recipe in an oven.

    AFM - I was so surprised this morning that I only gained 1 pound from last week, and this week was so bad on food that I really expected much more. I was back on my new track yesterday but still feel full in the tummy from the past few days. I need to plan my meals better than I do.

    Monday Checkin ... calories at goal 5 out of 9 days. = 55% (goal is 100%)
    All-In challenge: first 9 days of November
    55 % of days with 30 minute sustained activity (goal is 53.3%)
    33 % of days did housework (goal is 66.7&)
    88 % of days had social interactions (goal is 83%)
    88 % of days got outside (goal 83&)
    78 % of days did in-place calisthenics of 2 set each of 5 routines goal is 100%)

  • I would love to join all of you. I have a LOT to lose.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited November 2014
    @niki--when I first started MFP, I used their calculator for losing 2 lbs/week which gave me about 1450 calories/day. I then logged my exercise calories and ate all of those back. For the first 9 months I had no heart rate monitor, so I used MFP's exercise expenditures or what the cardio machines calculated. I know a lot of people think they are too high, but when I then bought an HRM, it turned out MFP's numbers were actually a little bit low. Once I lost about 35 lbs, I adjusted to lose 1 lb/week b/c the calorie allowance was too low. I always use "lightly active" during the school year and "sedentary" during the summer for my activity level.

    Now that I have an accurate log of all of my intake I've started using TDEE to figure my calorie allowance. It puts me around 2000/day for maintenance based on my current exercise level, so I'm eating about 15% below that at just under 1700 calories/day.

    @kelley--sorry you weren't feeling well. The only time I wish for a cat over a dog is when I'm sick. Last weekend when I was in bed for 36 hours straight, Gunner was such a pain. He would snuggle for a bit, but ultimately just wanted me to take him for a walk and play with him. I could barely sit upright, so he was out of luck. Although I don't like whiskey, one of the other winners loves it, so she got most of it. Sorry I don't have any for you. :wink:

    @tom--those look delicious!! I love bison--the flavor is better and it's a leaner meat so healthier. More and more of our area restaurants are offering bison burgers on their menus, but I've never seen it at my grocery store. I imagine I could probably get it at a butcher's. I have seen it at our farmer's markets, but it's usually pretty pricey there.

    @lori--that's only about 2 and a half hours from me, so it's possible I could drive up for your tri. It will depend a lot on what else I have going on over the summer, but it's a definite maybe. I will keep you posted about the Ragnar relay--it's all dependent upon whether we can get 12 people to commit.

    Monday Check-in:
    Still hanging in there at 185 despite taking 2 of my 3 allowed overage days in one week. I'll take that as a sign that I did a good job of staying close to maintenance those days. Today was an institute day, so managed to get a bit of grading as part of professional development. Walked gunner after school and am just finishing up an hour at starbucks grading. These Thoreau essays are either really good or really bad. Only 50 more to go. Ugh. :smile:

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 7/9 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 2/9 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 10/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 20/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Marjorieallred839 by all means join in with this group. I am a relative newbie and can only say this is really a great bunch of very supportive people. I just sort of jumped in and they welcomed me graciously.
    @cblue315 Lori, I hope the van is moving again and the clients settled down for you.
    @kah68 I hope your back is feeling better.
    AFM: Had a low blood sugar today (darned diabetes) and had to correct with apple juice. I guess I really need to monitor more closely right now with lower calories and higher activity. Still made my calorie goal today though. It helps when I plan and figure BEFORE I eat. Duh!
    PS We lucked out and did not get any of that snow; at least for now. Yippee!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    cblue- An olympic triathlon is great. I will work up to that at some point. I was talking to my trainer tonight about the swim meet and we discussing what it would be like to swim for 1 hour or longer without stopping. I have a ways to go before I am comfortable swimming a mile without stopping and resting. That is why I am sticking with the half mile.

    Karen- I am looking at a local sprint triathlon at the end of April. It will be an 800 yd pool swim, 9-14 mile bike and a 5K run. The relay sounds like fun. Are you staying in a hotel overnight? How is the weather in Chicago in June? I will most likely find another triathlon to participate in as well. I also need to adjust to open water swimming.

    Morgori- The meatballs look great.

    Kah- Hope your back continues to get better.

    Check in: Eating this weekend has been a challenge and the choices have not been the best. Tomorrow, I will finish the cinnamon rolls that I brought home on Saturday. Time to get them out of the house. My brother ate a couple today so that helped. I did have a good workout tonight by running sprint intervals while working on my breathing form swimming. I am learning how to suck in a big bulp of air quickly while running. The additional oxygen provides more energy for your muscles. It give me a boost during the end of the sprint while doing this. My weight has been very changeable the past week so hopefully, it will come down and stay down the rest of this week.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Just quick checking in. Anyone catch the Sunday night Packers v Bears game? Pretty em-bear-assing for Chicago. ;)

    November Challenge:
    1. Check in with the thread daily. 2/22
    2. Complete my food diary daily. 2/22
    3. Exercise 3 days per week. 1/9
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--I believe we travel in 2 vans (6 people in each) and all stay at a hotel overnight. The weather in Chicago mid-June is usally pretty warm--average temp is 80 degrees, but with our crazy fluctuations, it's hard to predict. Madison is a few hours north, so slightly cooler I would guess. April should be nice weather for your tri, and it's nice that you get to swim in the pool.

    @barbara--glad the snow missed you. We had a nice day today, but temps are supposed to take a nosedive after tomorrow. :(


    AFM--managed to stay under calories even with lunch out today. Thursday will be a tough day. We have P/T conferences and the boosters provide pizza for dinner. Usually there is also salad, so I'm going to fill up on that and limit myself to just a slice of pizza. Afterwards we go out for drinks. I'm going to pre-log to make sure I can fit in the dinner and drinks without going over my calories.

    Tomorrow we are off for Veteran's Day. My plan is to go grade in the morning, break for the gym, then continue grading until I finish all of those darned essays. I haven't run more than a 5k in quite some time, so tomorrow I plan to run 4 miles. My goal is 45 minutes, so we'll see. I also added a time goal for my Thanksgiving Day 8k--my last 8k was in May 2013 and my time was 58:51.

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 8/10 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 2/10 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 10/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 20/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    @ robin just met you and you arr awesome at this.
    @skinnyjeanzbound you didv great all things considered at the gala.
    @mountmary84 71is a great age to start never too late
    @NK112- I eat my cals back but ig I eat a lot of fiber, like today, I'm not hungry . That's my struggle
    -@hang in there girl
    @Lauriek70 congrats!!!
    Check in-
    I struggled a bit personally. My two closest friends are gonna be married and I'm going to be the single one, its not a biggie though I'm just going to have to branch out and be willing to meet people in my own but sometimes I'm discouraged. Anyways, as for food I had a good weekend. My goal is to work out 5 days this week and stay in macros
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check-In: With leftover pizza filling the fridge from hubby's pizza 'n poker party, I guess I was setting myself up for a major fail, and it happened. I ate the toppings off a veggie pizza, and that included a lot of cheese. I have no defense other than fatigue aided lousy judgment (less than 5 hours the night before as I had a deadline to meet.) Disgusted with self as I am, I resolved to climb back on that horse, so today I got in a good workout and made some pretty decent choices while lunching out with son. I'm hoping the piper doesn't punish me to harshly!

    November All-In Challenge:
    8/30 days under 1350 cals, 1/30 days missed the mark, 1/30 days major fail
    10/30 days cardio, 3/30 days weight training, 9/30 days met 10,000 steps goal

    Laurie: I am SO impressed that you participated in that swim meet and plan to do a triathlon. My youngest daughter sometimes participates in them and when she was first training with a like-minded group of girlfriends, sought out help from a swim coach to help prepare her for open water and improve her technique. Do you work with one? She even did timed practices switching from one type of gear to another. Wet suits can be challenging to get on and off quickly. Fallout from her triathlons: I now use only elastic laces on my walking shoes since I saw how quickly she could change from cycling shoes to jogging shoes using them. :p

    Niki, Kelley, anyone: Okay, I'm embarrassed to admit this after all this time, but...what exactly counts as "maintenance" calories? The 1350 I allow myself to eat? Or, that plus all I've burned in exercise on a given day? I'm confused. And, what is TDEE? Please explain in very basic language as apparently I slept through that class. Thanks.

    Toots: Are you still reading posts? How's it going with your new, expanded family?

    Have a good evening, y'all.
    Repentant GrammyWhammy>Marsha
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited November 2014
    @marsha--maintenance is whatever it would take to maintain your current weight. There's no way your 1350 is maintenance--I assume it's your deficit to lose 2 lbs/week. And if you have your activity level set low (sedentary to lightly active) you also need to eat back all of your exercise calories to meet the 1350 calorie allowance which is your "net" calorie allowance (meaning that should still allow you to lose 2 lbs/week). So if you exercise and burn 500 calories, you should eat a total of 1850 calories that day, but your net intake is still 1350.

    You can find out your maintenance calories by going to the goals here on MFP and selecting "maintain my current weight" under the goals drop-down. If you have activity set at "sedentary," you would eat the maintenance amount PLUS all of your exercise calories to stay exactly the weight you are right now.

    TDEE is similar, just a different way of calculating. It stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure and it is the total calories you need (including exercise calories) to maintain your current weight. I figured out my TDEE by looking at my calorie intake (under reports) for the past few months. I looked at my NET calorie intake (since I log exercise and eat back exercise calories) for the past 100 days, added it all up and divided by 100. Since I had been maintaining the same weight over that period, the average was my TDEE. You can then subtract a percentage--most folks eat somewhere between 10-20% less than TDEE to lose weight. -10% is roughly 1 lb/week loss; -20% is roughly 2 lbs/week.

    If you want help figuring out if you're eating enough, I'd be happy to help. You can send me a private message with your stats (current weight, age, and activity level), and I can figure it out for you. There are also a lot of online calculators for TDEE if you just google it.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was a good day. I kept very busy. Checked a lot of things off my list, and got 2 good walks totaling 9.5 miles. Cathy gets to bring her boy home on Wed.
    I finally had a reportable loss, the first since March. I really hope the downward trend continues. I have stalled out at 175 before, so I'm determined to wait this out and keep going down.
    I had too many things on my list today so DH made 7 more quarts of apple juice by himself. It is supposed to get very cold by Wednesday so he probably won't get to do any more. It is too messy to do inside.
    Laurie, glad your swim meet was a good experience.
    Welcome to the newbie. This is really a great place for encouragement and motivation.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited November 2014
    @susan - So happy for you!! Being closer to family and friends who love and support you will be awesome. And you kicked butt at Boot Camp. 27 lbs.....WOW.

    Like you, I'm so far behind I don't even know where to start. Work is crazy. Add the looming holidays and my compulsive need to make them perfect (for everyone but me) and I've literally been running around like a crazy person. I'm attempting to get as much done in the weeks before Thanksgiving so perhaps I won't be as exhausted and grouchy as I typically am when we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner. I know I do it to myself, but there's just something that makes me convinced that it's up to me to ensure everyone has a great holiday season. One more issue I need to work on.

    One question for folks who walk on pavement not treadmills. What brand of shoes do you buy? My Asics were worn smooth on the bottom so I went to get them checked. The salesperson performed the test where they see if the shoe is "done" and after folding one easily in half confirmed I needed new shoes. I wasn't upset by that until they looked up when I purchased them. July 25th. It seems that a pair of shoes that runs $120 bucks should last longer than 3 months! I walk about 25 miles a week on sidewalks/streets. If you have a recommendation for shoes that last longer, I'd love to hear it.

    Have a great day and I'll try and get back for more personals later.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I've gotten good wear from New Balance. Their 'roll bar' feature helps prevent plantar fasciitis. I average about 7 miles per day, and I'm wearing them for nearly a year.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited November 2014
    @grammy - Marsha -- SkinnyJeanz has given a very good definition of TDEE and I like how she calculated hers. I have done something very similar. Just remember, all the calculations you can do to determine your Resting Metabaloic Rate and your Total Daily Energy Expenditure are estimates. You have to adjust up or down based on your own personal situation. This does take looking at on a regular basis, that's why MFP always come back to suggest a refigurement of your calories every time your weight changes by about 10 pounds.

    It can get rather complicated but for number's geeks like I am it's fun to do. Actually ... what my doctor had suggested comes pretty close to what I need to maintain my weight and he didn't do any calcs at all. He just said ... eat 1800 calories a day and exercise 3 days a week and walk up to 30 mintues each day and you'll do fine. :(

    Tuesday Check in ...
    For all the angst I've been dripping this past week because of my unusual hunger I finally had a day that I felt full and satisfied and didn't have any cravings ... and my calories came in at 1521 ... which is under my personalized maintenance by 14%.

    Don't even want to talk about my attendance sheet today. I was a total washout on anything yesterday because I spent the entire day on my computer. (besides cooking and such) >:)

    Tuesday Goal -- get back to it.

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    I've gotten good wear from New Balance. Their 'roll bar' feature helps prevent plantar fasciitis. I average about 7 miles per day, and I'm wearing them for nearly a year.

    Thank you! I will check these out. I needed a roll bar on my walk a while ago. I have the day off and my friend and I were taking a long walk with our dogs. We were chatting away when her dog crossed in front of me chasing a squirrel. Her leash hit me mid thigh and down I went. I'm now sporting a very scraped and bruised right palm, 2 scraped and bruised knees and a bruised right cheek bone. Could have been worse. I'm sure I'm going to be very sore tomorrow!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy Veterans Day! Thanks to all who serve or have served!

    @L2T--I wear Asics and Saucony and hadn't noticed them wearing out especially quick. However, every brand has different models that are better or worse for pavement walking/running. If you like the fit and support of your current brand, my advice is to go to their website and search for styles that are rated for outdoor use. I've read that regardless of sole-wear, you should replace shoes every 500 miles b/c that's about how long the support lasts.

    Also, bending a shoe in half isn't necessarily a sign they are worn--it all depends on how rigid they were to begin with. There are brand new shoes that you can do that to if they are built for that flexibility. Less flexibility in the sole = less arch support. It's one of the tests the running store employees showed me to do when looking to purchase new shoes b/c I require a lot of arch support.

    @marsha--yes, I absolutely agree with niki that all of the calculations are still just "numbers"--your actual gains or losses on the scale will ultimately determine how much you need to eat. Even the method I used of calculating based on my actual calorie intake only works if A) my food logging was perfect, and B) I continue to burn the same calories going forward.

    @kaye--glad to hear your foster grand is going home. We are also in store for some chilly temps this week. :(