Worst Thing You've Tasted On Your Fitness Journey ?



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    A recipe for apple oatmeal pancake. I don't know if I made them wrong but they were so gross

    I refuse to put apples in any baked good like pancakes, waffles, muffins, cake - they seem to automatically make whatever it is unbearably slimy. Apples belong as a proper filling in pies and turnovers, or baked on their own.
  • justwanderful
    justwanderful Posts: 142 Member
    Coconut. Anything coconut. Ahhhhaaaaaa.
  • JenniMeli
    JenniMeli Posts: 4
    Flax Seeds
    Plain Greek Yogurt
    Salmon (I'm probably the only one and that's fine by me. I'm not a seafood person to begin with but salmon makes me gag.)
    Special K Crisp Thingies (I think they were cheese flavored)
  • bd12310007
    bd12310007 Posts: 24
    Coconut Water.
    I don't even understand the point of it, it's really high in sugar. Plus, everyone's saying now that most juices even with no sugar water are no better than soda, so I'd say that's definitley one of them! It just tastes like sugar water. But I like coconut milk.
  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Gasoline. Had to siphon some off with a hose the other day :P

    Seriously though, probably gotta say Monster Protean. 15g of nasty chemical in a can. And I love Monster drinks...
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Greek yogurt. :(

    I really want to like it, but even the flavored varieties are way too sour and coat my tongue.
  • melmonroe
    melmonroe Posts: 111
    green powdered straight up non-flavored Spirulina -- that was super gag!
  • pchesnut
    pchesnut Posts: 347 Member
    lentils. blek. I've tried and tried to like them.....just can't
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The day I added quick oats to my smoothie. Oh my.
  • yinkyo
    yinkyo Posts: 78 Member
    Avocado... I thought for the longest time that it was the seaweed wrap on sushi that made me feel ill, turns out it's the damned avocado.... and unfortunately it's everybody's favorite food of choice lately.

    Also, snack pack sugar-free vanilla pudding... ugh... I imagine that is what my sons vanilla formula probably tastes like... only thicker...
  • yinkyo
    yinkyo Posts: 78 Member
    Coconut Water.
    I don't even understand the point of it, it's really high in sugar. Plus, everyone's saying now that most juices even with no sugar water are no better than soda, so I'd say that's definitley one of them! It just tastes like sugar water. But I like coconut milk.
    coconut water is supposed to be really hydrating.. *shrugs* I'm not that fond of pure coconut water either, and the hybrid stuff always has added sugars, so it's worthless...
  • yinkyo
    yinkyo Posts: 78 Member
    Miracle noodles!! I was so excited at the idea of pasta with no calories but OMG...and I can usually power down anything even if I don't care for it but not these.

    I tried these too. They were mushy and slimy. yuck
    OMG yes, these... I could not believe I spent so much to have those nasty things sent to my house... NEVER again will I order food without having tried it before somewhere else, thanks to these.... it's just not worth it.
  • Jacqueline86Chavez
    Jacqueline86Chavez Posts: 36 Member
    Whole wheat pasta..uugh, I don't know how people eat that stuff! It's like dry cardboard. I just eat regular pasta noodles and don't have it too often.

    HAHAHA I agree but ive been forcing myself to eat it, tastes amazing with a home made pesto with basil, parmesan and sun dried tomatoes ;)
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    edited November 2014
    Old thread but had to bump it.

    Anything made by WALDEN FARMS makes me want to vomit!! You have been warned. They are that "no calorie no carb" company that makes zero calorie alternatives for dips, dressings, tomato sauce, fluff, caramel syrup etc I've tried their dips, dressings, a ton of their products and every single one was repulsive beyond belief. Keep in mind I am someone who likes foods that most people hate like brussel sprouts, tofu, soy hotdogs, seaweed etc. And I couldn't even choke down Walden Farms onion dip on a bet. Uck

  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Cauliflower!!!!! Yuck, gross, nasty stuff!!! :o
  • ColoradoBringItOn
    ColoradoBringItOn Posts: 132 Member
    Blending baby spinach, cherry tomatoes and protein powder in a Vitamix. OMG NASTY!
  • coruscatti
    coruscatti Posts: 81
    edited November 2014
    Applegate Farms provolone cheese. It just smelled and tasted so strong. Luckily my fiance liked it.

    Count me in also for disliking almond milk. The taste and texture is like almonds that have been chewed up and spit out. If I want almonds I'll just have whole raw almonds, and if I want non-dairy "milk," unsweetened coconut milk is the best thing ever.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Muscle Monster... -gag-


    I had the "vanilla" one. There was only 2 available in the store. Vanilla && Coffee

    I've never had those, i've had the Mean Bean and other coffee flavors. I just wish they'd make those in zero calorie, i have to go with the Monster zero otherwise.
  • coruscatti
    coruscatti Posts: 81
    edited November 2014
    I like plain Greek yogurt and have it almost every morning before work. No sweeteners, no fruit, no granola. I have it with lentils and dark leafy greens. It's my "power breakfast." It is sour but not in a bad way.

    So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk is amazing...I drink at least a quart of it per week lol. I don't find it to be sour at all, it has a really nice delicate flavor. I think the vanilla and original varieties have a weird aftertaste. Haven't tried the cultured coconut milk or ice cream yet.

    Overnight oats are pretty gross...but I've never been much of a fan of oatmeal anyway. To me it tastes bland no matter how many things you add to it, and it's not even that filling.

    I try to avoid low-fat, low-cal, protein powders/shakes/bars, and all that kind of stuff. I'd rather have a brownie or piece of chocolate that is delicious and I can fully enjoy, rather than having some kind of fake fascimile of it. Artificial sweeteners are gross and make me feel like I'm going to get cancer. I can always offset the calories later with exercise or cutting back. Portion control is more important than getting rid of individual high-calorie foods...I mean I had steak for dinner tonight!

    I never really got the point of smoothies. I would rather just eat the individual vegetables. But maybe I haven't made exciting enough smoothies.

    Surprised people hate kale...it doesn't even have a strong flavor! The vegetable I can't stand the most is lettuce. So bitter. How do people eat it and why is it the most popular leafy green vegetable?