

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning!

    Going to be Skyping the DGC in half an hour. Long time between visits this time so it will be important to say hi! Going up to see them on the 28th. :love:

    Water weight up today. Yesterday I had salty Asian soup, salty Moroccan Chicken and a lump of Parmesan rind. :ohwell: Also for some reason I've forgotten to take my blood pressure pills for three days. :ohwell: That's the longest I've ever forgotten them.

    Today we must plant our pansies which are still sitting in their boxes outside. The weather is so wet I haven't felt like going outside, but they can't wait any longer. I also will make the stollen.

    Found an offer on a lovely grey towelling velour dressing gown for DS yesterday, so I've ordered it. Last year I got him grey felt slippers and his new bedroom extension is grey. All Christmas shopping done apart from DH'S Santa stuff and maybe a non fiction book for DGS. He loved the two books I got him for his third birthday. One was a lift up flap body book and one was a children's atlas. He knows all about what happens when we drink or eat something with all the correct words! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Love to all. Get moving and counting calories and make every calorie count! :bigsmile:

    Heather in rainy Hampshire UK

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited November 2014
    Once again, a quick stop by.......big pot of chili on the stove. Going out to a silent auction fundraiser for an eye health organization mid-afternoon.....I'm not really involved but good friend is co-chair so it's to support her that I'm going. Have a steak for DH and myself to share with veggies for lunch. The play last night was very well done (with a surprising amount of operatic type singing in Italian!!!) and DD and I both ejoyed it; got out of the car and ran right into one of my yoga friends and her DH so we had a lot of laughs.

    Joyce........On the trees.......two are within 10ft. of the back of the house; these are the absolutely filthy river birch (about 18 yrs. old, higher than 2 story house) and the other, about 20 feet further down the yard, is a huge pine tree. He said the cost was made less by the fact that we are on a corner and have a double gate in the fence that they can drive a truck in to get at everything. I would guess the proximity of the tree to the house would come into play depending on different factors like height, type, if it's leaning over the house, etc....my tree guy didn't say anything about that.......just mentioned the factors that worked in our favor price-wise.

    Stay strong everyone!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    edited November 2014
    :D About tree removal, the height of the tree makes a difference....the one we took down was over 100 feet tall and they take longer to climb and cut the branches and cut down the top before the bottom and longer to remove the debris and it was close to the garage requiring additional skill to assure that it fell away from the garage. Jake helped acquire the tree cutter for his friend for a tree that was tall and in a small cramped yard behind the house....that task required the rental of an expensive piece of equipment to raise the worker to the top of the tree because climbing it wasn't an option......so the bottom line is to get estimates from more than one tree cutter and get references, if possible. We live in a neighborhood with lots of tall trees and had the opportunity to watch other trees come down before we hired the guys to do ours. I am sort of a "right to life" person about trees but when I heard that the tree near my garage had roots that may lift the garage and the driveway and that the tree was aged and becoming diseased and might fall on my garage, I had to change my stance and agree to its removal...even so, it was a sad day for me.lxm5ib4hrsz4.jpg

    The tree in the middle is the one we had removed.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,823 Member
    nice house Barbie~
    i am basically just sitting down now... I am really tired...
    was outside at 8 am raking leaves, then had Tom take out the riding mower ,we finally got the leaves done for the year~ thank goodness.. between raking and picking up the leaves i have burned about 600 calories, hopefully i will not go over on the calories..
    I am sorta peeved at the nursing home.. like I said they have my DFIL on Depakote and it has him totally out of it.. now from what the nurses say it takes a few weeks to ramp down, i guess they can ramp it down once a week... he cant even stand on his own and they will probably have to use a lift ,to lift him..
    now that is upsetting, we wont be able to bring him to Thanksgiving because we would have to literally carry him to the car, lift him into the house and carry him back.. all because of medication...
    I will be speaking with the head nurse tomorrow.. we cant even visit with him because he is just blotto...
    I came in after doing the lawn and made homemade oatmeal raisin,chocolate chip coconut cookies and blue berry muffins for the DH.
    trying to skate by on what groceries we have in the house and not get to much for thanksgiving as it will be just, Tom,me,Dad and my son and Dad doesnt eat meat..
    trying to make a christmas list for the grandkids, and I will bake stuff for my dad, and probably the cna's and nurses down at the nursing home
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Went out with my sister and her twins(4 years old)Had a nice visit .
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    edited November 2014
    hello, 55 here, friends call me iz, did my first marathon this Nov. 2nd. very happy w/my results, 4-1/2hrs. ran in vibrams. i don't have any goals for 2015. i don't do resolutions or goals, too much pressure. i've been at my goal weight, probably around 2-3 years now so i still log in and count everyday to keep myself in check. i ride my bike to the gym and to the train station, then when i come home from work, i ride the bike home, 5days a week. i am going on my 4th year of being a year round bike rider. i work out 7days a week. i live in the Pacific NW by seattle WA (tacoma). here's what i did today, and i track it like this everyday i do work out.
    Jog- 8.50min 8.50ap 6.5-8sp 1mi
    Jog- 8.08min 8.10ap 7-8sp 1mi
    Rope pull- 30min 2718ft 85ftpmin lvl7 topset
    Jump round fast- 16min
    Rowing machine- 15min 136aw 3315meters
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone. - I have just done a 40 min walk with Jess the border collie, having a 5 minute sit to log on before I get up to get GD and myself ready for school/ work.

    Barbiecat - your home looks beautiful.

    Grandmallie - we go straight from Halloween to Christmas here. Sounds like a huge job risking the leaves.

    CityJane - I am just contemplating to think about Christmas. We have had Christmas at our house for past 8 years - my sister is having it at hers so, so for the first time, I did not start planning in September and time has seemed to slip away

    Hi yo everyone else - hope you all have a great day

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday here.
    For last 2 weeks I have been doing Jeannette Jenkins' 6 week challenge again. In that time I have gained 2.86 lbs of which 2.13 lbs are LBM and have lost 2.25 inches overall.
    Did 101 minutes of Wii gold's boxing before breakfast. Need to work on arms.
    Off grocery shopping so NO idea what is for lunch will have to post later
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yanni and Katla, I had no idea that the tree removal companies took all that into consideration when giving an estimate. Yanni, that is one big tree. We had pine trees in our front yard and silver maples in the back yard. Over time the pine trees have all died. Most were small enough and dead enough we were just able to kind of pull them out. But the last one was stubborn and when it died it was huge. I couldn't believe that after all the problems we have had with shady contractors that Charlie would hire some fly by night person who just happened to be going down the street looking for work. They told us they would completely remove the tree for $150, cash only. He fell for that! Well they removed the tree but left quite a stump. And would have left all the rubbish on the ground if I hadn't been out there. It all landed on my elderly neighbors yard and they were just going to leave it. I want the bushes gone also. They aren't dead, far from it. It's just that if you trim them down to where I want them, there is no green left. So they need to be gone. The tree in back is big enough that many roots are above ground and it is so uneven back there.

    Welcome Countcalories, your weightloss is to be commended. It would be good for a younger person but some one our age is just speechless.

    Church was good this morning. I don't really like one of the ladies that was in the special duet this morning. She has a classical voice and she just acts like she is better than all of us. But the song this morning just touched my soul. It was Be still and know that I am God. One time during my oldest daughter's teen years I was facing a problem that I just didn't know what to do with. As I was in the shower, this verse just popped in my mind. I knew then to just leave it to God and it would work itself out. Charlie asked me one time if God ever spoke to me and how He does it. So I told him about this song and how it just popped in my mind. It was God who put that mind. The arrangement of this song was unusual, different keys and I really liked it. As I stood to sing the last song, my back went into a spasm so I am now on a heating pad with Advil in my system. I just hate that. I would understand if I was lifting wrong, fell hard or something like that. Butt just simply standing up???

    Take care my dear Vitamin F friends. Joyce, Indiana. Waiting for snow to arrive in a couple of hours.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Just wondering if your Dh could call the Dr who is in charge of FILs care? Good luck. So many patients in homes end up bed ridden,not knowing where they are,or even who they are. Sad situation for sure. Pat
    nice house Barbie~
    i am basically just sitting down now... I am really tired...
    was outside at 8 am raking leaves, then had Tom take out the riding mower ,we finally got the leaves done for the year~ thank goodness.. between raking and picking up the leaves i have burned about 600 calories, hopefully i will not go over on the calories..
    I am sorta peeved at the nursing home.. like I said they have my DFIL on Depakote and it has him totally out of it.. now from what the nurses say it takes a few weeks to ramp down, i guess they can ramp it down once a week... he cant even stand on his own and they will probably have to use a lift ,to lift him..
    now that is upsetting, we wont be able to bring him to Thanksgiving because we would have to literally carry him to the car, lift him into the house and carry him back.. all because of medication...
    I will be speaking with the head nurse tomorrow.. we cant even visit with him because he is just blotto...
    I came in after doing the lawn and made homemade oatmeal raisin,chocolate chip coconut cookies and blue berry muffins for the DH.
    trying to skate by on what groceries we have in the house and not get to much for thanksgiving as it will be just, Tom,me,Dad and my son and Dad doesnt eat meat..
    trying to make a christmas list for the grandkids, and I will bake stuff for my dad, and probably the cna's and nurses down at the nursing home

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,895 Member
    Hi all: Welcome to the newbies. I have completed 56.75 miles of my 105 mile walking goal for this month. Need to be more conscientious about measuring food. The weather is very cold here and we had 6.5 inches of snow. The cold air makes me wheeze so wishing it would warm up at least a little. I caught my toe on the back porch stair and fell so am somewhat sore and taking Tylenol. I was letting the dog in and she was so surprised and seemed worried when I went down. Her expression seemed to be asking me what I was doing down there.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Here is my turkey breakfast sausage recipe:



  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening,

    Home from the fundraiser; hopefully (and I know this sounds awful) won't "win" any of my bids as I really don't need any more "stuff". DD has gone out to a dinner with her friends; stopped home to shower first........all excited because one of the trainers didn't show up today and she got drafted (and paid a bit extra!!!) to give a few childrens riding lessons!!! Said a few of them also had a great trail ride.

    Barbie..........Wow, that's one tall tree! I'd estimate my pine is about 2/3 that tall; but it's a different variety, more cone shaped.

    Joyce.....The pic is Barbie's tree, not mine. The river birches have leaves which turn yellow and start dropping in June, the gutters are ALWAYS full, the roots of all three trees make the ground lumpy......hard to mow, and difficult/impossible to dig for flower planting etc. and make way too much shade.......which is why my tomatoes end up in pots which I have to drag around the yard to keep in the sunshine......it's a pain in the caboose!!!! I may just declare Tuesday.....removal day.......a yearly holiday!!!!

    Welcome newbies.

    I think it's going to be an early night for me.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 50 minutes of Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies DVD today. I'm not very impressed with this DVD, my heartrate doesn't get up very much. However, I do find that I'm drinking a fair amount of water while doing it. Tomorrow's plan is to do one segment of the Tummy Toner DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Joyce - doesn't it just feel great when you find that "perfect" gift? So glad you got your sweater.

    Toni - welcome! I like that phrase, thanks for sharing it

    genalace - I was at one time taking Fosamax, then Actonel, then Reclast (this is an infusion) which seemed to work better than the others since the medication gets right into your bloodstream and doesn't have to go thru your system first. Now for some reason my doctor is recommending Prolia. I honestly don't think that my numbers are that much worse. So I'm not sure why he seems to insist on the Prolia. At first I thought maybe it was given in the office and by taking this, I'd have to pay for 2 office visits. But it's given at the hospital. So that's not the reason. Oh, before you get the Prolia injection, do you need a blood test? I know with the Reclast you do.

    Sylvia - oh wow about that coat! You're awesome. I've been cutting back on sodium (or at least trying to) and I am constantly amazed when I go to a restaurant how salty things taste. It wasn't like this before.

    I'm going to try making some hot chocolate, just using almond milk and cocoa. I'm not sure how it's going to taste since all I have is unsweetened almond milk. Maybe for something like this I'll need to get the sweetened version. As I recall, there isn't a whole lot of difference calorie-wise. Not bad - but the cocoa doesn't mix in with the almond milk all that well. It would probably do better if I used an immersion blender, but I was too lazy. Maybe what I should do is get the chocolate sweetened almond milk? I don't like artificial sweeteners, either. If I absolutely must have some (like if I'm out) I'll use Truvia or Splenda -- never aspertame or that (I'm going to misspell this) acesulfame potassium. What does your hubby feel about Truvia? To me, the other stuff is made in a laboratory, and I'm just not crazy at all about that. But the truvia is a natural ingredient. You know, it's weird, I love nuts, but don't give me peanut butter, or put nuts in things (like cakes, cookies, brownies etc). I'm sure it's the texture. So I just avoid things with nuts in them. One time someone was giving out a free sample and they were pushing the one with nuts in it. I just told them that I had a "sensitivity" to nuts, and then they went out of their way to be sure that I didn't get nuts. LOL Update: I just went to WalMart and looked at the chocolate almond milk. The calories! So much added sugar, it's rediculous. So I guess I'm just going to add my cocoa to unsweetened almond milk

    Lesley - really, the only time that I use a HRM is when I'm doing spinning. I find that my heartrate can get really high without my even knowing it. Most times I can tell when my heartrate is high, but for some reason in spinning I can't tell. What features did you get on yours?

    Kim - WalGreen many times has their milk on "sale" This week it's $3.29 for a gallon. Now if I take the ad in to WalMart (which is what I do) they will price match that. Lance seems to be doing better -- but it's a slow process. Well, as in humans, the older you get the longer it takes to recover. Lance is about 10 years old. Jessica is going to leave him here and we'll pick him up and keep him at our house. She'll be here next weekend to go to the TSO concert. Not sure if she's going to leave Shadow here or not. I know she's debating, since they live together it might help Lance. But on the same side, she might want Shadow with her for company. My suspicion is that she's going to leave her here. I don't have a problem with that. Update: We went to see Lance before Jess left to go back to VA. She did leave Shadow here, just as I thought. So I'll sleep in the bedroom with her, not a problem. But you know what...I don't see where Lance is getting much better. He's been on antibiotics now for almost 5 days, and I really don't see much of an improvement. Even Jess commented today that she thought she'd see more improvement. I guess we'll see what the vet decides to do. Wonder if he's going to try to get a biopsy of the mass in Lance's lung. It could be a tumor or it could be just blood. Guess we'll just have to take it one day at a time. But I would have expected if, in fact it was pneumonia, that he'd be getting better being on the antibiotics.

    One thing I've found when I get one of those "warm spells" (aka mini-hot-flash) is that I have some of the frozen grapes that I have That seems to cool me off at least temporarily

    countscalories - fantastic weight loss! I do hope you make it and lose the add'l 6 before New Years, but if you don't you have a great outlook. Have you ever had the Arctic Zero ice cream? Even Vince who is a real chocoholic says it has good flavor. Only it isn't creamy at all since it's made for lactose intolerant people

    Denise skyped with Bryan yesterday. My understanding is that he asked Jessica to skype with him then Denise said "what about me". So not sure what that's all about. Anyway, Denise said I should just join in the conversation. I'm not going to. I've skyped with Bryan before, he knows I have skype or that I could download it. If he wanted to talk to me, he would have asked me. I don't want to push myself in somewhere where I'm probably not wanted.

    pipcd - welcome! Sounds like you have a great exercise regime in place. Come here often, I'd like to know more about it. For example, what does "ap" stand for? I'm thinking that "sp" stands for speed. Congrats on your marathon. I don't really make any resolutions or goals either for the same reason as you -- I'm not at all good working under pressure.

    Joyce - stay safe! How interesting about that song!

    Today exercised, had breakfast while reading the paper, went to see Lance, Jess left for VA from there, came home and went to WalMart to get some foodstuff (not a lot). Did one more coaster -- now I only have one more to go (thank goodness!). Will take a shower in a bit and then get ready to go sleep with Shadow.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,995 Member
    edited November 2014
    smiley-happy023.gifWe are doing an Isagenix cleanse day today. We haven't done one in a long time. I welcome this day to relax and rest. I am so active all the time and just sitting around is unusual for me. Them temps are still below freezing in the morning and not much warmer in the afternoon. The dogs with their short haircuts don't want to be out for too long so after their walks this morning I went back out by myself for awhile. I walked them together in the afternoon when it was warmer. Jake built a fire in the woodstove and kept it going all day so we could stay extra warm. We'll go to bed early and get up early and really enjoy breakfast.

    smiley-happy002.gifiz from Tacoma, I never like resolutions, either but on this thread I make some resolutions for the month that are behaviours that I already want to do and just use them to keep me focused on where my life is going. Your dogs are beautiful.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    November Resolutions (with mid-month comments)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day so far)
    *don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good (takes effort, but it's worth it)
    *strength training twice a week (good, so far)
    *put important dates on the 2015 wall calendar (finished and the calendar is hanging on the wall)

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just took the kids home after having dinner at our house and playing in the snow a little bit. Now I have a mountain of dirty dishes. But it was worth it. It was a nice afternoon. Except for I had gotten some "premium" chocolate ice cream for the kids and after dinner I dished it up and gave it to them. My oldest DGD was the first to try it. She said, grandma, this doesn't taste good. I tried a bite, and sure enough, it tasted like it was made with spoiled milk. Really badly spoiled! Hubby tried it, and said the same, so I took it back to the store. She was telling me she couldn't take it back because it had been opened. I took the lid off the container and told her to smell it. She gave me my money back. I could have gotten another carton, but I'm not convinced it wouldn't have been the same way. It didn't look like it had been melted and refrozen, so it had to have been like that when it left the factory.

    Iz, welcome! Tell us about your dogs!

    Barbie, those trees are beautiful! I can't believe how tall trees are in other parts of the country. In Kansas we are lucky to get one 30 feet tall. I'm always amazed by the trees in North Carolina when we visit there.

    Well, I have to get busy. Have a great evening.

  • Yvetterobins
    Yvetterobins Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new also to the board. I hope to get ideas and be inspired by all the successful weight loss stories I have read... My challenge is that I recently sprained my side. I think I injured my sciatic nerve so I am in pain when I move around too much. One thing I miss is the exercising, which is how I injured myself in the first place. Any suggestions while I heal would be much appreciated. My doctor said since I will have low activity, I really have to watch what I eat in order to continue losing weight.. Bummer. :(
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    Barbie, where did you buy the adjustable ankle weights?

  • EthansNana
    EthansNana Posts: 10 Member
    MarleyJoe63 -I ended up having chicken fajitas without the tortillas. Skipped the chips too. I was within my carb and calorie count for the day so it was a good day! Thanks for asking. Eating out can be difficult. Its always a struggle for me.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,734 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Did 50 minutes of Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies DVD today. I'm not very impressed with this DVD, my heartrate doesn't get up very much. However, I do find that I'm drinking a fair amount of water while doing it. Tomorrow's plan is to do one segment of the Tummy Toner DVD, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Joyce - doesn't it just feel great when you find that "perfect" gift? So glad you got your sweater.

    Toni - welcome! I like that phrase, thanks for sharing it

    genalace - I was at one time taking Fosamax, then Actonel, then Reclast (this is an infusion) which seemed to work better than the others since the medication gets right into your bloodstream and doesn't have to go thru your system first. Now for some reason my doctor is recommending Prolia. I honestly don't think that my numbers are that much worse. So I'm not sure why he seems to insist on the Prolia. At first I thought maybe it was given in the office and by taking this, I'd have to pay for 2 office visits. But it's given at the hospital. So that's not the reason. Oh, before you get the Prolia injection, do you need a blood test? I know with the Reclast you do.

    Sylvia - oh wow about that coat! You're awesome. I've been cutting back on sodium (or at least trying to) and I am constantly amazed when I go to a restaurant how salty things taste. It wasn't like this before.

    I'm going to try making some hot chocolate, just using almond milk and cocoa. I'm not sure how it's going to taste since all I have is unsweetened almond milk. Maybe for something like this I'll need to get the sweetened version. As I recall, there isn't a whole lot of difference calorie-wise. Not bad - but the cocoa doesn't mix in with the almond milk all that well. It would probably do better if I used an immersion blender, but I was too lazy. Maybe what I should do is get the chocolate sweetened almond milk? I don't like artificial sweeteners, either. If I absolutely must have some (like if I'm out) I'll use Truvia or Splenda -- never aspertame or that (I'm going to misspell this) acesulfame potassium. What does your hubby feel about Truvia? To me, the other stuff is made in a laboratory, and I'm just not crazy at all about that. But the truvia is a natural ingredient. You know, it's weird, I love nuts, but don't give me peanut butter, or put nuts in things (like cakes, cookies, brownies etc). I'm sure it's the texture. So I just avoid things with nuts in them. One time someone was giving out a free sample and they were pushing the one with nuts in it. I just told them that I had a "sensitivity" to nuts, and then they went out of their way to be sure that I didn't get nuts. LOL Update: I just went to WalMart and looked at the chocolate almond milk. The calories! So much added sugar, it's rediculous. So I guess I'm just going to add my cocoa to unsweetened almond milk

    Lesley - really, the only time that I use a HRM is when I'm doing spinning. I find that my heartrate can get really high without my even knowing it. Most times I can tell when my heartrate is high, but for some reason in spinning I can't tell. What features did you get on yours?

    Kim - WalGreen many times has their milk on "sale" This week it's $3.29 for a gallon. Now if I take the ad in to WalMart (which is what I do) they will price match that. Lance seems to be doing better -- but it's a slow process. Well, as in humans, the older you get the longer it takes to recover. Lance is about 10 years old. Jessica is going to leave him here and we'll pick him up and keep him at our house. She'll be here next weekend to go to the TSO concert. Not sure if she's going to leave Shadow here or not. I know she's debating, since they live together it might help Lance. But on the same side, she might want Shadow with her for company. My suspicion is that she's going to leave her here. I don't have a problem with that. Update: We went to see Lance before Jess left to go back to VA. She did leave Shadow here, just as I thought. So I'll sleep in the bedroom with her, not a problem. But you know what...I don't see where Lance is getting much better. He's been on antibiotics now for almost 5 days, and I really don't see much of an improvement. Even Jess commented today that she thought she'd see more improvement. I guess we'll see what the vet decides to do. Wonder if he's going to try to get a biopsy of the mass in Lance's lung. It could be a tumor or it could be just blood. Guess we'll just have to take it one day at a time. But I would have expected if, in fact it was pneumonia, that he'd be getting better being on the antibiotics.

    One thing I've found when I get one of those "warm spells" (aka mini-hot-flash) is that I have some of the frozen grapes that I have That seems to cool me off at least temporarily

    countscalories - fantastic weight loss! I do hope you make it and lose the add'l 6 before New Years, but if you don't you have a great outlook. Have you ever had the Arctic Zero ice cream? Even Vince who is a real chocoholic says it has good flavor. Only it isn't creamy at all since it's made for lactose intolerant people

    Denise skyped with Bryan yesterday. My understanding is that he asked Jessica to skype with him then Denise said "what about me". So not sure what that's all about. Anyway, Denise said I should just join in the conversation. I'm not going to. I've skyped with Bryan before, he knows I have skype or that I could download it. If he wanted to talk to me, he would have asked me. I don't want to push myself in somewhere where I'm probably not wanted.

    pipcd - welcome! Sounds like you have a great exercise regime in place. Come here often, I'd like to know more about it. For example, what does "ap" stand for? I'm thinking that "sp" stands for speed. Congrats on your marathon. I don't really make any resolutions or goals either for the same reason as you -- I'm not at all good working under pressure.

    Joyce - stay safe! How interesting about that song!

    Today exercised, had breakfast while reading the paper, went to see Lance, Jess left for VA from there, came home and went to WalMart to get some foodstuff (not a lot). Did one more coaster -- now I only have one more to go (thank goodness!). Will take a shower in a bit and then get ready to go sleep with Shadow.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Michele in NC

    AP = average pace
    Other codes u will see me using a lot will be:
    AW= average watts which means how much power I am generating
    ARPM= Average REvolutions Per Minute which means how fast I am pedaling, will use this on spin casses
    And u were right sp was for speed number that I used on the treadmill
    I look forward to posting to see what you guys think